Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.

YOUR inability to admit you were wrong about Buffetts position is noted Bubba. Defeat accepted!

Your inability to engage me in anything after the juvenile name calling is noted.
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Right wing talk shows, like Mike and Mike, Russillo, or maybe it is the George Sedano show, which sports talk personality are you talking about. That is all the talk radio I listen to. I used to listen to the Herd but he is pretty liberal.

Naturally this ignorant and dishonest then huh?
Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.

YOUR inability to admit you were wrong about Buffetts position is noted Bubba. Defeat accepted!

Your inability to engage me in anything after the juvenile name calling is noted.

Yep, moronic posters who don't accept their premises are BS (like you) do drive me nuts. Perhaps try acknowledging your premise was bullsh*t to begin with? lol
I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.

YOUR inability to admit you were wrong about Buffetts position is noted Bubba. Defeat accepted!

Your inability to engage me in anything after the juvenile name calling is noted.

Yep, moronic posters who don't accept their premises are BS (like you) do drive me nuts. Perhaps try acknowledging your premise was bullsh*t to begin with? lol

Well whatever the reason a person calls another person a name when attempting a conversation, is mostly a lack of courtesy and conviction in a point of view. That is a big reason they resort to name calling. They try bully the other person and they are to immature socially to communicate. I met one of those tonight.
Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Right wing talk shows, like Mike and Mike, Russillo, or maybe it is the George Sedano show, which sports talk personality are you talking about. That is all the talk radio I listen to. I used to listen to the Herd but he is pretty liberal.

Naturally this ignorant and dishonest then huh?

I'm sorry, I'm trying to figure out which of those talk shows, that I listen to is right wing hate propaganda. You made the claim that is what I listen to, I just can't figure out which one. You seem to think you are all knowing. Please enlighten me. Or did you make the wrong ASSumption again?

To whom more is given, more is required............
Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.

YOUR inability to admit you were wrong about Buffetts position is noted Bubba. Defeat accepted!

Your inability to engage me in anything after the juvenile name calling is noted.

Yep, moronic posters who don't accept their premises are BS (like you) do drive me nuts. Perhaps try acknowledging your premise was bullsh*t to begin with? lol

Well whatever the reason a person calls another person a name when attempting a conversation, is mostly a lack of courtesy and conviction in a point of view. That is a big reason they resort to name calling. They try bully the other person and they are to immature socially to communicate. I met one of those tonight.

OR after debunking the false premises put forward by the low informed right winger, they decide, fukk it, they aren't worthy of respect since they NEVER seem to accept ANY responsibility for their lies or mischaracterizations!
Long before the rubble, FDR nationalized all industry...
It is far better that you remain silent and have others think you a fool than to post here and remove all doubt.
'It is far better that you remain silent and have others think you a fool than to post here and remove all doubt.'

Wow! I mention "fool" and look what rolls in! So I suppose you have some evidence that FDR "nationalized all industry" as RW claimed?
BTW, you are the idiot who once admitted wasting most of his votes for the Green Party, right? So exactly how many Green Party presidents have you helped elect?

Sorry, in Cali since I started voting, the votes for green have zero to do with electing Prez, and it was the most liberal candidate on the ballot I vote for!

My point exactly! You don't really care what is best for America or who is the best candidate as long as he (or she) is "the most liberal candidate on the ballot." You are the kind of loony leftist puppet who best exemplifies what is wrong with mindless Leftism: it is a religion - a belief system - that rejects logic and reason.
BTW ... like RW you squeal like a stuck pig but have failed to provide a lick of evidence that FDR "nationalized all industry."
Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.

YOUR inability to admit you were wrong about Buffetts position is noted Bubba. Defeat accepted!

Your inability to engage me in anything after the juvenile name calling is noted.

Warren Buffett:

"I would suggest 30 percent of taxable income between $1 million and $10 million, and 35 percent on amounts above that."

A plain and simple rule like that will block the efforts of lobbyists, lawyers and contribution-hungry legislators to keep the ultrarich paying rates well below those incurred by people with income just a tiny fraction of ours. Only a minimum tax on very high incomes will prevent the stated tax rate from being eviscerated by these warriors for the wealthy.

Warren Buffett Renews Call For Minimum Tax On The Ultra-Wealthy ThinkProgress
Long before the rubble, FDR nationalized all industry...
It is far better that you remain silent and have others think you a fool than to post here and remove all doubt.
'It is far better that you remain silent and have others think you a fool than to post here and remove all doubt.'

Wow! I mention "fool" and look what rolls in! So I suppose you have some evidence that FDR "nationalized all industry" as RW claimed?
BTW, you are the idiot who once admitted wasting most of his votes for the Green Party, right? So exactly how many Green Party presidents have you helped elect?

Sorry, in Cali since I started voting, the votes for green have zero to do with electing Prez, and it was the most liberal candidate on the ballot I vote for!

My point exactly! You don't really care what is best for America or who is the best candidate as long as he (or she) is "the most liberal candidate on the ballot." You are the kind of loony leftist puppet who best exemplifies what is wrong with mindless Leftism: it is a religion - a belief system - that rejects logic and reason.
BTW ... like RW you squeal like a stuck pig but have failed to provide a lick of evidence that FDR "nationalized all industry."

Weird, name 3 POLICIES the conservatives have gotten right the last 40 years? Just 3? lol

Weird, Did I make a premise I haven't backed up? NOPE. You want me to do your or other posters work TOO? lol
I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.

YOUR inability to admit you were wrong about Buffetts position is noted Bubba. Defeat accepted!

Your inability to engage me in anything after the juvenile name calling is noted.

Yep, moronic posters who don't accept their premises are BS (like you) do drive me nuts. Perhaps try acknowledging your premise was bullsh*t to begin with? lol

Well whatever the reason a person calls another person a name when attempting a conversation, is mostly a lack of courtesy and conviction in a point of view. That is a big reason they resort to name calling. They try bully the other person and they are to immature socially to communicate. I met one of those tonight.

OR after debunking the false premises put forward by the low informed right winger, they decide, fukk it, they aren't worthy of respect since they NEVER seem to accept ANY responsibility for their lies or mischaracterizations!

Yanno, having scrolled through a couple hundred of your posts and found that "low informed right winger" pap a persistent response to those who clearly know way more than you, I have come to the conclusion you are a socialist troll. So my question is who sends you here every few months to spam these threads with your silly socialist BS?
Long before the rubble, FDR nationalized all industry...
It is far better that you remain silent and have others think you a fool than to post here and remove all doubt.
'It is far better that you remain silent and have others think you a fool than to post here and remove all doubt.'

Wow! I mention "fool" and look what rolls in! So I suppose you have some evidence that FDR "nationalized all industry" as RW claimed?
BTW, you are the idiot who once admitted wasting most of his votes for the Green Party, right? So exactly how many Green Party presidents have you helped elect?

Sorry, in Cali since I started voting, the votes for green have zero to do with electing Prez, and it was the most liberal candidate on the ballot I vote for!

My point exactly! You don't really care what is best for America or who is the best candidate as long as he (or she) is "the most liberal candidate on the ballot." You are the kind of loony leftist puppet who best exemplifies what is wrong with mindless Leftism: it is a religion - a belief system - that rejects logic and reason.
BTW ... like RW you squeal like a stuck pig but have failed to provide a lick of evidence that FDR "nationalized all industry."

Weird, name 3 POLICIES the conservatives have gotten right the last 40 years? Just 3? lol

Weird, Did I make a premise I haven't backed up? NOPE. You want me to do your or other posters work TOO? lol

Again the same "cons are always on the wrong side" pap you have spewed on dozens of posts. Do you have anything of value or is silly socialist BS all you have?
BTW, you continue to avoid the Q.
Do you have anything to back up RW's BS claim that FDR "nationalized all industry" or are you just doing the loony leftist shuffle?
Last edited:
YOUR inability to admit you were wrong about Buffetts position is noted Bubba. Defeat accepted!

Your inability to engage me in anything after the juvenile name calling is noted.

Yep, moronic posters who don't accept their premises are BS (like you) do drive me nuts. Perhaps try acknowledging your premise was bullsh*t to begin with? lol

Well whatever the reason a person calls another person a name when attempting a conversation, is mostly a lack of courtesy and conviction in a point of view. That is a big reason they resort to name calling. They try bully the other person and they are to immature socially to communicate. I met one of those tonight.

OR after debunking the false premises put forward by the low informed right winger, they decide, fukk it, they aren't worthy of respect since they NEVER seem to accept ANY responsibility for their lies or mischaracterizations!

Yanno, having scrolled through a couple hundred of your posts and found that "low informed right winger" pap a persistent response to those who clearly know way more than you, I have come to the conclusion you are a socialist troll. So my question is who sends you here every few months to spam these threads with your silly socialist BS?
I was wondering the same thing.....

To whom more is given, more is required............

And indeed the top 25% of America's earners currently carry 86% of the federal personal income tax load while the bottom 49% get a free ride.
So how much of the load should the top earners carry?
They already do pay more. And you are lucky they pay any! Federal income taxes are completely voluntary, unless you are a resident of Washington DC. Or a non resident alien.

A nutter huh? Nope, income taxes have NEVER been declared voluntary, ever,ONLY nutters think otherwise! AND THE RICHEST OF THE RICH PAY A SMALLER SHARE OF THEIR INCOMES IN TAXES TO BOOT!

Are you a tax attorney?

I'm going to speed this up and guess that you are not.

Have you ever sued the IRS?

If you can read code, why not read the tax code, it's all in there.

I will discuss this no more, with someone who isn't qualified.

The federal government is just going to declare taxes voluntary, that is funny stuff. :haha:
Last edited:
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.

And clearly D2Three is here to spew baseless socialist BS and when exposed, to pepper his betters with invective. Nearly 10,000 posts in little more than a year with months off for bad behavior. Having perused a couple hundred of his posts his pattern repeats itself ad nauseam.

To whom more is given, more is required............

And indeed the top 25% of America's earners currently carry 86% of the federal personal income tax load while the bottom 49% get a free ride.
So how much of the load should the top earners carry?

But this avoids the fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services.

Are they paying their way? Probably not.

Just showing statistics about how much someone pays doesn't mean that they're paying too much.

To whom more is given, more is required............

And indeed the top 25% of America's earners currently carry 86% of the federal personal income tax load while the bottom 49% get a free ride.
So how much of the load should the top earners carry?

But this avoids the fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services.

Are they paying their way? Probably not.

Just showing statistics about how much someone pays doesn't mean that they're paying too much.

you cant begin to prove that idiot; but making a fool of yourself doesnt seem to bother you. prove the "fact that the top 25% ...use 90% more of government services"

To whom more is given, more is required............

And indeed the top 25% of America's earners currently carry 86% of the federal personal income tax load while the bottom 49% get a free ride.
So how much of the load should the top earners carry?

But this avoids the fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services.

Are they paying their way? Probably not.

Just showing statistics about how much someone pays doesn't mean that they're paying too much.

you cant begin to prove that idiot; but making a fool of yourself doesnt seem to bother you. prove the "fact that the top 25% ...use 90% more of government services"

Oh, great, an insult. Well done. Bye.

To whom more is given, more is required............

And indeed the top 25% of America's earners currently carry 86% of the federal personal income tax load while the bottom 49% get a free ride.
So how much of the load should the top earners carry?

But this avoids the fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services.

Are they paying their way? Probably not.

Just showing statistics about how much someone pays doesn't mean that they're paying too much.

you cant begin to prove that idiot; but making a fool of yourself doesnt seem to bother you. prove the "fact that the top 25% ...use 90% more of government services"

Oh, great, an insult. Well done. Bye.

you didnt have to focus on my insult; you could have just backed up what you posted with something resembling a fact and stuff.....................

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