Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Instead the unearned income is taxed at about half the "earned" rates AND over half of ALL capital gains and dividends goes to only the top 1/10th of 1% anyways!
Lol! Sorry but under Clinton and his cronies, they took a lot of the safety nets away that had been put into place decades ago. The mortgage bubble was the last bubble that we could ride and we couldn't shift to another bubble. Before we had bubbles and building bubbles and had credit bubbles. In the 90's people were remortgaging their homes at 125% of value, then going back into debt. We were living on credit and lots of debt. We can't do that and be a healthy nation.

The issue is the same cronies that were high up in the Clinton admin. Were in the Bush and the Obama admin. Crooks are crooks are crooks and both political parties are corrupt. I don't defend Republicans but I won't defend the Democrats. They both stink and as soon as we decide that both parties are corrupt, then we can fix them but as long as we support the status quo, we are screwed.

Weird how the GOPers NEVER accept responsibility for policies they failed under them, be it "supply side", "free trade", S&L crisis, 9/11, Dubya's subprime bubble, etc

I'm not a GOPer.

Funny how democrats don't accept responsibility for their policies.

Clinton reversing several regulations in the 90's that led to the Great Recession, also the recession that started a month and a half after a democrat left office.

You can argue all you want about whose fault it is. I blame both sides, they are both corrupt and they both hate the middle class. It is rich corrupt politicians, writing bills and policies for the rich.

I wonder why no one went after those bankers after the recession began. Hmmmm... Oh wait they were fined and they paid a fraction of their TARP money back. Why don't Dems take responsibility for that?

Please spare the defense of either party. Look at the candidates on both sides of the aisle. They all are terrible picks and the Dems front runner is the most corrupt. The GOP front runner is an abrasive loudmouth.

How can anyone support any of them?

We elect those that don't 'believe in' regulations or regulators then are shocked when the Banksters hose US?

Reagan ignored warnings on the S&L crisis that began in 1984 that would have stopped 90%+ oh his crisis

Bush ignored FBI warnings that started in 2004 and ALLOWED the Banksters to run a ponzi scheme on US

Regulations without those in the executive branch to enforce them, is basically useless, IMO

Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street


Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street : NPR

“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
William K. Black: The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis

Believe what you want. Here is what a true liberal thinks of the last two democratic administrations.

Obama Is Trying to Fix Inequality by Hiring the Same Hacks Who Caused It The Nation

Obama s Friends in Low Places The Nation

Robert Scheer Bill Clinton s Legacy of Denial - Robert Scheer -Truthdig

Robert Scheer

Support of Republican candidate for Kentucky Senate

In the October 1, 2010, episode of the radio show Left, Right and Center, Scheer, a self-described liberal, expressed support for Rand Paul, son of former Libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul, in his bid for the 2011-2016 Kentucky Senate seat

Yep, he is a true liberal, one that doesn't see Republican or Democrat. He looks at his principles and works from there. I don't agree with him all the time but I admire his sticking to his principles. He is able to make decisions on his own, not have to listen to his party to form an opinion.
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.
Weird how the GOPers NEVER accept responsibility for policies they failed under them, be it "supply side", "free trade", S&L crisis, 9/11, Dubya's subprime bubble, etc

I'm not a GOPer.

Funny how democrats don't accept responsibility for their policies.

Clinton reversing several regulations in the 90's that led to the Great Recession, also the recession that started a month and a half after a democrat left office.

You can argue all you want about whose fault it is. I blame both sides, they are both corrupt and they both hate the middle class. It is rich corrupt politicians, writing bills and policies for the rich.

I wonder why no one went after those bankers after the recession began. Hmmmm... Oh wait they were fined and they paid a fraction of their TARP money back. Why don't Dems take responsibility for that?

Please spare the defense of either party. Look at the candidates on both sides of the aisle. They all are terrible picks and the Dems front runner is the most corrupt. The GOP front runner is an abrasive loudmouth.

How can anyone support any of them?

We elect those that don't 'believe in' regulations or regulators then are shocked when the Banksters hose US?

Reagan ignored warnings on the S&L crisis that began in 1984 that would have stopped 90%+ oh his crisis

Bush ignored FBI warnings that started in 2004 and ALLOWED the Banksters to run a ponzi scheme on US

Regulations without those in the executive branch to enforce them, is basically useless, IMO

Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street


Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street : NPR

“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
William K. Black: The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis

Believe what you want. Here is what a true liberal thinks of the last two democratic administrations.

Obama Is Trying to Fix Inequality by Hiring the Same Hacks Who Caused It The Nation

Obama s Friends in Low Places The Nation

Robert Scheer Bill Clinton s Legacy of Denial - Robert Scheer -Truthdig

Robert Scheer

Support of Republican candidate for Kentucky Senate

In the October 1, 2010, episode of the radio show Left, Right and Center, Scheer, a self-described liberal, expressed support for Rand Paul, son of former Libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul, in his bid for the 2011-2016 Kentucky Senate seat

Yep, he is a true liberal, one that doesn't see Republican or Democrat. He looks at his principles and works from there. I don't agree with him all the time but I admire his sticking to his principles. He is able to make decisions on his own, not have to listen to his party to form an opinion.

Yep, he blamed the Banksters for a WORLD wide credit bubble. But he's wrong about "deregulation" causing the Dubya subprime bubble, it was simple regulator failure, just like Ronnie's S&L debacle
They already do pay more. And you are lucky they pay any! Federal income taxes are completely voluntary, unless you are a resident of Washington DC. Or a non resident alien.
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing

They already do pay more. And you are lucky they pay any! Federal income taxes are completely voluntary, unless you are a resident of Washington DC. Or a non resident alien.

A nutter huh? Nope, income taxes have NEVER been declared voluntary, ever,ONLY nutters think otherwise! AND THE RICHEST OF THE RICH PAY A SMALLER SHARE OF THEIR INCOMES IN TAXES TO BOOT!
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Yet he supports a AMT tax on the "job creators" weird right?

Who is he? Daniel?

Buffet, educate yourself versus using right wing loon talking points Bubba!
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Yet he supports a AMT tax on the "job creators" weird right?

Who is he? Daniel?

Buffet, educate yourself versus using right wing loon talking points Bubba!

Gee the name calling is cool when you are beaten. That or an inferiority complex. Maybe it is because of a limited social skill. Interesting none the less.
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing



Hmmm...a psychologist told me there were many reasons people call other names. Another is an inability to communicate, in speech or writing because many lack the vocabulary or have poor writing skills.
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Yet he supports a AMT tax on the "job creators" weird right?

Who is he? Daniel?

Buffet, educate yourself versus using right wing loon talking points Bubba!

Gee the name calling is cool when you are beaten. That or an inferiority complex. Maybe it is because of a limited social skill. Interesting none the less.

Yet even though shown your "feelings" (most of what you "believe in") are wrong, I'm positive it will not stop you from writing Buffett doesn't support raising taxes on unearned Cap gains/Dividends or Dubya's regulator failure (Like Ronnie's S&L crisis) was a direct result of bad executive branch oversight!!!!
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

I know name calling is generally ineffective. First it shows weakness and secondly it tends to shut down the communication between two people. Of course, some people like to name call because they don't want ideas exchanged or challenged.

YOUR inability to admit you were wrong about Buffetts position is noted Bubba. Defeat accepted!
Why shouldn't "unearned" income be taxed at a higher rate than "earned" income.

End the work tax.

Because the rich write the laws for the rich. That is why Buffett wants taxes raised, he knows it will be earned income that is taxed not his unearned, which the rich usually make more at.

Warren Buffett: U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole 'Tax The Rich' Thing

Warren Buffett thinks it's a problem that some of the wealthiest Americans pay lower tax rates than their housekeepers.

The billionaire investor said taxes on the wealthiest Americans are far too low, given that some of the 400 largest earners in the United States, whose average income was about $200 million a year, pay a tax rate of less than 10 percent.

“That’s still a lot less than my cleaning lady,” Buffett said in an interview with Politico editor-in-chief John Harris. “So it hasn’t been fully corrected,” he added, referring to the fact that he has been complaining about this issue for years.

Buffett said his own tax rate was “certainly not too high.

The 84-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” -- a nickname the Nebraska native earned for his track record of lucratively accurate investment predictions -- has long advocated for a minimum tax on top earners. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to raise taxes on households earning more than $1 million a year. President Obama embraced the idea, calling it "The Buffett Rule."

Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Warren Buffett U.S. Never Followed Through On That Whole Tax The Rich Thing


I know what he wants. He wants higher earned income taxes with less deductions. He never talks about unearned income, which is most of his income.

Are you a fukkn moron or what? Plain English NEVER seems to get thru that tiny brain of yours on ANYTHING. You are typical right wing hate talk radio listener who believes the propaganda spewed by the morons!


Specifically, Buffett urged the federal government to charge higher tax rates on income earned from some stock dividends and capital gains. Currently, such income is taxed at rates far lower than ordinary income

Right wing talk shows, like Mike and Mike, Russillo, or maybe it is the George Sedano show, which sports talk personality are you talking about. That is all the talk radio I listen to. I used to listen to the Herd but he is pretty liberal.

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