Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?

A subsequent joint statement by Mr. McCullough and Mr. Linick said: “These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC Classification officials, that information remains classified today.”
At a March press conference, Mrs. Clinton asserted she “fully complied with every rule” in maintaining her private server for official business.
But the joint IG statement said she did not follow the rules. “This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” the two said.

read it and weep leftard

Whomever sent the classified emails is the party who is responsible, not the recipient of the email.

Unless you can establish that Hillary was the originator of the classified email she hasn't broken any laws.
One of the issues was the fact she was using an unsecure server for handling classified information. Are you trying to say the senile old drunk couldn't recognize sensitive material that everyone else spotted immediately????

You are off mark once again. This is no different than when Sarah Palin used her private computer for state business.
Palin wasn't handling classified information
Lots of talk and no evidence. Not one piece, not one fact, not a shred of proof.

UR RIGHT NUTJOB; ONLY THE Inspector General of the CIA saying they were classified WHEN THEY WERE SENT. other than that no evidence!


None of the email sent to Hillary Clinton were marked "Top Secret" or "Classified" in any way. FACT
It was part of her job to recognize that type of material, and she even stated that she knew what classified material was and could recognize it.....

Are you trying to say that Hillary either lied or is a blithering idiot, so it's OK?????
The four emails in question “were classified when they were sent and are classified now,” said Andrea Williams, a spokeswoman for the inspector general. The inspector general reviewed just a small sample totaling about 40 emails in Mrs. Clinton’s inbox—meaning that many more in the trove of more than 30,000 may contain potentially confidential, secret or top-secret information.

From that same article.
Hillary Clinton Sent Classified Information Over Email While at State Department Review Finds - WSJ
“None of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings, but some included IC-derived classified information and should have been handled as classified, appropriately marked, and transmitted via a secure network,” wrote Inspector General I. Charles McCullough in the letter to Congress.

If somebody sent you a classified email, and you had no idea it was classified, who would be responsible?

YES!! YOU IDIOT.; i work for the federal government. if you actually opened it and read it you would know it was Secret; and since you have it it IS your responsibility

you are a joke

How would you know an email you received is classified if it isn't marked? Psychic communication?
and what part of "TO OUR KNOWLEDGE" dont you get that makes you feel you can say "fact" about anything, when that is a statement that clearly leaves wiggle room?

you left-wing nutjobs are simply comical idiots!!

Whomever sent the classified emails is the party who is responsible, not the recipient of the email.

Unless you can establish that Hillary was the originator of the classified email she hasn't broken any laws.
One of the issues was the fact she was using an unsecure server for handling classified information. Are you trying to say the senile old drunk couldn't recognize sensitive material that everyone else spotted immediately????

You are off mark once again. This is no different than when Sarah Palin used her private computer for state business.
Palin wasn't handling classified information
Lots of talk and no evidence. Not one piece, not one fact, not a shred of proof.

UR RIGHT NUTJOB; ONLY THE Inspector General of the CIA saying they were classified WHEN THEY WERE SENT. other than that no evidence!


None of the email sent to Hillary Clinton were marked "Top Secret" or "Classified" in any way. FACT
It was part of her job to recognize that type of material, and she even stated that she knew what classified material was and could recognize it.....

Are you trying to say that Hillary either lied or is a blithering idiot, so it's OK?????

and what part of "TO OUR KNOWLEDGE" dont you get that makes you feel you can say "fact" about anything, when that is a statement that clearly leaves wiggle room?

you left-wing nutjobs are simply comical idiots!!


What's lool? the drool getting in the way? You need evidence or you got nothing.
My Grandpa was a western Kansas dustbowl farmer, and a WWI vet.

He had a simple saying to convey that sentiment.

"The things we hate the most in others are likely the things we like least about ourselves".....Gramps

Interesting how those points that can be made to both parties, you always chose the Republicans to make it to...
Back in the Bush administration, I was just as hard on Democrats.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease, and right now the bearings in the GOP wheel are fried after 8 years of cultivating outrage, obstructionism, and discontent.

Remember how bad the Democrats were 2000-2008? Oh God Oh God Iraq is horrible! Bush and Cheney invaded for oil! Bush ruined the economy!.....all that chicken little shit

YAWN; it's hard to take a charge of "obstruction" seriously when democrats WILLILNGLY voted for every single Bush policy and carried them forward for most of the obama administration.
things didnt start getting better for obama until he and his Party lost their grip on all three parts of the law-making process with the Republican takeover of the House in 2010
This is no different from the 22 Million email that the RNC destroyed on their watch. No one was charged, no one went to jail. They set the standard and now want to change it.
So you're calling Dianne Feinstein a liar and criticizing Republicans for not knowing that? Interesting


Dianne Feinstein Says Hillary Clinton Didn t Write Classified Emails Found on Server - WSJ

That has been known from the first. Try to keep up. Did you think Hillary personally got the information off the satellite? No, somebody else did, sent it to her, without any indication that it was classified and she just forwarded it.
Bu-bu-bu-nah-nah-nah!...because Hillary is evil, this is all plausible to them

You are making shit up ... again ...
No I'm DO think she's evil
The four emails in question “were classified when they were sent and are classified now,” said Andrea Williams, a spokeswoman for the inspector general. The inspector general reviewed just a small sample totaling about 40 emails in Mrs. Clinton’s inbox—meaning that many more in the trove of more than 30,000 may contain potentially confidential, secret or top-secret information.

From that same article.
Hillary Clinton Sent Classified Information Over Email While at State Department Review Finds - WSJ
“None of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings, but some included IC-derived classified information and should have been handled as classified, appropriately marked, and transmitted via a secure network,” wrote Inspector General I. Charles McCullough in the letter to Congress.

If somebody sent you a classified email, and you had no idea it was classified, who would be responsible?

YES!! YOU IDIOT.; i work for the federal government. if you actually opened it and read it you would know it was Secret; and since you have it it IS your responsibility

you are a joke

How would you know an email you received is classified if it isn't marked? Psychic communication?

once again you idiot; we KNOW her e-mails were downloaded onto a thumb drive; 30,000 of them. she would have known WHEN SHE READ THEM they were classified WHICH IS WHAT THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF THE CIA IS SAYING. once you know THEY ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY

AND it is A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW to download classified material onto a portable thumb drive

The State Department said on Friday that it didn’t believe any of the emails Mrs. Clinton sent during her time in office contained any classified material.
“To our knowledge, none of them needed to be classified at the time,” said Mark Toner, a department spokesman. Mr. Toner acknowledged that the department had determined that many of her emails now contained classified information but believed it was unclassified at the time.
The State Department has downplayed concerns about the classified material found in Mrs. Clinton’s 55,000 pages of email—saying that email is often classified after it has been sent.

^^^^ who beleves this shit? can one of you left-wing nutjobs provide a scenario?

you really expect people to believe a Secretary of State never received a Secret or TOP SECRET email during her whole time in office that was CLASSIFIED WHEN IT WAS SENT TO HER??

Neanderthal, Once more, where is your proof that she received personally a classified document or that the same email wasn't received by a secretary, aide, or an intern? You're talking shit without evidence and you need that to be credible.

So Hillary not only shared her husband with interns, but she let them play around in her personal emails, too????

Keep it up!!!! This is fucking HILARIOUS!!!!!
YOU read the link leftard; what part of THEY WERE CLASSIFIED WHEN THEY WERE SENT AND THEY ARE CLASSIFIED NOW dont you get?

Calm down dumbass. If they were classified, they weren't marked classified. How is she supposed to know if they were not marked?

“None of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings, but some included IC-derived classified information and should have been handled as classified, appropriately marked, and transmitted via a secure network,” wrote Inspector General I. Charles McCullough in the letter to Congress.

How do you think she received the emails? She didn't download them from the satellite herself. Someone sent them to her unmarked (see quote above)
The emails in question left government custody and are on both Mrs. Clinton’s personal home email sever as well as a thumb drive of David Kendall, Mrs. Clinton’s personal attorney.

it is a violation of federal law to download onto a portable drive classified information; which she would have known reading them, regardless if they were marked as such.
It's a violation of federal law to open your wife's mail
According to Judge Naplitano Clinton could face charges. It will depend on if the Govt wants to press charges.

Judge Andrew Napolitano sat down with Martha MacCallum to go over the two potential criminal investigations that the former First Lady could face.

1. The less serious possibility is an investigation similar to what was brought against Gen. David Petraeus, who pleaded guilty this week for keeping classified documents in an unsecured location. The judge explained that in Mrs. Clinton's case, she kept classified secrets on a home server that was not secured by the government. Napolitano said there's no way Clinton did not have classified material on her home server, since she held the same security clearance as the president. That would only be a misdemeanor charge, however.

2. Napolitano said the far more serious charge would be a conspiracy to "conceal documents from government computers," which carries a penalty of three years in jail per document. A conviction on that charge would disqualify her from holding public office again.

MacCallum asked whether anyone will actually get a hold of these documents through the committee's subpoena. Napolitano pointed out that in Petraeus' case, the FBI went in with a search warrant.

"When you subpoena, you don't know if you get everything," he said.

Napolitano said right now the legal consequences for Clinton are hypothetical, since the government would need to decide to prosecute her.

"If somebody prosecutes her, the consequences are grave for her political future," said Napolitano.

Of course they have to find something to prosecute her for and then make a decision about whether to prosecute or not.

Wonder if Petreus got the same deal???

He said, essentially, Clinton turned the Federal Records Act "on its head."

"She kept the documents, she decided which ones were governmental, gave them to the government and kept her own," said Napolitano.

Clinton tweeted last night that she wants her emails to be released.

Judge Napolitano is no different from the other screwballs trying to make something out of nothing. There is no evidence in this case, Her emails were deleted. If Trey Gowdy can reproduce a Top Secret email that was deliberately erased there may be a case before the law. Not having that critical piece of evidence is going to make this whole thing go away.

I've heard Napolitano go against the right as much as I've heard him agree with them.

He's a judge and knows the law. Sorry you don't agree but opinions are like assholes and everybody has one.
The State Department said on Friday that it didn’t believe any of the emails Mrs. Clinton sent during her time in office contained any classified material.

wiggle-room leftardz
The State Department said on Friday that it didn’t believe any of the emails Mrs. Clinton sent during her time in office contained any classified material.
“To our knowledge, none of them needed to be classified at the time,” said Mark Toner, a department spokesman. Mr. Toner acknowledged that the department had determined that many of her emails now contained classified information but believed it was unclassified at the time.
The State Department has downplayed concerns about the classified material found in Mrs. Clinton’s 55,000 pages of email—saying that email is often classified after it has been sent.

^^^^ who beleves this shit? can one of you left-wing nutjobs provide a scenario?

you really expect people to believe a Secretary of State never received a Secret or TOP SECRET email during her whole time in office that was CLASSIFIED WHEN IT WAS SENT TO HER??

Neanderthal, Once more, where is your proof that she received personally a classified document or that the same email wasn't received by a secretary, aide, or an intern? You're talking shit without evidence and you need that to be credible.

So Hillary not only shared her husband with interns, but she let them play around in her personal emails, too????

Keep it up!!!! This is fucking HILARIOUS!!!!!

What? No evidence again? You really are a nutbar.
The emails in question left government custody and are on both Mrs. Clinton’s personal home email sever as well as a thumb drive of David Kendall, Mrs. Clinton’s personal attorney.

federal crime leftardz
The four emails in question “were classified when they were sent and are classified now,” said Andrea Williams, a spokeswoman for the inspector general. The inspector general reviewed just a small sample totaling about 40 emails in Mrs. Clinton’s inbox—meaning that many more in the trove of more than 30,000 may contain potentially confidential, secret or top-secret information.

and this gem means you're an idiot for making absolute statements that nothing classified was sent
The State Department said on Friday that it didn’t believe any of the emails Mrs. Clinton sent during her time in office contained any classified material.

wiggle-room leftardz

You just don't have a strong case...That is what that means.
According to Judge Naplitano Clinton could face charges. It will depend on if the Govt wants to press charges.

Judge Andrew Napolitano sat down with Martha MacCallum to go over the two potential criminal investigations that the former First Lady could face.

1. The less serious possibility is an investigation similar to what was brought against Gen. David Petraeus, who pleaded guilty this week for keeping classified documents in an unsecured location. The judge explained that in Mrs. Clinton's case, she kept classified secrets on a home server that was not secured by the government. Napolitano said there's no way Clinton did not have classified material on her home server, since she held the same security clearance as the president. That would only be a misdemeanor charge, however.

2. Napolitano said the far more serious charge would be a conspiracy to "conceal documents from government computers," which carries a penalty of three years in jail per document. A conviction on that charge would disqualify her from holding public office again.

MacCallum asked whether anyone will actually get a hold of these documents through the committee's subpoena. Napolitano pointed out that in Petraeus' case, the FBI went in with a search warrant.

"When you subpoena, you don't know if you get everything," he said.

Napolitano said right now the legal consequences for Clinton are hypothetical, since the government would need to decide to prosecute her.

"If somebody prosecutes her, the consequences are grave for her political future," said Napolitano.

Of course they have to find something to prosecute her for and then make a decision about whether to prosecute or not.

Wonder if Petreus got the same deal???

He said, essentially, Clinton turned the Federal Records Act "on its head."

"She kept the documents, she decided which ones were governmental, gave them to the government and kept her own," said Napolitano.

Clinton tweeted last night that she wants her emails to be released.

Judge Napolitano is no different from the other screwballs trying to make something out of nothing. There is no evidence in this case, Her emails were deleted. If Trey Gowdy can reproduce a Top Secret email that was deliberately erased there may be a case before the law. Not having that critical piece of evidence is going to make this whole thing go away.

I've heard Napolitano go against the right as much as I've heard him agree with them.

He's a judge and knows the law. Sorry you don't agree but opinions are like assholes and everybody has one.

Napolitano is no different than anyone else. A charge needs evidence to back it up. No evidence and it's just opinion mixed up in partisan drivel.
WASHINGTON—An internal government review found that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent at least four emails from her personal account containing classified information during her time heading the State Department.

sent; not received leftard

you clowns are JOKES
The four emails in question “were classified when they were sent and are classified now,” said Andrea Williams, a spokeswoman for the inspector general. The inspector general reviewed just a small sample totaling about 40 emails in Mrs. Clinton’s inbox—meaning that many more in the trove of more than 30,000 may contain potentially confidential, secret or top-secret information.

From that same article.
Hillary Clinton Sent Classified Information Over Email While at State Department Review Finds - WSJ
“None of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings, but some included IC-derived classified information and should have been handled as classified, appropriately marked, and transmitted via a secure network,” wrote Inspector General I. Charles McCullough in the letter to Congress.

If somebody sent you a classified email, and you had no idea it was classified, who would be responsible?

YES!! YOU IDIOT.; i work for the federal government. if you actually opened it and read it you would know it was Secret; and since you have it it IS your responsibility

you are a joke

How would you know an email you received is classified if it isn't marked? Psychic communication?

once again you idiot; we KNOW her e-mails were downloaded onto a thumb drive; 30,000 of them. she would have known WHEN SHE READ THEM they were classified WHICH IS WHAT THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF THE CIA IS SAYING. once you know THEY ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY

AND it is A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW to download classified material onto a portable thumb drive


Again, how could she have known if they weren't marked?
The four emails in question “were classified when they were sent and are classified now,” said Andrea Williams, a spokeswoman for the inspector general. The inspector general reviewed just a small sample totaling about 40 emails in Mrs. Clinton’s inbox—meaning that many more in the trove of more than 30,000 may contain potentially confidential, secret or top-secret information.

and this gem means you're an idiot for making absolute statements that nothing classified was sent

Potential is another word for maybe. The potential for you to be an idiot is absolutely true.

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