Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?

For the last four years, Vice President Dick Cheney has made the controversial claim that his office is not fully part of the Bush administration in order to exempt it from a presidential order regulating federal agencies' handling of classified national security information, officials said Thursday.

Cheney has held that his office is not fully part of the executive branch of government despite the continued objections of the National Archives, which says his office's failure to demonstrate that it has proper security safeguards in place could jeopardize the government's top secrets.

According to documents released Thursday by a House committee, Cheney's staff has blocked efforts by the National Archives' Information Security Oversight Office to enforce a key component of the presidential order: a mandatory on-site inspection of the vice president's office. At least one of those inspections would have come at a particularly delicate time -- when Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, and other aides were under criminal investigation for their suspected roles in leaking the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.Cheney s executive decision - latimes
Fucking Republicans have no long term memory skills at all, it's a miracle they can remember their own children's names.
For the last four years, Vice President Dick Cheney has made the controversial claim that his office is not fully part of the Bush administration in order to exempt it from a presidential order regulating federal agencies' handling of classified national security information, officials said Thursday.

Cheney has held that his office is not fully part of the executive branch of government despite the continued objections of the National Archives, which says his office's failure to demonstrate that it has proper security safeguards in place could jeopardize the government's top secrets.

According to documents released Thursday by a House committee, Cheney's staff has blocked efforts by the National Archives' Information Security Oversight Office to enforce a key component of the presidential order: a mandatory on-site inspection of the vice president's office. At least one of those inspections would have come at a particularly delicate time -- when Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, and other aides were under criminal investigation for their suspected roles in leaking the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.Cheney s executive decision - latimes
Fucking Republicans have no long term memory skills at all, it's a miracle they can remember their own children's names.
For the last four years, Vice President Dick Cheney has made the controversial claim that his office is not fully part of the Bush administration in order to exempt it from a presidential order regulating federal agencies' handling of classified national security information, officials said Thursday.

Cheney has held that his office is not fully part of the executive branch of government despite the continued objections of the National Archives, which says his office's failure to demonstrate that it has proper security safeguards in place could jeopardize the government's top secrets.

According to documents released Thursday by a House committee, Cheney's staff has blocked efforts by the National Archives' Information Security Oversight Office to enforce a key component of the presidential order: a mandatory on-site inspection of the vice president's office. At least one of those inspections would have come at a particularly delicate time -- when Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, and other aides were under criminal investigation for their suspected roles in leaking the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.Cheney s executive decision - latimes
Fucking Republicans have no long term memory skills at all, it's a miracle they can remember their own children's names.
For the last four years, Vice President Dick Cheney has made the controversial claim that his office is not fully part of the Bush administration in order to exempt it from a presidential order regulating federal agencies' handling of classified national security information, officials said Thursday.

Cheney has held that his office is not fully part of the executive branch of government despite the continued objections of the National Archives, which says his office's failure to demonstrate that it has proper security safeguards in place could jeopardize the government's top secrets.

According to documents released Thursday by a House committee, Cheney's staff has blocked efforts by the National Archives' Information Security Oversight Office to enforce a key component of the presidential order: a mandatory on-site inspection of the vice president's office. At least one of those inspections would have come at a particularly delicate time -- when Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, and other aides were under criminal investigation for their suspected roles in leaking the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.Cheney s executive decision - latimes
Fucking Republicans have no long term memory skills at all, it's a miracle they can remember their own children's names.

That was over 8 years ago and has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton using a private server.

Yeah, go ahead and ignore the part where he ran roughshod over the nation's security laws and nothing happened as consequence. IOKIYAR

What would you do about it now except whine?
That makes no sense. You CAN use encryption techniques, does not mean the sender on a private server did encrypt it or even had the capability to do so.
See...this quibbling is going to make this issue about as outrageous as going five miles an hour over the speed limit, or not stopping completely for a stop sign.

And that's my point.

We need to see damages, not just outrage.

There was a little old retired man in the town I grew up in...who would sit in his driveway at a 4 way stop, and write down the license plates of cars that didn't come to a complete stop. He was outraged about it, but when he turned that list into the police once a week, they'd smile, and round file it when he left

I guess we could ask the Russians or the Chinese if they hacked Hillary's private server.
From what I hear...the Russians and the Chinese hack everything.

I can't remember who, or even if they were righty media or lefty media, but somebody said the Chinese were more likely to hack the server she was supposed to use.

Not that Hillary knew that...just sayin

If she had played by the rules and used the government e-mail system she and we would know if they were hacked...just sayin.
Who plays by the rules when you're driving to work?

Who observes these rules in the state dept

I'm tickled by how some people who want less government regulation and bureaucratic red tape, insist on minute regulations being observed 100% of the this case.

I'm hearing too many people tell me I should be outraged without telling me what harm was caused?

I could be outraged at myself for having sex with my 17 year old high school sweetheart, because I turned 18 2 months before she did. That's breaking the law too

None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
TYpo. Big deal. Iraq was the losers quest.

You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me
niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run
You seem a little confused there.... We were in a war with IRAN?????

Did Obozo forget to tell us?????
You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me
niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run

We have not been in a shooting war with Iran although when they invaded the US Embassy and held Americans hostage it was an act of war. Jimmy Carter was the President and didn't have the nads to take them on.

TYPO! You meant Iraq instead of Iran. Isn't that the the war that Senators Clinton and Kerry voted for? And it has absolutely nothing to do with the OP thread.
As a former SOS and a former US Senator Hilbat should know classified material when she sees it. She's seen plenty of classified material in both positions in Govt.

No one should have to tell her its classified.
Hillary Clinton is nearing that awkward moment when you stop asking for presidential campaign donations and start asking for legal defense fund donations...
TYpo. Big deal. Iraq was the losers quest.

You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run
You seem a little confused there.... We were in a war with IRAN?????

Did Obozo forget to tell us?????
You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run

We have not been in a shooting war with Iran although when they invaded the US Embassy and held Americans hostage it was an act of war. Jimmy Carter was the President and didn't have the nads to take them on.

TYPO! You meant Iraq instead of Iran. Isn't that the the war that Senators Clinton and Kerry voted for? And it has absolutely nothing to do with the OP thread.

Are bodeo and rodeo trying to hijack my thread.....I'm shocked.
so now Dershowitz is your standard leftardz?

what are his views on obama? about obama's iran deal??
The fact she broke the law is enough.

Onus is on you to prove your allegation, and you can't.
Of Course Hillary Broke the Law And Here s How

Get back to us when you can find an actual lawyer to make that case.

Alan Dershowitz Hillary Right About Being in Clear on Email Server

Ever hear of a lawyer claiming someone's innocent??? If your lawyer won't do that, and always tells the judge you're guilty as sin, you're in a lot of trouble...

Meanwhile, there are other judges who have been saying Hillary's guilty, so I guess people can follow the link I posted to see five federal laws that Hillary broke
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me

Isn't that the point of why she should NOT have used her personal server?
What a dumbass.....
But she's the superstar of the Democrat party.

Should Jeb Bush Not have used his own private server as Governor? Should Congress Not have used their own private servers? Just maybe this is all about something else?
He doesn't have TOP SECRET material running through his unsecured server.
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me

Isn't that the point of why she should NOT have used her personal server?
What a dumbass.....
But she's the superstar of the Democrat party.

Should Jeb Bush Not have used his own private server as Governor? Should Congress Not have used their own private servers? Just maybe this is all about something else?

Excellent point....
Why in the world would we want or even expect Hillary as Secretary of State who has over 100 years in government to use a secure E Mail server.... LOL

Why would we hold her to any standard different than how we held others?
This all started with Benghazi. Congress requested those emails and she attempted to hide those and look where it led. The cover up is always what gets them. When will they learn?
See...this quibbling is going to make this issue about as outrageous as going five miles an hour over the speed limit, or not stopping completely for a stop sign.

And that's my point.

We need to see damages, not just outrage.

There was a little old retired man in the town I grew up in...who would sit in his driveway at a 4 way stop, and write down the license plates of cars that didn't come to a complete stop. He was outraged about it, but when he turned that list into the police once a week, they'd smile, and round file it when he left

I guess we could ask the Russians or the Chinese if they hacked Hillary's private server.
From what I hear...the Russians and the Chinese hack everything.

I can't remember who, or even if they were righty media or lefty media, but somebody said the Chinese were more likely to hack the server she was supposed to use.

Not that Hillary knew that...just sayin

If she had played by the rules and used the government e-mail system she and we would know if they were hacked...just sayin.
Who plays by the rules when you're driving to work?

Who observes these rules in the state dept

I'm tickled by how some people who want less government regulation and bureaucratic red tape, insist on minute regulations being observed 100% of the this case.

I'm hearing too many people tell me I should be outraged without telling me what harm was caused?

I could be outraged at myself for having sex with my 17 year old high school sweetheart, because I turned 18 2 months before she did. That's breaking the law too

None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.
I guess we could ask the Russians or the Chinese if they hacked Hillary's private server.
From what I hear...the Russians and the Chinese hack everything.

I can't remember who, or even if they were righty media or lefty media, but somebody said the Chinese were more likely to hack the server she was supposed to use.

Not that Hillary knew that...just sayin

If she had played by the rules and used the government e-mail system she and we would know if they were hacked...just sayin.
Who plays by the rules when you're driving to work?

Who observes these rules in the state dept

I'm tickled by how some people who want less government regulation and bureaucratic red tape, insist on minute regulations being observed 100% of the this case.

I'm hearing too many people tell me I should be outraged without telling me what harm was caused?

I could be outraged at myself for having sex with my 17 year old high school sweetheart, because I turned 18 2 months before she did. That's breaking the law too

None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.
Hillary has a 0.2 gpa

They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me

Isn't that the point of why she should NOT have used her personal server?
What a dumbass.....
But she's the superstar of the Democrat party.

Should Jeb Bush Not have used his own private server as Governor? Should Congress Not have used their own private servers? Just maybe this is all about something else?
He doesn't have TOP SECRET material running through his unsecured server.

Well you have no idea what his brother may have shared with him do you?
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me

Isn't that the point of why she should NOT have used her personal server?
What a dumbass.....
But she's the superstar of the Democrat party.

Should Jeb Bush Not have used his own private server as Governor? Should Congress Not have used their own private servers? Just maybe this is all about something else?

Excellent point....
Why in the world would we want or even expect Hillary as Secretary of State who has over 100 years in government to use a secure E Mail server.... LOL

Why would we hold her to any standard different than how we held others?
This all started with Benghazi. Congress requested those emails and she attempted to hide those and look where it led. The cover up is always what gets them. When will they learn?

Most people would say that it is pretty hard to convict people without evidence. Since all they have is guesswork how do you suppose they are going to find enough evidence to accomplish that?

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