Shut up Romney!

What a joke, I've lost any respect i ever had for this guy...

Mitt Romney says he’ll vote third-party against Clinton and Trump, or cast a write-in


Mitt Romney said Friday that he wouldn’t support either Clinton or Trump: “If those are my only two choices I’d vote for a conservative on the ballot — and if there weren’t one that I was comfortable with, I would write in a name.”

Mitt Romney says he’ll vote third-party against Clinton and Trump, or cast a write-in
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depends what the meaning of "legalization" is :lol:

but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.
Who gives a shit?. that's a state issue anyways. You people a Talk about Marijuana? as are country is going bankrupt? These two liberal nuts, One a true believer, one pandering in order to regain gain political power, would double our debt, and lead us to financial ruin.
depends what the meaning of "legalization" is :lol:

but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.

Hillary and thoughtful is an oxymoron.:slap:
depends what the meaning of "legalization" is :lol:

but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.
Who gives a shit?. that's a state issue anyways. You people a Talk about Marijuana? as are country is going bankrupt? These two liberal nuts, One a true believer, one pandering in order to regain gain political power, would double our debt, and lead us to financial ruin.
you talk as if it was a dem not GWB that gave us the greatest recession ever Did you forget or do you have alzheimers that Reagan tripled our debt and the moron bush doubled it?
depends what the meaning of "legalization" is :lol:

but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.
Who gives a shit?. that's a state issue anyways. You people a Talk about Marijuana? as are country is going bankrupt? These two liberal nuts, One a true believer, one pandering in order to regain gain political power, would double our debt, and lead us to financial ruin.
you talk as if it was a dem not GWB that gave us the greatest recession ever Did you forget or do you have alzheimers that Reagan tripled our debt and the moron bush doubled it?

Our country is 19 trillion in doubt. Bernie and Hillary would double it. Get that through your dumb-ass head:slap: Bush spent too much money as well. Where did I defend Bush on spending?:dunno:
depends what the meaning of "legalization" is :lol:

but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.
Who gives a shit?. that's a state issue anyways. You people a Talk about Marijuana? as are country is going bankrupt? These two liberal nuts, One a true believer, one pandering in order to regain gain political power, would double our debt, and lead us to financial ruin.
you talk as if it was a dem not GWB that gave us the greatest recession ever Did you forget or do you have alzheimers that Reagan tripled our debt and the moron bush doubled it?

Our country is 19 trillion in doubt. Bernie and Hillary would double it. Get that through your dumb-ass head:slap: Bush spent too much money as well. Where did I defend Bush on spending?:dunno:
did you vote for him ,,did you post how miserable a president he was?
“There’s just a pattern here, where the other side continues to use the same old tired policies. They don’t work and then Democrat presidents have to come in and fix what was broken. I have this old-fashioned idea that, you know, you ought to look at the evidence and if you look at the evidence at the end of Bill Clinton’s two terms, we had the longest peace-time expansion in American history, with 22 million new jobs, a balanced budget and a surplus that would have paid off our national debt had they not been so rudely interrupted by the next administration.”

— Hillary Clinton, remarks in Hanover, N.H., July 3, 2015
“There’s just a pattern here, where the other side continues to use the same old tired policies. They don’t work and then Democrat presidents have to come in and fix what was broken. I have this old-fashioned idea that, you know, you ought to look at the evidence and if you look at the evidence at the end of Bill Clinton’s two terms, we had the longest peace-time expansion in American history, with 22 million new jobs, a balanced budget and a surplus that would have paid off our national debt had they not been so rudely interrupted by the next administration.”

— Hillary Clinton, remarks in Hanover, N.H., July 3, 2015
Hillary and her husband have been lying with a straight face to the American people for decades. there is no groundswell for the witch

the Hillary scum lied to the faces of the family members of these heros

And her husband is an accomplished liar. Here's just one small example of this lying piece of shit

  • Rev. Graham Shocks Media by Saying THIS to Mitt Romney – It’s Going Viral
    angry patriot ^
    Over the last few weeks, Reverend Graham has spoken out numerous times.... Yesterday, he made a scathing post on Facebook to Mitt Romney. This is interesting for several reasons, but let’s check out his post first. Said Rev. Graham, “I’m 63 years old and I’ve never seen anything like this. This Republican presidential campaign has not only sunk to new lows, but the Republican establishment seems to be desperate to pick their own candidate.” are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

Here's the proof of the Clinton thefts:

"Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman)."

Right from your link!!!!!

Isn't that a laugh?

the Clinton's are selfish, greedy, scumbags.
What makes them greedy, but not Ben Carson?

Do you know anything about how Carson's campaign was run? He raised over $58 million and it didn't go to TV commercials!

How much has Sarah Barracuda made? Newt? Huckaminejad? Ronald Reagan was paid $1 million from ONE speech. I've never heard conservatives call him greedy.

Reagan was paid for that one speech. the Clinton.s have a slush fund called the "Clinton found" that keeps their friends and political allies employed with 80% of the proceeds :slap:
Who are you supposed to hire, your enemies?

Translated elect Hilary Clinton.

The Republicans have no choice now, they have to throw the dice and go with Trump or lose it all.
depends what the meaning of "legalization" is :lol:

but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.
Who gives a shit?. that's a state issue anyways. You people a Talk about Marijuana? as are country is going bankrupt? These two liberal nuts, One a true believer, one pandering in order to regain gain political power, would double our debt, and lead us to financial ruin.

Evidently you don't pay close attention. Republican tax cuts for the rich is what caused the debt. Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses forecasted to a paid off debt and the first thing Bush did was cut taxes twice, 2001 and 2003. If you're not about to cut spending it takes one helluva dumbass to cut tax rates. Bush doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion. Obama has had to borrow nearly $2 trillion just to pay interest on the debt which was there when he took over. As far as spending:

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What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump
thats a easy on 2/3 of the voting populous... trump is the worst thing this count could have .... Romney knows it ... to bad you're to dumb to not see it
depends what the meaning of "legalization" is :lol:

but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.

Valerie dear, my statements were not a condemnation nor praise of either candidate. I was merely stating a fact, that there is a difference among the policies of the Democratic Candidates. Kaz can't come up with any differences among the GOP candidates.
depends what the meaning of "legalization" is[emoji38]
but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.
Who gives a shit?. that's a state issue anyways. You people a Talk about Marijuana? as are country is going bankrupt? These two liberal nuts, One a true believer, one pandering in order to regain gain political power, would double our debt, and lead us to financial ruin.

Evidently you don't pay close attention. Republican tax cuts for the rich is what caused the debt. Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses forecasted to a paid off debt and the first thing Bush did was cut taxes twice, 2001 and 2003. If you're not about to cut spending it takes one helluva dumbass to cut tax rates. Bush doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion. Obama has had to borrow nearly $2 trillion just to pay interest on the debt which was there when he took over. As far as spending:

That is some awesome revisionist bullshit right there

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's a matter of record. You understand that we're talking about business bankruptcies, not personal ones, right? Bain Capital had 22 bankruptcies.

Slight correction: Bain Capital had a bankruptcy rate of 22% when Romney was involved with it. Bain started/took over 77 companies. That would mean about 16 of them went bankrupt. Trump has only had 4 companies go bankrupt.

Exactly, the idiocy of your statement. Trump's owned company went bankrupt four times.

You compare that to Romney running a business that worked with companies who were already on the path to bankruptcy and saved some not others.

Your argument is as stupid as blaming a doctor who prevents suicides for anyone he treated who eventually committed suicides anyway. It's a stupid argument

And you ignore the fact that Trump's four bankruptcies were in Atlantic City and occurred at a time when many other casino-related companies went bankrupt as well.

I neither criticized nor defended his bankruptcies. I said your argument against Romney was dumb

And Bain did not always acquire failing companies. So that dog won't hunt.

They were all in financial distress or underperforming. That's the business Cain was in. And they saved 78% of them

If Trump had done what Romney did, I suspect you would fault him for making the bad decision to take over so many companies that were beyond recovery.

Why would I do that now? Find anywhere in this discussion I criticized Trump for the four bankruptcies. I said your comparing that to Romney who's business was targeting companies in financial distress is inane.

I think the whole bankruptcy thing is ridiculous. I don't like Trump, but that has nothing to do with why and nothing I've heard criticizing him for those has had any point I've heard

It's not "inane" or "ridiculous" to note that Romney attacked Trump for 4 bankruptcies when Romney presided over 16 bankruptcies while at Bain Capital.

You avoided the point that one could make the logical argument that Romney made bad decisions when he agreed to take over companies that were beyond repair. One could quite rationally say that a smarter businessman would have stayed away from those companies in the first place. One could further note that a 22% bankruptcy rate is hardly a sterling record, no matter what excuses you want to float for it.

And, by the way, in 2012 Romney described Trump as a great businessman who had shown an extraordinary understanding of the economy:

Trump wasn't in the business of taking over poorly run companies, Romney was. comparing those is just stupid no matter how you slice it. BTW, bankruptcy is often the way to save a company, you don't even know how many of the 22 ultimately survived, do you? That's Trump's defense.

There is plenty to criticize Romney for. That he did his job isn't one of them
depends what the meaning of "legalization" is :lol:

but she's certainly not looking to hassle anyone over benign usage...

She and Bernie have different views on the subject. He supports legalization while she only supports lowering its classification.

yeah, birkenstock bernie has a demographic to pander to...

hillary's thoughtful position accepts legalization and goes further into decriminalization as well.

Valerie dear, my statements were not a condemnation nor praise of either candidate. I was merely stating a fact, that there is a difference among the policies of the Democratic Candidates. Kaz can't come up with any differences among the GOP candidates.

you think Jake and I are a shade of gray from each other and voting for a Republican once in six elections isn't a factor in being partisan. I don't take you seriously, and for obviously good reason.

Here's my Republican agenda. LOL, you're a tool.

What is a small government libertarian?

When you keep pulling this crap, sometimes I just wonder if you're just another playground level liberal

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