Shut up Romney!

that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

Here's the proof of the Clinton thefts:

"Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman)."

Right from your link!!!!!

Isn't that a laugh?

the Clinton's are selfish, greedy, scumbags.
You're the one that says all Democrats are alike. I've already proven to you they are not.

The candidates running for office on the Democratic side have clear policy differences which have been provided.

You, on the other hand, can't provide a single difference among the GOP candidates.

You did? You couldn't name a single policy or any Democrats. No wonder you got your social promotion through grade school and dropped out

Did you forget how to read. I gave you three or four policy differences between Bernie and Hillary. You provided zilch, as usual.

I gave a list. It ignored that too. And then they wonder why all we do is laugh at them.

Neither of you named an actual specific policy or any two Democrats who disagreed on it

I named at least three. Marijuana, Healthcare and Death Penalty. I also pointed out that Hillary is far more hawkish on foreign policy. You've yet to name one difference between the GOP candidates. Very telling.

The one thing all of them have in common is a desire for tax cuts. Republicans are always the ones who cut taxes for the rich but they never have cut their spending a goddam dime. VOILA!!! A National Debt:

..............................................Total U S Debt................................................

Figures Easily Verified....Taken From the Bureau of the Debt

US: $18,775,084,981,440 - Debt as of December 2015?

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82

09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32

09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89

09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15

09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48

09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23

09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50

09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62

09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34

09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73

09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39

09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32 (Bill Clinton Raised Taxes On The Rich early 1993)

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66

09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03

09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25

09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32

09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16

09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00

09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42

09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00

09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00

09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

Here's the proof of the Clinton thefts:

"Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman)."

Right from your link!!!!!

Isn't that a laugh?

the Clinton's are selfish, greedy, scumbags.
What makes them greedy, but not Ben Carson?

Do you know anything about how Carson's campaign was run? He raised over $58 million and it didn't go to TV commercials!

How much has Sarah Barracuda made? Newt? Huckaminejad? Ronald Reagan was paid $1 million from ONE speech. I've never heard conservatives call him greedy.
Holy shit. Campbell upchucked his 'blame the debt on the ebil Wepubwicans list' again like a hairball. I wonder if he even knows he's posted it before?
that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

Here's the proof of the Clinton thefts:

"Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman)."

Right from your link!!!!!

Isn't that a laugh?

the Clinton's are selfish, greedy, scumbags.

as opposed to trump? cruz?

that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

Here's the proof of the Clinton thefts:

"Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman)."

Right from your link!!!!!

Isn't that a laugh?

the Clinton's are selfish, greedy, scumbags.
What makes them greedy, but not Ben Carson?

Do you know anything about how Carson's campaign was run? He raised over $58 million and it didn't go to TV commercials!

How much has Sarah Barracuda made? Newt? Huckaminejad? Ronald Reagan was paid $1 million from ONE speech. I've never heard conservatives call him greedy.

Reagan was paid for that one speech. the Clinton.s have a slush fund called the "Clinton found" that keeps their friends and political allies employed with 80% of the proceeds :slap:
that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

Here's the proof of the Clinton thefts:

"Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman)."

Right from your link!!!!!

Isn't that a laugh?

the Clinton's are selfish, greedy, scumbags.

as opposed to trump? cruz?

The Clinton's are scum of the earth. one a sexual predictor. the other responsible for destroying the prey. Both are as crooked as they come. and both got rich off of selling out this country
You did? You couldn't name a single policy or any Democrats. No wonder you got your social promotion through grade school and dropped out

Did you forget how to read. I gave you three or four policy differences between Bernie and Hillary. You provided zilch, as usual.

I gave a list. It ignored that too. And then they wonder why all we do is laugh at them.

Neither of you named an actual specific policy or any two Democrats who disagreed on it

I named at least three. Marijuana, Healthcare and Death Penalty. I also pointed out that Hillary is far more hawkish on foreign policy. You've yet to name one difference between the GOP candidates. Very telling.
Finally some testicles, thank you Duke.

Who disagrees on Mary Jane? Not sure what you mean.

What about "healthcare?" Who do you mean?

Who disagtrees on the "death penalty?" What do you mean?

What does Hillary Leona Helmsley is "Hawkisn on foreign policy" mean? What is she hawkish about and who does she disagree with?"

And how's the bison hunting going, dyke?

Your post is so ironic since you frequently accuse others of reading comprehension problems. I already said what the differences were. Hillary does not support legalization of marijuana, Bernie does. Hillary supports the death penalty, Bernie does not. Hillary supports expanding the Affordable Care Act, Bernie is for scrapping the whole thing and moving to single payer. Bernie supports putting Glass-Steagall back in place, Hillary does not. Hillary and Bernie are miles apart on foreign policy. Bernie thinks the onus is on other countries to fight ISIS while Hillary believes the US should be heavily involved. Hillary supports a no fly zone, Bernie does not.

In this "I'll show you mine if you show me yours game, I've repeatedly provided you differences in the candidates and you've provided nary a single difference between GOP candidates. You just keep asking me to repeat the differences between Democratic candidates.

No Bison hunting this morning. I will be hunting feral ghouls, Mutants and some raiders in a bit but that's Fallout 4, not real life.
You did? You couldn't name a single policy or any Democrats. No wonder you got your social promotion through grade school and dropped out

Did you forget how to read. I gave you three or four policy differences between Bernie and Hillary. You provided zilch, as usual.

I gave a list. It ignored that too. And then they wonder why all we do is laugh at them.

Neither of you named an actual specific policy or any two Democrats who disagreed on it

I named at least three. Marijuana, Healthcare and Death Penalty. I also pointed out that Hillary is far more hawkish on foreign policy. You've yet to name one difference between the GOP candidates. Very telling.

The one thing all of them have in common is a desire for tax cuts. Republicans are always the ones who cut taxes for the rich but they never have cut their spending a goddam dime. VOILA!!! A National Debt:

..............................................Total U S Debt................................................

Figures Easily Verified....Taken From the Bureau of the Debt

US: $18,775,084,981,440 - Debt as of December 2015?

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82

09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32

09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89

09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15

09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48

09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23

09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50

09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62

09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34

09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73

09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39

09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32 (Bill Clinton Raised Taxes On The Rich early 1993)

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66

09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03

09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25

09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32

09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16

09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00

09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42

09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00

09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00

09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

Democrats want to cut taxes? LOL, what tool
Your post is so ironic since you frequently accuse others of reading comprehension problems

Yes, liberals suck at reading. You are among the worst

Hillary does not support legalization of marijuana, Bernie does

Actually, Hillary said "I want to see what the evidence is." And that regarded more States legalizing, not making it illegal in the States it's not illegal in again.

So, both want to continue the disastrous war on terror funding organized crime, destabilizing governments across the world, making decisions over what we do with our own bodies and the rule of the FDC over what is and isn't legal and who can say so. But the Hippie wants to be able to fire up a doobie and Hillary wants to wait a little more and see.

Wow, color me impressed as to the great diversity in your party. Not

Hllary supports the death penalty, Bernie does not.

She was against it when she was younger. Then in 2000 as a politician she said the death penalty had her "“unenthusiastic support.” Yeah, that's a deep difference. Not

Hillary supports expanding the Affordable Care Act, Bernie is for scrapping the whole thing and moving to single payer.

LOL, they are different, they want different paths in moving towards socialized medicine! This one's classic. They want the same thing, just a different path, and you say that's a difference in your party. Priceless

Bernie supports putting Glass-Steagall back in place, Hillary does not

She is owned by Wall Street, he's not. And all she said is she won't propose it. Not exactly a huge repudiation.

Hillary and Bernie are miles apart on foreign policy. Bernie thinks the onus is on other countries to fight ISIS while Hillary believes the US should be heavily involved. Hillary supports a no fly zone, Bernie does not.

They disagree on how to fight ISIS, wow, what a difference. Obama said the same things, then was W in Iraq and W+ in Afghanistan then became his own W in Libya and tried to be in Syria before he was bitch slapped by Putin. Meanwhile Hillary tries to look tougher while not actually proposing anything different

In this "I'll show you mine if you show me yours game, I've repeatedly provided you differences in the candidates and you've provided nary a single difference between GOP candidates. You just keep asking me to repeat the differences between Democratic candidates.

Grow up, princess. You ask someone to answer a question you won't is big girl stuff. People aren't going to play that game.

No Bison hunting this morning. I will be hunting feral ghouls, Mutants and some raiders in a bit but that's Fallout 4, not real life.

Cool. Post photos!
Your post is so ironic since you frequently accuse others of reading comprehension problems

Yes, liberals suck at reading. You are among the worst

Hillary does not support legalization of marijuana, Bernie does

Actually, Hillary said "I want to see what the evidence is." And that regarded more States legalizing, not making it illegal in the States it's not illegal in again.

So, both want to continue the disastrous war on terror funding organized crime, destabilizing governments across the world, making decisions over what we do with our own bodies and the rule of the FDC over what is and isn't legal and who can say so. But the Hippie wants to be able to fire up a doobie and Hillary wants to wait a little more and see.

Wow, color me impressed as to the great diversity in your party. Not

Hllary supports the death penalty, Bernie does not.

She was against it when she was younger. Then in 2000 as a politician she said the death penalty had her "“unenthusiastic support.” Yeah, that's a deep difference. Not

Hillary supports expanding the Affordable Care Act, Bernie is for scrapping the whole thing and moving to single payer.

LOL, they are different, they want different paths in moving towards socialized medicine! This one's classic. They want the same thing, just a different path, and you say that's a difference in your party. Priceless

Bernie supports putting Glass-Steagall back in place, Hillary does not

She is owned by Wall Street, he's not. And all she said is she won't propose it. Not exactly a huge repudiation.

Hillary and Bernie are miles apart on foreign policy. Bernie thinks the onus is on other countries to fight ISIS while Hillary believes the US should be heavily involved. Hillary supports a no fly zone, Bernie does not.

They disagree on how to fight ISIS, wow, what a difference. Obama said the same things, then was W in Iraq and W+ in Afghanistan then became his own W in Libya and tried to be in Syria before he was bitch slapped by Putin. Meanwhile Hillary tries to look tougher while not actually proposing anything different

In this "I'll show you mine if you show me yours game, I've repeatedly provided you differences in the candidates and you've provided nary a single difference between GOP candidates. You just keep asking me to repeat the differences between Democratic candidates.

Grow up, princess. You ask someone to answer a question you won't is big girl stuff. People aren't going to play that game.

No Bison hunting this morning. I will be hunting feral ghouls, Mutants and some raiders in a bit but that's Fallout 4, not real life.

Cool. Post photos!

I did answer you questions. I provided the policy differences. You've provided jack shit...because you can't. Your meme that Republicans are all some sort of rebels is bovine feces. There a few differences between the policies of the Democratic candidates and even fewer to none between the GOP candidates.
Your post is so ironic since you frequently accuse others of reading comprehension problems

Yes, liberals suck at reading. You are among the worst

Hillary does not support legalization of marijuana, Bernie does

Actually, Hillary said "I want to see what the evidence is." And that regarded more States legalizing, not making it illegal in the States it's not illegal in again.

So, both want to continue the disastrous war on terror funding organized crime, destabilizing governments across the world, making decisions over what we do with our own bodies and the rule of the FDC over what is and isn't legal and who can say so. But the Hippie wants to be able to fire up a doobie and Hillary wants to wait a little more and see.

Wow, color me impressed as to the great diversity in your party. Not

Hllary supports the death penalty, Bernie does not.

She was against it when she was younger. Then in 2000 as a politician she said the death penalty had her "“unenthusiastic support.” Yeah, that's a deep difference. Not

Hillary supports expanding the Affordable Care Act, Bernie is for scrapping the whole thing and moving to single payer.

LOL, they are different, they want different paths in moving towards socialized medicine! This one's classic. They want the same thing, just a different path, and you say that's a difference in your party. Priceless

Bernie supports putting Glass-Steagall back in place, Hillary does not

She is owned by Wall Street, he's not. And all she said is she won't propose it. Not exactly a huge repudiation.

Hillary and Bernie are miles apart on foreign policy. Bernie thinks the onus is on other countries to fight ISIS while Hillary believes the US should be heavily involved. Hillary supports a no fly zone, Bernie does not.

They disagree on how to fight ISIS, wow, what a difference. Obama said the same things, then was W in Iraq and W+ in Afghanistan then became his own W in Libya and tried to be in Syria before he was bitch slapped by Putin. Meanwhile Hillary tries to look tougher while not actually proposing anything different

In this "I'll show you mine if you show me yours game, I've repeatedly provided you differences in the candidates and you've provided nary a single difference between GOP candidates. You just keep asking me to repeat the differences between Democratic candidates.

Grow up, princess. You ask someone to answer a question you won't is big girl stuff. People aren't going to play that game.

No Bison hunting this morning. I will be hunting feral ghouls, Mutants and some raiders in a bit but that's Fallout 4, not real life.

Cool. Post photos!

I did answer you questions. I provided the policy differences. You've provided jack shit...because you can't. Your meme that Republicans are all some sort of rebels is bovine feces. There a few differences between the policies of the Democratic candidates and even fewer to none between the GOP candidates.

Republicans have socons, so called moderates who are leftists, fiscal conservatives who are moderate socially, libertarian leaning who are fiscally conservative and pretty socially liberal. They are so different across social, fiscal and military issues. But all you see is "not Democrat." The limited IQ of a liberal.

Seriously, in W, you don't see Republicans disagreeing with him, just criticizing him? You're not a "girl" with a critical mind. Debate to you is yes it is and no it isn't.
Your post is so ironic since you frequently accuse others of reading comprehension problems

Yes, liberals suck at reading. You are among the worst

Hillary does not support legalization of marijuana, Bernie does

Actually, Hillary said "I want to see what the evidence is." And that regarded more States legalizing, not making it illegal in the States it's not illegal in again.

So, both want to continue the disastrous war on terror funding organized crime, destabilizing governments across the world, making decisions over what we do with our own bodies and the rule of the FDC over what is and isn't legal and who can say so. But the Hippie wants to be able to fire up a doobie and Hillary wants to wait a little more and see.

Wow, color me impressed as to the great diversity in your party. Not

Hllary supports the death penalty, Bernie does not.

She was against it when she was younger. Then in 2000 as a politician she said the death penalty had her "“unenthusiastic support.” Yeah, that's a deep difference. Not

Hillary supports expanding the Affordable Care Act, Bernie is for scrapping the whole thing and moving to single payer.

LOL, they are different, they want different paths in moving towards socialized medicine! This one's classic. They want the same thing, just a different path, and you say that's a difference in your party. Priceless

Bernie supports putting Glass-Steagall back in place, Hillary does not

She is owned by Wall Street, he's not. And all she said is she won't propose it. Not exactly a huge repudiation.

Hillary and Bernie are miles apart on foreign policy. Bernie thinks the onus is on other countries to fight ISIS while Hillary believes the US should be heavily involved. Hillary supports a no fly zone, Bernie does not.

They disagree on how to fight ISIS, wow, what a difference. Obama said the same things, then was W in Iraq and W+ in Afghanistan then became his own W in Libya and tried to be in Syria before he was bitch slapped by Putin. Meanwhile Hillary tries to look tougher while not actually proposing anything different

In this "I'll show you mine if you show me yours game, I've repeatedly provided you differences in the candidates and you've provided nary a single difference between GOP candidates. You just keep asking me to repeat the differences between Democratic candidates.

Grow up, princess. You ask someone to answer a question you won't is big girl stuff. People aren't going to play that game.

No Bison hunting this morning. I will be hunting feral ghouls, Mutants and some raiders in a bit but that's Fallout 4, not real life.

Cool. Post photos!

I did answer you questions. I provided the policy differences. You've provided jack shit...because you can't. Your meme that Republicans are all some sort of rebels is bovine feces. There a few differences between the policies of the Democratic candidates and even fewer to none between the GOP candidates.

Republicans have socons, so called moderates who are leftists, fiscal conservatives who are moderate socially, libertarian leaning who are fiscally conservative and pretty socially liberal. They are so different across social, fiscal and military issues. But all you see is "not Democrat." The limited IQ of a liberal.

Seriously, in W, you don't see Republicans disagreeing with him, just criticizing him? You're not a "girl" with a critical mind. Debate to you is yes it is and no it isn't.

Democrats have just as many shades of gray in their party as Republicans do. If you weren't such a partisan hack, you'd know that and be able to recognize it.

You can keep ducking and dodging but we all can see that you've yet to provide a single (as in not one) policy difference between the GOP candidates and I was able to provide you a number of them for the Dems. You came up as short as Rubio.

I'm sure you'll come back calling me a stupid dyke or some such thing. :lol:
Your post is so ironic since you frequently accuse others of reading comprehension problems

Yes, liberals suck at reading. You are among the worst

Hillary does not support legalization of marijuana, Bernie does

Actually, Hillary said "I want to see what the evidence is." And that regarded more States legalizing, not making it illegal in the States it's not illegal in again.

So, both want to continue the disastrous war on terror funding organized crime, destabilizing governments across the world, making decisions over what we do with our own bodies and the rule of the FDC over what is and isn't legal and who can say so. But the Hippie wants to be able to fire up a doobie and Hillary wants to wait a little more and see.

Wow, color me impressed as to the great diversity in your party. Not

Hllary supports the death penalty, Bernie does not.

She was against it when she was younger. Then in 2000 as a politician she said the death penalty had her "“unenthusiastic support.” Yeah, that's a deep difference. Not

Hillary supports expanding the Affordable Care Act, Bernie is for scrapping the whole thing and moving to single payer.

LOL, they are different, they want different paths in moving towards socialized medicine! This one's classic. They want the same thing, just a different path, and you say that's a difference in your party. Priceless

Bernie supports putting Glass-Steagall back in place, Hillary does not

She is owned by Wall Street, he's not. And all she said is she won't propose it. Not exactly a huge repudiation.

Hillary and Bernie are miles apart on foreign policy. Bernie thinks the onus is on other countries to fight ISIS while Hillary believes the US should be heavily involved. Hillary supports a no fly zone, Bernie does not.

They disagree on how to fight ISIS, wow, what a difference. Obama said the same things, then was W in Iraq and W+ in Afghanistan then became his own W in Libya and tried to be in Syria before he was bitch slapped by Putin. Meanwhile Hillary tries to look tougher while not actually proposing anything different

In this "I'll show you mine if you show me yours game, I've repeatedly provided you differences in the candidates and you've provided nary a single difference between GOP candidates. You just keep asking me to repeat the differences between Democratic candidates.

Grow up, princess. You ask someone to answer a question you won't is big girl stuff. People aren't going to play that game.

No Bison hunting this morning. I will be hunting feral ghouls, Mutants and some raiders in a bit but that's Fallout 4, not real life.

Cool. Post photos!

I did answer you questions. I provided the policy differences. You've provided jack shit...because you can't. Your meme that Republicans are all some sort of rebels is bovine feces. There a few differences between the policies of the Democratic candidates and even fewer to none between the GOP candidates.

Republicans have socons, so called moderates who are leftists, fiscal conservatives who are moderate socially, libertarian leaning who are fiscally conservative and pretty socially liberal. They are so different across social, fiscal and military issues. But all you see is "not Democrat." The limited IQ of a liberal.

Seriously, in W, you don't see Republicans disagreeing with him, just criticizing him? You're not a "girl" with a critical mind. Debate to you is yes it is and no it isn't.

Democrats have just as many shades of gray in their party as Republicans do. If you weren't such a partisan hack, you'd know that and be able to recognize it.

You can keep ducking and dodging but we all can see that you've yet to provide a single (as in not one) policy difference between the GOP candidates and I was able to provide you a number of them for the Dems. You came up as short as Rubio.

I'm sure you'll come back calling me a stupid dyke or some such thing. :lol:

LOL, you need to learn what the word "partisan" means. My not voting for Republicans makes it laughable that I'm "partisan" for them. I voted for them once in six elections.

Republicans fundamentally disagree on spending, immigration, the military, abortion, legalized marijuana (you had pro versus wait and see), the death penalty (you had anti versus "unenthusiastic" support and that was a flip flop), welfare spending.

You're a simpleton who can process "not Democrat" and that's it. I like how that my considering some Republicans while rejecting most of the original field is that apparently I was deciding that on candidates who all agreed on everything.

I liked what, the woman (Fiorina) and the Latinos (Cruz, Rubio), but not the whities (Trump, Bush, Christie)? Oops, I like Kasich though. He's a white guy. And I'm from Michigan, so it's sure not his being from Ohio.

You're a joke. Two liberals have the same basic view and say it differently and you applaud their diversity. Republicans have fundamentally different views, but it's the same, they aren't Democrats. Libertarian, duh, dar, not a Democrat! You're partisan!


You are funny though, princess Mammoth hunter
Your post is so ironic since you frequently accuse others of reading comprehension problems

Yes, liberals suck at reading. You are among the worst

Hillary does not support legalization of marijuana, Bernie does

Actually, Hillary said "I want to see what the evidence is." And that regarded more States legalizing, not making it illegal in the States it's not illegal in again.

So, both want to continue the disastrous war on terror funding organized crime, destabilizing governments across the world, making decisions over what we do with our own bodies and the rule of the FDC over what is and isn't legal and who can say so. But the Hippie wants to be able to fire up a doobie and Hillary wants to wait a little more and see.

Wow, color me impressed as to the great diversity in your party. Not

Hllary supports the death penalty, Bernie does not.

She was against it when she was younger. Then in 2000 as a politician she said the death penalty had her "“unenthusiastic support.” Yeah, that's a deep difference. Not

Hillary supports expanding the Affordable Care Act, Bernie is for scrapping the whole thing and moving to single payer.

LOL, they are different, they want different paths in moving towards socialized medicine! This one's classic. They want the same thing, just a different path, and you say that's a difference in your party. Priceless

Bernie supports putting Glass-Steagall back in place, Hillary does not

She is owned by Wall Street, he's not. And all she said is she won't propose it. Not exactly a huge repudiation.

Hillary and Bernie are miles apart on foreign policy. Bernie thinks the onus is on other countries to fight ISIS while Hillary believes the US should be heavily involved. Hillary supports a no fly zone, Bernie does not.

They disagree on how to fight ISIS, wow, what a difference. Obama said the same things, then was W in Iraq and W+ in Afghanistan then became his own W in Libya and tried to be in Syria before he was bitch slapped by Putin. Meanwhile Hillary tries to look tougher while not actually proposing anything different

In this "I'll show you mine if you show me yours game, I've repeatedly provided you differences in the candidates and you've provided nary a single difference between GOP candidates. You just keep asking me to repeat the differences between Democratic candidates.

Grow up, princess. You ask someone to answer a question you won't is big girl stuff. People aren't going to play that game.

No Bison hunting this morning. I will be hunting feral ghouls, Mutants and some raiders in a bit but that's Fallout 4, not real life.

Cool. Post photos!

I did answer you questions. I provided the policy differences. You've provided jack shit...because you can't. Your meme that Republicans are all some sort of rebels is bovine feces. There a few differences between the policies of the Democratic candidates and even fewer to none between the GOP candidates.

Republicans have socons, so called moderates who are leftists, fiscal conservatives who are moderate socially, libertarian leaning who are fiscally conservative and pretty socially liberal. They are so different across social, fiscal and military issues. But all you see is "not Democrat." The limited IQ of a liberal.

Seriously, in W, you don't see Republicans disagreeing with him, just criticizing him? You're not a "girl" with a critical mind. Debate to you is yes it is and no it isn't.

Democrats have just as many shades of gray in their party as Republicans do. If you weren't such a partisan hack, you'd know that and be able to recognize it.

You can keep ducking and dodging but we all can see that you've yet to provide a single (as in not one) policy difference between the GOP candidates and I was able to provide you a number of them for the Dems. You came up as short as Rubio.

I'm sure you'll come back calling me a stupid dyke or some such thing. :lol:

LOL, you need to learn what the word "partisan" means. My not voting for Republicans makes it laughable that I'm "partisan" for them. I voted for them once in six elections.

Republicans fundamentally disagree on spending, immigration, the military, abortion, legalized marijuana (you had pro versus wait and see), the death penalty (you had anti versus "unenthusiastic" support and that was a flip flop), welfare spending.

You're a simpleton who can process "not Democrat" and that's it. I like how that my considering some Republicans while rejecting most of the original field is that apparently I was deciding that on candidates who all agreed on everything.

I liked what, the woman (Fiorina) and the Latinos (Cruz, Rubio), but not the whities (Trump, Bush, Christie)? Oops, I like Kasich though. He's a white guy. And I'm from Michigan, so it's sure not his being from Ohio.

You're a joke. Two liberals have the same basic view and say it differently and you applaud their diversity. Republicans have fundamentally different views, but it's the same, they aren't Democrats. Libertarian, duh, dar, not a Democrat! You're partisan!


You are funny though, princess Mammoth hunter

You are as partisan as I am, you just can't admit it to yourself. You're like a self loathing homophobe. There are just as many differences between Democrats as there are between Republicans.

Kazzie, my're also still not coming up with ANY actual policy differences between your candidates and yet I was able to come up with actual policy differences between the Democratic candidates. Where are all these "fundamentally different views" you keep speaking in such broad terms about? Specifics partisan hack, specifics.
Yes, liberals suck at reading. You are among the worst

Actually, Hillary said "I want to see what the evidence is." And that regarded more States legalizing, not making it illegal in the States it's not illegal in again.

So, both want to continue the disastrous war on terror funding organized crime, destabilizing governments across the world, making decisions over what we do with our own bodies and the rule of the FDC over what is and isn't legal and who can say so. But the Hippie wants to be able to fire up a doobie and Hillary wants to wait a little more and see.

Wow, color me impressed as to the great diversity in your party. Not

She was against it when she was younger. Then in 2000 as a politician she said the death penalty had her "“unenthusiastic support.” Yeah, that's a deep difference. Not

LOL, they are different, they want different paths in moving towards socialized medicine! This one's classic. They want the same thing, just a different path, and you say that's a difference in your party. Priceless

She is owned by Wall Street, he's not. And all she said is she won't propose it. Not exactly a huge repudiation.

They disagree on how to fight ISIS, wow, what a difference. Obama said the same things, then was W in Iraq and W+ in Afghanistan then became his own W in Libya and tried to be in Syria before he was bitch slapped by Putin. Meanwhile Hillary tries to look tougher while not actually proposing anything different

Grow up, princess. You ask someone to answer a question you won't is big girl stuff. People aren't going to play that game.

Cool. Post photos!

I did answer you questions. I provided the policy differences. You've provided jack shit...because you can't. Your meme that Republicans are all some sort of rebels is bovine feces. There a few differences between the policies of the Democratic candidates and even fewer to none between the GOP candidates.

Republicans have socons, so called moderates who are leftists, fiscal conservatives who are moderate socially, libertarian leaning who are fiscally conservative and pretty socially liberal. They are so different across social, fiscal and military issues. But all you see is "not Democrat." The limited IQ of a liberal.

Seriously, in W, you don't see Republicans disagreeing with him, just criticizing him? You're not a "girl" with a critical mind. Debate to you is yes it is and no it isn't.

Democrats have just as many shades of gray in their party as Republicans do. If you weren't such a partisan hack, you'd know that and be able to recognize it.

You can keep ducking and dodging but we all can see that you've yet to provide a single (as in not one) policy difference between the GOP candidates and I was able to provide you a number of them for the Dems. You came up as short as Rubio.

I'm sure you'll come back calling me a stupid dyke or some such thing. :lol:

LOL, you need to learn what the word "partisan" means. My not voting for Republicans makes it laughable that I'm "partisan" for them. I voted for them once in six elections.

Republicans fundamentally disagree on spending, immigration, the military, abortion, legalized marijuana (you had pro versus wait and see), the death penalty (you had anti versus "unenthusiastic" support and that was a flip flop), welfare spending.

You're a simpleton who can process "not Democrat" and that's it. I like how that my considering some Republicans while rejecting most of the original field is that apparently I was deciding that on candidates who all agreed on everything.

I liked what, the woman (Fiorina) and the Latinos (Cruz, Rubio), but not the whities (Trump, Bush, Christie)? Oops, I like Kasich though. He's a white guy. And I'm from Michigan, so it's sure not his being from Ohio.

You're a joke. Two liberals have the same basic view and say it differently and you applaud their diversity. Republicans have fundamentally different views, but it's the same, they aren't Democrats. Libertarian, duh, dar, not a Democrat! You're partisan!


You are funny though, princess Mammoth hunter

You are as partisan as I am, you just can't admit it to yourself. You're like a self loathing homophobe. There are just as many differences between Democrats as there are between Republicans.

Kazzie, my're also still not coming up with ANY actual policy differences between your candidates and yet I was able to come up with actual policy differences between the Democratic candidates. Where are all these "fundamentally different views" you keep speaking in such broad terms about? Specifics partisan hack, specifics.
To call me "self loathing" is hilarious.

Do you ever read this site? There are three major camps of Republicans.

- Establishment, like Jake. They are like you, big government, high spending. He keeps telling me the Republican party doesn't want me

- Socons like Thanos. They call me a "liberal"

- Libertarian leaning/fiscal conservatives. We usually agree, but they say I'm abandoning them by not being a Republican and I tell them it's hopeless we lost, so I'm supporting what I support.

Democrats? No camps, you almost never do anything but high five each other.

I argue with republicans on this site all the time about gun rights, social security, the wars, immigration, abortion, the war on drugs, spending, defense cuts (I'm for them). And Republicans are always for me and against me. With all the time you spend on the site, you don't see that? Seriously?
You are as partisan as I am, you just can't admit it to yourself

Just curious on this one. So I voted Republican once the last six elections and I voted for non Republicans (Perot, Browne, Browne, Badarnak, Nader) the other five.

You voted for anyone but the Democrat how many times in the last six elections? I lied, I'm not curious, we both know the answer to that one...
Romney's attacks are very ironic, and hypocritical. For example, Romney attacked Trump over Trump's four bankruptcies, but Romney had 22 bankruptcies. He attacked Trump over inheriting wealth, but Romney received a large inheritance from his father (the late Gov. George Romney).
Romney's attacks are very ironic, and hypocritical. For example, Romney attacked Trump over Trump's four bankruptcies, but Romney had 22 bankruptcies. He attacked Trump over inheriting wealth, but Romney received a large inheritance from his father (the late Gov. George Romney).

22 bankruptcies? That's impossible, what are you smoking?

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