Shut up Romney!

John Adams wrote this: "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." I believe that America has proven these dire predictions wrong for two reasons.

First, we have been blessed with great presidents, with giants among us. Men of character, integrity and selflessness have led our nation from its very beginning. None were perfect: each surely made mistakes. But in every case, they acted out of the desire to do what was right for America and for freedom.

The second reason is because we are blessed with a great people, people who at every critical moment of choosing have put the interests of the country above their own.

These two things are related: our presidents time and again have called on us to rise to the occasion. John F. Kennedy asked us to consider what we could do for our country. Lincoln drew upon the better angels of our nature to save the union.

I understand the anger Americans feel today. In the past, our presidents have channeled that anger, and forged it into resolve, into endurance and high purpose, and into the will to defeat the enemies of freedom. Our anger was transformed into energy directed for good.

Mr. Trump is directing our anger for less than noble purposes. He creates scapegoats of Muslims and Mexican immigrants, he calls for the use of torture and for killing the innocent children and family members of terrorists. He cheers assaults on protesters. He applauds the prospect of twisting the Constitution to limit first amendment freedom of the press. This is the very brand of anger that has led other nations into the abyss.

Here's what I know. Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He's playing the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat.

His domestic policies would lead to recession. His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president. And his personal qualities would mean that America would cease to be a shining city on a hill.

America has greatness ahead. This is a time for choosing.

Full transcript: Mitt Romney's remarks on Donald Trump and the 2016 race
It's fun to hear all these Republicans admit their party is a failure.
Glad you are entertained as the Republican party is more Democrat working class these days than ever before.

lol, sure it is.

In 2010 the Republican establishment won the house and Senate and we couldn't hear the end of it. Now those same yakkers hate the Republican establishment worse than they hate the Democrats.
This should wake the entire nation up to the fact that it really is "us" vs "them". The American people be damned. We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo. It's truly a sad day.

This 'stunt' that the GOPe and Romney just pulled is going to blow up. Strap yourselves in...

This post is exactly 100% correct. They haven't made a case against Trump at all except for Illegal aliens, and in doing that, they are subliminally suggesting that you NEGATE the law that is in force.

All congress has to do is change the law if it is so bad. Where are the illegal loving Democrats and Republicans in congress on pushing this? Lol, they know what will happen if they tried; the American people would vote them out instantly, if not sooner.

So BOTH party's are in the unenviable position of running against the will of the "OWNERS OF THIS COUNTRY," for different reasons. They are going to try and convince you.......each and every one of you...........and if they can't, they will get on board.....especially the GOP. Why? Because under Trumps plan, they no longer have to worry about pandering to people who won't be here!
Ya know, this is starting to look like a lot of suburban types who secretly wished they'd been hippie protesters back in the day. All this malarkey about "the establishment GOP" smacks of a rebellion against what most of you have used to your advantage....Walter Mitty daydreaming at the office.
It's fun to hear all these Republicans admit their party is a failure.
I hate to break it to you, but your day (Democrats) will come. May not be in 4 years or 8 years, but it will come.

You're "Trump" will come along and your party will do everything to keep him/her from becoming the nominee. You wont be taking delight in it either. Ideology aside you should see the tragedy in what they are trying to do.
What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump

I agree especially since Trump endorsed him for POTUS four years ago. Romney spoke a different tune then baby.
This should wake the entire nation up to the fact that it really is "us" vs "them". The American people be damned. We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo. It's truly a sad day.

This 'stunt' that the GOPe and Romney just pulled is going to blow up. Strap yourselves in...

the trump supporting rabble does not represent an American majority...not even close!

trump said he would toss out the geneva conventions, for God sake.

he truly doesn't have a chance... which is why his own party is against him.
This should wake the entire nation up to the fact that it really is "us" vs "them". The American people be damned. We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo. It's truly a sad day.

This 'stunt' that the GOPe and Romney just pulled is going to blow up. Strap yourselves in...
This ^^^^
I think the RNC needed someone to be the spokes person that was not involved in an election....?

Seems like he's involved to me
Let me put it this way, Romney has nothing to lose, by doing this....even if he somehow jumped in to the race, he's not holding a Republican gvt position to lose.
I am sure that Romney paid off a few favors, and like got a nice paycheck, for this speech. He just executed the new world record ass kiss of all time. Most asses kissed with one speech and the worst contortions while doing so.
Here's the thing though, I do think that Romney truly believes every word he said about Mr. Trump...even if he did not write the speech or was called in 'as a favor'.
I agree especially since Trump endorsed him for POTUS four years ago. Romney spoke a different tune then baby.

Well, in defense of Mittens, his dad was president of American Motors and gave him a Nash Rambler for his 21st birthday instead of the million dollars the Donald got. Mitt made his own bones and didn't deal with the Mob or the Clintons like somebody else we know.
This should wake the entire nation up to the fact that it really is "us" vs "them". The American people be damned. We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo. It's truly a sad day.

This 'stunt' that the GOPe and Romney just pulled is going to blow up. Strap yourselves in...

the trump supporting rabble does not represent an American majority...not even close!

trump said he would toss out the geneva conventions, for God sake.

he truly doesn't have a chance... which is why his own party is against him.
Good. Why should good guys have to follow humanitarian laws when the bad guys don't? Seems stupid
This should wake the entire nation up to the fact that it really is "us" vs "them". The American people be damned. We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo. It's truly a sad day.

This 'stunt' that the GOPe and Romney just pulled is going to blow up. Strap yourselves in...

I think it means Rubio will win Utah. :lol: What baffles me is that the evangelicals wouldn't vote for a Mormon but are turning out in droves for a con man who: "Goes to church on Easter and Christmas Eve....oh, and "on Sundays" (he threw that in and looked around to see if anybody was snickering)
Utah might surprise you with a Trump win also.
What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump

Typical closed minded rightist - intolerant of dissent and different points of view.
What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump

Typical closed minded rightist - intolerant of dissent and different points of view.

Watches Jonsey scamper off
If Romney would have shown balls like this during the past Election, he would likely be President right now. But instead, he was a milquetoast wuss. Now he suddenly has balls. Well sorry bro, too little too late. No one cares what you think.

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