Shut up Romney!

What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump
First, I think Trump is the next Mussolini.
That said, the GOP sending Romney out proves the GOP doesn't have a clue as to what is going on.
Seriously, if Romney had shown these kind of balls and attacked Hussein this way, he'd probably be the President right now. But instead he behaved like a frightened little wuss.

So i find these attacks to be pretty cowardly. He should have manned-up when it counted. I'll always view him as a milquetoast loser. He really should just shut up and go away.
Well, I think some of it is true, at least on the surface...but it could be that The Donald is just playing his crowds...and saying what they want to hear?

That's the point we're trying to make....he's pretending to be a conservative.
When CONservative stands for meddling in the ME,more wars,more sending jobs overseas via "free trade" yeah....I think its time conservatism bit the dust...funny how Tom's candidate is a supposed true conservative yet wants AMNESTY!
Isn't that what liberals have been trying to beat into your thick sculls for decades?

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Note that Romney made this speech from Utah with a conservative, dignified backdrop of the Hinckley Institute, and not California where he has posh digs in La Jolla that only a Trump could afford. Trying to visually disassociate himself with vast wealth made by nefarious means....Too much kettle and pot calling here.

I dunno', I think it's about him jumping into the race since Cruz is detested almost as much as Trump and Rubio looks like he's too young to vote or drink.

Cruz isn't detested but I'm sure the looney toons here would like to think that.
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".
You should not be changing what people said by altering a quote box. It shows how desperate you are.
She won't win over Drumpf unless the votes are rigged. It is really that simple.
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".

Another rightwing Republican myth is that Conservatives stayed home because of Romney, when the FACTS point out that more Republicans voted for Romney than voted for Bush II.

They simply don't want to face the TRUTH of the matter. That Obama simply had MORE votes!

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Well, I think some of it is true, at least on the surface...but it could be that The Donald is just playing his crowds...and saying what they want to hear?

That's the point we're trying to make....he's pretending to be a conservative.
When CONservative stands for meddling in the ME,more wars,more sending jobs overseas via "free trade" yeah....I think its time conservatism bit the dust...funny how Tom's candidate is a supposed true conservative yet wants AMNESTY!
Isn't that what liberals have been trying to beat into your thick sculls for decades?

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Clinton is the same damn thing. Liberals want Amnesty as well so these republicans are the same damn thing as the liberals are.
We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo.
I don't understand this black/white, either/or argument.

The reason why the GOP wants to stop Drumpf can only be, HAS TO BE, because they want to stay in power. This makes no sense. A Drumpf presidency doesn't kick them out of office, doesn't diminish the power of the Legislative Branch, or prevent them from blocking everything he wants to do, as they've done with Obama.
You don't get it because you're looking at it through the lenses of emotion. You don't like Trump and wish nothing but failure for him so you will not HONESTLY acknowledge whats going on. This isn't about my politics or your politics Synth.

If you're willing to step away from your disdain of Trump we can have a real discussion on whats going on. Otherwise we'll go no where.
This should wake the entire nation up to the fact that it really is "us" vs "them". The American people be damned. We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo. It's truly a sad day.

This 'stunt' that the GOPe and Romney just pulled is going to blow up. Strap yourselves in...

I think it means Rubio will win Utah. [emoji38] What baffles me is that the evangelicals wouldn't vote for a Mormon but are turning out in droves for a con man who: "Goes to church on Easter and Christmas Eve....oh, and "on Sundays" (he threw that in and looked around to see if anybody was snickering)
It should demonstrate to everyone that evangelicals are full of shit liars.
They always were and always will be. Trump's accendancy proves that like nothing else.

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She won't win over Drumpf unless the votes are rigged. It is really that simple.
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".

Another rightwing Republican myth is that Conservatives stayed home because of Romney, when the FACTS point out that more Republicans voted for Romney than voted for Bush II.

They simply don't want to face the TRUTH of the matter. That Obama simply had MORE votes!

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I sure in the hell didn't vote for Romney. Only person I know did was my parents. I voted for Gary Johnson.
Well, I think some of it is true, at least on the surface...but it could be that The Donald is just playing his crowds...and saying what they want to hear?

That's the point we're trying to make....he's pretending to be a conservative.
When CONservative stands for meddling in the ME,more wars,more sending jobs overseas via "free trade" yeah....I think its time conservatism bit the dust...funny how Tom's candidate is a supposed true conservative yet wants AMNESTY!
Isn't that what liberals have been trying to beat into your thick sculls for decades?

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Clinton is the same damn thing. Liberals want Amnesty as well so these republicans are the same damn thing as the liberals are.

Trump wants to end Illegal Immigration. He's the only Candidate being honest and clear on the issue. The rest in both Parties want the status-quo or Amnesty. He's the right Candidate at the right time.
What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump

Yea, why should Romney be able to say what he thinks? He's not even an Amercian, lol. You guys crack me up. You hold the Constitution up and tell us how much it matters but you want to shut everyone up that you don't agree with.
What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump
Were you and DarkFuy told by your masters at Trump HQ to start identical topics?

Let him say what he wants. Why shouldn't we be encouraging speech against Trump? The man is a despot in waiting. Now is the time to unite to atop him.
She won't win over Drumpf unless the votes are rigged. It is really that simple.
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".

Another rightwing Republican myth is that Conservatives stayed home because of Romney, when the FACTS point out that more Republicans voted for Romney than voted for Bush II.

They simply don't want to face the TRUTH of the matter. That Obama simply had MORE votes!

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I sure in the hell didn't vote for Romney. Only person I know did was my parents. I voted for Gary Johnson.

I supported Romney in 2008 but not in 2012. In 2012 he moved too far to the right trying to appease the neanderthals of the Republican Party. His trying to move so far to the right was the impetus for me switching parties.

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