Shutting Down the lie About a Democratic Plantation

No they don't. They absolutely take the black vote for granted but we had real pieces of shit in this country that actually owned black people as property. Their names were names like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis. Men you actually venerate and respect. I don't respect your clownish cosplay arguments in the face of reality.

Which accounts for over 90% of black voters. If you don't have any respect for us why should we have any for you, dipshit. Respect works both ways.

I'm not wrong. You don't understand the motivation of black voters. We absolutely know you're deplorable pieces of shit so we'll work with us Pelosi's and the Bidens for as long as we have to because they're weak and will allow their greed to let you cuck whites be demographically replaced for short term profit. Once we're the majority though who needs them?

Who said I wasn't a US citizen? I immigrated her in my mother's tummy and was born a citizen thanks to your convenient birth right citizenship laws. Then, when my daughter was born in Jamaica those same laws made her an American citizen as well. Basically you guys are fucked. 😄
Look. So far we’ve learned some things about you. You’re a foreigner, but not a U.S. citizen. Excellent. You can’t legally vote here.

You’ve a racist. Sucks to be you. I’m happy scumbags like you can’t vote.

Apparently, you’re gay. I don’t care. But you seem to. So, fine. Be gay. But don’t let your sexuality mislead you into thinking that, on that basis, you have any special claim to intelligence or virtue. You don’t.

Absent your total reliance on ignorant cliches and mindless leftard talking points, you remain incapable of posting anything.

Go suck some random dick.
Look. So far we’ve learned some things about you. You’re a foreigner, but not a U.S. citizen. Excellent. You can’t legally vote here.
You're a dipshit. I said I was an immigrant and a citizen. Are you illiterate? 😄
You’ve a racist. Sucks to be you. I’m happy scumbags like you can’t vote.
I do vote. All the time. :funnyface: So does my entire family who also came here and popped out a bunch of birth right citizens.
Apparently, you’re gay. I don’t care. But you seem to. So, fine. Be gay. But don’t let your sexuality mislead you into thinking that, on that basis, you have any special claim to intelligence or virtue. You don’t.
No. I just support my gay loved ones proudly.
Absent your total reliance on ignorant cliches and mindless leftard talking points, you remain incapable of posting anything.

Go suck some random dick.
Cry about it you bitch. Let me know when you have the courage to address black voters otherwise don't cry like a bitch that we don't vote with you.
There is no Democrat plantation. The use of that term is racist. Republicans continue using this insulting term then wonder why blacks vote democrst. Cognitive dissonance is real.
Blacks in this Country are socialists for the same reason they're socialists in Canada, Cuba, all of Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, etc, etc, etc.

They are, frankly, immature as a socio-economic group and want something-for-nothing. Just like the Russians in 1917, the Germans in 1933, Cuba and most recently Venezuela, etc, etc, etc ad nauseam so don't get your tits in a tangle about some perceived 'racism' because there isn't any. Not from me.

Capitalism takes a mature socio-economic group to work. Do you think it would work in -- Say..... Gaza? Why not?

If people actually understood Marx (they do NOT) they would know that he called for a period of Capitalism prior to going to socialism and finally to communism, which, BTW is the complete ABSENCE of government. As stupid as he was (and he was) even he understood that you can't just go from an agrarian society to communism. The Russians tried and it imploded into their faces. With at least 60 Million dead in the process.

But, in this Country at least, Blacks are becoming much, MUCH more sophisticated. Everywhere you look, there are Black Capitalists, Black Republicans, Black Patriots.

I expect American Blacks to be the next, great proponents of Capitalism. In about 10-15 years. Not now, not yet. Our education system is a joke, it is socialist/marxist/communist in nature. Marxism breed stupidity and stupidity breeds Marxism.

Whatev. Blacks voting for dimocrap scum??? You're only hurting yourselves
You're a dipshit. I said I was an immigrant and a citizen. Are you illiterate? 😄
Not what you said. :itsok:
I do vote. All the time. :funnyface: So does my entire family who also came here and popped out a bunch of birth right citizens.
Oh well.
No. I just support my gay loved ones proudly.
Oh. Like your husband?
Cry about it you bitch. Let me know when you have the courage to address black voters otherwise don't cry like a bitch that we don't vote with you.
Nah. I don’t cry over your ignorant propensities.

You are incapable of defending your patroons based on facts or logic. You post drivel and emotionalism

I don’t care where you came from. I don’t care about the color of your skin. I do pity you for your determined ignorance.
Not what you said. :itsok:
It is. :itsok:
Oh well.

Oh. Like your husband?
My wife.
Nah. I don’t cry over your ignorant propensities.

You are incapable of defending your patroons based on facts or logic. You post drivel and emotionalism

I don’t care where you came from. I don’t care about the color of your skin. I do pity you for your determined ignorance.
What do you imagine me incapable of defending? 😄
Blacks in this Country are socialists for the same reason they're socialists in Canada, Cuba, all of Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, etc, etc, etc.

They are, frankly, immature as a socio-economic group and want something-for-nothing. Just like the Russians in 1917, the Germans in 1933, Cuba and most recently Venezuela, etc, etc, etc ad nauseam so don't get your tits in a tangle about some perceived 'racism' because there isn't any. Not from me.

Capitalism takes a mature socio-economic group to work. Do you think it would work in -- Say..... Gaza? Why not?

If people actually understood Marx (they do NOT) they would know that he called for a period of Capitalism prior to going to socialism and finally to communism, which, BTW is the complete ABSENCE of government. As stupid as he was (and he was) even he understood that you can't just go from an agrarian society to communism. The Russians tried and it imploded into their faces. With at least 60 Million dead in the process.

But, in this Country at least, Blacks are becoming much, MUCH more sophisticated. Everywhere you look, there are Black Capitalists, Black Republicans, Black Patriots.

I expect American Blacks to be the next, great proponents of Capitalism. In about 10-15 years. Not now, not yet. Our education system is a joke, it is socialist/marxist/communist in nature. Marxism breed stupidity and stupidity breeds Marxism.

Whatev. Blacks voting for dimocrap scum??? You're only hurting yourselves
You're an idiot. We are proponents of Capitalism just not the version where a handful (of mostly white people) get to hold on to the majority of wealth in this country. Everyone is a proponent of mixed economics, we disagree on the mix. Crying about socialist boogie men isn't going to quell the calls for economic reparation.
You're an idiot. We are proponents of Capitalism just not the version where a handful (of mostly white people) get to hold on to the majority of wealth in this country. Everyone is a proponent of mixed economics, we disagree on the mix. Crying about socialist boogie men isn't going to quell the calls for economic reparation.
In Capitalism there are winners and there are losers. You seem to be a perennial loser. An excuse-maker. A whiner. IOW, a loser.

In socialism, there are winners and there are losers. You'd be a loser there, too. Same thing in communism, you'd be cleaning toilets at the Komissar's office.

Here's your thought for the day..... Try not worrying about how and why others are successful and start trying to figure out why you are not. There are no secrets to it.

And, please, please don't try to tell me about your riches. That would make me pity you and I don't want to do that. Laugh at you? Sure, but no pity.
It is truly bizarre how the tards keep bringing up the far right racist past of the Democratic Party of long ago, and attempt to create linkage to the liberal Democratic Party of today.

I mean, this is a level of profound stupidity which takes one's breath away.

The KKK was, is, and always will be a far right Christian terrorist organization.


It is. :itsok:
No. It sure wasn’t as I already noted correctly. And I even linked what you did say. You dishonest dope.

Sure. :itsok:
What do you imagine me incapable of defending?
Your positions on almost any topic.
And, it’s not imagining. Your posting history establishes it. 👍

Look. You’re a fucking racist and a liar. There isn’t much to recommend your posts.

I only reply to you in order to mock you. You’re easily discombobulated.
That may have been so in 1963, but in 2023 this is:

“Times have changed and the worst enemy that the Negro has today is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and claims to be calling out liberals. Following these white conservatives will continue perpetuating problems that Negros have. The Negro cannot be taken, tricked or deceived by the white conservatives, and must continue to get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in 21st Century America, the history of the white conservative has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal is the one with the problem. Our problems will never be solved by the white man, liberal or conservative.” -- Malcolm X, 2023

Where do you get off changing a quote to what you WANT it to say today?

Only an ol' white guy would do that, something someone who just wants to stir the pot would do. A black man would have more respect for Malcolm X.
In Capitalism there are winners and there are losers. You seem to be a perennial loser. An excuse-maker. A whiner. IOW, a loser.

In socialism, there are winners and there are losers. You'd be a loser there, too. Same thing in communism, you'd be cleaning toilets at the Komissar's office.

Here's your thought for the day..... Try not worrying about how and why others are successful and start trying to figure out why you are not. There are no secrets to it.

And, please, please don't try to tell me about your riches. That would make me pity you and I don't want to do that. Laugh at you? Sure, but no pity.
Wrong again bozo. 😄
That's how blacks felt about blacks who support trump. But you seem to forget all of the negative things trump said about the black community, black athletes protesting police killing, his hostility to black reporters.
There would not be any blacks living in America were the cops to go onto their kind of rampages blacks do all the time.
Your recall is very faulty by the way.
Sure. :itsok:

Your positions on almost any topic.
And, it’s not imagining. Your posting history establishes it. 👍

Look. You’re a fucking racist and a liar. There isn’t much to recommend your posts.

I only reply to you in order to mock you. You’re easily discombobulated.
What part of my post do you are imagination though? That I support your demographic replacement or that it's happening? Both of things I assure you are true. 😄

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