Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)
For. We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Their families sold them. We housed and fed them, gave them and their descendants a better life than mud thatched huts and dirt floors and a direct gateway into America to eventually be doctors, lawyers, CEOs and engineers. I'm all for reparations for that. But the statue of limitations ended about 150 years ago. The guy that owes you is long dead and buried. Want reparations from me? I'll gladly give you a one way ticket back to Ethiopia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

That's not how it happened. There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently you suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Your posts are evidence of this. You may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.


You dig up those old slavers and you make them pay!!!! DERP!

I would if the human rights had stopped with slavery. Too bad it continues now.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)
For. We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Their families sold them. We housed and fed them, gave them and their descendants a better life than mud thatched huts and dirt floors and a direct gateway into America to eventually be doctors, lawyers, CEOs and engineers. I'm all for reparations for that. But the statue of limitations ended about 150 years ago. The guy that owes you is long dead and buried. Want reparations from me? I'll gladly give you a one way ticket back to Ethiopia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

That's not how it happened. There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently you suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Your posts are evidence of this. You may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.


You dig up those old slavers and you make them pay!!!! DERP!

I would if the human rights had stopped with slavery. Too bad it continues now.
What human rights are you denied?
I was wondering if you would actually list all of the groups, and then claim that they are all of the groups which have been wronged by the US government. ;)

Anything to try discounting the fact that whites owe us money.

Or in other words, no, it is not true that "every other group wronged by this government has received reparations." ;)

So which whites owe who, specifically, how much money?

Actually it is true and that's why you need to look up who has received reparations. For example in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government to pay for what Germans did. So it's like this, you have the same access to the internet like everyone else and I'm tired if you whites asking dumb questions because you don't want to believe something except what you whites make yourselves believe. So take your ass to a search engine and find out.

Oh! Well, if Jews got reparations, every group that has ever been wronged by the US government must have gotten reparations! :rofl:

You were clearly far too broad with your statement. All sorts of groups can claim to have been wronged by the US government in our history. The idea that every one of those groups, other than blacks, has received reparations is hilarious. :D

You're tired of "you whites" asking dumb questions, are you? First, how do you know what race I am? Second, how is asking for clarification on a claim you made a "dumb question"? Third, to repeat, the idea that every group (other than blacks) that has been wronged by the US government has received reparations is just asinine.

Montrovant you have chosen to play a game with words. So let me make this very clear, so you understand and end playing your usual dumb ass game if semantics. I stated that every group has been wronged by this government has received reparations but blacks. Not every group that has claimed, but every group where wrongdoing has been proven. You kinda have to prove such things Montrovant. And if you think we don't have proof as blacks, then that's what's asinine.

In other words, as per usual, you misspoke and refused to admit it. Even now, rather than admit the mistake, you are trying to spin it so that your statement actually meant every group that has proven to have been wronged by the government.

Even there, it is clearly untrue. Every time a law has been found to be discriminatory it is an instance of the government having wronged some group or groups, just to give one example.

And while blacks as a whole have not been given reparations, there were the black men who were part of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. That group of blacks were given reparations; the men who were part of the study as well as their heirs. Reparations were also paid due to the Rosewood incident, to what I believe were 9 survivors at the time.

I doubt reparations will be given for slavery, although I don't completely dismiss the possibility.
Anything to try discounting the fact that whites owe us money.

Or in other words, no, it is not true that "every other group wronged by this government has received reparations." ;)

So which whites owe who, specifically, how much money?

Actually it is true and that's why you need to look up who has received reparations. For example in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government to pay for what Germans did. So it's like this, you have the same access to the internet like everyone else and I'm tired if you whites asking dumb questions because you don't want to believe something except what you whites make yourselves believe. So take your ass to a search engine and find out.

Oh! Well, if Jews got reparations, every group that has ever been wronged by the US government must have gotten reparations! :rofl:

You were clearly far too broad with your statement. All sorts of groups can claim to have been wronged by the US government in our history. The idea that every one of those groups, other than blacks, has received reparations is hilarious. :D

You're tired of "you whites" asking dumb questions, are you? First, how do you know what race I am? Second, how is asking for clarification on a claim you made a "dumb question"? Third, to repeat, the idea that every group (other than blacks) that has been wronged by the US government has received reparations is just asinine.

Montrovant you have chosen to play a game with words. So let me make this very clear, so you understand and end playing your usual dumb ass game if semantics. I stated that every group has been wronged by this government has received reparations but blacks. Not every group that has claimed, but every group where wrongdoing has been proven. You kinda have to prove such things Montrovant. And if you think we don't have proof as blacks, then that's what's asinine.

In other words, as per usual, you misspoke and refused to admit it. Even now, rather than admit the mistake, you are trying to spin it so that your statement actually meant every group that has proven to have been wronged by the government.

Even there, it is clearly untrue. Every time a law has been found to be discriminatory it is an instance of the government having wronged some group or groups, just to give one example.

And while blacks as a whole have not been given reparations, there were the black men who were part of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. That group of blacks were given reparations; the men who were part of the study as well as their heirs. Reparations were also paid due to the Rosewood incident, to what I believe were 9 survivors at the time.

I doubt reparations will be given for slavery, although I don't completely dismiss the possibility.

Montrovant I said what I meant and did not misspeak or spin. There are several types of reparations. Not all reparations involve money, but you want to argue because as usual you don't seem to be able to understand how we can ask for monetary reparations. Your second mistake is you assume the reparations are only for slavery.

The argument about not paying for slavery has no merit unless you can produce a new one. And telling me about 50-60 blacks who got reparations for those two events shows how pathetic those like you are. I gets old arguing with you guys knowing my argument is legitimate and I get these excuse laden posts and people like you playing semantics because I said all of the groups who have done something got reparations so you chose to disagree with that instead of the validity of my argument for reparations based on historical treatment of blacks in this nation. Just like you wanted to argue over the accuracy of a cartoon and cartoon characters, you are petty.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)
For. We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Their families sold them. We housed and fed them, gave them and their descendants a better life than mud thatched huts and dirt floors and a direct gateway into America to eventually be doctors, lawyers, CEOs and engineers. I'm all for reparations for that. But the statue of limitations ended about 150 years ago. The guy that owes you is long dead and buried. Want reparations from me? I'll gladly give you a one way ticket back to Ethiopia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

That's not how it happened. There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently you suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Your posts are evidence of this. You may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Don't try to psychoanalyze me, Jackass, I've written a book on the analysis of personality and disorder. As to your human rights violations, they do indeed end-- -- -- -- with the person that committed them. Slavery was an international and global industry that died two centuries ago. You got a problem with it, don't read about it, because its nothing more than a page of a history book to you. Get your hands out of my pockets, Welfare Whore, and I'll take my shoe out of your ass.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)
For. We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Their families sold them. We housed and fed them, gave them and their descendants a better life than mud thatched huts and dirt floors and a direct gateway into America to eventually be doctors, lawyers, CEOs and engineers. I'm all for reparations for that. But the statue of limitations ended about 150 years ago. The guy that owes you is long dead and buried. Want reparations from me? I'll gladly give you a one way ticket back to Ethiopia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

That's not how it happened. There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently you suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Your posts are evidence of this. You may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Don't try to psychoanalyze me, Jackass, I've written a book on the analysis of personality and disorder. As to your human rights violations, they do indeed end-- -- -- -- with the person that committed them. Slavery was an international and global industry that died two centuries ago. You got a problem with it, don't read about it, because its nothing more than a page of a history book to you. Get your hands out of my pockets, Welfare Whore, and I'll take my shoe out of your ass.

I don't give a fuck what you say you wrote. You have a mental disorder.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently there are whites here that suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Their posts are evidence of this. You racists may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Things did not end with slavery loon.
I don't give a fuck what you say you wrote. You have a mental disorder.


Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently there are whites here that suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Their posts are evidence of this. You racists may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

The fact that you always characterize things in terms of race shows who is the racist here. As to delusional disorder, welcome to the delusion generation, brought to you by a world now where people no longer have normal relations and spend their lives on the internet rather than real people, worrying about people they never have met, mad about things they do not know, arguing issues they cannot change, educated in schools that make themselves targets for gun shootings then prepare for it by teaching you to hide under your desk and be quiet and hope the shooter just goes away.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)
For. We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Their families sold them. We housed and fed them, gave them and their descendants a better life than mud thatched huts and dirt floors and a direct gateway into America to eventually be doctors, lawyers, CEOs and engineers. I'm all for reparations for that. But the statue of limitations ended about 150 years ago. The guy that owes you is long dead and buried. Want reparations from me? I'll gladly give you a one way ticket back to Ethiopia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

That's not how it happened. There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently you suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Your posts are evidence of this. You may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Don't try to psychoanalyze me, Jackass, I've written a book on the analysis of personality and disorder. As to your human rights violations, they do indeed end-- -- -- -- with the person that committed them. Slavery was an international and global industry that died two centuries ago. You got a problem with it, don't read about it, because its nothing more than a page of a history book to you. Get your hands out of my pockets, Welfare Whore, and I'll take my shoe out of your ass.

I don't give a fuck what you say you wrote. You have a mental disorder.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently there are whites here that suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Their posts are evidence of this. You racists may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Things did not end with slavery loon.
If you insist on begging, get a sign that reads "I want reparations because some very distant ancestor of mine was a slave" and take it down to some liberal and wealthy town in Vermont. I'm sure someone will throw a couple of pennies your way.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)
For. We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Their families sold them. We housed and fed them, gave them and their descendants a better life than mud thatched huts and dirt floors and a direct gateway into America to eventually be doctors, lawyers, CEOs and engineers. I'm all for reparations for that. But the statue of limitations ended about 150 years ago. The guy that owes you is long dead and buried. Want reparations from me? I'll gladly give you a one way ticket back to Ethiopia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

That's not how it happened. There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently you suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Your posts are evidence of this. You may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Don't try to psychoanalyze me, Jackass, I've written a book on the analysis of personality and disorder. As to your human rights violations, they do indeed end-- -- -- -- with the person that committed them. Slavery was an international and global industry that died two centuries ago. You got a problem with it, don't read about it, because its nothing more than a page of a history book to you. Get your hands out of my pockets, Welfare Whore, and I'll take my shoe out of your ass.

I don't give a fuck what you say you wrote. You have a mental disorder.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently there are whites here that suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Their posts are evidence of this. You racists may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Things did not end with slavery loon.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality.

Keep stomping your foot and whining for your reparations check.
LoL, nothing gets white nationalists riled up like suggesting black folks be compensated for the assholery the status quo did to them.
Yes. If you really don't know and want to find the answer do a search.

I was wondering if you would actually list all of the groups, and then claim that they are all of the groups which have been wronged by the US government. ;)

Anything to try discounting the fact that whites owe us money.

Or in other words, no, it is not true that "every other group wronged by this government has received reparations." ;)

So which whites owe who, specifically, how much money?

Actually it is true and that's why you need to look up who has received reparations. For example in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government to pay for what Germans did. So it's like this, you have the same access to the internet like everyone else and I'm tired if you whites asking dumb questions because you don't want to believe something except what you whites make yourselves believe. So take your ass to a search engine and find out.

in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government

You think the American government paid Jews, in 2015, for what Germany did to Jews? Link?

Yea, we did....U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs
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I was wondering if you would actually list all of the groups, and then claim that they are all of the groups which have been wronged by the US government. ;)

Anything to try discounting the fact that whites owe us money.

Or in other words, no, it is not true that "every other group wronged by this government has received reparations." ;)

So which whites owe who, specifically, how much money?

Actually it is true and that's why you need to look up who has received reparations. For example in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government to pay for what Germans did. So it's like this, you have the same access to the internet like everyone else and I'm tired if you whites asking dumb questions because you don't want to believe something except what you whites make yourselves believe. So take your ass to a search engine and find out.

in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government

You think the American government paid Jews, in 2015, for what Germany did to Jews? Link?

Yea, we did....U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs

US starts paying out French reparations to Holocaust survivors
Anything to try discounting the fact that whites owe us money.

Or in other words, no, it is not true that "every other group wronged by this government has received reparations." ;)

So which whites owe who, specifically, how much money?

Actually it is true and that's why you need to look up who has received reparations. For example in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government to pay for what Germans did. So it's like this, you have the same access to the internet like everyone else and I'm tired if you whites asking dumb questions because you don't want to believe something except what you whites make yourselves believe. So take your ass to a search engine and find out.

in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government

You think the American government paid Jews, in 2015, for what Germany did to Jews? Link?

Yea, we did....U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs

US starts paying out French reparations to Holocaust survivors

Reading is fundamental.....Effective September 15, 2016, the Department of State will accept second round submissions of claims applications for consideration under the U.S.-France Agreement on Compensation for Certain Victims of Holocaust-Related Deportation from France Who Are Not Covered by French Programs. Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.

The US is paying reparations to holocaust victims, no matter how you try to spin and deflect. Hack.
Or in other words, no, it is not true that "every other group wronged by this government has received reparations." ;)

So which whites owe who, specifically, how much money?

Actually it is true and that's why you need to look up who has received reparations. For example in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government to pay for what Germans did. So it's like this, you have the same access to the internet like everyone else and I'm tired if you whites asking dumb questions because you don't want to believe something except what you whites make yourselves believe. So take your ass to a search engine and find out.

in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government

You think the American government paid Jews, in 2015, for what Germany did to Jews? Link?

Yea, we did....U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs

US starts paying out French reparations to Holocaust survivors

Reading is fundamental.....Effective September 15, 2016, the Department of State will accept second round submissions of claims applications for consideration under the U.S.-France Agreement on Compensation for Certain Victims of Holocaust-Related Deportation from France Who Are Not Covered by French Programs. Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.

The US is paying reparations to holocaust victims, no matter how you try to spin and deflect. Hack.

Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.


And still no reparations for slaves. So sad.
Actually it is true and that's why you need to look up who has received reparations. For example in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government to pay for what Germans did. So it's like this, you have the same access to the internet like everyone else and I'm tired if you whites asking dumb questions because you don't want to believe something except what you whites make yourselves believe. So take your ass to a search engine and find out.

in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government

You think the American government paid Jews, in 2015, for what Germany did to Jews? Link?

Yea, we did....U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs

US starts paying out French reparations to Holocaust survivors

Reading is fundamental.....Effective September 15, 2016, the Department of State will accept second round submissions of claims applications for consideration under the U.S.-France Agreement on Compensation for Certain Victims of Holocaust-Related Deportation from France Who Are Not Covered by French Programs. Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.

The US is paying reparations to holocaust victims, no matter how you try to spin and deflect. Hack.

Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.


And still no reparations for slaves. So sad.

All you have done so far is prove that the US paid reparations for holocaust victims in 2015 like what was posted in the first place. The nerdfit you tried to throw is icing on the cake, IM2 has the lot of you white nationalists dead to rights.
  • Thanks
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Or in other words, no, it is not true that "every other group wronged by this government has received reparations." ;)

So which whites owe who, specifically, how much money?

Actually it is true and that's why you need to look up who has received reparations. For example in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government to pay for what Germans did. So it's like this, you have the same access to the internet like everyone else and I'm tired if you whites asking dumb questions because you don't want to believe something except what you whites make yourselves believe. So take your ass to a search engine and find out.

Oh! Well, if Jews got reparations, every group that has ever been wronged by the US government must have gotten reparations! :rofl:

You were clearly far too broad with your statement. All sorts of groups can claim to have been wronged by the US government in our history. The idea that every one of those groups, other than blacks, has received reparations is hilarious. :D

You're tired of "you whites" asking dumb questions, are you? First, how do you know what race I am? Second, how is asking for clarification on a claim you made a "dumb question"? Third, to repeat, the idea that every group (other than blacks) that has been wronged by the US government has received reparations is just asinine.

Montrovant you have chosen to play a game with words. So let me make this very clear, so you understand and end playing your usual dumb ass game if semantics. I stated that every group has been wronged by this government has received reparations but blacks. Not every group that has claimed, but every group where wrongdoing has been proven. You kinda have to prove such things Montrovant. And if you think we don't have proof as blacks, then that's what's asinine.

In other words, as per usual, you misspoke and refused to admit it. Even now, rather than admit the mistake, you are trying to spin it so that your statement actually meant every group that has proven to have been wronged by the government.

Even there, it is clearly untrue. Every time a law has been found to be discriminatory it is an instance of the government having wronged some group or groups, just to give one example.

And while blacks as a whole have not been given reparations, there were the black men who were part of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. That group of blacks were given reparations; the men who were part of the study as well as their heirs. Reparations were also paid due to the Rosewood incident, to what I believe were 9 survivors at the time.

I doubt reparations will be given for slavery, although I don't completely dismiss the possibility.

Montrovant I said what I meant and did not misspeak or spin. There are several types of reparations. Not all reparations involve money, but you want to argue because as usual you don't seem to be able to understand how we can ask for monetary reparations. Your second mistake is you assume the reparations are only for slavery.

The argument about not paying for slavery has no merit unless you can produce a new one. And telling me about 50-60 blacks who got reparations for those two events shows how pathetic those like you are. I gets old arguing with you guys knowing my argument is legitimate and I get these excuse laden posts and people like you playing semantics because I said all of the groups who have done something got reparations so you chose to disagree with that instead of the validity of my argument for reparations based on historical treatment of blacks in this nation. Just like you wanted to argue over the accuracy of a cartoon and cartoon characters, you are petty.

You said what you meant, but had to correct yourself later? :rofl:

Hey, if you think wanting statements to be accurate is petty, feel free to consider me petty.

My point in bringing up Tuskegee and Rosewood was merely that blacks have received reparations from the government; it is not that the government is opposed to blacks getting reparations that is the issue, but rather the reason for the reparations. You mentioned that "Jews got reparations" as though every Jew was granted reparations, when in fact it was a particular group of Jews.

I'm curious, do you think women deserve reparations from the government for the historical treatment they experienced in this nation? They were treated as second-class citizens for much of the country's history.

Trying to get reparations for all blacks in the US because of the historical treatment of blacks is just too broad and vague an attempt IMO.
in 2015 Jews got reparations from our government

You think the American government paid Jews, in 2015, for what Germany did to Jews? Link?

Yea, we did....U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs

US starts paying out French reparations to Holocaust survivors

Reading is fundamental.....Effective September 15, 2016, the Department of State will accept second round submissions of claims applications for consideration under the U.S.-France Agreement on Compensation for Certain Victims of Holocaust-Related Deportation from France Who Are Not Covered by French Programs. Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.

The US is paying reparations to holocaust victims, no matter how you try to spin and deflect. Hack.

Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.


And still no reparations for slaves. So sad.

All you have done so far is prove that the US paid reparations for holocaust victims in 2015 like what was posted in the first place. The nerdfit you tried to throw is icing on the cake, IM2 has the lot of you white nationalists dead to rights.

French reparations …..French Programs

Where is the proof that the US paid these reparations?

No one has shown it yet.

Maybe the following will show you your error?

• You do not have access to the compensation because you do not have French nationality
On November 1, the agreement between France and the United States, signed in Washington on 8 December last year, entered into force to establish a compensation fund for those american victims of the Holocaust deported from France who had not been able to gain access to the French compensation program.

Compensation and restitution for Holocaust Victims in France - Shoah memorial - homepage

Looks like Americans victimized in France or Americans with French parents couldn't access the reparations program for French citizens.

French funds were used, not US funds.

Reading is fundamental.....Effective September 15, 2016, the Department of State will accept second round submissions of claims applications for consideration under the U.S.-France Agreement on Compensation for Certain Victims of Holocaust-Related Deportation from France Who Are Not Covered by French Programs. Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.

The US is paying reparations to holocaust victims, no matter how you try to spin and deflect. Hack.

Program requirements will remain the same, and payments for eligible second-round claims will be made out of the funds remaining after all eligible first-round claims have been paid.


And still no reparations for slaves. So sad.

All you have done so far is prove that the US paid reparations for holocaust victims in 2015 like what was posted in the first place. The nerdfit you tried to throw is icing on the cake, IM2 has the lot of you white nationalists dead to rights.

French reparations …..French Programs

Where is the proof that the US paid these reparations?

No one has shown it yet.

Maybe the following will show you your error?

• You do not have access to the compensation because you do not have French nationality
On November 1, the agreement between France and the United States, signed in Washington on 8 December last year, entered into force to establish a compensation fund for those american victims of the Holocaust deported from France who had not been able to gain access to the French compensation program.

Compensation and restitution for Holocaust Victims in France - Shoah memorial - homepage

Looks like Americans victimized in France or Americans with French parents couldn't access the reparations program for French citizens.

French funds were used, not US funds.
Also, there are still Holocaust survivors alive today
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)

For. We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Their families sold them. We housed and fed them, gave them and their descendants a better life than mud thatched huts and dirt floors and a direct gateway into America to eventually be doctors, lawyers, CEOs and engineers. I'm all for reparations for that. But the statue of limitations ended about 150 years ago. The guy that owes you is long dead and buried. Want reparations from me? I'll gladly give you a one way ticket back to Ethiopia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

That's not how it happened. There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently you suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Your posts are evidence of this. You may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Don't try to psychoanalyze me, Jackass, I've written a book on the analysis of personality and disorder. As to your human rights violations, they do indeed end-- -- -- -- with the person that committed them. Slavery was an international and global industry that died two centuries ago. You got a problem with it, don't read about it, because its nothing more than a page of a history book to you. Get your hands out of my pockets, Welfare Whore, and I'll take my shoe out of your ass.

I don't give a fuck what you say you wrote. You have a mental disorder.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently there are whites here that suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Their posts are evidence of this. You racists may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Things did not end with slavery loon.

If you could calm down just a little, perhaps we could have a rational discussion about this?

Did you own slaves? Have you been unjust or even unkind to a black person? If you didn't, why is reparations for slavery or injustices following emancipation your responsibility? I have never harmed or been unkind or discriminated against any black person ever, at least for being black. Why am I responsible to pay reparations to you or anybody else that I had absolutely nothing to do with?

Per Walter Williams in a thoughtful essay four years ago:

. . .Capturing Africans to sell into slavery was done by Arabs and black Africans. Would reparations advocates demand that citizens of Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya and several Muslim states tax themselves to make reparation payments to progeny of people whom their ancestors helped to enslave?. . .​

And he further comments:

. . .There's another moral or fairness issue. A large percentage, if not most, of today's Americans — be they of European, Asian, African or Latin ancestry — don't even go back three or four generations as American citizens. Their ancestors arrived on our shores long after slavery. What standard of justice justifies their being taxed to compensate blacks for slavery? For example, in 1956, thousands of Hungarians fled the brutality of the USSR to settle in the U.S. What do Hungarians owe blacks for slavery? . . .

In there somewhere he pointed out the black slave owners. Can we determine who descended from them in order to hold them accountable for the actions of their ancestors?​

He sums this up in a single question: "What moral principle justifies punishing a white of today to compensate a black of today for what a white of yesterday did to a black of yesterday?"

Slavery Reparations, by Walter E.Williams

Williams agreed that those who savaged the black man via all aspects of slave trade and slave ownership owe restitution to those they mistreated, misused, denied their unalienable rights. But they're all dead now.

Many suffered various kinds of discrimination and/or cultural restrictions through no fault of our own--women, the Irish, the Chinese, Italian miners, etc. etc. etc. And then there are all those cursed with irresponsible and abusive/neglectful parents and were handicapped by that experience. Who is responsible for paying for injustices done to all of those people?

We can learn from our history, understand it, appreciate it, or condemn it, but we can't undo it. And all that would be accomplished by trying is to heap more injustice on top of what has already been done.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)

For. We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Their families sold them. We housed and fed them, gave them and their descendants a better life than mud thatched huts and dirt floors and a direct gateway into America to eventually be doctors, lawyers, CEOs and engineers. I'm all for reparations for that. But the statue of limitations ended about 150 years ago. The guy that owes you is long dead and buried. Want reparations from me? I'll gladly give you a one way ticket back to Ethiopia.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

That's not how it happened. There is no statute if limitations on human rights violations.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently you suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Your posts are evidence of this. You may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Don't try to psychoanalyze me, Jackass, I've written a book on the analysis of personality and disorder. As to your human rights violations, they do indeed end-- -- -- -- with the person that committed them. Slavery was an international and global industry that died two centuries ago. You got a problem with it, don't read about it, because its nothing more than a page of a history book to you. Get your hands out of my pockets, Welfare Whore, and I'll take my shoe out of your ass.

I don't give a fuck what you say you wrote. You have a mental disorder.

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. Apparently there are whites here that suffer from this condition. Specifically Delusional disorder. A person experiencing delusional disorder strongly believes in things that aren’t real. Their posts are evidence of this. You racists may want to check your health insurance to see if your condition is covered then go seek the appropriate medical help.

Things did not end with slavery loon.

If you could calm down just a little, perhaps we could have a rational discussion about this?

Did you own slaves? Have you been unjust or even unkind to a black person? If you didn't, why is reparations for slavery or injustices following emancipation your responsibility? I have never harmed or been unkind or discriminated against any black person ever, at least for being black. Why am I responsible to pay reparations to you or anybody else that I had absolutely nothing to do with?

Per Walter Williams in a thoughtful essay four years ago:

. . .Capturing Africans to sell into slavery was done by Arabs and black Africans. Would reparations advocates demand that citizens of Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya and several Muslim states tax themselves to make reparation payments to progeny of people whom their ancestors helped to enslave?. . .​

And he further comments:

. . .There's another moral or fairness issue. A large percentage, if not most, of today's Americans — be they of European, Asian, African or Latin ancestry — don't even go back three or four generations as American citizens. Their ancestors arrived on our shores long after slavery. What standard of justice justifies their being taxed to compensate blacks for slavery? For example, in 1956, thousands of Hungarians fled the brutality of the USSR to settle in the U.S. What do Hungarians owe blacks for slavery? . . .

In there somewhere he pointed out the black slave owners. Can we determine who descended from them in order to hold them accountable for the actions of their ancestors?​

He sums this up in a single question: "What moral principle justifies punishing a white of today to compensate a black of today for what a white of yesterday did to a black of yesterday?"

Slavery Reparations, by Walter E.Williams

Williams agreed that those who savaged the black man via all aspects of slave trade and slave ownership owe restitution to those they mistreated, misused, denied their unalienable rights. But they're all dead now.

Many suffered various kinds of discrimination and/or cultural restrictions through no fault of our own--women, the Irish, the Chinese, Italian miners, etc. etc. etc. And then there are all those cursed with irresponsible and abusive/neglectful parents and were handicapped by that experience. Who is responsible for paying for injustices done to all of those people?

We can learn from our history, understand it, appreciate it, or condemn it, but we can't undo it. And all that would be accomplished by trying is to heap more injustice on top of what has already been done.

I am having the rational discussion. Everything here you post denies one simple reality. Others have gotten reparations for past wrongs.
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