Sleepy Joe Biden will be our next President

A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.
"One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why"

The vast majority of Democrats likely did. Trump is about to lose this election because so many on the right, while still voting for Republican Congressmen/women, voted to kick Trump to the curb.

Wonder no more, that's why.

Well I'm sure after the next four years they will regret that decision. I'd bet the next four years won't be good for the tax payers in this country and that includes your stupid ass.

Hope you enjoy your victory because I doubt anyone else will.
The next four years will mean that the Chinese will solidify their control.
Trump's not done fighting yet.

If Biden is the next president, I hope he learns how to use Twitter. Otherwise the next 4 years are going to be so boring.
Please..he has a hard enough time keeping his teeth in his mouth.
Sorry RussianWinger, Joe Biden is not President and will NEVER be President. We are praying for President Trump, and YOUR FRAUD is being exposed. Hand recounts and verifications are going to go down in several states.

Trump will be declared your President before Christmas.
Good Biden is In, now all the ignorant sheeples who voted for moron Biden will be bitchin when gas is 7 dollars a gallon, and your job is laid off, I really feel for the gas and oil industry, so many jobs will be toast.Biden and Harris will shut down the whole country over covid you will be screwed,I am going to get out the popcorn and now watch a horror movie unfold.
Yep. Watching the democrats get eaten by the far left loons in their party is going to be a fun side effect of this shit show though ;)
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.

Trump leading in Pennsylvania UNTIL they start counting in the dead of night with no one watching. democrats needed Wednesday and Thursday to know HOW MANY ballots they needed to add.

Your CCP bosses win no matter who takes the presidency - NO ONE will EVER trust American elections again.
The Dems welcome a recount
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

I know that I will sleep better!
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.
I can’t help but laugh at stupid leftists. All you fools thought Harris was a shoe in, touting polls that were again proven nothing but propaganda.
IF Harris does win I will certainly get my laughs when the fools finally realize just how much they screwed themselves over.
IF Harris wins I hope republicans treat them just as well as the democrats treated the president. Calling for his impeachment before one day in office. Calling for the administration to be harassed and all the other things. They should start an investigation immediately after the election is called.
Joe has never been a spreader of fake News nor a 24 hour a day Twitter ranter.
Loser Donnie is getting Schlonged by Joe Biden
If having to manufacture hundred of thousands of fake votes to eek by means “ Schlonged”.

Poor Donnie got a butt kicking worse than Hillary

Only one way to describe him now.......LOSER
From an illegitimate dementia patient that won’t last a year...and had to be dragged over the line by fraud? Not hardly.
How losers react to defeat
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.
The polls were off for the same reason they were in 2016, people are ashamed to say that they are voting for Trump. And shame on them if they felt this way.
Hardly, decent folks just didn't want to be attacked in the streets by rabid 'woke' idiots or have their businesses blacklisted because they didn't conform to liberal standards.
Good to have a President who is respected around the world

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