Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


Feb 14, 2011
This is a big problem for Republicans. We hand this sort of narrative up on a silver platter.

Obviously the left has determined that Santorum is going to be the nominee.

Has anyone told Romney yet?
Amelia,it makes you wonder if its engineered in some fashion for the farleft to win,veru very careless.
Huffington post...again. :rolleyes:

Romney can't even win his own state.

No one wants Romney.

Worst case scenario, it's snatching defeat from the jaws of defeat.
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Huffington post...again. :rolleyes:

Romney can't even win his own state.

No one wants Romney.

Worst case scenario, it's snatching defeat from the jaws of defeat.

Romney is probably the best qualified potential President we've had in decades. His problem is that he's not 'one of the guys'. Frankly, I don't want to elect 'one of the guys', I'd rather we elect a smart President. The sad thing is that some Americans are more concerned with shit than smart.

From Newsmax:

Rasmussen: Santorum Opens 12-Point Lead Over Romney

Wednesday, 15 Feb 2012 01:20 PM
By Paul Scicchitano



Building on his triple play of victories in Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri, former Sen. Rick Santorum has now surged to a 12-point lead over Mitt Romney in the race for the GOP presidential nomination heading into a key battle in Romney’s home state of Michigan.

Political analyst and Democratic pollster Doug Schoen tells Newsmax that Romney’s presidential bid is in “deep trouble” and his campaign badly needs a win in the Great Lakes State before heading into the do-or-die Super Tuesday contests on March 6, where voters in 10 states will pick their candidate to become the GOP presidential nominee.

“Romney is in deep trouble. He’s out of arguments. People don’t buy the central premise of his candidacy that he’s a businessman who can get things moving again,” Schoen said in an exclusive interview on Wednesday. “He’s entirely negative — whether it’s about President Obama, Newt Gingrich and now Rick Santorum. And Rick Santorum’s ad basically sums up the case against Mitt Romney: He’s a serial attacker who offers nothing other than negative ads, super PACs, bundlers and special interest money. It’s a recipe for failure.”

Read more on Santorum Opens 12-Point Lead Over Romney, Rasmussen Poll Shows
Sorry,im with the consensus.santorum will never make it. Hes too far off base,one end,too far off on the other.
Huffington post...again. :rolleyes:

Romney can't even win his own state.

No one wants Romney.

Worst case scenario, it's snatching defeat from the jaws of defeat.

Romney is probably the best qualified potential President we've had in decades. His problem is that he's not 'one of the guys'. Frankly, I don't want to elect 'one of the guys', I'd rather we elect a smart President. The sad thing is that some Americans are more concerned with shit than smart.

His problem is he's far too liberal. My Democrat Governor is way more conservative that Romney...even at his most "severe".

His problem is Romneycare.

His problem is he's been on every side of every issue.

His problem is, when he had an opportunity to advance conservatism as Governor, he did nothing but raise fees to balance the budget.

His problem is he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, with every possible advantage and connection...his dad was a corporate CEO and Governor of Michigan. Is it any wonder he succeeded in business?

His problem is his credibility is zero.

His problem is his brilliant idea for saving the Olympics was to lobby the Government to earmark taxpayer money.

His problem is the only thing he has going for him is he has a huge amount of money to run a mountain of negative ads...he's a one trick pony.

His problem is that even with the entire Republican establishment behind him and a pile of cash, he can't win on his own merit.

That's his problem.
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Sorry,im with the consensus.santorum will never make it. Hes too far off base,one end,too far off on the other.

Santorum won Missouri.

In 2008 McCain won Missouri, over Mike Huckabee...a pastor and governor of neighboring Arkansas.

Either Santorum has a broad base of support or Romney is a disaster...just being an social conservative doesn't cut it here.
Huffington post...again. :rolleyes:

Romney can't even win his own state.

No one wants Romney.

Worst case scenario, it's snatching defeat from the jaws of defeat.

Romney is probably the best qualified potential President we've had in decades. His problem is that he's not 'one of the guys'. Frankly, I don't want to elect 'one of the guys', I'd rather we elect a smart President. The sad thing is that some Americans are more concerned with shit than smart.

Romney lost his smarts when he began catering to the far right. Now he sounds almost as looney as the rest of them.
Huffington post...again. :rolleyes:

Romney can't even win his own state.

No one wants Romney.

Worst case scenario, it's snatching defeat from the jaws of defeat.

Romney is probably the best qualified potential President we've had in decades. His problem is that he's not 'one of the guys'. Frankly, I don't want to elect 'one of the guys', I'd rather we elect a smart President. The sad thing is that some Americans are more concerned with shit than smart.

Romney lost his smarts when he began catering to the far right. Now he sounds almost as looney as the rest of them.
As opposed to catering to the far left when he was Governor?
You wanna know what the problem is with the GOP?

Simple...........they got used to Obama giving in to them during the first 2 years of his presidency, and kept pushing, and he kept backing up.

Now? He's pushing back, and doing it with style. The GOP keeps snatching defeat from the jaws of victory because they think that when he gives in a little, he's gonna give in even more.

They keep missing the traps.
Romney is probably the best qualified potential President we've had in decades.

Carter in '76, Reagan in '84, GHW Bush in '92, Clinton in '96, GW Bush in '04, and Obama in '12 have all been better qualified than Romney by far. The only experience that really prepares a candidate for the presidency is the presidency.

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