Snub: Russians refuse to shake Obama's hand

Obama clearly attempted to shake hands with the first guy. It shows in his face he was snubbed.
No, he didn't, and it is really lame you have to try and promote a dishonest misinterpreted six-year-old video to back up the lie that Obama is was disrespected by the Russians in a 2009 meeting between diplomats of the new administration and the Kremlin.
Last edited:
That's funny

Actually implying that there is significant black representation in the Tea Party
Okay, maybe someone somewhere made a faux pas. I really don't think it's that big of a deal. What does it mean? Nothing. What's going to happen because of it (besides people moaning about it here and on other social network sites)? Nothing.
Actually it is conservatives misrepresenting an old video and taking it completely out of context

Typical games from the right
Again, no other POTUS saw the conservatives swooning over a Russian spymaster. Ever. Policies or not, that's never happened until now.

It's racism pure and simple. Your inability to explain this anomaly is an indication of that
Guess what. We don't give a shit if you think we are racist because we despise Obama. Get out of the 1950s.

Guess what? I don't think you're a racist because you despise Obama. But at some point, one has to wonder why you'd embrace the the "former" head of the KGB--your nation's sworn enemy for 60+ years? No hatred of a man's could make you do that unless it's beyond the hatred of the policies and now you're focused on some sort of perverted deviancy or incongruity of your primal sense of right and wrong or good and bad.

It goes back to how you were raised. Some of us have class, are not so politically aligned with our ego, and know who the real enemies are. And then there are conservatives....
You probably won't like this very much either. :D Lol.

The President's Apology Tour

Meanwhile, the desire for popularity has led Mr. Obama to embrace bad policies. Blaming America for the world financial crisis led him to give into European demands for crackdowns on tax havens and hedge funds. Neither had much to do with the credit crisis. Saying that America's relationship with Russia "has been allowed to drift" led the president to push for arms negotiations. But that draws attention away from America's real problems with Russia: its invasion of Georgia last summer, its bullying of Ukraine, its refusal to join in pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, and its threats of retaliation against the Poles, Balts and Czechs for standing with the U.S. on missile defense.

Mr. Obama is downplaying the threats we face. He takes comfort in thinking that Venezuela has a defense budget that "is probably 1/600th" of America's -- it's actually 1/215th -- but that hasn't kept Mr. Chávez from supporting narcoterrorists waging war on Colombia (a key U.S. ally) or giving petrodollars to anti-American regimes. Venezuela isn't likely to attack the U.S., but it is capable of harming American interests.

Henry Kissinger wrote in his memoir "Years of Renewal": "The great statesmen of the past saw themselves as heroes who took on the burden of their societies' painful journey from the familiar to the as yet unknown. The modern politician is less interested in being a hero than a superstar. Heroes walk alone; stars derive their status from approbation. Heroes are defined by inner values; stars by consensus. When a candidate's views are forged in focus groups and ratified by television anchorpersons, insecurity and superficiality become congenital."

A superstar, not a statesman, today leads our country. That may win short-term applause from foreign audiences, but do little for what should be the chief foreign policy preoccupation of any U.S. president: advancing America's long-term interests.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
No it's not.

Still waiting for examples....just like his supposed hatred of America
He does hate america, if he didn't why would he want to transform it?
No he apologized for america being great. Get your head out of his ass.
Show me a quote or shut the fuck up

You probably won't like this very much either. :D Lol.

The President's Apology Tour

Meanwhile, the desire for popularity has led Mr. Obama to embrace bad policies. Blaming America for the world financial crisis led him to give into European demands for crackdowns on tax havens and hedge funds. Neither had much to do with the credit crisis. Saying that America's relationship with Russia "has been allowed to drift" led the president to push for arms negotiations. But that draws attention away from America's real problems with Russia: its invasion of Georgia last summer, its bullying of Ukraine, its refusal to join in pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, and its threats of retaliation against the Poles, Balts and Czechs for standing with the U.S. on missile defense.

Mr. Obama is downplaying the threats we face. He takes comfort in thinking that Venezuela has a defense budget that "is probably 1/600th" of America's -- it's actually 1/215th -- but that hasn't kept Mr. Chávez from supporting narcoterrorists waging war on Colombia (a key U.S. ally) or giving petrodollars to anti-American regimes. Venezuela isn't likely to attack the U.S., but it is capable of harming American interests.

Henry Kissinger wrote in his memoir "Years of Renewal": "The great statesmen of the past saw themselves as heroes who took on the burden of their societies' painful journey from the familiar to the as yet unknown. The modern politician is less interested in being a hero than a superstar. Heroes walk alone; stars derive their status from approbation. Heroes are defined by inner values; stars by consensus. When a candidate's views are forged in focus groups and ratified by television anchorpersons, insecurity and superficiality become congenital."

A superstar, not a statesman, today leads our country. That may win short-term applause from foreign audiences, but do little for what should be the chief foreign policy preoccupation of any U.S. president: advancing America's long-term interests.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
Our allies were discusted by Bush and appalled by Trump
Like Israel? Our once ally but pretty much an enemy, thanks to Obama.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
No it's not.

Still waiting for examples....just like his supposed hatred of America
He does hate america, if he didn't why would he want to transform it?

Still waiting for examples:
I told you to come back with quotes and don't come back until you've done your job.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
No it's not.

Still waiting for examples....just like his supposed hatred of America
He does hate america, if he didn't why would he want to transform it?
How is making things better hatred?
Show me a quote or shut the fuck up

You probably won't like this very much either. :D Lol.

The President's Apology Tour

Meanwhile, the desire for popularity has led Mr. Obama to embrace bad policies. Blaming America for the world financial crisis led him to give into European demands for crackdowns on tax havens and hedge funds. Neither had much to do with the credit crisis. Saying that America's relationship with Russia "has been allowed to drift" led the president to push for arms negotiations. But that draws attention away from America's real problems with Russia: its invasion of Georgia last summer, its bullying of Ukraine, its refusal to join in pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, and its threats of retaliation against the Poles, Balts and Czechs for standing with the U.S. on missile defense.

Mr. Obama is downplaying the threats we face. He takes comfort in thinking that Venezuela has a defense budget that "is probably 1/600th" of America's -- it's actually 1/215th -- but that hasn't kept Mr. Chávez from supporting narcoterrorists waging war on Colombia (a key U.S. ally) or giving petrodollars to anti-American regimes. Venezuela isn't likely to attack the U.S., but it is capable of harming American interests.

Henry Kissinger wrote in his memoir "Years of Renewal": "The great statesmen of the past saw themselves as heroes who took on the burden of their societies' painful journey from the familiar to the as yet unknown. The modern politician is less interested in being a hero than a superstar. Heroes walk alone; stars derive their status from approbation. Heroes are defined by inner values; stars by consensus. When a candidate's views are forged in focus groups and ratified by television anchorpersons, insecurity and superficiality become congenital."

A superstar, not a statesman, today leads our country. That may win short-term applause from foreign audiences, but do little for what should be the chief foreign policy preoccupation of any U.S. president: advancing America's long-term interests.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
Our allies were discusted by Bush and appalled by Trump
Like Israel? Our once ally but pretty much an enemy, thanks to Obama.

Israel is our enemy? Dream on loser.
Show me a quote or shut the fuck up

You probably won't like this very much either. :D Lol.

The President's Apology Tour

Meanwhile, the desire for popularity has led Mr. Obama to embrace bad policies. Blaming America for the world financial crisis led him to give into European demands for crackdowns on tax havens and hedge funds. Neither had much to do with the credit crisis. Saying that America's relationship with Russia "has been allowed to drift" led the president to push for arms negotiations. But that draws attention away from America's real problems with Russia: its invasion of Georgia last summer, its bullying of Ukraine, its refusal to join in pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, and its threats of retaliation against the Poles, Balts and Czechs for standing with the U.S. on missile defense.

Mr. Obama is downplaying the threats we face. He takes comfort in thinking that Venezuela has a defense budget that "is probably 1/600th" of America's -- it's actually 1/215th -- but that hasn't kept Mr. Chávez from supporting narcoterrorists waging war on Colombia (a key U.S. ally) or giving petrodollars to anti-American regimes. Venezuela isn't likely to attack the U.S., but it is capable of harming American interests.

Henry Kissinger wrote in his memoir "Years of Renewal": "The great statesmen of the past saw themselves as heroes who took on the burden of their societies' painful journey from the familiar to the as yet unknown. The modern politician is less interested in being a hero than a superstar. Heroes walk alone; stars derive their status from approbation. Heroes are defined by inner values; stars by consensus. When a candidate's views are forged in focus groups and ratified by television anchorpersons, insecurity and superficiality become congenital."

A superstar, not a statesman, today leads our country. That may win short-term applause from foreign audiences, but do little for what should be the chief foreign policy preoccupation of any U.S. president: advancing America's long-term interests.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
Our allies were discusted by Bush and appalled by Trump
Like Israel? Our once ally but pretty much an enemy, thanks to Obama.

Israel is an enemy?

Who'd a thunk it?
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
No it's not.

Still waiting for examples....just like his supposed hatred of America
He does hate america, if he didn't why would he want to transform it?

Still waiting for examples:
I told you to come back with quotes and don't come back until you've done your job.
I gave three yesterday, learn to read.
You probably won't like this very much either. :D Lol.

The President's Apology Tour

Meanwhile, the desire for popularity has led Mr. Obama to embrace bad policies. Blaming America for the world financial crisis led him to give into European demands for crackdowns on tax havens and hedge funds. Neither had much to do with the credit crisis. Saying that America's relationship with Russia "has been allowed to drift" led the president to push for arms negotiations. But that draws attention away from America's real problems with Russia: its invasion of Georgia last summer, its bullying of Ukraine, its refusal to join in pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, and its threats of retaliation against the Poles, Balts and Czechs for standing with the U.S. on missile defense.

Mr. Obama is downplaying the threats we face. He takes comfort in thinking that Venezuela has a defense budget that "is probably 1/600th" of America's -- it's actually 1/215th -- but that hasn't kept Mr. Chávez from supporting narcoterrorists waging war on Colombia (a key U.S. ally) or giving petrodollars to anti-American regimes. Venezuela isn't likely to attack the U.S., but it is capable of harming American interests.

Henry Kissinger wrote in his memoir "Years of Renewal": "The great statesmen of the past saw themselves as heroes who took on the burden of their societies' painful journey from the familiar to the as yet unknown. The modern politician is less interested in being a hero than a superstar. Heroes walk alone; stars derive their status from approbation. Heroes are defined by inner values; stars by consensus. When a candidate's views are forged in focus groups and ratified by television anchorpersons, insecurity and superficiality become congenital."

A superstar, not a statesman, today leads our country. That may win short-term applause from foreign audiences, but do little for what should be the chief foreign policy preoccupation of any U.S. president: advancing America's long-term interests.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
Our allies were discusted by Bush and appalled by Trump
Like Israel? Our once ally but pretty much an enemy, thanks to Obama.

Israel is our enemy? Dream on loser.
Is real is getting fucked by Obama.
You probably won't like this very much either. :D Lol.

The President's Apology Tour

Meanwhile, the desire for popularity has led Mr. Obama to embrace bad policies. Blaming America for the world financial crisis led him to give into European demands for crackdowns on tax havens and hedge funds. Neither had much to do with the credit crisis. Saying that America's relationship with Russia "has been allowed to drift" led the president to push for arms negotiations. But that draws attention away from America's real problems with Russia: its invasion of Georgia last summer, its bullying of Ukraine, its refusal to join in pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, and its threats of retaliation against the Poles, Balts and Czechs for standing with the U.S. on missile defense.

Mr. Obama is downplaying the threats we face. He takes comfort in thinking that Venezuela has a defense budget that "is probably 1/600th" of America's -- it's actually 1/215th -- but that hasn't kept Mr. Chávez from supporting narcoterrorists waging war on Colombia (a key U.S. ally) or giving petrodollars to anti-American regimes. Venezuela isn't likely to attack the U.S., but it is capable of harming American interests.

Henry Kissinger wrote in his memoir "Years of Renewal": "The great statesmen of the past saw themselves as heroes who took on the burden of their societies' painful journey from the familiar to the as yet unknown. The modern politician is less interested in being a hero than a superstar. Heroes walk alone; stars derive their status from approbation. Heroes are defined by inner values; stars by consensus. When a candidate's views are forged in focus groups and ratified by television anchorpersons, insecurity and superficiality become congenital."

A superstar, not a statesman, today leads our country. That may win short-term applause from foreign audiences, but do little for what should be the chief foreign policy preoccupation of any U.S. president: advancing America's long-term interests.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
Our allies were discusted by Bush and appalled by Trump
Like Israel? Our once ally but pretty much an enemy, thanks to Obama.

Israel is an enemy?

Who'd a thunk it?
Obama is working on it. I bet their leader loved you liberals when he came and talked to congress. Never seen so much hate.

Still waiting for examples....just like his supposed hatred of America
He does hate america, if he didn't why would he want to transform it?

Still waiting for examples:
I told you to come back with quotes and don't come back until you've done your job.
I gave three yesterday, learn to read.

And they were so memorable....oh dreamed it.
I still don't see a single quote there that I would disagree with

Obama tried to patch up relationships with our allies. Eight years of Bush did a lot of damage
Obama pissed off our allies and buddied up to our enemies
Our allies were discusted by Bush and appalled by Trump
Like Israel? Our once ally but pretty much an enemy, thanks to Obama.

Israel is our enemy? Dream on loser.
Is real is getting fucked by Obama.


Fantasizing again?
No it's not.

Still waiting for examples....just like his supposed hatred of America
He does hate america, if he didn't why would he want to transform it?

Still waiting for examples:
I told you to come back with quotes and don't come back until you've done your job.
I gave three yesterday, learn to read.

And they were so memorable....oh dreamed it.
They were quotes. Can you say president Trump? You can thank Obama for him.
Still waiting for examples....just like his supposed hatred of America
He does hate america, if he didn't why would he want to transform it?

Still waiting for examples:
I told you to come back with quotes and don't come back until you've done your job.
I gave three yesterday, learn to read.

And they were so memorable....oh dreamed it.
They were quotes. Can you say president Trump? You can thank Obama for him.

Sure I can say president Trump (though me nor anyone else will ever have to) And you should vote for him in the primaries. Twice. Bring 10, no bring 100 friends. Stand outside Hispanic and Black polling places with your automatic weapons etc.... Do whatever you can to nominate Donald Trump.

Bring it on!!!!

Meanwhile your "quotes" are missing. Not that they ever were here to start with.....#gimmebackmyquotes


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