So, are you right wingers ready to admit that ...

Which is why that poll is the least accurate among all the polls when it comes to presidential job approval. And because it’s least accurate, causing it to be regularly higher than the rest, it’s the only poll rightards want to look at.

Rasmussen, one of two polls most accurately forecasting the 2016 presidential election.

But, thank you, thank you for going out of your way to again demonstrate your desperation and frustration at LOSING AGAIN! So much fun!

Wrong. Rasmussen was not even close.

Rasmussen said Clinton would get 45%, Trump 43%.

The actual result was Clinton 48.2% and Trump 46.1%.

First, please save that old, 'they got the percentage difference almost right'. So what? By that standard, if another poll had predicted Clinton would get 12.2% and Trump 10.1% - that would mean they were more accurate then Rasmussen (by your standards) because they got the percentage difference bang on. Which is - obviously - utter nonsense.
Total percentage differential is obviously what determines who was closest.

And Rasmussen was over 3% wrong on Clinton and over 3% wrong on Trump. That leaves a total of over 6% off.

Fox News said 48% and 44%. So they were dead on with Clinton and only off by two on Trump. So they were way closer then pathetic, biased Rasmussen.
Economist/YouGov said 49% and 45% (Clinton/Trump, respectively). They also were only off by 2%...far closer then Rasmussen.
ABC/Washington Post said 49%/45%. Hell they almost got it dead by less than 1% total. MILES better then Rasmussen did.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Rasmussen was light years from being the most accurate pollsters on the 2016 election night.
Nice effort, but rightards are allergic to numbers. They won’t get it.
They won't get this either
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff fired back at Republicans on his committee, including disgraced former chair Devin Nunes, calling for his resignation du...

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About this website


Rep. Schiff’s controlled anger at GOP’s indifference on Russia
i saw / heard the 'pencil neck' yesterday , what a 'hero' you got there Edward .
It was great Something you should listen to and see what scum you're in bed with
Rasmussen, one of two polls most accurately forecasting the 2016 presidential election.

But, thank you, thank you for going out of your way to again demonstrate your desperation and frustration at LOSING AGAIN! So much fun!

Wrong. Rasmussen was not even close.

Rasmussen said Clinton would get 45%, Trump 43%.

The actual result was Clinton 48.2% and Trump 46.1%.

First, please save that old, 'they got the percentage difference almost right'. So what? By that standard, if another poll had predicted Clinton would get 12.2% and Trump 10.1% - that would mean they were more accurate then Rasmussen (by your standards) because they got the percentage difference bang on. Which is - obviously - utter nonsense.
Total percentage differential is obviously what determines who was closest.

And Rasmussen was over 3% wrong on Clinton and over 3% wrong on Trump. That leaves a total of over 6% off.

Fox News said 48% and 44%. So they were dead on with Clinton and only off by two on Trump. So they were way closer then pathetic, biased Rasmussen.
Economist/YouGov said 49% and 45% (Clinton/Trump, respectively). They also were only off by 2%...far closer then Rasmussen.
ABC/Washington Post said 49%/45%. Hell they almost got it dead by less than 1% total. MILES better then Rasmussen did.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Rasmussen was light years from being the most accurate pollsters on the 2016 election night.
Nice effort, but rightards are allergic to numbers. They won’t get it.
They won't get this either
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff fired back at Republicans on his committee, including disgraced former chair Devin Nunes, calling for his resignation du...

See More

About this website


Rep. Schiff’s controlled anger at GOP’s indifference on Russia
i saw / heard the 'pencil neck' yesterday , what a 'hero' you got there Edward .
It was great Something you should listen to and see what scum you're in bed with
---------------------------------------------------------- i listened and i laughed , it was funny Edward .
Wrong. Rasmussen was not even close.

Rasmussen said Clinton would get 45%, Trump 43%.

The actual result was Clinton 48.2% and Trump 46.1%.

First, please save that old, 'they got the percentage difference almost right'. So what? By that standard, if another poll had predicted Clinton would get 12.2% and Trump 10.1% - that would mean they were more accurate then Rasmussen (by your standards) because they got the percentage difference bang on. Which is - obviously - utter nonsense.
Total percentage differential is obviously what determines who was closest.

And Rasmussen was over 3% wrong on Clinton and over 3% wrong on Trump. That leaves a total of over 6% off.

Fox News said 48% and 44%. So they were dead on with Clinton and only off by two on Trump. So they were way closer then pathetic, biased Rasmussen.
Economist/YouGov said 49% and 45% (Clinton/Trump, respectively). They also were only off by 2%...far closer then Rasmussen.
ABC/Washington Post said 49%/45%. Hell they almost got it dead by less than 1% total. MILES better then Rasmussen did.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Rasmussen was light years from being the most accurate pollsters on the 2016 election night.
Nice effort, but rightards are allergic to numbers. They won’t get it.
They won't get this either
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff fired back at Republicans on his committee, including disgraced former chair Devin Nunes, calling for his resignation du...

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About this website


Rep. Schiff’s controlled anger at GOP’s indifference on Russia
i saw / heard the 'pencil neck' yesterday , what a 'hero' you got there Edward .
It was great Something you should listen to and see what scum you're in bed with
---------------------------------------------------------- i listened and i laughed , it was funny Edward .
I didn't think so IF anything it raised my disliking republicans to an even higher level ,,,IF that was possible
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Mueller was a pawn. I think few will honestly disagree with that.
He was given a mission: Find something to stick. He didn't. And now he will be thrown under the bus.
If the elected Dems cared more for their country than their hatred of Trump - they would move on and get back to the business of running the country.
But of course they won't... they have a plan, either act outrageous and make claims of cover up if they don't get the full report - or get the report and make all kinds of accusations, assumptions to prove they were right.
And this only will serve to further divide the country.
Which is why that poll is the least accurate among all the polls when it comes to presidential job approval. And because it’s least accurate, causing it to be regularly higher than the rest, it’s the only poll rightards want to look at.

Rasmussen, one of two polls most accurately forecasting the 2016 presidential election.

But, thank you, thank you for going out of your way to again demonstrate your desperation and frustration at LOSING AGAIN! So much fun!

Wrong. Rasmussen was not even close.

Rasmussen said Clinton would get 45%, Trump 43%.

The actual result was Clinton 48.2% and Trump 46.1%.

First, please save that old, 'they got the percentage difference almost right'. So what? By that standard, if another poll had predicted Clinton would get 12.2% and Trump 10.1% - that would mean they were more accurate then Rasmussen (by your standards) because they got the percentage difference bang on. Which is - obviously - utter nonsense.
Total percentage differential is obviously what determines who was closest.

And Rasmussen was over 3% wrong on Clinton and over 3% wrong on Trump. That leaves a total of over 6% off.

Fox News said 48% and 44%. So they were dead on with Clinton and only off by two on Trump. So they were way closer then pathetic, biased Rasmussen.
Economist/YouGov said 49% and 45% (Clinton/Trump, respectively). They also were only off by 2%...far closer then Rasmussen.
ABC/Washington Post said 49%/45%. Hell they almost got it dead by less than 1% total. MILES better then Rasmussen did.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Rasmussen was light years from being the most accurate pollsters on the 2016 election night.
Nice effort, but rightards are allergic to numbers. They won’t get it.
They won't get this either
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff fired back at Republicans on his committee, including disgraced former chair Devin Nunes, calling for his resignation du...

See More

About this website


Rep. Schiff’s controlled anger at GOP’s indifference on Russia
He had his chance. Its over. Keep purchasing your guns people.
Nice effort, but rightards are allergic to numbers. They won’t get it.
They won't get this either
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff fired back at Republicans on his committee, including disgraced former chair Devin Nunes, calling for his resignation du...

See More

About this website


Rep. Schiff’s controlled anger at GOP’s indifference on Russia
i saw / heard the 'pencil neck' yesterday , what a 'hero' you got there Edward .
It was great Something you should listen to and see what scum you're in bed with
---------------------------------------------------------- i listened and i laughed , it was funny Edward .
I didn't think so IF anything it raised my disliking republicans to an even higher level ,,,IF that was possible
------------------------------- well GOOD . I'm no repub technically speaking but did vote for the TRUMP Edward .
They won't get this either
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff fired back at Republicans on his committee, including disgraced former chair Devin Nunes, calling for his resignation du...

See More

About this website


Rep. Schiff’s controlled anger at GOP’s indifference on Russia
i saw / heard the 'pencil neck' yesterday , what a 'hero' you got there Edward .
It was great Something you should listen to and see what scum you're in bed with
---------------------------------------------------------- i listened and i laughed , it was funny Edward .
I didn't think so IF anything it raised my disliking republicans to an even higher level ,,,IF that was possible
------------------------------- well GOOD . I'm no repub technically speaking but did vote for the TRUMP Edward .
And this is what you got
I Second That Bullshit Call

... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?
Of course he was. That explains all of those extraneous charges on trump associates that had nothing to do with the Russian probe. The Corsi matter tells it all.
i saw / heard the 'pencil neck' yesterday , what a 'hero' you got there Edward .
It was great Something you should listen to and see what scum you're in bed with
---------------------------------------------------------- i listened and i laughed , it was funny Edward .
I didn't think so IF anything it raised my disliking republicans to an even higher level ,,,IF that was possible
------------------------------- well GOOD . I'm no repub technically speaking but did vote for the TRUMP Edward .
And this is what you got
I Second That Bullshit Call

------------------------------- hey Edward , i think that the USA is on its last legs compared to my earlier times in the USA or my parents experience of America . That being said , the Trump is better then all the other 'repubs' that Trump beat out for nomination and President . And certainly better than 'hilary' or any other 'dem' . Anyway , The TRUMP is the best we got for these End Times of the USA , IMO Edward .
It was great Something you should listen to and see what scum you're in bed with
---------------------------------------------------------- i listened and i laughed , it was funny Edward .
I didn't think so IF anything it raised my disliking republicans to an even higher level ,,,IF that was possible
------------------------------- well GOOD . I'm no repub technically speaking but did vote for the TRUMP Edward .
And this is what you got
I Second That Bullshit Call

------------------------------- hey Edward , i think that the USA is on its last legs compared to my earlier times in the USA or my parents experience of America .
Oh? What do you think caused this slide?
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Mueller was a pawn. I think few will honestly disagree with that.
He was given a mission: Find something to stick. He didn't. And now he will be thrown under the bus.
If the elected Dems cared more for their country than their hatred of Trump - they would move on and get back to the business of running the country.
But of course they won't... they have a plan, either act outrageous and make claims of cover up if they don't get the full report - or get the report and make all kinds of accusations, assumptions to prove they were right.
And this only will serve to further divide the country.
/---- Daily Reminder for Libs
Muller got nothing.jpg
---------------------------------------------------------- i listened and i laughed , it was funny Edward .
I didn't think so IF anything it raised my disliking republicans to an even higher level ,,,IF that was possible
------------------------------- well GOOD . I'm no repub technically speaking but did vote for the TRUMP Edward .
And this is what you got
I Second That Bullshit Call

------------------------------- hey Edward , i think that the USA is on its last legs compared to my earlier times in the USA or my parents experience of America .
Oh? What do you think caused this slide?
--------------------------------------------- hey Faun . Many people don't recognize a Slide because they grew up with things slowly evolving away from Freedom . But the Slide is apparent to some older folks that grew up experiencing more Freedom than what is available today . CAUSES , i think its just more Laws , Rules and Regulations in all aspects of life and what used to be lifes personal choices . And a larger and growing population of diverse imported and domestic type people that are at each others throats much of the time . The imported problem people are obvious to see and the domestic problem people are pretty much just wierdos looking for weird [socalled] Rights . USA will survive but its going to be way different in a bad way then it was during my parents lifetime [much of which i remember or know about] or my earlier days as an American Faun .
I didn't think so IF anything it raised my disliking republicans to an even higher level ,,,IF that was possible
------------------------------- well GOOD . I'm no repub technically speaking but did vote for the TRUMP Edward .
And this is what you got
I Second That Bullshit Call

------------------------------- hey Edward , i think that the USA is on its last legs compared to my earlier times in the USA or my parents experience of America .
Oh? What do you think caused this slide?
--------------------------------------------- hey Faun . Many people don't recognize a Slide because they grew up with things slowly evolving away from Freedom . But the Slide is apparent to some older folks that grew up experiencing more Freedom than what is available today . CAUSES , i think its just more Laws , Rules and Regulations in all aspects of life and what used to be lifes personal choices . And a larger and growing population of diverse imported and domestic type people that are at each others throats much of the time . The imported problem people are obvious to see and the domestic problem people are pretty much just wierdos looking for weird [socalled] Rights . USA will survive but its going to be way different in a bad way then it was during my parents lifetime [much of which i remember or know about] or my earlier days as an American Faun .
That is true of almost anytime in America from the mid 1800’s and on.
------------------------------- well GOOD . I'm no repub technically speaking but did vote for the TRUMP Edward .
And this is what you got
I Second That Bullshit Call

------------------------------- hey Edward , i think that the USA is on its last legs compared to my earlier times in the USA or my parents experience of America .
Oh? What do you think caused this slide?
--------------------------------------------- hey Faun . Many people don't recognize a Slide because they grew up with things slowly evolving away from Freedom . But the Slide is apparent to some older folks that grew up experiencing more Freedom than what is available today . CAUSES , i think its just more Laws , Rules and Regulations in all aspects of life and what used to be lifes personal choices . And a larger and growing population of diverse imported and domestic type people that are at each others throats much of the time . The imported problem people are obvious to see and the domestic problem people are pretty much just wierdos looking for weird [socalled] Rights . USA will survive but its going to be way different in a bad way then it was during my parents lifetime [much of which i remember or know about] or my earlier days as an American Faun .
That is true of almost anytime in America from the mid 1800’s and on.
----------------------------------------- so YOU say , i can only counter by saying that neither YOU or i were there and and also 'so what' . As i said , my judgement is that the USA is on its last legs . As just 2 example there were no wierdo males [criminals] running around saying that they had a RIGHT to use a Girls bathroom and there was not a RIGHT to kill new babies that were just born . Anyway , things are cool but ' I ' think that the USA is circling the drain , imo Faun .
and if diminishing FREEDOM is acceptable , well i think thats what YOU will be getting as time moves on Faun .
And this is what you got
I Second That Bullshit Call

------------------------------- hey Edward , i think that the USA is on its last legs compared to my earlier times in the USA or my parents experience of America .
Oh? What do you think caused this slide?
--------------------------------------------- hey Faun . Many people don't recognize a Slide because they grew up with things slowly evolving away from Freedom . But the Slide is apparent to some older folks that grew up experiencing more Freedom than what is available today . CAUSES , i think its just more Laws , Rules and Regulations in all aspects of life and what used to be lifes personal choices . And a larger and growing population of diverse imported and domestic type people that are at each others throats much of the time . The imported problem people are obvious to see and the domestic problem people are pretty much just wierdos looking for weird [socalled] Rights . USA will survive but its going to be way different in a bad way then it was during my parents lifetime [much of which i remember or know about] or my earlier days as an American Faun .
That is true of almost anytime in America from the mid 1800’s and on.
----------------------------------------- so YOU say , i can only counter by saying that neither YOU or i were there and and also 'so what' . As i said , my judgement is that the USA is on its last legs . As just 2 example there were no wierdo males [criminals] running around saying that they had a RIGHT to use a Girls bathroom and there was not a RIGHT to kill new babies that were just born . Anyway , things are cool but ' I ' think that the USA is circling the drain , imo Faun .
I didn’t have to be alive in the 1800’s to know there was massive immigration from Europe and Asia to know it occurred. But I am alive today to know the country survived and even thrived.
------------------------------- hey Edward , i think that the USA is on its last legs compared to my earlier times in the USA or my parents experience of America .
Oh? What do you think caused this slide?
--------------------------------------------- hey Faun . Many people don't recognize a Slide because they grew up with things slowly evolving away from Freedom . But the Slide is apparent to some older folks that grew up experiencing more Freedom than what is available today . CAUSES , i think its just more Laws , Rules and Regulations in all aspects of life and what used to be lifes personal choices . And a larger and growing population of diverse imported and domestic type people that are at each others throats much of the time . The imported problem people are obvious to see and the domestic problem people are pretty much just wierdos looking for weird [socalled] Rights . USA will survive but its going to be way different in a bad way then it was during my parents lifetime [much of which i remember or know about] or my earlier days as an American Faun .
That is true of almost anytime in America from the mid 1800’s and on.
----------------------------------------- so YOU say , i can only counter by saying that neither YOU or i were there and and also 'so what' . As i said , my judgement is that the USA is on its last legs . As just 2 example there were no wierdo males [criminals] running around saying that they had a RIGHT to use a Girls bathroom and there was not a RIGHT to kill new babies that were just born . Anyway , things are cool but ' I ' think that the USA is circling the drain , imo Faun .
I didn’t have to be alive in the 1800’s to know there was massive immigration from Europe and Asia to know it occurred. But I am alive today to know the country survived and even thrived.
------------------------------------ immigration into the USA in the 1800s was labor . After labor was done they stayed and became American and thats far different than today . And 'euros' are fine as most were Western in Culture . In other words , the 'euros' were similar to the people that founded this USA . As far as the 'chinese' they came as 'labor' and all were stuck here and they became Americans . There was no jumping on a BOAT to return to 'china' or 'euroland' anyway [expense] . And immigration , mostly my replies are about Diminishing Freedom in the USA rather than immigration . Although 'diversity' and immigration is a problem in this day and age as 'diversity' leads to an ununified nation . See 'talib' , ilham omar' and the 'somalis' in Minnesota that want 'shariah' law in the USA . See the invaders at the gates at USA Southern Border Faun .
Last edited:
Oh? What do you think caused this slide?
--------------------------------------------- hey Faun . Many people don't recognize a Slide because they grew up with things slowly evolving away from Freedom . But the Slide is apparent to some older folks that grew up experiencing more Freedom than what is available today . CAUSES , i think its just more Laws , Rules and Regulations in all aspects of life and what used to be lifes personal choices . And a larger and growing population of diverse imported and domestic type people that are at each others throats much of the time . The imported problem people are obvious to see and the domestic problem people are pretty much just wierdos looking for weird [socalled] Rights . USA will survive but its going to be way different in a bad way then it was during my parents lifetime [much of which i remember or know about] or my earlier days as an American Faun .
That is true of almost anytime in America from the mid 1800’s and on.
----------------------------------------- so YOU say , i can only counter by saying that neither YOU or i were there and and also 'so what' . As i said , my judgement is that the USA is on its last legs . As just 2 example there were no wierdo males [criminals] running around saying that they had a RIGHT to use a Girls bathroom and there was not a RIGHT to kill new babies that were just born . Anyway , things are cool but ' I ' think that the USA is circling the drain , imo Faun .
I didn’t have to be alive in the 1800’s to know there was massive immigration from Europe and Asia to know it occurred. But I am alive today to know the country survived and even thrived.
------------------------------------ immigration into the USA in the 1800s was labor . After labor was done they stayed and became American and thats far different than today . And 'euros' are fine as most were Western in Culture . In other words , the 'euros' were similar to the people that founded this USA . As far as the 'chinese' they came as 'labor' and all were stuck here and they became Americans . There was no jumping on a BOAT to return to 'china' or 'euroland' anyway [expense] . And immigration , mostly my replies are about Diminishing Freedom in the USA rather than immigration . Although 'diversity' and immigration is a problem in this day and age as 'diversity' leads to an ununified nation . See 'talib' , ilham omar' and the 'somalis' in Minnesota that want 'shariah' law in the USA . See the invaders at the gates at USA Southern Border Faun .
I would love to see the gov take a poke at Trump. The secret service would take him down in a New York second. How would the guy look with a canine agent's teeth in his ass. Then of course the inevitable arrest for assault.

I'd love to see it. Truly I would.

For what?


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