So Coats and Hapel said they were misquoted and Trump said it was


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
fake news. I saw them say what they said and no the were not misquoted Trump, and it was not fake news.

Hundreds watched it and have been hearing what they said from their own lips.

President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that his top intelligence officials were "misquoted" and "taken out of context" when they publicly broke with some of his core foreign policy views during congressional testimony earlier this week.

CIA Director Gina Haspel and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats on Tuesday shared assessments that were at odds with Trump's talking points on sensitive issues such as North Korea and ISIS, prompting Trump to lash out at his intelligence officials, calling them "naive" and that they should "go back to school."
Trump claims his intel chiefs were 'misquoted' when they publicly broke with him
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fake news. I saw them say what they said and no the were not misquoted Trump, and it was not fake news.

Hundreds watched it and have been hearing what they said from their own lips.

President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that his top intelligence officials were "misquoted" and "taken out of context" when they publicly broke with some of his core foreign policy views during congressional testimony earlier this week.

CIA Director Gina Haspel and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats on Tuesday shared assessments that were at odds with Trump's talking points on sensitive issues such as North Korea and ISIS, prompting Trump to lash out at his intelligence officials, calling them "naive" and that they should "go back to school."
Trump claims his intel chiefs were 'misquoted' when they publicly broke with him
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say!
How can we be sure the LW media didn't alter the video? Just because we hear and see stuff doesn't necessarily make it true. Like Obama's birthcertificate. And Hillary really did directly sell our uranimum to Russia. (LOL)
Day three of the lolberals defending war hawk Bushbot neocons.

TFF! :auiqs.jpg:
The CNN live reporter said that ISIS went from controlling an area the size of KY to 1 square mile. Then the DNI comes on and says that ISIS is still dangerous, has thousands of fighters, and would reconstitute after being defeated.
Trump said that ISIS was defeated, I don't see that as inconsistent. Going from an area of 40,409 sq miles to 1 sq mile says that ISIS is defeated and are being mopped up. But as the DNI said, even after defeat they are still dangerous.

The DNI said that it is doubtful that NK would ever give up its nukes. Trump and Pompeo agree with that, and insist on verification before any lifting of sanctions. Again, I don't see any inconsistency. Trump is still negotiating with NK, there is no agreement or treaty yet. Trump tweeted: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” (link below)
OK, so Trump jumped the gun with that tweet, but the negotiations are still in progress. Its not like Trump said that the US and NK are good now, we're all done negotiating, the sanctions can be lifted. I think he meant that the NK nuclear testing and missiles over Japan have stopped. i.e. no more Hawaiian air raids.

MSM's headlines were "U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS"
U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS
CIA director Gina Haspel agreed that ISIS is still a threat. “They’re still dangerous,” she told senators. “They still have thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria. We are going to work very hard to finish that mission.”
She stated that the job is not 100% finished, but we all know that we are in the process of mopping up the last 1 mile square, which should be done in a very short time. I don't see the major contradiction with Trump, ISIS is defeated, not 100%, maybe 99.5% or so, but I don't see the major disagreement between Trump and the intel chiefs.

Conclude: The MSM always puts the maximum negative spin on any story where Trump is involved, instead of looking for common ground.
The CNN live reporter said that ISIS went from controlling an area the size of KY to 1 square mile. Then the DNI comes on and says that ISIS is still dangerous, has thousands of fighters, and would reconstitute after being defeated.
Trump said that ISIS was defeated, I don't see that as inconsistent. Going from an area of 40,409 sq miles to 1 sq mile says that ISIS is defeated and are being mopped up. But as the DNI said, even after defeat they are still dangerous.

The DNI said that it is doubtful that NK would ever give up its nukes. Trump and Pompeo agree with that, and insist on verification before any lifting of sanctions. Again, I don't see any inconsistency. Trump is still negotiating with NK, there is no agreement or treaty yet. Trump tweeted: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” (link below)
OK, so Trump jumped the gun with that tweet, but the negotiations are still in progress. Its not like Trump said that the US and NK are good now, we're all done negotiating, the sanctions can be lifted. I think he meant that the NK nuclear testing and missiles over Japan have stopped. i.e. no more Hawaiian air raids.

MSM's headlines were "U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS"
U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS
CIA director Gina Haspel agreed that ISIS is still a threat. “They’re still dangerous,” she told senators. “They still have thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria. We are going to work very hard to finish that mission.”
She stated that the job is not 100% finished, but we all know that we are in the process of mopping up the last 1 mile square, which should be done in a very short time. I don't see the major contradiction with Trump, ISIS is defeated, not 100%, maybe 99.5% or so, but I don't see the major disagreement between Trump and the intel chiefs.

Conclude: The MSM always puts the maximum negative spin on any story where Trump is involved, instead of looking for common ground.
The issue has always been where does ISIS personnel go when their "territory" occupied. Removing our forces means we have no influence upon that.
How can we be sure the LW media didn't alter the video? Just because we hear and see stuff doesn't necessarily make it true. Like Obama's birthcertificate. And Hillary really did directly sell our uranimum to Russia. (LOL)

Obama birth cert was legit,and no Hillary did not directly sell any uranium to Russia. You could of watched it live on TV and I suspect its on Cspan.
Not only was the hearing live, but there is also a report authored by the intelligence community that mirrors what was said on the live broadcast of the hearings.
Statement for the Record: 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community
Trump blatantly lies again and Little Trumpsters go in the denial mode, again.
I also like how they think they know more than the well backed facts, without having hard evidence, just using Trump sucking biased theory. Talk about being predictable again.
The CNN live reporter said that ISIS went from controlling an area the size of KY to 1 square mile. Then the DNI comes on and says that ISIS is still dangerous, has thousands of fighters, and would reconstitute after being defeated.
Trump said that ISIS was defeated, I don't see that as inconsistent. Going from an area of 40,409 sq miles to 1 sq mile says that ISIS is defeated and are being mopped up. But as the DNI said, even after defeat they are still dangerous.

The DNI said that it is doubtful that NK would ever give up its nukes. Trump and Pompeo agree with that, and insist on verification before any lifting of sanctions. Again, I don't see any inconsistency. Trump is still negotiating with NK, there is no agreement or treaty yet. Trump tweeted: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” (link below)
OK, so Trump jumped the gun with that tweet, but the negotiations are still in progress. Its not like Trump said that the US and NK are good now, we're all done negotiating, the sanctions can be lifted. I think he meant that the NK nuclear testing and missiles over Japan have stopped. i.e. no more Hawaiian air raids.

MSM's headlines were "U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS"
U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS
CIA director Gina Haspel agreed that ISIS is still a threat. “They’re still dangerous,” she told senators. “They still have thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria. We are going to work very hard to finish that mission.”
She stated that the job is not 100% finished, but we all know that we are in the process of mopping up the last 1 mile square, which should be done in a very short time. I don't see the major contradiction with Trump, ISIS is defeated, not 100%, maybe 99.5% or so, but I don't see the major disagreement between Trump and the intel chiefs.

Conclude: The MSM always puts the maximum negative spin on any story where Trump is involved, instead of looking for common ground.
The issue has always been where does ISIS personnel go when their "territory" occupied. Removing our forces means we have no influence upon that.

Trump is watching the dollars being spent and wants to get the US out of Syria sooner rather than later. Mattis was concerned for the Kurd allies and what Turkey would do to them when the US pulls out. The ISIS fighters being captured, include Americans?? I know what I'd do with captured ISIS fighters. Do we really give a fig what happens when Kurds capture ISIS fighters?
Kurdish Forces: Two American ISIS Fighters Captured
Bolton arrives in Turkey amid tensions over U.S. withdrawal from Syria
The CNN live reporter said that ISIS went from controlling an area the size of KY to 1 square mile. Then the DNI comes on and says that ISIS is still dangerous, has thousands of fighters, and would reconstitute after being defeated.
Trump said that ISIS was defeated, I don't see that as inconsistent. Going from an area of 40,409 sq miles to 1 sq mile says that ISIS is defeated and are being mopped up. But as the DNI said, even after defeat they are still dangerous.

The DNI said that it is doubtful that NK would ever give up its nukes. Trump and Pompeo agree with that, and insist on verification before any lifting of sanctions. Again, I don't see any inconsistency. Trump is still negotiating with NK, there is no agreement or treaty yet. Trump tweeted: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” (link below)
OK, so Trump jumped the gun with that tweet, but the negotiations are still in progress. Its not like Trump said that the US and NK are good now, we're all done negotiating, the sanctions can be lifted. I think he meant that the NK nuclear testing and missiles over Japan have stopped. i.e. no more Hawaiian air raids.

MSM's headlines were "U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS"
U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS
CIA director Gina Haspel agreed that ISIS is still a threat. “They’re still dangerous,” she told senators. “They still have thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria. We are going to work very hard to finish that mission.”
She stated that the job is not 100% finished, but we all know that we are in the process of mopping up the last 1 mile square, which should be done in a very short time. I don't see the major contradiction with Trump, ISIS is defeated, not 100%, maybe 99.5% or so, but I don't see the major disagreement between Trump and the intel chiefs.

Conclude: The MSM always puts the maximum negative spin on any story where Trump is involved, instead of looking for common ground.
The issue has always been where does ISIS personnel go when their "territory" occupied. Removing our forces means we have no influence upon that.

Trump is watching the dollars being spent and wants to get the US out of Syria sooner rather than later. Mattis was concerned for the Kurd allies and what Turkey would do to them when the US pulls out. The ISIS fighters being captured, include Americans?? I know what I'd do with captured ISIS fighters. Do we really give a fig what happens when Kurds capture ISIS fighters?
Kurdish Forces: Two American ISIS Fighters Captured
Bolton arrives in Turkey amid tensions over U.S. withdrawal from Syria

You are assuming the Kurds will capture the ISIS fighters, and Trump doesn't give a shit aobut spending.
The CNN live reporter said that ISIS went from controlling an area the size of KY to 1 square mile. Then the DNI comes on and says that ISIS is still dangerous, has thousands of fighters, and would reconstitute after being defeated.
Trump said that ISIS was defeated, I don't see that as inconsistent. Going from an area of 40,409 sq miles to 1 sq mile says that ISIS is defeated and are being mopped up. But as the DNI said, even after defeat they are still dangerous.

The DNI said that it is doubtful that NK would ever give up its nukes. Trump and Pompeo agree with that, and insist on verification before any lifting of sanctions. Again, I don't see any inconsistency. Trump is still negotiating with NK, there is no agreement or treaty yet. Trump tweeted: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” (link below)
OK, so Trump jumped the gun with that tweet, but the negotiations are still in progress. Its not like Trump said that the US and NK are good now, we're all done negotiating, the sanctions can be lifted. I think he meant that the NK nuclear testing and missiles over Japan have stopped. i.e. no more Hawaiian air raids.

MSM's headlines were "U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS"
U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS
CIA director Gina Haspel agreed that ISIS is still a threat. “They’re still dangerous,” she told senators. “They still have thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria. We are going to work very hard to finish that mission.”
She stated that the job is not 100% finished, but we all know that we are in the process of mopping up the last 1 mile square, which should be done in a very short time. I don't see the major contradiction with Trump, ISIS is defeated, not 100%, maybe 99.5% or so, but I don't see the major disagreement between Trump and the intel chiefs.

Conclude: The MSM always puts the maximum negative spin on any story where Trump is involved, instead of looking for common ground.
The issue has always been where does ISIS personnel go when their "territory" occupied. Removing our forces means we have no influence upon that.

Trump is watching the dollars being spent and wants to get the US out of Syria sooner rather than later. Mattis was concerned for the Kurd allies and what Turkey would do to them when the US pulls out. The ISIS fighters being captured, include Americans?? I know what I'd do with captured ISIS fighters. Do we really give a fig what happens when Kurds capture ISIS fighters?
Kurdish Forces: Two American ISIS Fighters Captured
Bolton arrives in Turkey amid tensions over U.S. withdrawal from Syria

You are assuming the Kurds will capture the ISIS fighters, and Trump doesn't give a shit about spending.

No, I'm assuming that the Kurds will capture or kill the ISIS fighters, and Trump wants the US military out of Syria to save money. Trump may add back US mercenaries to monitor the cleanup and protect the Kurds from the Turks. Trump wants to crow about defeating ISIS and getting the US out of Syria, "Mission Accomplished".
The CNN live reporter said that ISIS went from controlling an area the size of KY to 1 square mile. Then the DNI comes on and says that ISIS is still dangerous, has thousands of fighters, and would reconstitute after being defeated.
Trump said that ISIS was defeated, I don't see that as inconsistent. Going from an area of 40,409 sq miles to 1 sq mile says that ISIS is defeated and are being mopped up. But as the DNI said, even after defeat they are still dangerous.

The DNI said that it is doubtful that NK would ever give up its nukes. Trump and Pompeo agree with that, and insist on verification before any lifting of sanctions. Again, I don't see any inconsistency. Trump is still negotiating with NK, there is no agreement or treaty yet. Trump tweeted: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” (link below)
OK, so Trump jumped the gun with that tweet, but the negotiations are still in progress. Its not like Trump said that the US and NK are good now, we're all done negotiating, the sanctions can be lifted. I think he meant that the NK nuclear testing and missiles over Japan have stopped. i.e. no more Hawaiian air raids.

MSM's headlines were "U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS"
U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS
CIA director Gina Haspel agreed that ISIS is still a threat. “They’re still dangerous,” she told senators. “They still have thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria. We are going to work very hard to finish that mission.”
She stated that the job is not 100% finished, but we all know that we are in the process of mopping up the last 1 mile square, which should be done in a very short time. I don't see the major contradiction with Trump, ISIS is defeated, not 100%, maybe 99.5% or so, but I don't see the major disagreement between Trump and the intel chiefs.

Conclude: The MSM always puts the maximum negative spin on any story where Trump is involved, instead of looking for common ground.
The issue has always been where does ISIS personnel go when their "territory" occupied. Removing our forces means we have no influence upon that.

Trump is watching the dollars being spent and wants to get the US out of Syria sooner rather than later. Mattis was concerned for the Kurd allies and what Turkey would do to them when the US pulls out. The ISIS fighters being captured, include Americans?? I know what I'd do with captured ISIS fighters. Do we really give a fig what happens when Kurds capture ISIS fighters?
Kurdish Forces: Two American ISIS Fighters Captured
Bolton arrives in Turkey amid tensions over U.S. withdrawal from Syria

You are assuming the Kurds will capture the ISIS fighters, and Trump doesn't give a shit about spending.

No, I'm assuming that the Kurds will capture or kill the ISIS fighters, and Trump wants the US military out of Syria to save money. Trump may add back US mercenaries to monitor the cleanup and protect the Kurds from the Turks. Trump wants to crow about defeating ISIS and getting the US out of Syria, "Mission Accomplished".
Trump wants to allow Putin, Assad and Ergon to do whatever they want to the Kurds, who now have little incentive to help the US, and who very possibly will be genocided because trump cut and run for Putin.
The Turks are going to do whatever they can to wipe the Kurds out and I can't blame them. This is not our fight.

If the Kurds have American ISIS fighters let the fighters be chopped up and dried for fire wood.
fake news. I saw them say what they said and no the were not misquoted Trump, and it was not fake news.

Hundreds watched it and have been hearing what they said from their own lips.

President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that his top intelligence officials were "misquoted" and "taken out of context" when they publicly broke with some of his core foreign policy views during congressional testimony earlier this week.

CIA Director Gina Haspel and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats on Tuesday shared assessments that were at odds with Trump's talking points on sensitive issues such as North Korea and ISIS, prompting Trump to lash out at his intelligence officials, calling them "naive" and that they should "go back to school."
Trump claims his intel chiefs were 'misquoted' when they publicly broke with him



I know thats shocking so you may want to sit down and take a few beep breaths.
The CNN live reporter said that ISIS went from controlling an area the size of KY to 1 square mile. Then the DNI comes on and says that ISIS is still dangerous, has thousands of fighters, and would reconstitute after being defeated.
Trump said that ISIS was defeated, I don't see that as inconsistent. Going from an area of 40,409 sq miles to 1 sq mile says that ISIS is defeated and are being mopped up. But as the DNI said, even after defeat they are still dangerous.

The DNI said that it is doubtful that NK would ever give up its nukes. Trump and Pompeo agree with that, and insist on verification before any lifting of sanctions. Again, I don't see any inconsistency. Trump is still negotiating with NK, there is no agreement or treaty yet. Trump tweeted: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” (link below)
OK, so Trump jumped the gun with that tweet, but the negotiations are still in progress. Its not like Trump said that the US and NK are good now, we're all done negotiating, the sanctions can be lifted. I think he meant that the NK nuclear testing and missiles over Japan have stopped. i.e. no more Hawaiian air raids.

MSM's headlines were "U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS"
U.S. Intel Chief Disputes Trump on North Korea and ISIS
CIA director Gina Haspel agreed that ISIS is still a threat. “They’re still dangerous,” she told senators. “They still have thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria. We are going to work very hard to finish that mission.”
She stated that the job is not 100% finished, but we all know that we are in the process of mopping up the last 1 mile square, which should be done in a very short time. I don't see the major contradiction with Trump, ISIS is defeated, not 100%, maybe 99.5% or so, but I don't see the major disagreement between Trump and the intel chiefs.

Conclude: The MSM always puts the maximum negative spin on any story where Trump is involved, instead of looking for common ground.
The issue has always been where does ISIS personnel go when their "territory" occupied. Removing our forces means we have no influence upon that.

Trump is watching the dollars being spent and wants to get the US out of Syria sooner rather than later. Mattis was concerned for the Kurd allies and what Turkey would do to them when the US pulls out. The ISIS fighters being captured, include Americans?? I know what I'd do with captured ISIS fighters. Do we really give a fig what happens when Kurds capture ISIS fighters?
Kurdish Forces: Two American ISIS Fighters Captured
Bolton arrives in Turkey amid tensions over U.S. withdrawal from Syria

You are assuming the Kurds will capture the ISIS fighters, and Trump doesn't give a shit about spending.

No, I'm assuming that the Kurds will capture or kill the ISIS fighters, and Trump wants the US military out of Syria to save money. Trump may add back US mercenaries to monitor the cleanup and protect the Kurds from the Turks. Trump wants to crow about defeating ISIS and getting the US out of Syria, "Mission Accomplished".
Trump wants to allow Putin, Assad and Ergon to do whatever they want to the Kurds, who now have little incentive to help the US, and who very possibly will be genocided because Trump cut and run for Putin.

You're drinking way too much Kool Ade. The Assads and Russians have been partners since 1971, google it. The Kurds are all over the place there, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and have been for ages. Bolton warned the Turks not to attack the Kurds. You weren't this hawkish when Obama was president and drawing bullshit red lines. Now we have a real president who knows the value of American lives. Think about it.
Bolton says Turkey must not attack Kurdish fighters once U.S. leaves Syria | Reuters
"Asked whether a U.S. withdrawal would not take place in Syria until Turkey guaranteed the Kurdish fighters would be safe, Bolton said: “Basically, that’s right.” "

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