So Democrats. Why do you tolerate Marxists overrunning your party?

I have absolutely ZERO marxist opinions

yet human garbage like you keep claiming I am "marxist"

I'd ask why you choose to accuse me of such a heinous crime but but I already know the answer;

you are a blood thirsty fascist who wants to kill liberals and democrats so you accuse them of crimes they never committed in order to justify your blood lust.


in other words....

And who have burned the cities and looted property that didnt belong to them? Oh yea, the Anarchists and Marxists....
1972? I would dare say it goes back even further than that. Woodrow Wilson was the poster child for the modern Communist Democrat party. We got a taste of it with Franklin Delano Fucking Roosevelt (His uncle wasn't all that hot either). Kennedy was somewhat more Conservative, but got his head blown off and we got stuck with LBJ, the father of the modern welfare state.
China NEEDS a Democrat to win - they really DO want to stamp out all freedom in Hong Kong and don't dare push too hard so long as America has a genuine president. One who can remember Hong Kong isn't a monkey climbing the Umpire Skate Building.
And who have burned the cities and looted property that didnt belong to them? Oh yea, the Anarchists and Marxists....

" And who have burned the cities and looted property that didnt belong to them? Oh yea, the Anarchists and Marxists.... "

and looters and rioters should be PUNISHED to the full extent of the law.

I am NOT a looter
I am NOT a rioter
I am NOT a marxist
I am NOT an anarchist

you have got to stop assuming that ALL people who oppose right wing hate mongering MUST BE "marxists"

you have GOT TO STOP assuming that decent people really enjoy YOU saying "the only good (democrat,liberal,atheist,gay,muslim,feminist) is a DEAD one"

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