So do you know any "white supremacists"?

I tried ,,,hoped a smart guy like you would get the point

Context matters. Hell, we cant' tell anything with half a sentence.

Here watch what I do with your first post.

This is what edward said. "I vote for " and he was talking about Steve King! Can you believe it?!
I vote for THIS PIECE OF TRASH ?? I left out the question mark

Opps. Sort of makes my point about context. Doesn't it?
I figured you with an IQ of 3 digits. That you can read between the lines This man I referred to is nothing but scum ,,a republican ,,but I repeat myself

Wow. Right over your head.

So, never mind.
How come you're not with the rest of your group today ? The Proud Boy's??
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.
Just curious. I've never met one. And I know a lot of people.

I met a couple 40 years ago. A couple of meth using morons who both ended up dead within a few years. They hated blacks because they were rival drug dealers. I suspect that is where the only white supremacists are, in the drug world where they are actually competitors.
White "supremacists", White "separtatists", White nationalists, and good ol' fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant white racists are merely variations on a theme.

The first three are merely the more feral of the breed, further out on the spectrum. So I'm not really sure how we're supposed to tell the first three apart.


A Nationalist is just someone who supports a sovereign nation. There are nationalists and internationalist, and I suppose anarchists. But those who hate Nationalism are globalists seeking to end nations in favor of a world government (Under the Soros empire, of course)
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

Supremacists, tampon. We all KNOW you would engage in genocide of whites if you could get away with it, but that has nothing to do with supremacists.
Just curious. I've never met one. And I know a lot of people.
I knew a guy who bought an AR-15 when Obama was elected, because he thought a race war was about to erupt. Other than him, I normally don't associate with the type that would admit it.
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

Supremacists, tampon. We all KNOW you would engage in genocide of whites if you could get away with it, but that has nothing to do with supremacists.

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^
Context matters. Hell, we cant' tell anything with half a sentence.

Here watch what I do with your first post.

This is what edward said. "I vote for " and he was talking about Steve King! Can you believe it?!
I vote for THIS PIECE OF TRASH ?? I left out the question mark

Opps. Sort of makes my point about context. Doesn't it?
I figured you with an IQ of 3 digits. That you can read between the lines This man I referred to is nothing but scum ,,a republican ,,but I repeat myself

Wow. Right over your head.

So, never mind.
How come you're not with the rest of your group today ? The Proud Boy's??

It's a fraternal organization. I already have a very well developed social network.
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?
And people laugh when Dems say Republicans have lost their minds? Sad to say ,,it's true
Just curious. I've never met one. And I know a lot of people.
Abraham Lincoln
“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

-4th debate with US Senator Stephen Douglass 1858
Fourth Debate: Charleston, Illinois - Lincoln Home National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)
I vote for THIS PIECE OF TRASH ?? I left out the question mark

Opps. Sort of makes my point about context. Doesn't it?
I figured you with an IQ of 3 digits. That you can read between the lines This man I referred to is nothing but scum ,,a republican ,,but I repeat myself

Wow. Right over your head.

So, never mind.
How come you're not with the rest of your group today ? The Proud Boy's??

It's a fraternal organization. I already have a very well developed social network.
Is it one where you wear a sheet??
Opps. Sort of makes my point about context. Doesn't it?
I figured you with an IQ of 3 digits. That you can read between the lines This man I referred to is nothing but scum ,,a republican ,,but I repeat myself

Wow. Right over your head.

So, never mind.
How come you're not with the rest of your group today ? The Proud Boy's??

It's a fraternal organization. I already have a very well developed social network.
Is it one where you wear a sheet??

You ever say that to someone's face, or are you a sniveling little bitch?
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

No, but they had white skin, so she really hates them....
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

No, but they had white skin, so she really hates them....

More likely true.
I figured you with an IQ of 3 digits. That you can read between the lines This man I referred to is nothing but scum ,,a republican ,,but I repeat myself

Wow. Right over your head.

So, never mind.
How come you're not with the rest of your group today ? The Proud Boy's??

It's a fraternal organization. I already have a very well developed social network.
Is it one where you wear a sheet??

You ever say that to someone's face, or are you a sniveling little bitch?
You think I want one of those sick fuks to shoot me ?
Opps. Sort of makes my point about context. Doesn't it?
I figured you with an IQ of 3 digits. That you can read between the lines This man I referred to is nothing but scum ,,a republican ,,but I repeat myself

Wow. Right over your head.

So, never mind.
How come you're not with the rest of your group today ? The Proud Boy's??

It's a fraternal organization. I already have a very well developed social network.
Is it one where you wear a sheet??

Uh stupid fuck, the ONLY ones covering their faces are you Brown Shirts.

You're not just evil, not just a traitor, you really are dumb as all fuck....

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