So do you know any "white supremacists"?

You think I want one of those sick fuks to shoot me ?

No, I think you want to march your neighbors into death camps. And yes, some people will shoot you if you try. Of course you can't go anywhere without your walker, so you won't be real effective fighting for the Marxist hell you seek.
I'm in the gym 3 times a week with a trainer and walk 5 miles, 3 or 4 times a week and still handle 5 stock accounts No walker for me in the next 5 years or more, if at all
Just curious. I've never met one. And I know a lot of people.

I grew up surrounded by them in Georgia. In fact, I was given a not very subtle hint that if I valued my safety, I should join the Klan, after I dropped a black fellow employee off at his house after work when his car broke down.

When was this, 1925? Just how old ARE you? :dunno:
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

yep................ sure have.
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

No, but they had white skin, so she really hates them....

i'm white, you dipshit. of course at one time i woulda been CONsidered one of them thar greasy brown people like my father was - who came here thru ellis island..........................
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

No, but they had white skin, so she really hates them....

More likely true.

more likely an alternative fact that you swallow at the drop of a hat.
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

yep................ sure have.

What is the worst example you remember?
i don't know any torch bearers, but do know quite a few that would flick their bic for one. some in my own family............

Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

yep................ sure have.

What is the worst example you remember?

that would be examples.

like they freely use an ethnic slur & can't get thru a sentence with out using it................. that is when i'm not around cause i don't tolerate that shit polluting my eardrums from them................ homey don't play that.
Most of us don't know any. That is sort of the point.

let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

yep................ sure have.

What is the worst example you remember?

that would be examples.

like they freely use an ethnic slur & can't get thru a sentence with out using it................. that is when i'm not around cause i don't tolerate that shit polluting my eardrums from them................ homey don't play that.

Well, I'll buy that as racist, but racist does not equal White Supremacist.

THe point of the OP is maintained. We've had a few people claim to know one or two while the vast majority, never met one.

White supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.
let me put it this way - there are some i know, who would gladly be holding a torch if they could get away with it without repercussions... you know, like losing their job or outright lose some family ties.

And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

yep................ sure have.

What is the worst example you remember?

that would be examples.

like they freely use an ethnic slur & can't get thru a sentence with out using it................. that is when i'm not around cause i don't tolerate that shit polluting my eardrums from them................ homey don't play that.

Well, I'll buy that as racist, but racist does not equal White Supremacist.

THe point of the OP is maintained. We've had a few people claim to know one or two while the vast majority, never met one.

White supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

oh nononononoooooooooo... au CONtraire... i used that as the uber example is all... but they've also used the stereotypical bullshit that accompanies it, including the idea that certain races are genetically inferior in the intellect dept, hell i even remember them trying to use charles murray as a source...........

so uh, ya - MY point stands.
And you know this because they've said things like they "believe whites are superior as a race" or that there should be "formal government policy to oppress minorities and ensure white superiority"?

yep................ sure have.

What is the worst example you remember?

that would be examples.

like they freely use an ethnic slur & can't get thru a sentence with out using it................. that is when i'm not around cause i don't tolerate that shit polluting my eardrums from them................ homey don't play that.

Well, I'll buy that as racist, but racist does not equal White Supremacist.

THe point of the OP is maintained. We've had a few people claim to know one or two while the vast majority, never met one.

White supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

oh nononononoooooooooo... au CONtraire... i used that as the uber example is all... but they've also used the stereotypical bullshit that accompanies it, including the idea that certain races are genetically inferior in the intellect dept, hell i even remember them trying to use charles murray as a source...........

so uh, ya - MY point stands.

And you didn't think to mention THAT, when I specifically asked, "believe whites are superior as a race"?
yep................ sure have.

What is the worst example you remember?

that would be examples.

like they freely use an ethnic slur & can't get thru a sentence with out using it................. that is when i'm not around cause i don't tolerate that shit polluting my eardrums from them................ homey don't play that.

Well, I'll buy that as racist, but racist does not equal White Supremacist.

THe point of the OP is maintained. We've had a few people claim to know one or two while the vast majority, never met one.

White supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

oh nononononoooooooooo... au CONtraire... i used that as the uber example is all... but they've also used the stereotypical bullshit that accompanies it, including the idea that certain races are genetically inferior in the intellect dept, hell i even remember them trying to use charles murray as a source...........

so uh, ya - MY point stands.

And you didn't think to mention THAT, when I specifically asked, "believe whites are superior as a race"?

i answered the way i answered... it's all the same rat fucking racism/supreeeemisist neanderthal thinking. anybody who would use the N word, (or the italian equivalent) as a normal reference automatically thinks they are superior no matter how one might try to spin it as 'just racism'.
What is the worst example you remember?

that would be examples.

like they freely use an ethnic slur & can't get thru a sentence with out using it................. that is when i'm not around cause i don't tolerate that shit polluting my eardrums from them................ homey don't play that.

Well, I'll buy that as racist, but racist does not equal White Supremacist.

THe point of the OP is maintained. We've had a few people claim to know one or two while the vast majority, never met one.

White supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

oh nononononoooooooooo... au CONtraire... i used that as the uber example is all... but they've also used the stereotypical bullshit that accompanies it, including the idea that certain races are genetically inferior in the intellect dept, hell i even remember them trying to use charles murray as a source...........

so uh, ya - MY point stands.

And you didn't think to mention THAT, when I specifically asked, "believe whites are superior as a race"?

i answered the way i answered... it's all the same rat fucking racism/supreeeemisist neanderthal thinking. anybody who would use the N word, (or the italian equivalent) as a normal reference automatically thinks they are superior no matter how one might try to spin it as 'just racism'.

Different words are different words, because they mean DIFFERENT THINGS.

White supremacist is not a synonym for racist.

That you argue against this truism, doubly demonstrates that your claim to have known "white supremacists" is not to be trusted.

At all.

that would be examples.

like they freely use an ethnic slur & can't get thru a sentence with out using it................. that is when i'm not around cause i don't tolerate that shit polluting my eardrums from them................ homey don't play that.

Well, I'll buy that as racist, but racist does not equal White Supremacist.

THe point of the OP is maintained. We've had a few people claim to know one or two while the vast majority, never met one.

White supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

oh nononononoooooooooo... au CONtraire... i used that as the uber example is all... but they've also used the stereotypical bullshit that accompanies it, including the idea that certain races are genetically inferior in the intellect dept, hell i even remember them trying to use charles murray as a source...........

so uh, ya - MY point stands.

And you didn't think to mention THAT, when I specifically asked, "believe whites are superior as a race"?

i answered the way i answered... it's all the same rat fucking racism/supreeeemisist neanderthal thinking. anybody who would use the N word, (or the italian equivalent) as a normal reference automatically thinks they are superior no matter how one might try to spin it as 'just racism'.

Different words are different words, because they mean DIFFERENT THINGS.

White supremacist is not a synonym for racist.

That you argue against this truism, doubly demonstrates that your claim to have known "white supremacists" is not to be trusted.

At all.


lol... wow - so you don't believe me? i'm shocked i tell you... SHOCKED! i mean, you don't think donny is a racist! you don't think white supreeeeemisists really are a problem nor will become one. you think antifa is a terrorist group, but the proud boys aren't. you insist that donny didn't say the torch bearers had some very fine people on their side... you know, the ones saying jews won't replace them, or the ones wrapped in CONfed flags, protesting the right to keep their statues of ther heros who owned people & fought to keep owning them because...well... them thar negroes were inferior.

so do you honestly think i care whether you believe me or not? lol... you silly cartoon boy you.....

Well, I'll buy that as racist, but racist does not equal White Supremacist.

THe point of the OP is maintained. We've had a few people claim to know one or two while the vast majority, never met one.

White supremacists are a vanishingly small fringe.

oh nononononoooooooooo... au CONtraire... i used that as the uber example is all... but they've also used the stereotypical bullshit that accompanies it, including the idea that certain races are genetically inferior in the intellect dept, hell i even remember them trying to use charles murray as a source...........

so uh, ya - MY point stands.

And you didn't think to mention THAT, when I specifically asked, "believe whites are superior as a race"?

i answered the way i answered... it's all the same rat fucking racism/supreeeemisist neanderthal thinking. anybody who would use the N word, (or the italian equivalent) as a normal reference automatically thinks they are superior no matter how one might try to spin it as 'just racism'.

Different words are different words, because they mean DIFFERENT THINGS.

White supremacist is not a synonym for racist.

That you argue against this truism, doubly demonstrates that your claim to have known "white supremacists" is not to be trusted.

At all.


lol... wow - so you don't believe me? i'm shocked i tell you... SHOCKED! i mean, you don't think donny is a racist! you don't think white supreeeeemisists really are a problem nor will become one. .....T

I disagree with you on most issues. You are the first one in this thread that I am not BELIEVING what you claim. For the reasons I already explained.

Please don't waste my time pretending to be confused about the difference.

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