So Far Looks Like A Six Point Landslide Win For Handel.Republicans May Be Laffing Their Oss's Off.

ScienceRocks why do you hate White people and where the fuck did you graduate high school? By the way, yeah the USA is on the way to being third world because of DEMOCRATS, you dummy! The Donald is trying to stop their agenda! Get with the program.
isnt there an election coming up on the moon? OssOff should give it a shot. he does look like an alien
The democrat silence on this is deafening. They should have applied enough Preparation H by now to be able to respond. :p
:2up: :banana: :dance:..............Based on a few unreliable sources, all looks well for another GOP Win Tonight!!! How will those blockheads on CNN/MSNBC explain this embarrassing win again by a Republican when they were so sure that the Democrat was going to win easily? Like when Hillary was supposed to win by 14 points?
:cow: :cranky: :dunno:

Great thread title!
What will it take?

I'm seriously disheartened. Republicans in Congress have made it clear that they want to take away healthcare for millions of people, cut Medicaid, reverse civil rights gains, eventually do away with Social Security and Medicare, and cut taxes for the 1%. They are well on their way, and voters just do not seem to care. Do these voters actually support these actions? I cannot fathom why they would. Are we to go back to an existence where only the rich and some white people have rights?

This country is going to be joining the third world soon. I am considering moving to Canada.

Not taking away healthcare, changing it so it is affordable healthcare for the people, states, fed and insurance companies.

Elective surgery and the "bells and whistles" don't need to be part of basis care.

Only about 5-10% are not already covered by insurance through work, medicare or state coverage.

All this fuss over such a small number especially when "Obamacare" insurance companies are pulling out or double to triple digit cost increases for patients.

New healthcare will keep more coverage by making sure it is affordable and fits the patient needs.
:2up: :banana: :dance:..............Based on a few unreliable sources, all looks well for another GOP Win Tonight!!! How will those blockheads on CNN/MSNBC explain this embarrassing win again by a Republican when they were so sure that the Democrat was going to win easily? Like when Hillary was supposed to win by 14 points?
:cow: :cranky: :dunno:

Great thread title!
so now we wait and see what building madonna will be thinking about next.
This is too hilarious. In a district that Trump only won by 1 point, the Democrats spend record breaking numbers for a congressional seat, outspending the Republican candidate 9-1. So, Handel defeats Ossoff by 4 points, 3 more than what Trump won this district by! Ahhhhhh.....hahahahahaha. Ahhhhhh...hahahaha.

Ohhhhh, according to Democrats and their sluts in the media, this was supposed to be the big blow to Trump, this was going to be the election where the tide has turned. Well the tide has turned, and it's turned against the Democrats even more.

People are sick and tired of the extreme hate, obstruction, divisiveness and complete lack of ideas and policy the Democrats have.

Not only did the voters say fuck off Ossoff, they also said fuck off to the Democratic Party & the left-stream Democrat media and their hate!!!

Oh and Hollywood, you can kiss America's ass!!! Egg all over your hate spewing faces, too!

Democrats.....0-6 in special elections. Hahahahahaha, the Democrats are gonna get their asses handed to them in '18.


A Republican won a race in a Republican district in a special election?


I'll bet it was by at least a 20 point margin right?

I'll bet the Republican didn't need to spend any money at all, or even need any outside help right?


The loser couldn't even vote for himself because he didn't live in the district. A one-point margin of victory for his opponent would have been stupendously ironic!

Congrats on the big win squeaking out another one.

Have to admit, you,ve been squeaking out those last minute victories since last year. I'm sure it's a trend.

See you in 2018 admiral.

A win is still a win the last time I checked.
They will say the same thing they always do. The people were too dumb to vote the right way.
the networks will see this as a victory because Handel didnt win by 20 points

They can celebrate and feed the pigeons from the park bench with him while Handle votes in Congress.
this is proof that the CBS poll is a lie,,,,Trump is actually around 55% Approval.

And Obama was 143%, but hey.... fake news...
Interesting also in the fact that the dems spent so heavily here and still made no ground.

I have been hearing non-stop on CNN lately how they were ahead of the republican as well. And people still question why no one trusts any pool numbers anymore.
Well it was a four point GOP win in an R+8 district. The one thing we can say for certain is that Handel is not a great candidate. But we can't say it was a huge victory for Republicans.
Projections are Handel by 2.8% which is the approximate margin of victory that Trump won the state by in November.

There's little here for either side to celebrate.

He lost by a landslide. In spite of not living in the districts and AGAIN, Progressives have proven that they cannot BUY a seat. Karen Handel spent around $6 million while the carpet bagger had $30 MILLION in contributions from California.

Handel won by SIX PERCENT, Progressives, and Democrats have not the slightest clue as to what they are doing wrong. Hopefully, they continue on their current path. Good for us Conservatives, Progressives are slow learners.
Cute try.

ANOTHER massive victory for the Republican who spent less than 20% of what the Carpet Bagger spent. No different than the Presidential Race in November when Hillary Clinton outspent President Donald Trump by $1.2 BILLION for Hillary and $600,000,000 for President Trump.


The CNN panel reporting the win looked like they all had their favorite pet run over in front of them. What whiners!
I'm seriously disheartened. Republicans in Congress have made it clear that they want to take away healthcare for millions of people, cut Medicaid, reverse civil rights gains, eventually do away with Social Security and Medicare, and cut taxes for the 1%. They are well on their way, and voters just do not seem to care. Do these voters actually support these actions? I cannot fathom why they would. Are we to go back to an existence where only the rich and some white people have rights?

When you stop lying and start to take a realistic view of what is happening, Democrats and Progressives may start to make some progress.

You have no fresh people with good ideas. The ones you do have all the oxygen is taken out of their campaigns by the old elites. Only 20% of your party support the radicals such as Hillary, Pocahontas, Bernie, and others. Your base is not nearly that radical.
i wonder who's head Cathy Griffin will be holding after this loss.

I'm sure someone could photoshop one with a headless Cathy Griffin figure with the figure holding her own bloody head.

Batten down the hatches, prepare for riots from the spoiled snowflakes.
What will it take?

I'm seriously disheartened. Republicans in Congress have made it clear that they want to take away healthcare for millions of people, cut Medicaid, reverse civil rights gains, eventually do away with Social Security and Medicare, and cut taxes for the 1%. They are well on their way, and voters just do not seem to care.

The voters aren't buying what the Democrats are selling.

It's that simple.
So, let me get this straight:
The repubs kept hold of a seat that has been republican for that past 38 years including 10 years of Newt. The winner of this election was replacing somebody who has just been appointed to the Trump cabinet. And you neocon right-wing whackos dance up and down like this is some kind of win for Trump and helps his mandate.

Let me put this in context for you Deplorable nutjobs:

Price won the seat by 75,000 votes, just over six months ago. Handel wins it by just 12,000. So within six months Trump has erased a lead in a safe GOP seat by almost 500% and you take this as a win for his 'mandate'? Christ knows what's gonna happen to the GOP saps running next year in marginal seats. Hell, even seats that are safe by 10s of 1000s of votes.....

You can't turn this into Fake News no matter how hard you try my little bits of flotsam and jetsam trailer trash...

Well then if it didn't matter then dems wouldn't havE spent record money on it. We can tell that you're mad and this is your way of saying it doesn't matter.
Interesting also in the fact that the dems spent so heavily here and still made no ground.

I have been hearing non-stop on CNN lately how they were ahead of the republican as well. And people still question why no one trusts any pool numbers anymore.
The D party is the party of the 1%. This election clearly proves it, with all the 1% money from Hollywood and Soros. Sadly, many D voters haven't figured it out yet.

The Rs really suck, but amazingly the Ds suck worse.

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