So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

If you have to march to make a point, debating isn’t on the table and you will listen to them ask them. When your point is to bash the constitution, why would you bring the flag that represents it?

They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?
/----/ Makes you wonder what other rights these foreigners want to take away from us.

Not just from YOU but from the rest of us also. This is being funded by the usual Globalists, what we collectively now just refer to as The Usual Suspects, but you should already know who they are or at least who their Front Men and Front Women are.

These morons who are marching, The Useful Idiots, just sheep, Sheeple, the Globalists actually have no use for them either in fact they are laughing at these morons marching and thinking what good little sheep they are, MINDLESS SHEEP.


This below is what a Human Wolf calls Human Rights:



IMO you're one very confused and sick puppy.

Good thing nobody gives a crap what your opinion is or is not, you are the epitome of what the Sheeple are about, keep your head in the sand because we WANT your type to keep your head in the sand.

Thank you for your opinion Adam Henry, I really appreciate comments like yours.

Many of my posts receive alerts numbering in the 20' and 30's. Granted some are echoes of the Trump sheep and other self defined conservatives, most of which idiot-grams of those incapable of thought. Seems you too are one ot the toxic members of the right wing.
Nice try, but no cigar! :th_spinspin: :21::21:
You said-
I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

It doesn't appear they're walking much. "Right to Life" one sign says..yeah, like you support that. :auiqs.jpg:

A lot of what it is, is that these kids have no direction. Someone gives them direction for this BS and they're all over it.

Unfortunately, this is not a worthy cause.

Thank you too for you opinion. If a new one year play of Edgar Bergen is produced, and they need a stand-in for Charley McCarthy, I'll be happy to recommend you, Mary.

And if I ever need a snarky paid leftist shill, I got your number bro.

I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

Look up the word CAPTIOUS, and google Proof or prove.

"proof" is a noun that means "evidence", and "prove" is a verb that means "demonstrate".
I'm now off with my wife to an early dinner with our two sons, and our daughter-in-law. The echo chamber is now free to attack my work, and pretend they have something substantive and thoughtful to offer.
They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?
/----/ Makes you wonder what other rights these foreigners want to take away from us.

Not just from YOU but from the rest of us also. This is being funded by the usual Globalists, what we collectively now just refer to as The Usual Suspects, but you should already know who they are or at least who their Front Men and Front Women are.

These morons who are marching, The Useful Idiots, just sheep, Sheeple, the Globalists actually have no use for them either in fact they are laughing at these morons marching and thinking what good little sheep they are, MINDLESS SHEEP.


This below is what a Human Wolf calls Human Rights:



IMO you're one very confused and sick puppy.

Good thing nobody gives a crap what your opinion is or is not, you are the epitome of what the Sheeple are about, keep your head in the sand because we WANT your type to keep your head in the sand.

Thank you for your opinion Adam Henry, I really appreciate comments like yours.

Many of my posts receive alerts numbering in the 20' and 30's. Granted some are echoes of the Trump sheep and other self defined conservatives, most of which idiot-grams of those incapable of thought. Seems you too are one ot the toxic members of the right wing.

"Many of my posts receive alerts numbering in the 20' and 30's."

Well they are not reading your idiotic posts to increase your crap ratings are they, so they must be reading your idiotic posts just to laugh.

Ratings in relation to Messages = BEYOND CRAP:

It was really stirring to see those brave young kids get up there and issue a clear indictment of the glorification of a popular culture that pushes "thug life", gang warfare, violence, drugs, kill the cops, rape, "bitches" and other various destructive behaviors; and the way they pointed out the 650 murders in the streets of Chicago last year alone. And how today's youth have to look at their own popular culture as part of the problem. Okay, I didn't actually see that part. But I'm sure it happened, right?
Yep, they were bused in from New Jersey, those who cheered when the twin towers fell as reported by Donald J. Trump.
They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?
/----/ Makes you wonder what other rights these foreigners want to take away from us.

Not just from YOU but from the rest of us also. This is being funded by the usual Globalists, what we collectively now just refer to as The Usual Suspects, but you should already know who they are or at least who their Front Men and Front Women are.

These morons who are marching, The Useful Idiots, just sheep, Sheeple, the Globalists actually have no use for them either in fact they are laughing at these morons marching and thinking what good little sheep they are, MINDLESS SHEEP.


This below is what a Human Wolf calls Human Rights:



IMO you're one very confused and sick puppy.

Good thing nobody gives a crap what your opinion is or is not, you are the epitome of what the Sheeple are about, keep your head in the sand because we WANT your type to keep your head in the sand.

Thank you for your opinion Adam Henry, I really appreciate comments like yours.

Many of my posts receive alerts numbering in the 20' and 30's. Granted some are echoes of the Trump sheep and other self defined conservatives, most of which idiot-grams of those incapable of thought. Seems you too are one ot the toxic members of the right wing.

Well SassyIrishLass Hossfly we have another of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:
You said-
I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

It doesn't appear they're walking much. "Right to Life" one sign says..yeah, like you support that. :auiqs.jpg:

A lot of what it is, is that these kids have no direction. Someone gives them direction for this BS and they're all over it.

Unfortunately, this is not a worthy cause.

Thank you too for you opinion. If a new one year play of Edgar Bergen is produced, and they need a stand-in for Charley McCarthy, I'll be happy to recommend you, Mary.

And if I ever need a snarky paid leftist shill, I got your number bro.

I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

Look up the word CAPTIOUS, and google Proof or prove.

"proof" is a noun that means "evidence", and "prove" is a verb that means "demonstrate".

Go take a long walk off a short pier in shark-infested waters. See how that "commanding people to do things" works for you?
I'm now off with my wife to an early dinner with our two sons, and our daughter-in-law. The echo chamber is now free to attack my work, and pretend they have something substantive and thoughtful to offer.

So you'll be having the Borscht, right, Comrade?

Ooo..I gotta wash some beans. :scared1:
The world is plunging into bad times as dictators are on the rise....Russia, Venezuela, now China...and the God Damned imbeciles are screaming for people to give up their rights and make themselves helpless. God has left the building.

Executions, torture and chilling 'black jails' - how Chinese President Xi Jinping keeps his iron grip on power that could see him rule for life

Credit: The Sun, UK

Executions, torture and chilling ‘black jails’ – how Chinese President Xi Jinping keeps his iron grip on power that could see him rule for life

In a game-changing vote this week Chinese lawmakers abolished presidential term limits and paved the way for Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely - making him the world's most powerful dictator.

By Mark Hodge
12th March 2018, 7:11 pm
Updated: 12th March 2018, 7:14 pm
AS China’s Xi Jinping tightens his iron grip on power, his government continues to murder its enemies and censor its people.

Since assuming power in 2012, President Xi and his Communist Party have presided over massive restrictions on basic human rights and freedom of expression.

Last edited:
The world is plunging into bad times as dictators are on the rise....Russia, Venezuela, now China...and the God Damned imbeciles are screaming for people to give up their rights and make themselves helpless. God has left the building.

Executions, torture and chilling 'black jails' - how Chinese President Xi Jinping keeps his iron grip on power that could see him rule for life

Executions, torture and chilling ‘black jails’ – how Chinese President Xi Jinping keeps his iron grip on power that could see him rule for life

In a game-changing vote this week Chinese lawmakers abolished presidential term limits and paved the way for Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely - making him the world's most powerful dictator.

By Mark Hodge
12th March 2018, 7:11 pm
Updated: 12th March 2018, 7:14 pm
AS China’s Xi Jinping tightens his iron grip on power, his government continues to murder its enemies and censor its people.

Since assuming power in 2012, President Xi and his Communist Party have presided over massive restrictions on basic human rights and freedom of expression.

/——/ DemocRATS are jealous of Xi’s complete control.
You said-
I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

Thank you too for you opinion. If a new one year play of Edgar Bergen is produced, and they need a stand-in for Charley McCarthy, I'll be happy to recommend you, Mary.

And if I ever need a snarky paid leftist shill, I got your number bro.

I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

Look up the word CAPTIOUS, and google Proof or prove.

"proof" is a noun that means "evidence", and "prove" is a verb that means "demonstrate".

Go take a long walk off a short pier in shark-infested waters. See how that "commanding people to do things" works for you?

The ultimate objective is to disarm the American nation, to have it that private gun ownership including handguns for citizens is outlawed.

I think there are approx 300 million guns in America. The situation IMHO as I see it is, I think the majority of peoples would say their guns had been stolen or they had lost them and so to remove even half of that amount of approx 300 million guns they are going to have to go house to house and search and confiscate.

Now I am not sure which American Constitution Amendment but I think invading peoples private property violates one of those Amendments, this coupled with what would already be a violation of the Second Amendment would by tens of millions of law abiding American citizens be correctly seen as being tyrannical and would very very possibly result in a situation similar to the leading up to The American Revolution ie. the British threatening to confiscate firearms is what directly lead to The American Revolution, but as this time you would have Americans vs Americans it would be a second American Civil War, you would then have millions of American Freedom Fighters vs The Tyrannical American Government which ironically is part of what the Second Amendment is there for to raise a Citizens Militia to protect Freedom of the Citizens from being crapped on and destroyed should America fall to a Tyrannical Government.

The Democrats were responsible for the first American Civil War, the Democratic South wanting to keep the Blacks as their slaves and when the North said they must free the Black slaves they said no and pulled those Southern States out of The United States and this resulted in the Civil War.

Now in 2018 it's Democrats again who seem to want to attempt to destroy America, pitting American against American, threatening a Second Civil War.
Think the kids will use this as a wakeup call to stop bullying one another? Cyberbullying that drives a girl to kill herself is the same disregard for human life that drives one to shoot up a school. Guns are a one shot up schools at this rate 40 years ago. What changed?
You said-
I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

And if I ever need a snarky paid leftist shill, I got your number bro.

I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

Look up the word CAPTIOUS, and google Proof or prove.

"proof" is a noun that means "evidence", and "prove" is a verb that means "demonstrate".

Go take a long walk off a short pier in shark-infested waters. See how that "commanding people to do things" works for you?

The ultimate objective is to disarm the American nation, to have it that private gun ownership including handguns for citizens is outlawed.

I think there are approx 300 million guns in America. The situation IMHO as I see it is, I think the majority of peoples would say their guns had been stolen or they had lost them and so to remove even half of that amount of approx 300 million guns they are going to have to go house to house and search and confiscate.

Now I am not sure which American Constitution Amendment but I think invading peoples private property violates one of those Amendments, this coupled with what would already be a violation of the Second Amendment would by tens of millions of law abiding American citizens be correctly seen as being tyrannical and would very very possibly result in a situation similar to the leading up to The American Revolution ie. the British threatening to confiscate firearms is what directly lead to The American Revolution, but as this time you would have Americans vs Americans it would be a second American Civil War, you would then have millions of American Freedom Fighters vs The Tyrannical American Government which ironically is part of what the Second Amendment is there for to raise a Citizens Militia to protect Freedom of the Citizens from being crapped on and destroyed should America fall to a Tyrannical Government.

The Democrats were responsible for the first American Civil War, the Democratic South wanting to keep the Blacks as their slaves and when the North said they must free the Black slaves they said no and pulled those Southern States out of The United States and this resulted in the Civil War.

Now in 2018 it's Democrats again who seem to want to attempt to destroy America, pitting American against American, threatening a Second Civil War.

Statement above:

"The ultimate objective is to disarm the American nation, to have it that private gun ownership including handguns for citizens is outlawed."


Total gun prohibition will not work, can not be accomplished, is cost prohibitve and is one more BIG LIE used by the NRA, Firearm providers and the biddable. It is a scare tactic and no bill has ever been promulgated, or law passed setting an agenda to collect 300 + million guns in the public domain.

Time after time the right to own, possess and have custody and control of gun by American Citizens, who are sober, sane and law abiding, is not on the agenda of Democrats, liberals, progressives and the tens of thousands of students who marched today.

The BIG LIE is a scare tactic, a logical fallacy and a wedge issue with no foundation in reality. Like abortion, taxes and Gay Marriage guns are a tool used to convince easily led voters to support the Republican Party. A party which has done nothing to benefit the many, for they are owned completely by the power elite and global corporations and do their bidding.

It's clear the new generation of voters, Generation X gets it, and given the promises by members of Congress and the White House to pray for the victims of gun violence is seen by them, millions of others and me as a worthless endeavor and a means to once again fool the biddable and garner votes for the do nothing Republicans.
Same thing at the “anti gun rallies” which cannot even crack 100,000 people.

You See “Big Blue Wave 2018” signs everywhere .

That tells you that it’s just the latest stunt after many that they constantly dream up to get some kinda angle on The American Voter.

Here’s a clue: Just be honest, and care more about The American People than you do criminals and illegals, and jihadists and people will vote for you.
Today it was clear the new generation of voters, Generation X, gets it; the false pathos and promises by members of Congress and the White House to pray for the victims, is seen by this generation of Americans as a worthless endeavor, and a means to once again fool the biddable and garner votes for the do nothing Republicans.

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