So republicans, WHY was it justified for Trump to fire Comey?

bullshit Comey was fired because the investigation into trump russian ties didn't stop

Notice the red words, that's called a "link," Herr Goebbels. I provide those to support my claims with facts, something you fascist democrats clearly can't grasp.
I'm sorry Uncensored but I can't help it. I picture these two running toward each other in slo-mo thru a field of wildflowers, arms outstretched, under an azure sky with puffy white clouds floating randomly, as music fills the air.

Ain't love grand!

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin to Meet in July, Russian Media Says

ps: can I get an AP for Russian media? I think that's the only way we can find out what Trump is doing.

Yes, but you are a hack with no care for fact or reality.

Oh and I agree that American media at this time can in no way be trusted to report anything even approaching facts.
It's called political interference Uncensored
WASHINGTON — President Trump on Tuesday fired the director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey, abruptly terminating the top official leading a criminal investigation into whether Mr. Trump’s advisers colluded with the Russian government to steer the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

The stunning development in Mr. Trump’s presidency raised the specter of political interference by a sitting president into an existing investigation by the nation’s leading law enforcement agency. It immediately ignited Democratic calls for a special counsel to lead the Russia inquiry.

Mr. Trump explained the firing by citing Mr. Comey’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, even though the president was widely seen to have benefited politically from that inquiry and had once praised Mr. Comey for his “guts” in his pursuit of Mrs. Clinton during the campaign.

But in his letter to Mr. Comey, released to reporters by the White House, the president betrayed his focus on the continuing inquiry into Russia and his aides.

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“While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau,” Mr. Trump said in a letter to Mr. Comey dated Tuesday. White House officials refused to say anything more about the three occasions Mr. Trump cited.

Document: White House Announces Firing of James Comey

The officials said that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, pushed for Mr. Comey’s dismissal. But many in Washington, including veteran F.B.I. officers, saw a carefully choreographed effort by the president to create a pretense for a takedown of the president’s F.B.I. tormentor.

“I cannot defend the director’s handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton’s emails,” Mr. Rosenstein wrote in another letter that was released by the White House, “and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken.”

Reaction in Washington was swift and fierce. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, said the firing could make Americans suspect a cover-up. Mr. Trump lashed back later Tuesday night in a Twitter post: “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer stated recently, ‘I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer.’ Then acts so indignant.”

Many Republicans assailed the president for making a rash decision that could have deep implications for their party. Representative Justin Amash, Republican of Michigan, said on Twitter that he now supports an independent commission to investigate the Russia links to Mr. Trump. He called Mr. Trump’s claim that Mr. Comey had cleared him three times “bizarre.”

“I’ve spent the last several hours trying to find an acceptable rationale for the timing of Comey’s firing,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said on Twitter. “I just can’t do it.”

In a sign of the F.B.I.’s intense interest in Mr. Trump’s advisers, a grand jury in Virginia issued subpoenas in recent weeks for records related to the former White House national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, according to an American official familiar with the case. Mr. Flynn is under investigation for his financial ties to Russia and Turkey. Grand jury subpoenas are a routine part of federal investigations and are not a sign that charges are imminent. It was not clear that the subpoenas, which were first reported by CNN, were related to Mr. Comey’s firing.

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Breaking the Comey News, One Sentence at a Time MAY 10, 2017

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Yews, the NY Times is simply part of the DNC, a propaganda outlet that perverts information and openly lies to promote the fascist democratic party and to slander and libel the enemies of the party.

Thank you of the example of just how utterly corrupt the leftist press is.

While the Times demagogues the reality is that the witch hunt long ago failed. There never was shred of evidence to support the leftist attacks. Comey was a bureaucrat, his removal has no impact on any alleged "investigations." If there were ever any legitimate elements, such efforts would continue without Comey.
Yeah yeah yeah The finest newspaper in the world is a DNC propaganda outlet The bottom line is not only is trump a damn liar about the firing he was a complete pos about the way he achieved it
Yeah yeah yeah The finest newspaper in the world is a DNC propaganda outlet The bottom line is not only is trump a damn liar about the firing he was a complete pos about the way he achieved it

Finest newspaper in the world?


"The World News This Week" in more accurate, and they run stories on Big Foot.
Yeah yeah yeah The finest newspaper in the world is a DNC propaganda outlet The bottom line is not only is trump a damn liar about the firing he was a complete pos about the way he achieved it

Finest newspaper in the world?


"The World News This Week" in more accurate, and they run stories on Big Foot.
And Trump is an honorable man All republicans are honorable men lol just watch your backs
You dumb fuck, those letters don't give any specific reason why he was fired. Be an adult and admit it.

They letter from DAG Rosenstein is EXPLICIT:Y clear as to the reasons. Sorry Fool.
Lol we both know you're full of shit.

The state of my digestive tract has no bearing on the fact that Rosenstein's memo gives explicit reasons for recommending Comey's termination. It even cites times and dates!!

Be an adult and admit you're too lazy to read it. Or are you simply afraid to read it?

Either way, my work here is done.
Why don't you name them? What are you waiting for? And why didn't Trump personally address any of those issues?
Amazing how citizens can read the minds of those in power. Is that a skill that develops over time, are you born with it, do can you get it from a T-35 foil helmet, the one with wings?
You dumb fuck, those letters don't give any specific reason why he was fired. Be an adult and admit it.

They letter from DAG Rosenstein is EXPLICIT:Y clear as to the reasons. Sorry Fool.
Lol we both know you're full of shit.

The state of my digestive tract has no bearing on the fact that Rosenstein's memo gives explicit reasons for recommending Comey's termination. It even cites times and dates!!

Be an adult and admit you're too lazy to read it. Or are you simply afraid to read it?

Either way, my work here is done.
Why don't you name them? What are you waiting for? And why didn't Trump personally address any of those issues?
Amazing how citizens can read the minds of those in power. Is that a skill that develops over time, are you born with it, do can you get it from a T-35 foil helmet, the one with wings?
Trump has been a liar, a user all his life Why should he be different now? You don't need a helmet to know that he only lies when his lips move And repubs suck it up
They letter from DAG Rosenstein is EXPLICIT:Y clear as to the reasons. Sorry Fool.
Lol we both know you're full of shit.

The state of my digestive tract has no bearing on the fact that Rosenstein's memo gives explicit reasons for recommending Comey's termination. It even cites times and dates!!

Be an adult and admit you're too lazy to read it. Or are you simply afraid to read it?

Either way, my work here is done.
Why don't you name them? What are you waiting for? And why didn't Trump personally address any of those issues?
Amazing how citizens can read the minds of those in power. Is that a skill that develops over time, are you born with it, do can you get it from a T-35 foil helmet, the one with wings?
Trump has been a liar, a user all his life Why should he be different now? You don't need a helmet to know that he only lies when his lips move And repubs suck it up
A politician lying? Will wonders never cease!
Lol we both know you're full of shit.

The state of my digestive tract has no bearing on the fact that Rosenstein's memo gives explicit reasons for recommending Comey's termination. It even cites times and dates!!

Be an adult and admit you're too lazy to read it. Or are you simply afraid to read it?

Either way, my work here is done.
Why don't you name them? What are you waiting for? And why didn't Trump personally address any of those issues?
Amazing how citizens can read the minds of those in power. Is that a skill that develops over time, are you born with it, do can you get it from a T-35 foil helmet, the one with wings?
Trump has been a liar, a user all his life Why should he be different now? You don't need a helmet to know that he only lies when his lips move And repubs suck it up
A politician lying? Will wonders never cease!
Yes but every day every week???? Don't you have a limit as to how much trump BS you can take?
Robert Parry (journalist) - Wikipedia

Watergate Redux or ‘Deep State’ Coup?
May 10, 2017
Watergate Redux or 'Deep State' Coup?

Exclusive: Official Washington is abuzz, comparing President Trump’s ouster of FBI Director Comey to President Nixon’s Watergate cover-up, but there is a darker “deep state” interpretation of these events, says Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday reflected a growing concern inside the White House that the long-rumored scheme by “deep state” operatives to overturn the results of the 2016 election may have been more than just rumors.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (right) talks with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with John Brennan and other national security aides present. (Photo credit: Office of Director of National Intelligence)

The fear grew that Comey and other senior officials in the U.S. intelligence community had concluded last year that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump was a suitable future president, albeit for different reasons. I’m told that Clinton was seen as dangerously hawkish and Trump as dangerously unqualified, opinions privately shared by then-President Barack Obama.

So, according to this account, plans were made last summer to damage both Clinton and Trump, with the hope of putting a more stable and less risky person in the Oval Office – with key roles in this scheme played by Comey, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

When I first heard about this supposed cabal in the middle of last year, I dismissed it as something more fitting a Jason Bourne movie than the real world. But – to my amazement – the U.S. intelligence community then began intervening in the presidential campaign in unprecedented ways.

On July 5, 2016, Director Comey dealt a severe blow to Clinton by holding a press conference to denounce her use of a private email server while Secretary of State as “extremely careless,” yet he announced that no legal action would follow, opening her to a damaging line of attack that she jeopardized national security but that her political status gave her special protection. . .
Very noble to fire Comey because of how he handled Hillary although he tried to screw them both over
Everything the snowflakes are throwing up is smoke, mirrors, false accusations, denial, etc...

Comey testified under oath before Congress that Hillary Clinton broke Laws and he protected her from indictment and prosecution. That is all the justification anyone needed to fire Comey.
Robert Parry (journalist) - Wikipedia

Watergate Redux or ‘Deep State’ Coup?
May 10, 2017
Watergate Redux or 'Deep State' Coup?

Exclusive: Official Washington is abuzz, comparing President Trump’s ouster of FBI Director Comey to President Nixon’s Watergate cover-up, but there is a darker “deep state” interpretation of these events, says Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday reflected a growing concern inside the White House that the long-rumored scheme by “deep state” operatives to overturn the results of the 2016 election may have been more than just rumors.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (right) talks with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with John Brennan and other national security aides present. (Photo credit: Office of Director of National Intelligence)

The fear grew that Comey and other senior officials in the U.S. intelligence community had concluded last year that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump was a suitable future president, albeit for different reasons. I’m told that Clinton was seen as dangerously hawkish and Trump as dangerously unqualified, opinions privately shared by then-President Barack Obama.

So, according to this account, plans were made last summer to damage both Clinton and Trump, with the hope of putting a more stable and less risky person in the Oval Office – with key roles in this scheme played by Comey, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

When I first heard about this supposed cabal in the middle of last year, I dismissed it as something more fitting a Jason Bourne movie than the real world. But – to my amazement – the U.S. intelligence community then began intervening in the presidential campaign in unprecedented ways.

On July 5, 2016, Director Comey dealt a severe blow to Clinton by holding a press conference to denounce her use of a private email server while Secretary of State as “extremely careless,” yet he announced that no legal action would follow, opening her to a damaging line of attack that she jeopardized national security but that her political status gave her special protection. . .

The only problem with this entire article is ...everything in the article. The insinuation is still being made that there was ever any 'collusion'.

The NSA and FBI have already testified there was NEVER any crime or collusion. The FBI has said it 3 times not. Obama's National Intel Director, Obama's ex-advisor, The Intel Committee Chairman, Committee member D-Feinstein - all have publicly declared there is no evidence to support the false claim against Trump....

Yet pathetic, desperate snowflakes are pulling out stories of Nixon and Watergate, that have no semblance of bearing on what's going on now. The only aspect of Watergate that comes close to what is going on now is how Hillary knowingly filed a false report when she was working on Watergate that was intended to argue to deny Nixon of his legal council. (Funny Democrats would bring up Watergate, another 'black mark' for Hillary. :p )
Robert Parry (journalist) - Wikipedia

Watergate Redux or ‘Deep State’ Coup?
May 10, 2017
Watergate Redux or 'Deep State' Coup?

Exclusive: Official Washington is abuzz, comparing President Trump’s ouster of FBI Director Comey to President Nixon’s Watergate cover-up, but there is a darker “deep state” interpretation of these events, says Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday reflected a growing concern inside the White House that the long-rumored scheme by “deep state” operatives to overturn the results of the 2016 election may have been more than just rumors.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (right) talks with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with John Brennan and other national security aides present. (Photo credit: Office of Director of National Intelligence)

The fear grew that Comey and other senior officials in the U.S. intelligence community had concluded last year that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump was a suitable future president, albeit for different reasons. I’m told that Clinton was seen as dangerously hawkish and Trump as dangerously unqualified, opinions privately shared by then-President Barack Obama.

So, according to this account, plans were made last summer to damage both Clinton and Trump, with the hope of putting a more stable and less risky person in the Oval Office – with key roles in this scheme played by Comey, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

When I first heard about this supposed cabal in the middle of last year, I dismissed it as something more fitting a Jason Bourne movie than the real world. But – to my amazement – the U.S. intelligence community then began intervening in the presidential campaign in unprecedented ways.

On July 5, 2016, Director Comey dealt a severe blow to Clinton by holding a press conference to denounce her use of a private email server while Secretary of State as “extremely careless,” yet he announced that no legal action would follow, opening her to a damaging line of attack that she jeopardized national security but that her political status gave her special protection. . .

The only problem with this entire article is ...everything in the article. The insinuation is still being made that there was ever any 'collusion'.

The NSA and FBI have already testified there was NEVER any crime or collusion. The FBI has said it 3 times not. Obama's National Intel Director, Obama's ex-advisor, The Intel Committee Chairman, Committee member D-Feinstein - all have publicly declared there is no evidence to support the false claim against Trump....

Yet pathetic, desperate snowflakes are pulling out stories of Nixon and Watergate, that have no semblance of bearing on what's going on now. The only aspect of Watergate that comes close to what is going on now is how Hillary knowingly filed a false report when she was working on Watergate that was intended to argue to deny Nixon of his legal council. (Funny Democrats would bring up Watergate, another 'black mark' for Hillary. :p )
Wow, reading comprehension much?

No it didn't, there was no insinuation at all. That was the whole point.

Quoted from the article;

"So, going into the Inauguration, Russia-gate was dominating the front pages of newspapers as well as the endless chat shows on cable TV despite the fact that no real evidence was presented proving Russia was responsible for the WikiLeaks’ posts – and WikiLeaks denied getting the material from Russia. There was also no evidence that Trump’s campaign had colluded with the Russians in this endeavor.

But those suspicions quickly hardened into a groupthink among many Democrats, liberals and progressives. Their hatred of Trump and their dread about his policies convinced some that the ends of removing Trump justified whatever means were employed, even if those means had more than a whiff of McCarthyism."

What the article is telling you, is that the DeepState and Obama have their own agenda.
Trump and team still haven't justified waiting 18 days to fire Flynn after repeated warnings...
What law says they must justify it?

There isn't a "law", but the American public will require an explanation. You're not curious as to why it took 3 weeks (and public disclosure) for Flynn to be fired?
I happen to believe the Assistant AG as to why he recommended termination. All one has to do is match up what Comey did over the past year to what was said in the memo to discover that the firing was justified and well documented.

It wasn't but three days ago that the radicalized Democrats were wanting Comey to STFU or go away. Sorry, but I simply don't buy the conspiracy theories.

I believe the assistant AG when he says Trump's admin told him to justify firing Comey. (Provide cover)

Deputy AG Rosenstein doesn't want all the blame for Comey canning: Report

And, no, you don't actually believe Comey was fired because he was unfair to Hillary.

That isn't what Trump told him, you fucking douche bag.

Do snowflakes have to lie about everything? Short answer: yes
Feel good about that uncensored ?? No more investigation ?? Are you an American?? Really?

You Stalinists had your little witch hunt and came up dry.

Comey got himself into trouble by lying to the Senate. The FBI had to walk back his perjury.

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

That is why Comey was rightly fired.
bullshit Comey was fired because the investigation into trump russian ties didn't stop

We know that's you want the public to believe, but it isn't selling. It's nothing more than a Dim meme, not a fact.

Today, trumpery said those letters were not the reason. Was he lying?

Yesterday, corrupt in her genes Sara Huckabee Whatever said 'they wanted the Russia thing to go away and thought firing Comey would do that'.

Yeah, trump is dumb as a sidewalk but there you are.

Maybe when Spicer comes out of the bushes, he will tell us.

(This hot mess has become a very embarrassing political keystone cops)

Sent from my iPad using
And Trump is an honorable man All republicans are honorable men lol just watch your backs

Whether true or not, utterly irrelevant.

The NY Times prints what serves the fascist democratic party. Whether what they print happens to be true, false, or skewed is not considered. The ONLY metric the Times uses is whether a story promotes the party agenda, or smears the enemies of the party.

The NY Times is DNC propaganda that is factually less accurate than the National Enquirer.(FACT)

  • In 1987, The Enquirer broke a story about Democrat candidate Gary Hart having an affair with a member of his staff, Ms. Donna Rice. Initially, Hart denied it completely, and his fans kept telling us you can't believe anything the Enquirer prints, because "they make stuff up." It turned out the story was absolutely true, and Hart had to drop out of the race.
  • In 1998, The Enquirer broke a story about President Bill Clinton having an affair with a White House Intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton vehemently denied this, and his fans told us we cannot believe anything the Enquirer prints, because they always "make stuff up." It turned out that the story was absolutely true.
  • In 2001, The Enquirer broke a story about Jesse Jackson fathering an illegitimate daughter with staffer Karin Stanford in 1999. It turned out that the story was absolutely true, and Jackson came clean as the issue hit the newsstands.
  • In 2003, The Enquirer ran a story in which conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper provided Limbaugh with a steady stream of OxyContin to feed his painkiller addiction. Although some media outlets turned up their noses at the Enquirer's scoop because the paper had paid housekeeper Wilma Cline for her story, law enforcement quickly confirmed that Limbaugh had purchased some 30,000 pills from Cline. Once again, the story was absolutely true.
  • In 2007, The Enquirer began a series of reports alleging an adulterous affair between Edwards and former campaign worker Rielle Hunter. Edwards initially denied this completely, and his fans told us "The Enquirer made it up" because "everyone knows they never report real facts. It turns out the story was absolutely true.}

The National Enquirer has a better track record than the NY Times: Off Topic Forum: Digital Photography Review

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