so what happened to him??

letting Trump hang himself....he does it best, the best ever! the best hanging anyone will ever see, believe me! :D
I used to think he was doing it on purpose so he could get out of the race, but I truly believe he is just that stupid and fucked up.

its been two days since Trump gave him 2 black eyes in front of a world audience. a man would come back and defend himself. is Hitlery sitting on him ?? or did he hit the chicken switch??
That is an "I WILL KILL YOU" face.

I think it's more of a "oh no you didn't" look.

Bill Clinton is slime, a rapist and womanizer

So Is Trump!!!!! Holy shit I can't believe you trump guys . Both have been accused of the exact same things.
Bill's making 4 appearances in Iowa this week. You can go back to bed now.

Well stated.......Actually, surprise of surprises, Iowa is in play for Clinton much more so than a couple of weeks ago.

She also retook the lead in Ohio, and the other day drew a crowd of 18,000 at a rally at Ohio State.

In the meantime Trump has strapped on the suicide vest and is lashing out at everyone except his bunker buddies.

funny i heard it was 18

That's because you're stupid. Your posts prove it every day.

oh down to insults. ok go fuck yourself. i dare say in your case its possible
Bill's making 4 appearances in Iowa this week. You can go back to bed now.

Well stated.......Actually, surprise of surprises, Iowa is in play for Clinton much more so than a couple of weeks ago.

She also retook the lead in Ohio, and the other day drew a crowd of 18,000 at a rally at Ohio State.

In the meantime Trump has strapped on the suicide vest and is lashing out at everyone except his bunker buddies.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Coming off the best stretch of her campaign, Hillary Clinton on Monday drew what appeared to be her largest crowd to date: 18,500 people, according to the U.S. Secret Service.

Some of the traveling press corps members who cover Clinton were skeptical of the figure, pegging it at closer to 10,000

Unregistered sex offender Donald Trump and his Chumps have no idea the "B-b-b-but Clinton" strategy is backfiring on them.

Not a clue.

Oh, I remember those days when Clinton was being accused of sexually assaulting women. Donald Trump was settling his own attempted rape lawsuit at the time and came rushing to Bill's defense. He called Bill's victims ugly and losers.

Birds of a feather flock together, you see.

Even now, Donald's defense is that he is just like Bill. Isn't that something?

I've been telling you rubes from the get-go Trump is still the same New York liberal friend of the Clintons he has always been.
Oh, I remember those days when Clinton was being accused of sexually assaulting women. Donald Trump was settling his own attempted rape lawsuit at the time and came rushing to Bill's defense. He called Bill's victims ugly and losers.

Birds of a feather flock together, you see.

Even now, Donald's defense is that he is just like Bill. Isn't that something?

I've been telling you rubes from the get-go Trump is still the same New York liberal friend of the Clintons he has always been.


its been two days since Trump gave him 2 black eyes in front of a world audience. a man would come back and defend himself. is Hitlery sitting on him ?? or did he hit the chicken switch??

That look was funny at first and then I realized those 4 women better be on their toes for the next couple years. Willy can dial "m" for murder or "s" for suicide and has before.

its been two days since Trump gave him 2 black eyes in front of a world audience. a man would come back and defend himself. is Hitlery sitting on him ?? or did he hit the chicken switch??

That look was funny at first and then I realized those 4 women better be on their toes for the next couple years. Willy can dial "m" for murder or "s" for suicide and has before.

he hires the killers then kills the killers. no lose ends
Wikileaks: Clinton's campaign is leaking like the Titanic..and more to come. :)

I smiled at that...the turds will be on high-alert to find the imaginary (or maybe not) rat in the Rat nest. Nobody will be above suspicion...even Willy. I can't imagine after all the bone-head things he's said and falling asleep during her acceptance speech that he wants her to be president.
Cons live in their own bubble. In perpetuity. The Clinton's forget about The Sniffler 2 minutes after the debate. But we know Trump is up at 3am even when a former beauty contestant disses him. But, cons need feedback that they're 'winning' so they reach for juvenile nonsense because it is in easy reach.
Cons live in their own bubble. In perpetuity. The Clinton's forget about The Sniffler 2 minutes after the debate. But we know Trump is up at 3am even when a former beauty contestant disses him. But, cons need feedback that they're 'winning' so they reach for juvenile nonsense because it is in easy reach.

It's well-documented that Trump only needs 4 hours of sleep to maintain his energy level. He's 70 and ain't slowing down.....3 plane rides a day, and planning on 6 a day in the last two weeks. Your worn-out old whore does one every other day and often has to be carried to her limo.
Cons live in their own bubble. In perpetuity. The Clinton's forget about The Sniffler 2 minutes after the debate. But we know Trump is up at 3am even when a former beauty contestant disses him. But, cons need feedback that they're 'winning' so they reach for juvenile nonsense because it is in easy reach.

It's well-documented that Trump only needs 4 hours of sleep to maintain his energy level. He's 70 and ain't slowing down.....3 plane rides a day, and planning on 6 a day in the last two weeks. Your worn-out old whore does one every other day and often has to be carried to her limo.

Oh man, you have it bad for him don't you. Holly flock.

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