So when they say they want abortion safe, legal, and rare...

Perhaps you weren't listening to Obama's speech, about how our strike in Syria would save children's lives from chemical weapons. Too bad we use the chemical RU-486 all the time to kill them or prevent them each and every day.

There's your controversy. It shows a lack of concern on the liberal end. The life of a child is only viable if it suits the a political agenda.

"The life of a child is only viable if it suits the a political agenda." True, conservatives use abortion as a wedge issue all the time. Of course, once the kid is born, they don't give a shit about it. Social services ain't their thing. It's just a burden on society then.

True Conservatives use abortion as a reality check for Liberals who view the pre-born as so much garbage. Throw-away life.

Once the kid is born... he/she does in fact have life. And life is what Liberals have failed to manage beyond the relegation of a shithole of substantive existence. Perpetual and supplantive reliance on governmental support.

And that is wherein lies the Liberal vote.

Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.
"The life of a child is only viable if it suits the a political agenda." True, conservatives use abortion as a wedge issue all the time. Of course, once the kid is born, they don't give a shit about it. Social services ain't their thing. It's just a burden on society then.

True Conservatives use abortion as a reality check for Liberals who view the pre-born as so much garbage. Throw-away life.

Once the kid is born... he/she does in fact have life. And life is what Liberals have failed to manage beyond the relegation of a shithole of substantive existence. Perpetual and supplantive reliance on governmental support.

And that is wherein lies the Liberal vote.

Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.

Gosh darn, you're a sick disillusioned perverted motherscratcher.
True Conservatives use abortion as a reality check for Liberals who view the pre-born as so much garbage. Throw-away life.

Once the kid is born... he/she does in fact have life. And life is what Liberals have failed to manage beyond the relegation of a shithole of substantive existence. Perpetual and supplantive reliance on governmental support.

And that is wherein lies the Liberal vote.

Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.

Gosh darn, you're a sick disillusioned perverted motherscratcher.

Seeing the conservative game for what it is may make me disillusioned, but I don't see how it makes me perverted. Doesn't make me wrong about this though.
True Conservatives use abortion as a reality check for Liberals who view the pre-born as so much garbage. Throw-away life.

Once the kid is born... he/she does in fact have life. And life is what Liberals have failed to manage beyond the relegation of a shithole of substantive existence. Perpetual and supplantive reliance on governmental support.

And that is wherein lies the Liberal vote.

Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.

Gosh darn, you're a sick disillusioned perverted motherscratcher.

He ha a point. Everyone bitches about abortion, but when the election is done and dusted, nothing is ever done about it. Its just a reason to shore up votes.
Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.

Gosh darn, you're a sick disillusioned perverted motherscratcher.

Seeing the conservative game for what it is may make me disillusioned, but I don't see how it makes me perverted. Doesn't make me wrong about this though.

Perverts kill life.
"The life of a child is only viable if it suits the a political agenda." True, conservatives use abortion as a wedge issue all the time. Of course, once the kid is born, they don't give a shit about it. Social services ain't their thing. It's just a burden on society then.

True Conservatives use abortion as a reality check for Liberals who view the pre-born as so much garbage. Throw-away life.

Once the kid is born... he/she does in fact have life. And life is what Liberals have failed to manage beyond the relegation of a shithole of substantive existence. Perpetual and supplantive reliance on governmental support.

And that is wherein lies the Liberal vote.

Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.
Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.

But then, you'd run the risk of finding out that your own bigotry is not based on fact.

Can't have that, can we?
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Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.

But then, you'd run the risk of finding out that your won bigotry is not based on fact.

Can't have that, can we?

Is there a reason why you don't apply this approach to your views on climate change?
"The life of a child is only viable if it suits the a political agenda." True, conservatives use abortion as a wedge issue all the time. Of course, once the kid is born, they don't give a shit about it. Social services ain't their thing. It's just a burden on society then.

True Conservatives use abortion as a reality check for Liberals who view the pre-born as so much garbage. Throw-away life.

Once the kid is born... he/she does in fact have life. And life is what Liberals have failed to manage beyond the relegation of a shithole of substantive existence. Perpetual and supplantive reliance on governmental support.

And that is wherein lies the Liberal vote.

Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.


And 'banning' abortion is how the right plans on doing nothing about it.
Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.

But then, you'd run the risk of finding out that your won bigotry is not based on fact.

Can't have that, can we?

Is there a reason why you don't apply this approach to your views on climate change?

Because he thinks doing something about climate change means being forced to live in a multi-family dwelling with no A/C and giving up his car.
Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.

But then, you'd run the risk of finding out that your won bigotry is not based on fact.

Can't have that, can we?

Is there a reason why you don't apply this approach to your views on climate change?
Certainly. Because I use the research of scientists. I don't get my views on climate science from Rush, Beck, or Fox News, as is so wrongly claimed. If I link to a blog, the blog has linked to the study.

Can you see the difference between that and Borillar's bigotry-fueled rant?
Daveman -

Because I use the research of scientists.

Excellent - I'm pleased to hear it.

Then go back to the thread you started on the IIPC, and address the science I present there.
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How is the bill not safe and sound?

How is it you don't know you're a dumbass?

Letting barely-trained personnel perform what is essentially surgery? THIS is safe to you?


Vacuum aspirations performed by non-doctors, such as physician's assistants, are well established as a safe medical practice.

It likely won't be physician's assistants or nurses doing the procedure. People will no medical background can take a quick course and do abortions, which can be by medicine or surgical procedure. A woman would be crazy to go to anyone other than a doctor to have one. I think the far left's need for population control has made them willing to risk women's lives. If women die or are unable to get pregnant, it just helps to further reduce the population. It's not about women's choice, abortion is a pet issue because it ensures that less people exist. PP originally sought to reduce the number of minorities and it's no coincidence that most of the women they encourage to have abortions are minorities.

Of course, the left wants women to believe that all abortions are perfectly safe, no matter who performs them, and that no additional medical tests, such as ultrasounds, are needed because there is no reason to check for potential complications. The population control crowd could care less if women have abortions by doctors or by creeps with coat hangers. They only want to train more people now so they can make more money because of Obamacare.
Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.

But then, you'd run the risk of finding out that your won bigotry is not based on fact.

Can't have that, can we?

Is there a reason why you don't apply this approach to your views on climate change?

Because he thinks...
Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.
...doing something about climate change means being forced to live in a multi-family dwelling with no A/C and giving up his car.
Nothing so drastic as that -- at least right away.

My electric bill will skyrocket. The price of gas will skyrocket. The prices of every good and service that is produced and delivered with electricity and gas and diesel will skyrocket. Unemployment will skyrocket.

Spending trillions of dollars -- have I mentioned that we don't have that kind of money? -- to moderate the effects of AGW by what some claim may be as much as two whole degrees!! will cripple the economies of the Western world, hitting the poor and the working poor the hardest.

But as they sit in the dark, hungry and cold, think how satisfied they'll be that their involuntary sacrifices will help save Baby Gaea.

But, hey -- as long as Al Gore is comfortable in his mansion(s), that's what's important, right?
True Conservatives use abortion as a reality check for Liberals who view the pre-born as so much garbage. Throw-away life.

Once the kid is born... he/she does in fact have life. And life is what Liberals have failed to manage beyond the relegation of a shithole of substantive existence. Perpetual and supplantive reliance on governmental support.

And that is wherein lies the Liberal vote.

Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.
Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.

But then, you'd run the risk of finding out that your won bigotry is not based on fact.

Can't have that, can we?

I don't need anybody to tell me about conservatives. It's all right there for anyone to see. If it's a lie, why do we still have abortion? Conservatives have been wailing about abortion for 40 years now, since the Nixon (R) administration. Since then we have had Ford, Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2. During several years of Bush 2, Conservatives controlled all branches of the government. How many times did abortion come up for a vote? Why didn't they do away with it? If it is so fucking important, why did conservatives do nothing? It's just a cynical ploy to rile up the base every election cycle. It surprises me that people fall for it over and over and over.
Daveman -

Have you noticed that allof your arguments against climate change are not based on science, but on politics?

My advice would be to accept what scientists are telling us is happening - and THEN think about the best method to address those changes.

The only reason to fear unemployment and high energy prices is because Luddite-thinking is holding the US back, and meaning that you are being left in the dust by countries more adept with innovation.
Abortion is a difficult and complex problem; it can’t be ended with the simplistic non-solutions conservatives advocate, such as ‘banning’ the practice.

Women were having abortions millennia before Roe and will continue to do so regardless abortion’s legal status. For conservatives ‘banning’ abortion is a feel-good measure only, where abortion will continue, it will simply be out of sight and out of mind.

Given the fact no conservative has offered actual, viable, concrete solutions to address the problem of abortion, their position on the issue is clearly partisan, used as an on-going controversy designed to energize the base and attack the left with false accusations – this thread is proof of that.

If conservatives were serious about ending abortion, they’d join with other Americans to pursue that goal in good faith, not continue to shamelessly use the issue as a political weapon, as is the case with the OP.
Nah, conservatives don't give a shit about human (or any other) life. That's why they are pro guns, pro death penalty, pro war, anti social services, anti health care, anti environmental regulations. Abortion is just a way to rile up the base. they won't do anything about it. that's why they didn't do anything about it during the Bush administration. They had the Presidency, House, Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court. If they actually did away with abortion, they wouldn't have that nice wedge issue to bring up every election cycle. That and they would lose women's votes forever. All they really care about is money.
Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.

But then, you'd run the risk of finding out that your won bigotry is not based on fact.

Can't have that, can we?

I don't need anybody to tell me about conservatives. It's all right there for anyone to see.
...on DailyKOS, HuffPo, DU, MSNBC, CBS, the NYT...
If it's a lie, why do we still have abortion? Conservatives have been wailing about abortion for 40 years now, since the Nixon (R) administration. Since then we have had Ford, Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2. During several years of Bush 2, Conservatives controlled all branches of the government. How many times did abortion come up for a vote? Why didn't they do away with it? If it is so fucking important, why did conservatives do nothing? It's just a cynical ploy to rile up the base every election cycle. It surprises me that people fall for it over and over and over.
You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. For some time now, the two have had little in common. That's what the TEA Party fuss was all about.
Instead of believing other progressives' bigoted lies about conservatives -- you could just ask us.

But then, you'd run the risk of finding out that your won bigotry is not based on fact.

Can't have that, can we?

I don't need anybody to tell me about conservatives. It's all right there for anyone to see.
...on DailyKOS, HuffPo, DU, MSNBC, CBS, the NYT...
If it's a lie, why do we still have abortion? Conservatives have been wailing about abortion for 40 years now, since the Nixon (R) administration. Since then we have had Ford, Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2. During several years of Bush 2, Conservatives controlled all branches of the government. How many times did abortion come up for a vote? Why didn't they do away with it? If it is so fucking important, why did conservatives do nothing? It's just a cynical ploy to rile up the base every election cycle. It surprises me that people fall for it over and over and over.
You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. For some time now, the two have had little in common. That's what the TEA Party fuss was all about.

Teabaggers, conservatives, ultra conservatives, moral majoritarians... What's the difference? They are all Republicans.

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