So when they say they want abortion safe, legal, and rare...

...they don't give a shit about safe or rare, they just want it legal.

And the state should be able to NATIONALIZE women's uterus because........


A woman's uterus is humanity's progeny.

But let's not mutter the future of humanity with the convenience of choice.

A woman's uterus is her uterus, not the property of the state.

And the ‘future of humanity’ is jeopardized neither by abortion or choice.
How is it you don't know you're a dumbass?

Letting barely-trained personnel perform what is essentially surgery? THIS is safe to you?


It's not surgery, it's a procedure. You can tell this because surgeons don't do abortions - since it's not surgery.

Also, if you want less abortions, free birth control is the answer. I know y'all hate the answer, but if you hate abortion more, then you'll try to eradicate it in the most effective way possible.

Abortion rates plummet with free birth control??? | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

But you don't want to have reasonable restrictions on abortion.
You want more Kermit Gosnells.

Free birth control?
Free for whom?
The people who pay for it?
I don't see the need for taxpayer funded birth control.
Nor taxpayer funded abortions.
If people want them, they can pay for them.

You know, take responsibility for your life, for your choices.

Abortion is legal, and birth control will soon be free. Abortion rated will plummet.

Whine some moar, dinosaur.
A woman's uterus is humanity's progeny.

But let's not mutter the future of humanity with the convenience of choice.

A woman's uterus is her uterus, not the property of the state.

And the ‘future of humanity’ is jeopardized neither by abortion or choice.

It is hers!!
You are correct!!
So why should I pay to abort what I didn't put in it?
You people are fucking retarded!!

You aren't paying for any abortions. The Hyde amendment took effect banning the taxpayer funding of abortions back in 1976.
It is hers!!
You are correct!!
So why should I pay to abort what I didn't put in it?
You people are fucking retarded!!

You aren't paying for any abortions. The Hyde amendment took effect banning the taxpayer funding of abortions back in 1976.

So the attack ads the liberals ran, saying that Romney would pull funding for planned parenthood were complete lies?

Thank you for confirming that!!

Planned Parenthood provides women's health services across the board. They get all of their abortion funding from the private sector. Have you ever actually done any research into these topics before you post about them?
How is the bill not safe and sound?

How is it you don't know you're a dumbass?

Letting barely-trained personnel perform what is essentially surgery? THIS is safe to you?


It's not surgery, it's a procedure. You can tell this because surgeons don't do abortions - since it's not surgery.

Also, if you want less abortions, free birth control is the answer. I know y'all hate the answer, but if you hate abortion more, then you'll try to eradicate it in the most effective way possible.

Abortion rates plummet with free birth control??? | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis
I repeat: Condoms are cheap.
Does this mean that you support women having free access to contraception since that would be a precaution that would prevent them from becoming pregnant?

What is this obsession with free contraception? I have no obligation to fund anyone's sex life.

Condoms are cheap. Skip a couple of lattes and you can buy a 40-pack of condoms.

And frankly, anyone who's not in a long-term monogamous relationship and doesn't use a barrier contraceptive is an utter moron.

You don't get a say in the matter. How horrible is that!? I mean, I prefer my tax dollars not go for corporate welfare and war, but we can't all get what we want.

Answers to All Your Questions About Obamacare's Birth Control Mandate
I get a say in the matter when I ask my elected representatives to de-fund Obamacare.

I never have understood why I'm obligated to pay for anyone's sex life but my own.
Teabaggers, conservatives, ultra conservatives, moral majoritarians... What's the difference? They are all Republicans.
Uh huh. And Maoists, Marxists, Leninists, progressives, liberals, and left-leaning moderates are all the same.


No. Maoists, Marxists, and Leninists vote Communist party. Progressives, liberals, and left leaning moderates vote Democratic party.
CPUSA urged its members to vote Democrat in 2010.

12 days to go: The election depends on you! » cpusa

World Socialists urges solidarity with Democrats in 2014.

Ingredients for a movement that can transform our country » peoplesworld

And in '09, the Democratic Socialists of America announced that 70 Congressional Democrats belonged to their organization.

DSA-Members: American Socialist Voter - Democratic Socialists of America - 10-1-09

The entire spectrum on the left votes Democrat.
That would be like me lumping Fascists, Nazis, and the KKK with the Republicans.
:lol: The KKK has historically been Democratic.
Last edited:
Or more precisely, they’re what’s wrong with the GOP.
Yes, conservatives are a problem for the GOP. They keep insisting the party return to its conservative roots instead of sliding to the left as it has been.

We have one liberal party. We don't need two.


Hostility towards homosexuals, same-sex couples, privacy and reproductive rights, voting rights, and immigrants’ rights has nothing to do with being ‘conservative.’
Don't you get frustrated when you realize you don't get to dictate people's views? haven't realized that yet, have you? Sorry.
You keep insisting that it's not safe and yet you cannot provide a shred of evidence to support that claim.

Why do you insist on doing that?
Good Gaea. You're really clueless, aren't you?

Abortion Pro life Planned Parenthood at Life Dynamics
The Blackmun Wall is a listing of the women killed by legal abortions, along with information regarding the circumstances of their death. We named this project after Harry Blackmun. Justice Blackmun was the U.S. Supreme Court justice who wrote the Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion and launched America's Holocaust.

The abortion picture painted by pro-choice advocates is that the US Supreme Court and Justice Harry Blackmun's Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton decisions turned abortionists into doctors. Abortion clinic operators like Planned Parenthood like to pretend that the decision written by Justice Blackmun made abortions safe and legal, but the truth is that making abortion legal never made abortion safe. Abortionists are the bottom-feeders of the medical profession and abortion procedures jeopardize the health of the mother in order to terminate pregnancy. 'Safe legal abortions' killed every one of the women on this site.

As you review this list, please remember that the hundreds of pro-choice women listed here represents only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to abortion deaths. We have statistics from both state and federal reporting agencies documenting many more abortion-related deaths than are listed here. However, because we had no further details on them we were not able to include them. Additionally, our research clearly indicates that, for a variety of reasons, the overwhelming majority of abortion-related deaths remain undiscovered.

Life Dynamics continues to investigate and catalogue the deaths of women that are due to legalized abortion. The Blackmun Wall will be updated, as new information is received. The wall is comprised of 29 panels, listing 347 women, along with the available details of each one's death. To get the details of each woman's abortion-related death, just click on her name. Plaques that list only a first name represent victims whose full name was not available, usually because of confidentiality or privacy constraints.​

But, hey, women are just walking genitals, right? It's not like they're people.

That's the way the left views women, by the way. The Democratic Party insists women only care about abortion and consequence-free sex.

And more evidence (not that you'll accept any of this):

Botched Abortions Send West Virginia Women to Hospitals Every Week |
Abortion-related medical emergencies are occurring with alarming frequency, according to a West Virginia physician, who says he sees botched abortion patients “weekly.”

“We commonly (I personally probably at least weekly) see patients at Women and Children’s Hospital in our emergency room or our ultrasound center with complications from abortions at these centers in Charleston: so much for ‘safe and legal.’ These patients are told to come to our hospital because the abortion clinic providers do not have hospital privileges to care for their patients, so we must treat them as emergency ‘drop-ins,’” said Dr. Byron Calhoun, vice chairman of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at West Virginia University. The statement was made in a letter he wrote on June 31, 2013, to West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey.

“No other medical providers are allowed to care for patients, have no backup coverage, and then abandon them to the emergency room,” Calhoun wrote. “We would be held ethically and legally liable.

“The fantasy of women’s reproductive health care seems to allow these individuals who perform the abortions some special dispensation to provide substandard care.”​

Troubled Virginia Abortion Clinic Puts Bleeding Botched Abortion Patient in Hospital
Fairfax, Virginia – A 35-year old diabetic patient suffering from heavy bleeding after an abortion at Nova Women’s Healthcare was rushed to the hospital on March 3, 2012, according to recently obtained 911 records.

Pro-life activists were at the scene and videotaped the ambulance and fire units that responded to the 911 call and later sought the 911 records through an open records act request.

Nova Women’s Healthcare has a long history of abortion injuries and standard of care violations, including the death of a patient in 2002. Its owner, Mi Yong Kim, continues to operate the abortion clinic even though she was forced to surrender her medical license in 2007.

In 1998, Kim was disciplined for failing to determine the gestational age of pregnancy for one of her abortion patients. Board documents reveal that she assumed one patient’s pregnancy was 8 weeks, but in reality her baby was 26 weeks gestation. The ensuing botched abortion landed the woman in the hospital with life-threatening injuries
In 2005, Kim was disciplined after a patient died from an air embolism during an abortion. Kim improperly sedated her patient, failing to realize that she had gone into cardiac arrest. Kim did not attempt to resuscitate her.​

Is this safe to you?

I'm not about to spend an hour trying to verify if material from an anti-abortion propaganda site is actually true or not,

mostly because it's not relevant.
It's relevant when you demand I provide proof that abortion can indeed be a dangerous procedure.

I accept your capitulation.

Meanwhile, back in reality, do you really expect Planned Parenthood to issue press releases when they botch abortions?
Having a baby is more dangerous to a woman than having an abortion. Deal with that fact.
Yes, it's more dangerous. That's why trained and qualified people are present, and facilities are inspected for safety, and practitioners carry huge amounts of malpractice insurance.

You know -- unlike abortion mills.

As an aside, your contempt for human life is appalling. But that's one of the tenets of progressivism, isn't it?
How is the bill not safe and sound?

How is it you don't know you're a dumbass?

Letting barely-trained personnel perform what is essentially surgery? THIS is safe to you?


First Trimester abortion is not complicated, and a nurse or PA could perform it pretty easily.

But this isn't about women's safety. This is about them controlling their lady parts. We just can't have that.
Yes, we know, the left believes that women have the right to unsafe abortions performed by barely-trained people.

All you care about is quantity, not quality.
Good Gaea. You're really clueless, aren't you?

Abortion Pro life Planned Parenthood at Life Dynamics
The Blackmun Wall is a listing of the women killed by legal abortions, along with information regarding the circumstances of their death. We named this project after Harry Blackmun. Justice Blackmun was the U.S. Supreme Court justice who wrote the Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion and launched America's Holocaust.

The abortion picture painted by pro-choice advocates is that the US Supreme Court and Justice Harry Blackmun's Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton decisions turned abortionists into doctors. Abortion clinic operators like Planned Parenthood like to pretend that the decision written by Justice Blackmun made abortions safe and legal, but the truth is that making abortion legal never made abortion safe. Abortionists are the bottom-feeders of the medical profession and abortion procedures jeopardize the health of the mother in order to terminate pregnancy. 'Safe legal abortions' killed every one of the women on this site.

As you review this list, please remember that the hundreds of pro-choice women listed here represents only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to abortion deaths. We have statistics from both state and federal reporting agencies documenting many more abortion-related deaths than are listed here. However, because we had no further details on them we were not able to include them. Additionally, our research clearly indicates that, for a variety of reasons, the overwhelming majority of abortion-related deaths remain undiscovered.

Life Dynamics continues to investigate and catalogue the deaths of women that are due to legalized abortion. The Blackmun Wall will be updated, as new information is received. The wall is comprised of 29 panels, listing 347 women, along with the available details of each one's death. To get the details of each woman's abortion-related death, just click on her name. Plaques that list only a first name represent victims whose full name was not available, usually because of confidentiality or privacy constraints.​

But, hey, women are just walking genitals, right? It's not like they're people.

That's the way the left views women, by the way. The Democratic Party insists women only care about abortion and consequence-free sex.

And more evidence (not that you'll accept any of this):

Botched Abortions Send West Virginia Women to Hospitals Every Week |
Abortion-related medical emergencies are occurring with alarming frequency, according to a West Virginia physician, who says he sees botched abortion patients “weekly.”

“We commonly (I personally probably at least weekly) see patients at Women and Children’s Hospital in our emergency room or our ultrasound center with complications from abortions at these centers in Charleston: so much for ‘safe and legal.’ These patients are told to come to our hospital because the abortion clinic providers do not have hospital privileges to care for their patients, so we must treat them as emergency ‘drop-ins,’” said Dr. Byron Calhoun, vice chairman of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at West Virginia University. The statement was made in a letter he wrote on June 31, 2013, to West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey.

“No other medical providers are allowed to care for patients, have no backup coverage, and then abandon them to the emergency room,” Calhoun wrote. “We would be held ethically and legally liable.

“The fantasy of women’s reproductive health care seems to allow these individuals who perform the abortions some special dispensation to provide substandard care.”​

Troubled Virginia Abortion Clinic Puts Bleeding Botched Abortion Patient in Hospital
Fairfax, Virginia – A 35-year old diabetic patient suffering from heavy bleeding after an abortion at Nova Women’s Healthcare was rushed to the hospital on March 3, 2012, according to recently obtained 911 records.

Pro-life activists were at the scene and videotaped the ambulance and fire units that responded to the 911 call and later sought the 911 records through an open records act request.

Nova Women’s Healthcare has a long history of abortion injuries and standard of care violations, including the death of a patient in 2002. Its owner, Mi Yong Kim, continues to operate the abortion clinic even though she was forced to surrender her medical license in 2007.

In 1998, Kim was disciplined for failing to determine the gestational age of pregnancy for one of her abortion patients. Board documents reveal that she assumed one patient’s pregnancy was 8 weeks, but in reality her baby was 26 weeks gestation. The ensuing botched abortion landed the woman in the hospital with life-threatening injuries
In 2005, Kim was disciplined after a patient died from an air embolism during an abortion. Kim improperly sedated her patient, failing to realize that she had gone into cardiac arrest. Kim did not attempt to resuscitate her.​

Is this safe to you?

I'm not about to spend an hour trying to verify if material from an anti-abortion propaganda site is actually true or not,

mostly because it's not relevant.

Having a baby is more dangerous to a woman than having an abortion. Deal with that fact.

Verify the facts, google Kermit Gosnell.

And how exactly does allowing physician's assistants to perform vacuum aspirations and administer abortion drugs relate to Dr. Gosnell?
How is it you don't know you're a dumbass?

Letting barely-trained personnel perform what is essentially surgery? THIS is safe to you?


First Trimester abortion is not complicated, and a nurse or PA could perform it pretty easily.

But this isn't about women's safety. This is about them controlling their lady parts. We just can't have that.
Yes, we know, the left believes that women have the right to unsafe abortions performed by barely-trained people.

All you care about is quantity, not quality.

We care about availability.

I mean, yeah, you can make abortion as complicated as brain surgery and no one can afford it...

there's just not any good medical reason to do so.

A nurse is perfectly capable of performing an abortion. She's gone to school for 6 years to get her degree and she's a trained professional.
It's not surgery, it's a procedure. You can tell this because surgeons don't do abortions - since it's not surgery.

Also, if you want less abortions, free birth control is the answer. I know y'all hate the answer, but if you hate abortion more, then you'll try to eradicate it in the most effective way possible.

Abortion rates plummet with free birth control??? | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

But you don't want to have reasonable restrictions on abortion.
You want more Kermit Gosnells.

Free birth control?
Free for whom?
The people who pay for it?
I don't see the need for taxpayer funded birth control.
Nor taxpayer funded abortions.
If people want them, they can pay for them.

You know, take responsibility for your life, for your choices.


No one is opposed to reasonable restrictions after viability.
President Obama is.
President Barack Obama has issued a veto threat of a bill the House of Representatives will vote on tomorrow that would ban abortions from after 20-weeks* all the way to birth.

The White House this afternoon issued a Statement of Administration Policy indicating President Obama’s advisors would recommend that he veto the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act if it were presented for his signature. The SAP containing a veto threat is standard for occasions when the president will almost certainly veto legislation pending in Congress.​
Note how the concern is about making it easier to have abortions, not about how this might not be safe for the women?

One wonders how one can be so concerned for the as yet unliving while not giving a damn about the already alive.

Why if one were cynical one might suspect that all this anti-choice bruhaha about the sanctity of life is just so much ncontrol freaking BS.

These people do not care about live so much as they care about controlling other's lives.
All throughout this thread I've made my concern for the lives and health of women quite clear.

So you can stop lying now.
First Trimester abortion is not complicated, and a nurse or PA could perform it pretty easily.

But this isn't about women's safety. This is about them controlling their lady parts. We just can't have that.
Yes, we know, the left believes that women have the right to unsafe abortions performed by barely-trained people.

All you care about is quantity, not quality.

We care about availability.

I mean, yeah, you can make abortion as complicated as brain surgery and no one can afford it...

there's just not any good medical reason to do so.

A nurse is perfectly capable of performing an abortion. She's gone to school for 6 years to get her degree and she's a trained professional.
So you don't want abortion rare. Got it.
Note how the concern is about making it easier to have abortions, not about how this might not be safe for the women?

One wonders how one can be so concerned for the as yet unliving while not giving a damn about the already alive.

Why if one were cynical one might suspect that all this anti-choice bruhaha about the sanctity of life is just so much ncontrol freaking BS.

These people do not care about live so much as they care about controlling other's lives.
All throughout this thread I've made my concern for the lives and health of women quite clear.

So you can stop lying now.

It's more dangerous to have to drive an extra couple hundred miles to get to an abortion provider than it is to have one's uterus vacuumed by a trained professional physician's assistant instead of a doctor.
But you don't want to have reasonable restrictions on abortion.
You want more Kermit Gosnells.

Free birth control?
Free for whom?
The people who pay for it?
I don't see the need for taxpayer funded birth control.
Nor taxpayer funded abortions.
If people want them, they can pay for them.

You know, take responsibility for your life, for your choices.


No one is opposed to reasonable restrictions after viability.
President Obama is.
President Barack Obama has issued a veto threat of a bill the House of Representatives will vote on tomorrow that would ban abortions from after 20-weeks* all the way to birth.

The White House this afternoon issued a Statement of Administration Policy indicating President Obama’s advisors would recommend that he veto the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act if it were presented for his signature. The SAP containing a veto threat is standard for occasions when the president will almost certainly veto legislation pending in Congress.​

If there is no exception for life and health then it is an unreasonable restriction.

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