So who is attacking Christians? Yup, can't make this up


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Clearly not something shown on Faux "News" or discussed by any of the Jew frauds of Christian preachers on TV like Osteen and Jackson....

Well, self proclaimed SUB HUMANS who still support W, what do you make of this?

You are SUB to Jews. You exist to SERVE Jews. And how do Jews repay you for your lifetime of being SUB???



The OP has been off his meds for a spell now.
So, reports FROM THE ISRAELI MEDIA are anti semitic... but accurate... let's have some more...

So one must be anti semitic and mentally ill to notice that the "islamic terrorist" behind Pan Am 103 was REALLY JEWISH

and helps to explain why the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" did not want homO to enforce a NO FLY ZONE over Libya....

Tell us, genius, why do Jews not believe in Jesus???


Jews were the only demographic present. Jews observed Jesus. Everyone else just parrots a book written by Jews and rejected/burned by Jews....


When confronted with truth, the Zionist Fascist behaves the same way as the trans, the black bigot, the homo hate hoaxer...

Card toss...

What is NOT TRUE here?

Nothing. Jews in Israel burn Christian Bibles and get violent with Christians...

Can't rebut, refute, or even debate, but can TOSS CARDS...

A bit of scuffling among competing Cult groups .

Cult Christians just love to cause a commotion as one of their imagined special days arrives .
With no magic resurrection or second coming ever happening, they have little else to waffle about or to get anybody the least interested in their strange antics
Other than scuffling and bleating . Lots of passive aggression .
Painting all Jewish people with your anti-semitic brush is no more valid than judging all Christians by the actions of Westboro Baptist.
Or all blacks by the actions of the gang bangers & all Muslims by the suicide bombers
A bit of scuffling among competing Cult groups .

Cult Christians just love to cause a commotion as one of their imagined special days arrives .
With no magic resurrection or second coming ever happening, they have little else to waffle about or to get anybody the least interested in their strange antics
Other than scuffling and bleating . Lots of passive aggression .

They hate truth just as much as the Democrats do....
Where is "All Jews" used, bigoted liar?

Have another "anti semitic" read, SUB....

Pretty brave with your anti-semitic/pro-racism tropes & name calling BS when you hide behind a screen.
Why do I think your "bravery" disappears in public where it's put up or shut up?
Go ahead & deny but we both know the truth. You wouldn't say boo in person

Are you shocked when you find no support here for your obvious hatred of Jews?
You D0 judge all blacks as gang bangers and all Muslims as terrorists.
Show me where I've ever done that dragonbreath?
I'll leave the board permanently if you can prove that BS.

Or are you just a liar with extremely strong emotional responses to every fembot trigger?
Do you have to feed your "moons"?
Pretty brave with your anti-semitic/pro-racism tropes & name calling BS when you hide behind a screen.
Why do I think your "bravery" disappears in public where it's put up or shut up?
Go ahead & deny but we both know the truth. You wouldn't say boo in person

Are you shocked when you find no support here for your obvious hatred of Jews?


It is YOU who HATES

Einstein and the 99 other Jews who signed his letter
Times of Israel
Russell Feingold
half of Israel now fighting against Zionist Fascist Netanyahu

It is YOU who is the CHICKENSHIT COWARD talking smack behind a screen

And this is because you are a SUB, a being of ZERO INTELLIGENCE, a MORON who "exists" to SERVE a group that has TOTAL CONTEMPT FOR YOUR EXISTENCE!!!!


It is YOU who HATES

Einstein and the 99 other Jews who signed his letter
Times of Israel
Russell Feingold
half of Israel now fighting against Zionist Fascist Netanyahu

It is YOU who is the CHICKENSHIT COWARD talking smack behind a screen

And this is because you are a SUB, a being of ZERO INTELLIGENCE, a MORON who "exists" to SERVE a group that has TOTAL CONTEMPT FOR YOUR EXISTENCE!!!!

OK tough guy.
I'm sure you're on your way to my ranch here in OK right now.

Tell the doctor to double your meds before you get yourself in trouble kid.

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