So who is the "cult," now? 🤪

Alright fellas, you heard the tRumpling:

Line 'em up and knock 'em back!!

Yes, I know it's before noon but you know the rules!

View attachment 993278

If it makes you happy, some Republicans will show up to vote your legislation through. There always seems to be just enough to get it done. And it can change who helps the Progs get it done in different legislation. Progs vote in near total unison. And the only reason they may vote with Republicans now is that the election is coming, and they are reverting to their so-called moderate views. Calling Walz a moderate is why we are in trouble. The founding fathers would have had an endless amount of 10 paces turn and shoot with these people.
whatever you heard we will have a platform. gotta keep these things in order, ya know.
I gotta tell you rampart. . I'm not real hopeful that we will get a "platform," and complete details of what they plan to do.

I am listening to and watching that Phoenix rally right now, and Kamala just actually MOCKED Trump for telling the nation what he intend to do, for putting it in writing, like that is a bad thing?!


That really does not instill confidence.

I am hearing distortion and lie after lie from both her and Walz. It isn't pretty.

I gotta tell you rampart. . I'm not real hopeful that we will get a "platform," and complete details of what they plan to do.

I am listening to and watching that Phoenix rally right now, and Kamala just actually MOCKED Trump for telling the nation what he intend to do, for putting it in writing, like that is a bad thing?!


That really does not instill confidence.

I am hearing distortion and lie after lie from both her and Walz. It isn't pretty.

They are fascists, desperate for power. What else would you expect?
What a coincidence! Trump is going to keep the ACA, since he was in office an entire term, and did not touch the ACA, SS or other social programs then either!

duh. :rolleyes:
How many times did the GOP try to repeal the ACA? Trump did not touch it only because the could not touch it.

Hell, I wonder if you even know how the American government works. The legistlative branch makes and modifies the laws, the administrative branch administers them. Damn you are stoopid.
For 1st graders, that is true, but some of us remember when the Senate was considering an immigration plan but tabled it on the request of a Presidential candidate.

Trump has repeated mulitple times, he will let the states detirmine the will of the people. He won't interfere with liberal states being pro-choice, and conservative states being pro-life. Why do you hate freedom, liberty and democracy?
He has also said he favors a national abortion ban, though not recently. I guess his credibility among non-MAGAs if very low. Some of us are still waiting for his 2016 promises to be kept.

Nor will either party "destroy democracy." stahp being brainwashed. All political parties appoint partisan toadies.
But it was restricted after it was found not to work. In 1883! Talk about going back to repeat the mistakes of the past.
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How many times did the GOP try to repeal the ACA? Trump did not touch it only because the could not touch it.

For 1st graders, that is true, but some of us remember when the Senate was considering an immigration plan but tabled it on the request of a Presidential candidate.

He has also said he favors a national abortion ban, though not recently. I guess his credibility among non-MAGAs if very low. Some of us are still waiting for his 2016 promises to be kept.

But it was restricted after it was found not to work. In 1883! Talk about going back to repeat the mistakes of the past.
You mean like brinkman?
You mean like a person who practices brinkmanship? I don't get it.
I didn't catch my phones auto correct, your buddy Sam Brinton.
So this is interesting.

I had heard a rumor that I did not believe. Well, I got around to checking it out for myself this morning.

Folks on the left continue to claim that Trump is a cult of personality . . . and yet, when you go to his website, you can clearly see, what he stands for, and what he plans to do. . .

You can also go watch his rallies and hear what he plans to do as well. His rhetoric has been pretty clear and consistent.

Here are the plans folks;

Now I had heard rumors, that Kamala and Walz, don't actually have an agenda.
They are just going to do whatever the establishment tell them to. Now it appears the MSM and the zeitgeist is just generating a buzz in the culture, and a cult of personality at this point.

Apparently, Megyn Kelly researched this, and broke the story? I went and checked it out, and yup, they aren't really telling us shit. Nothing about what the plans for the nation are at the website, nothing.

What a scandal. What sort of idiot would just vote for a cult of personality, out and out IN YOAR FACE! :dunno:

The establishment isn't even telling the public what they are going to do in writing. . . they just expect folks to just vote for these people, don't worry about the issues.

The campaign is basically just running on. . . NOT TRUMP. :auiqs.jpg:


Uhhh MAGA is the cult. Obviously
You heard rumors? From who?
It was on the Kelly show. Others on this site mentioned it.

It is no longer a rumor, go to their site, check it out for yourself. I gave you the link in the OP.
It was on the Kelly show. Others on this site mentioned it.

It is no longer a rumor, go to their site, check it out for yourself. I gave you the link in the OP.
Not having an agenda posted on a website a couple weeks into the campaign is VERY different than them not having one at all and planning on going along with whatever the establishment tells them to do… like you painted in your OP.
Yet our candidate actually has a political platform posted for the world to see, while your dear leader doesn't. Huh..........
Just because he has a platform doesn’t mean he isn’t a cult leader. This is why you don’t see him dive into policy or details on how things get done. Trumps game is to lie and boast about himself while lying and degrading his opponents. If the conversation goes to details he can’t hang and his supporters don’t care… that’s called “cult of personality”
Not having an agenda posted on a website a couple weeks into the campaign is VERY different than them not having one at all and planning on going along with whatever the establishment tells them to do… like you painted in your OP.
You can tell yourself what ever the hell makes you feel better. 🤪

Everything I posted in my OP is true.

There is absolutely NO lies or mischaracterization whatsoever in it at all.

So go ahead in sit there like this . . .


. . . all you like.

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