Socialism folks. Here you go. What you wont learn in our schools about it.

Instead they learn this...

Most of the Democrats who visit this site are dumpster divers, why else do they support socialism and its FAIRNESS. Instead of them using their God given gifts to excel, they want the government to punish the rest of US who have been successful. It all starts with their being born and their hatred towards their moms and dads, who without their permission brought them into this unfair world. Why else do they support abortion? Then they go off to the public indoctrination stations(public schools) to have their minds filled with Socialist Propaganda to hate Capitalism, which has created more millionaires than any socialist country could dream of. Yet they remain stupid, they remain poor, and they remain miserable, and until all the rest of US is miserable and poor, then there will always be income inequality...….

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Let's see what an actual Venezuelan says about sean penn. Someone that did not grow up privileged there.

But made it to the opportunities capitalism America provided.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.
It is also caused by having all yer eggs in one basket(oil) Venezuela is sitting on the largest known reservoir of oil in zee vorld..
Yet the prices that helped Ven. become so rich is the same carriage which carried Ven. to it's disposition now, low oil prices, 1/2 of what they were in 2008. That occurred in 2014 with a 45% drop in just one year. I also stopped getting oil royalty checks that year also....
No economy can handle such a drop in commodity prices when they have but one major product to sell...
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.


Fucking moron

Democratic socialism is the form of government you have in the USA. An army paid from the tax revenues, is socialism. As is Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicaid. Republicans keep trying to strangle these programs instead of building and sustaining them, even though their constituents would die without them.
The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

Look like several of the places around here in rural America in red states..
Don't worry though....

The rich liberals really really care.

The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

Some on the left are advocating for equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States.
The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

You post a video of a
The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

It's not within the scope of my knowledge to explain to you what happened in Venezuela? Why do you use Venezuela, a country which has suffered under a variety of bad governments over the years, as an example of socialism. It's also an example mistreatment at the hands of the IMF and the World Bank, and what happens when the bottom drops out of the oil prices and oil is your only export, and the foundation of your economy.

Why not use the examples of successful socialist countries like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium - really all of the first world? Why because you need to show socialism doesn't work. Except it does - in SPADES. The best places to live in the world, the places where the PEOPLE have the MOST FREEDOMS, are all socialist countries.

And they all allow gay marriage, and have free health care for all.

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