Socialism threads bandwagon

Tell me, in your own words what is socialism. Define it for me please, in your own words.

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Ok, Here is what I think socialism is. First of all itā€™s been tried in every form and countless times, So it has 100% failure as a track record.
And ā€œthis timeā€ it will not work just like every other time...
It relies on everyone to do the same thing no exceptions, it relies on human nature to be good which obviously itā€™s not.
It depends on the collective which is always evilā€¦ And itā€™s means of prosperity relies on redistribution. Which at its very core is wrong in every sense of the word.
And this time they are using political correctness to control people into thinking itā€™s something newā€¦ There again the fact remains Socialism has a 100% fail rate long-term. There is nothing new under the sun.
You were asked for a definition...even YOUR definition and instead we got a rant.

Well, I like millions of other Americans canā€™t think of anything worse than socialism.
Of course Iā€™m going to reject it with every part of my being.
Any sort of freedom and socialism cannot coexistā€¦ Thatā€™s just the facts

You cannot even identify it, how can there be nothing worse?

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You do realize trying something over and over again and expecting different resultsā€¦ Is insanity. I think a famous dude once said that?
Like tariffs? More conservative socialism.
  • First, socialism eradicates private property and markets and thus eliminates rational calculation.
  • Second, socialism allows soft budgets, so there is no mechanism in place to discard inefficient production methods.
  • Third, abolishing private property and replacing it by the state distorts the incentives.
  • Four, the socialist system with its absence of private property and of free markets inhibits the economic coordination of the system of division of labor and capital.

Can you name a country where these four things have happened?

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Well, I like millions of other Americans canā€™t think of anything worse than socialism.
Of course Iā€™m going to reject it with every part of my being.
Any sort of freedom and socialism cannot coexistā€¦ Thatā€™s just the facts

You cannot even identify it, how can there be nothing worse?

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You do realize trying something over and over again and expecting different resultsā€¦ Is insanity. I think a famous dude once said that?

How can we know if it is being done over and over again when it cannot even be defined.

Are public roads socialist?

Is public law enforcement socialist?

Is the military an example of socialism?

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Built by and paid by who?
Like Iā€™ve said, military police and fire are an necessary... obviously.
But our federal government/deep state are infinitely too large and, socialist entitlement programs have been out of control for decades. These things are not beneficial to conservative/libertarianā€˜s in anyway. They do not require our participationā€¦

A strong argument could be made that capitalist greed is the reason the deep state has gotten so out of hand.
Yes, That is human nature.
Risk is an essential factor to success, Socialism allows for no individual success or risks
Apparently they have their marching orders.

They have been screaming



for days.

I guess someone did some focus group work and noted the right wing angst at those words.

And for the record...Saudi Arabia is about as socialist as you can get. Half the population is on welfare.

Iā€™m good with reparations. The DNC should pay them as they are the ones who started the civil war to begin with. Hell, Democrats brought slaves here to begin with. Much like rich democrats are bringing wetbacks.
  • First, socialism eradicates private property and markets and thus eliminates rational calculation.
  • Second, socialism allows soft budgets, so there is no mechanism in place to discard inefficient production methods.
  • Third, abolishing private property and replacing it by the state distorts the incentives.
  • Four, the socialist system with its absence of private property and of free markets inhibits the economic coordination of the system of division of labor and capital.

Can you name a country where these four things have happened?

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You know he can't. He's obviously just a stubborn old man who isn't going to budge an inch on this topic so might as well move on already.
Ok, Here is what I think socialism is. First of all itā€™s been tried in every form and countless times, So it has 100% failure as a track record.
And ā€œthis timeā€ it will not work just like every other time...
It relies on everyone to do the same thing no exceptions, it relies on human nature to be good which obviously itā€™s not.
It depends on the collective which is always evilā€¦ And itā€™s means of prosperity relies on redistribution. Which at its very core is wrong in every sense of the word.
And this time they are using political correctness to control people into thinking itā€™s something newā€¦ There again the fact remains Socialism has a 100% fail rate long-term. There is nothing new under the sun.
You were asked for a definition...even YOUR definition and instead we got a rant.

Well, I like millions of other Americans canā€™t think of anything worse than socialism.
Of course Iā€™m going to reject it with every part of my being.
Any sort of freedom and socialism cannot coexistā€¦ Thatā€™s just the facts

You cannot even identify it, how can there be nothing worse?

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You do realize trying something over and over again and expecting different resultsā€¦ Is insanity. I think a famous dude once said that?
Like tariffs? More conservative socialism.
I am conflicted on the tariffs I have to say, But that is part of capitalism the good with the bad. There is no good in socialism
Can we please just dispel the myth that taxpayer funded services are socialist programs?
You mean Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid?

That's not a myth. It's the facts. Those are certainly not free market programs.You may not like to admit that reality...but is is that

I've seen people on this forum say that everything from trash collection to the military are Socialist programs. You're probably one of them.
Unless you pay a company directly to pick up your's socialist
You were asked for a definition...even YOUR definition and instead we got a rant.

Well, I like millions of other Americans canā€™t think of anything worse than socialism.
Of course Iā€™m going to reject it with every part of my being.
Any sort of freedom and socialism cannot coexistā€¦ Thatā€™s just the facts

You cannot even identify it, how can there be nothing worse?

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You do realize trying something over and over again and expecting different resultsā€¦ Is insanity. I think a famous dude once said that?
Like tariffs? More conservative socialism.
I am conflicted on the tariffs I have to say, But that is part of capitalism the good with the bad. There is no good in socialism
But it all depends on your definition. I would call tariffs socialism.
Thought I would jump on the theme of the week.

In a couple other threads on socialism there is some disagreement on which countries are currently socialist. Some say Canada is, some say it is not for example.

So, in your view what counties in the world today are socialist countries.

Letā€™s see if we can come up with a list most agree on.

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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Have you ever had an original thought?

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OK hereā€™s original thought for you, socialism sucks because it always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If it was Worth a shit it would not have to be forced.

Millions of conservatives/Libertarians in this country what nothing to do with socialismā€¦ It does not require our participation. Why donā€™t you keep that shit to yourselves if it is so great?

Tell me, in your own words what is socialism. Define it for me please, in your own words.

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I am a doctor, you are a bartender, Rustic is an engineer. We all make the same as the Gov't pays us not a private business. But we are OK with that because it is for a greater good and a struggle. The Gov't provides free education and healthcare. The Gov't provides military service. No one is "poor" or "rich" except they are because those in Gov't still earn way more than others and those with connections of course and in pro sports. Additionally businesses are nationalized. Go listen to the John Lennon song.
Have you ever had an original thought?

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OK hereā€™s original thought for you, socialism sucks because it always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If it was Worth a shit it would not have to be forced.

Millions of conservatives/Libertarians in this country what nothing to do with socialismā€¦ It does not require our participation. Why donā€™t you keep that shit to yourselves if it is so great?

Tell me, in your own words what is socialism. Define it for me please, in your own words.

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Ok, Here is what I think socialism is. First of all itā€™s been tried in every form and countless times, So it has 100% failure as a track record.
And ā€œthis timeā€ it will not work just like every other time...
It relies on everyone to do the same thing no exceptions, it relies on human nature to be good which obviously itā€™s not.
It depends on the collective which is always evilā€¦ And itā€™s means of prosperity relies on redistribution. Which at its very core is wrong in every sense of the word.
And this time they are using political correctness to control people into thinking itā€™s something newā€¦ There again the fact remains Socialism has a 100% fail rate long-term. There is nothing new under the sun.
You were asked for a definition...even YOUR definition and instead we got a rant.

Well, I like millions of other Americans canā€™t think of anything worse than socialism.
Of course Iā€™m going to reject it with every part of my being.
Any sort of freedom and socialism cannot coexistā€¦ Thatā€™s just the facts
And yet you can't define that which you so vehemently oppose

Thought I would jump on the theme of the week.

In a couple other threads on socialism there is some disagreement on which countries are currently socialist. Some say Canada is, some say it is not for example.

So, in your view what counties in the world today are socialist countries.

Letā€™s see if we can come up with a list most agree on.

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This shit has become hilarious...Iā€™m fascinated at how the beggars have busted their filthy asses trying to disguise socialism...this is simple shit for third graders....when government FORCES people to pay for other peopleā€™s shit for which the payer does not benefit you have socialism.
Our retarded pyramid schemes such as social security and Medicare fall within the grey area that beggars seek to expand.
  • First, socialism eradicates private property and markets and thus eliminates rational calculation.
  • Second, socialism allows soft budgets, so there is no mechanism in place to discard inefficient production methods.
  • Third, abolishing private property and replacing it by the state distorts the incentives.
  • Four, the socialist system with its absence of private property and of free markets inhibits the economic coordination of the system of division of labor and capital.

Can you name a country where these four things have happened?

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Well, first of all thereā€™s never been an long-term socialist country. They all implode before that.

The whole point of socialism is eliminating the individual, that alone makes socialism a failure.
History is full of civilizations that tried socialist ways... They all turned out bad.

So no matter how much political correctness you try to force on people that disagree with you, you will never change history.
  • First, socialism eradicates private property and markets and thus eliminates rational calculation.
  • Second, socialism allows soft budgets, so there is no mechanism in place to discard inefficient production methods.
  • Third, abolishing private property and replacing it by the state distorts the incentives.
  • Four, the socialist system with its absence of private property and of free markets inhibits the economic coordination of the system of division of labor and capital.

Can you name a country where these four things have happened?

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You know he can't. He's obviously just a stubborn old man who isn't going to budge an inch on this topic so might as well move on already.
You do realize thereā€™s nothing on new under the sun?

Like I said socialism cannot coexist with any sort of freedomā€¦ History has proven that over and over again
OK hereā€™s original thought for you, socialism sucks because it always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If it was Worth a shit it would not have to be forced.

Millions of conservatives/Libertarians in this country what nothing to do with socialismā€¦ It does not require our participation. Why donā€™t you keep that shit to yourselves if it is so great?

Tell me, in your own words what is socialism. Define it for me please, in your own words.

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Ok, Here is what I think socialism is. First of all itā€™s been tried in every form and countless times, So it has 100% failure as a track record.
And ā€œthis timeā€ it will not work just like every other time...
It relies on everyone to do the same thing no exceptions, it relies on human nature to be good which obviously itā€™s not.
It depends on the collective which is always evilā€¦ And itā€™s means of prosperity relies on redistribution. Which at its very core is wrong in every sense of the word.
And this time they are using political correctness to control people into thinking itā€™s something newā€¦ There again the fact remains Socialism has a 100% fail rate long-term. There is nothing new under the sun.
You were asked for a definition...even YOUR definition and instead we got a rant.

Well, I like millions of other Americans canā€™t think of anything worse than socialism.
Of course Iā€™m going to reject it with every part of my being.
Any sort of freedom and socialism cannot coexistā€¦ Thatā€™s just the facts
And yet you can't define that which you so vehemently oppose

Socialism has been around since the beginning of civilization, itā€™s been tried in it every form and countless times throughout civilization. It has a 100% failure rate as a track record. There is nothing new under the sun you should realize that by now.
Thought I would jump on the theme of the week.

In a couple other threads on socialism there is some disagreement on which countries are currently socialist. Some say Canada is, some say it is not for example.

So, in your view what counties in the world today are socialist countries.

Letā€™s see if we can come up with a list most agree on.

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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Have you ever had an original thought?

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OK hereā€™s original thought for you, socialism sucks because it always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If it was Worth a shit it would not have to be forced.

Millions of conservatives/Libertarians in this country what nothing to do with socialismā€¦ It does not require our participation. Why donā€™t you keep that shit to yourselves if it is so great?

Tell me, in your own words what is socialism. Define it for me please, in your own words.

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I am a doctor, you are a bartender, Rustic is an engineer. We all make the same as the Gov't pays us not a private business. But we are OK with that because it is for a greater good and a struggle. The Gov't provides free education and healthcare. The Gov't provides military service. No one is "poor" or "rich" except they are because those in Gov't still earn way more than others and those with connections of course and in pro sports. Additionally businesses are nationalized. Go listen to the John Lennon song.

Thanks for the answer.

Has this ever happened in a country in the history of mankind?

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  • First, socialism eradicates private property and markets and thus eliminates rational calculation.
  • Second, socialism allows soft budgets, so there is no mechanism in place to discard inefficient production methods.
  • Third, abolishing private property and replacing it by the state distorts the incentives.
  • Four, the socialist system with its absence of private property and of free markets inhibits the economic coordination of the system of division of labor and capital.

Can you name a country where these four things have happened?

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You know he can't. He's obviously just a stubborn old man who isn't going to budge an inch on this topic so might as well move on already.
You do realize thereā€™s nothing on new under the sun?

Like I said socialism cannot coexist with any sort of freedomā€¦ History has proven that over and over again

Yet you cannot name any of these historical examples

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Have you ever had an original thought?

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OK hereā€™s original thought for you, socialism sucks because it always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If it was Worth a shit it would not have to be forced.

Millions of conservatives/Libertarians in this country what nothing to do with socialismā€¦ It does not require our participation. Why donā€™t you keep that shit to yourselves if it is so great?

Tell me, in your own words what is socialism. Define it for me please, in your own words.

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I am a doctor, you are a bartender, Rustic is an engineer. We all make the same as the Gov't pays us not a private business. But we are OK with that because it is for a greater good and a struggle. The Gov't provides free education and healthcare. The Gov't provides military service. No one is "poor" or "rich" except they are because those in Gov't still earn way more than others and those with connections of course and in pro sports. Additionally businesses are nationalized. Go listen to the John Lennon song.

Thanks for the answer.

Has this ever happened in a country in the history of mankind?

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Itā€™s been tried countless times, hence the failure. Socialism is an born failure

Have you ever had an original thought?

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OK hereā€™s original thought for you, socialism sucks because it always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If it was Worth a shit it would not have to be forced.

Millions of conservatives/Libertarians in this country what nothing to do with socialismā€¦ It does not require our participation. Why donā€™t you keep that shit to yourselves if it is so great?

Tell me, in your own words what is socialism. Define it for me please, in your own words.

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I am a doctor, you are a bartender, Rustic is an engineer. We all make the same as the Gov't pays us not a private business. But we are OK with that because it is for a greater good and a struggle. The Gov't provides free education and healthcare. The Gov't provides military service. No one is "poor" or "rich" except they are because those in Gov't still earn way more than others and those with connections of course and in pro sports. Additionally businesses are nationalized. Go listen to the John Lennon song.

Thanks for the answer.

Has this ever happened in a country in the history of mankind?

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Soviet Union
North Korea
Older China
Venezuela currently

Are you trying to be funny, Gator? Usually you're one of the smarter ones on this board. Do you really want to challenge me in a battle of wits? You will lose. Again.
OK hereā€™s original thought for you, socialism sucks because it always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If it was Worth a shit it would not have to be forced.

Millions of conservatives/Libertarians in this country what nothing to do with socialismā€¦ It does not require our participation. Why donā€™t you keep that shit to yourselves if it is so great?

Tell me, in your own words what is socialism. Define it for me please, in your own words.

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Ok, Here is what I think socialism is. First of all itā€™s been tried in every form and countless times, So it has 100% failure as a track record.
And ā€œthis timeā€ it will not work just like every other time...
It relies on everyone to do the same thing no exceptions, it relies on human nature to be good which obviously itā€™s not.
It depends on the collective which is always evilā€¦ And itā€™s means of prosperity relies on redistribution. Which at its very core is wrong in every sense of the word.
And this time they are using political correctness to control people into thinking itā€™s something newā€¦ There again the fact remains Socialism has a 100% fail rate long-term. There is nothing new under the sun.
You were asked for a definition...even YOUR definition and instead we got a rant.

Well, I like millions of other Americans canā€™t think of anything worse than socialism.
Of course Iā€™m going to reject it with every part of my being.
Any sort of freedom and socialism cannot coexistā€¦ Thatā€™s just the facts
And yet you can't define that which you so vehemently oppose

Are you a socialist?

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