Solar Power Destroys Miles and Miles of Desert

The Navajo Generating Station is the largest coal-fired power plant on the Colorado Plateau and one of the ten biggest polluters in the country.

It is just 12 miles from the Grand Canyon and responsible for frequently polluted air that makes vistas hazy and unhealthy at the park.


Haze obscures a view of the Grand Canyon.

I was there on one of the smoggy days at the Grand Canyon. That is an obscenity. One of the grandest and most beautiful areas on the planet, and the power companies choose to pollute it.

And the AGW cult will use anything to promote their religious propaganda especially when it not based on real science..
So, you approve of the pollution of the Grand Canyon. What else to expect!
The Navajo Generating Station is the largest coal-fired power plant on the Colorado Plateau and one of the ten biggest polluters in the country.

It is just 12 miles from the Grand Canyon and responsible for frequently polluted air that makes vistas hazy and unhealthy at the park.


Haze obscures a view of the Grand Canyon.

I was there on one of the smoggy days at the Grand Canyon. That is an obscenity. One of the grandest and most beautiful areas on the planet, and the power companies choose to pollute it.

And the AGW cult will use anything to promote their religious propaganda especially when it not based on real science..
So, you approve of the pollution of the Grand Canyon. What else to expect!

And the AGW cult proves once again they are not connected to reality..
When oil spills you stop drinking the water, as just happened near Yellowstone. When a solar farm has a problem you what? Stop tanning? :)

Yellowstone Oil Spill Missing from Keystone XL Coverage On CNN Fox Blog Media Matters for America

"Oil Pipeline Leaked 50,000 Gallons Of Crude Into Yellowstone River. On January 17, an oil pipeline owned by Bridger Pipeline Co. spilled 1,200 barrels of crude oil -- or about 50,000 gallons -- into the Yellowstone River, prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency...

...Spill Has Released Cancer-Causing Agent Into Region's Water. Days after the spill, officials detected benzene -- a cancer-causing agent -- in the water supply of Glendive."
Going grid parallel is the answer to that.

Yes , of course , but for some reason I feel that's cheating on the electric company :D
Not if it is done like this. You sell, during the day, when you are not using the electricity, what you produce to the power company at the wholesale rate that is being paid by the utility at that time. At night, you buy electricity at the retail price.

So, during the day, you are just another generator at the time of most use, during the night, you are a customer at the time of least use. Win-win.
At a cost of over 9 trillion dollars
When oil spills you stop drinking the water, as just happened near Yellowstone. When a solar farm has a problem you what? Stop tanning? :)

Yellowstone Oil Spill Missing from Keystone XL Coverage On CNN Fox Blog Media Matters for America

"Oil Pipeline Leaked 50,000 Gallons Of Crude Into Yellowstone River. On January 17, an oil pipeline owned by Bridger Pipeline Co. spilled 1,200 barrels of crude oil -- or about 50,000 gallons -- into the Yellowstone River, prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency...

...Spill Has Released Cancer-Causing Agent Into Region's Water. Days after the spill, officials detected benzene -- a cancer-causing agent -- in the water supply of Glendive."
Solar and Wind do not prevent Oil use! Gas, Diesel, Lubricants, Chemicals, Asphalt come from the Oil in that there pipeline.
The Navajo Generating Station is the largest coal-fired power plant on the Colorado Plateau and one of the ten biggest polluters in the country.

It is just 12 miles from the Grand Canyon and responsible for frequently polluted air that makes vistas hazy and unhealthy at the park.


Haze obscures a view of the Grand Canyon.

I was there on one of the smoggy days at the Grand Canyon. That is an obscenity. One of the grandest and most beautiful areas on the planet, and the power companies choose to pollute it.

And the AGW cult will use anything to promote their religious propaganda especially when it not based on real science..
So, you approve of the pollution of the Grand Canyon. What else to expect!

So where exactly, would you suggest we pollute?

Or would you suggest we just not have electricity at all? Because without power plants, there simply won't be enough electricity. There is no such thing as a pollution free power source. Sorry. Wind power? Do you realize how many millions of TeraWatts of power is used to mine the ore, smelt the iron, make the steal, put the towers together, and put them in place? Solar? Have you seen the 3000º furnaces, using millions of kilowatts of power to make those panels, then dupe them properly? Not to mention the power used to purify the silicone.

And even if we could build all the solar panels, and wind mills using zero electricity, and made enough of them to harness 100% of the renewable power in the country, it would still be a tiny tiny fraction of the power we use today.

So we would still need conventional power sources, or do without.

Are you willing to do without? Then how the heck are you on this forum?

Even if you are willing to do without, the vast majority of the US population would end up starving to death. Are you willing to go that route to avoid all pollution? Because that's what you are advocating.

The only alternative is Nuclear power. But the people on the left, which you seem to be a part of, have determine we can't do that. Even though the number of people who have died because of nuclear power, is a faction of the number who have died slipping on soap in the shower, you have convinced everyone that nuclear power will turn the entire country into a giant Chernobyl.

But modern nuclear power is the only clean safe, and abundant source of power on the planet today.

The only other options are... mass starvation and a drop in the standard of living to caveman levels, or.... pollution.

Coal Returns to German Utilities Replacing Lost Nuclear - Bloomberg Business

When Germany started phasing out Nuclear, the switch wasn't to solar or wind.... but coal.

Why this is a shock to anyone, is beyond me.
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When oil spills you stop drinking the water, as just happened near Yellowstone. When a solar farm has a problem you what? Stop tanning? :)

Yellowstone Oil Spill Missing from Keystone XL Coverage On CNN Fox Blog Media Matters for America

"Oil Pipeline Leaked 50,000 Gallons Of Crude Into Yellowstone River. On January 17, an oil pipeline owned by Bridger Pipeline Co. spilled 1,200 barrels of crude oil -- or about 50,000 gallons -- into the Yellowstone River, prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency...

...Spill Has Released Cancer-Causing Agent Into Region's Water. Days after the spill, officials detected benzene -- a cancer-causing agent -- in the water supply of Glendive."
Solar and Wind do not prevent Oil use! Gas, Diesel, Lubricants, Chemicals, Asphalt come from the Oil in that there pipeline.

This is the most obvious to me, it's shocking anyone can't grasp it.

You really think we can charge up enough batteries, to replace jets planes crossing the ocean, with electric props?

Even if we could magically bend the laws of physics, to allow jet engines to be replaced with electric solar powered props..... hello... the props still need oiled.

There are MILLIONS of uses for oil. MILLIONS. Oil is used in the productions of TRILLIONS of products.

Your solar powered EV..... rolling on tires made with oil... will not stop the use of oil. Oil is used in making the frame of the car. Oil is used in making the plastic dash. Oil is used in making circuit boards, and computer controller of the car. Oil is used in making the seats you put your butt in, in the car. Windshield wipers, AC units, the weather seals that prevent water from dripping on your head through the sun roof.... all of them and many many more, use oil in their production.

The bottom line is, you can complain about oil spills all you want.

We're still going to get the oil... or someone else will. No matter what policy you put in place, the oil going to be gotten by someone somewhere. There will never be a policy of any kind, that eliminates the need, or production, of oil. It's going to happen.

The only difference will be, do you want to get cheaper oil... or import expensive oil. Do you want to get wealthy off of domestically produced oil? Or poor, off of buying expensive foriegn oil?

If we were stupid enough to actually ban the use of oil... that would only make us incredibly poor in the biggest economic crash in world history, while making the rest of the world rich, as they would have cheaper energy supplies than ever before.
You are confusing politics with reality, we are not short one drop of water. Hell, we just had 3 years of record grape harvests.

are you on drugs or did you miss the helicopters flying inland with water and dropping it from above?
Nope, not on drugs, I simply recognize that when you incorrectly describe water in terms of gallons instead of acre feet, you simply do not know what your talking about.

You are without question smoking something. This discussion is so ridiculous and finished by me.
I should of forewarned you, you come in my threads, you best be ready to debate me, you best read your links, and damn well better make sure you know something more than your feelings.

I was disappointed when your posts were just a bit better than mattpew's and not even close to Old Crock's garbage. You fell right between dumb and dumber.

This discussion is so ridiculous and finished by me.

You are funny though, I think you meant to say: "This discussion is so ridiculous, its finished by me". What you stated is that you made this discussion ridiculous.

What's funny is I made your thread completely worthless with my first post. Too easy. The rest were just added fun. btw.. you know this to be true, because you ended up stalking me in other threads with your pissy attitude. Lighten up. Quit being so stubborn. When you are wrong you are wrong. Just accept it.
the most stupid post of the week.
The Navajo Generating Station is the largest coal-fired power plant on the Colorado Plateau and one of the ten biggest polluters in the country.

It is just 12 miles from the Grand Canyon and responsible for frequently polluted air that makes vistas hazy and unhealthy at the park.


Haze obscures a view of the Grand Canyon.

I was there on one of the smoggy days at the Grand Canyon. That is an obscenity. One of the grandest and most beautiful areas on the planet, and the power companies choose to pollute it.

And the AGW cult will use anything to promote their religious propaganda especially when it not based on real science..
So, you approve of the pollution of the Grand Canyon. What else to expect!

So where exactly, would you suggest we pollute?

Or would you suggest we just not have electricity at all? Because without power plants, there simply won't be enough electricity. There is no such thing as a pollution free power source. Sorry. Wind power? Do you realize how many millions of TeraWatts of power is used to mine the ore, smelt the iron, make the steal, put the towers together, and put them in place? Solar? Have you seen the 3000º furnaces, using millions of kilowatts of power to make those panels, then dupe them properly? Not to mention the power used to purify the silicone.

And even if we could build all the solar panels, and wind mills using zero electricity, and made enough of them to harness 100% of the renewable power in the country, it would still be a tiny tiny fraction of the power we use today.

So we would still need conventional power sources, or do without.

Are you willing to do without? Then how the heck are you on this forum?

Even if you are willing to do without, the vast majority of the US population would end up starving to death. Are you willing to go that route to avoid all pollution? Because that's what you are advocating.

The only alternative is Nuclear power. But the people on the left, which you seem to be a part of, have determine we can't do that. Even though the number of people who have died because of nuclear power, is a faction of the number who have died slipping on soap in the shower, you have convinced everyone that nuclear power will turn the entire country into a giant Chernobyl.

But modern nuclear power is the only clean safe, and abundant source of power on the planet today.

The only other options are... mass starvation and a drop in the standard of living to caveman levels, or.... pollution.

Coal Returns to German Utilities Replacing Lost Nuclear - Bloomberg Business

When Germany started phasing out Nuclear, the switch wasn't to solar or wind.... but coal.

Why this is a shock to anyone, is beyond me.
because they don't care about human life. It is simple. Read their posts. They want human life gone. they really post this most stupid stuff. Really, they do, go read all of the other threads in here. They want the earth to be without human life. It cracks me up daily.
I think building a city or road in the desert is far more destructive. Should we do that, yes we should!

if you can get the city access to clean water or water period I'd agree! Better have damn good air conditioners and water fountains everywhere.
Solar can not be sustained without water. Yet somehow Solar is finding plenty of water in the desert, which according to you is a wasteland?
You silly ass, why don't you just link us a credible source that states you need a lot of water for solar?
Okay, how about the Final Environmental Impact Statement from the World's Largest Solar Power Plant, Ivanpah. It is located in the Mojave desert. I will use the Bureau of Land Management and the actual EIS. Is that good or should I use your source Old Crock, wikipedia!

The facilities would require a water source to support operations, including process water consisting of make-up water for the steam system and wash water for the heliostats, and potable water for domestic water needs. Groundwater would be supplied from one of two wells that would be constructed at the northwest corner of Ivanpah 1, just outside the perimeter fence but within the construction logistics area. Each of the three power blocks would be connected to the groundwater wells by underground water pipelines. The applicant estimates project water consumption would not exceed a maximum of 100 acre-feet per year for all three solar plants combined, which would primarily be used to provide water for washing heliostats (mirrors) and to replace boiler feed water blow-down. The quality of groundwater would be improved using a treatment system for meeting the requirements of the boiler make-up and mirror wash water. Water treatment equipment would consist of activated carbon filters, de-ionization media, and a mixed-bed polisher. Each power plant would have a 250,000 gallon raw water storage tank. Approximately 100,000 gallons would be usable for plant process needs and 150,000 gallons would be reserved for fire protection. Demineralized water would be stored in a 25,000-gallon demineralized water storage tank. Boiler feedwater make-up water would be stored in another 25,000-gallon tank. Fire Protection The fire protection system would be designed to protect personnel and limit property loss and plant downtime in the event of a fire. The primary source of fire protection water would be the 250,000 gallon raw

Damn, Ivanpah requires two wells and its own water treatment facility which is being powered by electricity supplied by Fossil Fuel.

Old Crock, I am going to start calling you, "Strawberry" (low hanging fruit).

You know that desert water is limited, right? The grape farm you referenced was due to the rain california got in the last few days, which just so happened to be perfect timing for grape harvesting season. Have you been paying attention to the California droughts? It was just on the news today. Did you hear about the water usage ban in all of CA? Hear about the helicopters bringing in water to farmers from the pacific due to things being so dire. It's national news. hey! It's all good. there's no drought. Or you want desert everywhere. That is happening. California is becoming more and more desert.

Just give it up. You are looking like a fool who doesn't have the balls to let it go.
says the fool!
if you can get the city access to clean water or water period I'd agree! Better have damn good air conditioners and water fountains everywhere.
Solar can not be sustained without water. Yet somehow Solar is finding plenty of water in the desert, which according to you is a wasteland?
You silly ass, why don't you just link us a credible source that states you need a lot of water for solar?
Okay, how about the Final Environmental Impact Statement from the World's Largest Solar Power Plant, Ivanpah. It is located in the Mojave desert. I will use the Bureau of Land Management and the actual EIS. Is that good or should I use your source Old Crock, wikipedia!

The facilities would require a water source to support operations, including process water consisting of make-up water for the steam system and wash water for the heliostats, and potable water for domestic water needs. Groundwater would be supplied from one of two wells that would be constructed at the northwest corner of Ivanpah 1, just outside the perimeter fence but within the construction logistics area. Each of the three power blocks would be connected to the groundwater wells by underground water pipelines. The applicant estimates project water consumption would not exceed a maximum of 100 acre-feet per year for all three solar plants combined, which would primarily be used to provide water for washing heliostats (mirrors) and to replace boiler feed water blow-down. The quality of groundwater would be improved using a treatment system for meeting the requirements of the boiler make-up and mirror wash water. Water treatment equipment would consist of activated carbon filters, de-ionization media, and a mixed-bed polisher. Each power plant would have a 250,000 gallon raw water storage tank. Approximately 100,000 gallons would be usable for plant process needs and 150,000 gallons would be reserved for fire protection. Demineralized water would be stored in a 25,000-gallon demineralized water storage tank. Boiler feedwater make-up water would be stored in another 25,000-gallon tank. Fire Protection The fire protection system would be designed to protect personnel and limit property loss and plant downtime in the event of a fire. The primary source of fire protection water would be the 250,000 gallon raw

Damn, Ivanpah requires two wells and its own water treatment facility which is being powered by electricity supplied by Fossil Fuel.

Old Crock, I am going to start calling you, "Strawberry" (low hanging fruit).

You know that desert water is limited, right? The grape farm you referenced was due to the rain california got in the last few days, which just so happened to be perfect timing for grape harvesting season. Have you been paying attention to the California droughts? It was just on the news today. Did you hear about the water usage ban in all of CA? Hear about the helicopters bringing in water to farmers from the pacific due to things being so dire. It's national news. hey! It's all good. there's no drought. Or you want desert everywhere. That is happening. California is becoming more and more desert.

Just give it up. You are looking like a fool who doesn't have the balls to let it go.
Wow, you really took my posts personal, was it the, "opposite world" thing, so sorry.

Maybe I should call you, "Strawberry" (low hanging fruit).

Yes, things are so bad, as you say, "Hear about the helicopters bringing in water to farmers from the pacific due to things being so dire. It's national news." Last I checked plants will die if you water them with SALT WATER! California farmers go to great lengths to rinse salt from the soil, salt from the evaporation of fresh water.

Grapes, I did say Grapes, not to be confused with your name, "Strawberrry (Judicial review), I could not bait someone better than if I walked into the woods with honey all over me to attract the bears, seriously, you want to talk about grapes, I would think you would of had your fill of me by now, "Strawberry". You did say you finished my thread? Yes?

Anyhow, "Strawberry", I can let the stupidity of your, "grape" comments go, I have a great california grape thread coming, so here I will at least try to get back on topic, I will start the grape thread after the official, "Crush" report for 2014 is released in March.

So, in closing, "Strawberry", thanks for all the extra views, it helps with trophy points and all, ha! ha! (little private joke between me and "strawberry").

p.s. grape farmers do not like rain, it literally destroys the grapes, this time of year most the grapes are from chile.
Now that was the genius that didn't know that salt kills plants. He is a real genius, right? The most stupid one.
So your idea is to drive up the cost of all other forms of electricity and then force consumers to by solar and batteries?

Of course that ignores the fact that industry and commercial users will not have power.

It will be our homes that are saddled with the burden of expensive, solar.

Yes, in Spain, Solar caused the recession. They admitted as much while everyone else makes excuses.
Jajaja, no, I didn't say that !!!
Where did you get that stuff from ?

Ok. I use around 114 kwh per month
So by buying 2 solar panels which will yield about 64. kwh per month. I become energy independent.
Now , to the cost : 600 USD for the panels ( both )
My actual bill is near 13.5 USD per month so in 4 years I'll recover the cost.

So far so good, except I need to invest another 2400 USD for the batteries to have 24/7 electricity . So now It will take 19 years to recover the investment. Since the solar panel will have a usefull life of 20 years, at this point I'll have to buy another panel, so I am just at the break even price.

So as I said , the solar technology is ready. We still need to wait for cheaper batteries.
California's desert is fast becoming a Solar Wasteland, what was once pristine desert habitat is being replaced with Industrial Scale Solar.

Thanks to Obama and the State Government of California.

California solar projects plan undergoing major overhaul - SFGate

With billions of dollars in federal stimulus money in hand, the Obama administration set out five years ago on a grand experiment in the California desert.

The goal: Open public lands to renewable-energy development to wean the nation from fossil fuels.

The results haven't been pretty, a fact the administration has tacitly acknowledged by devising a new plan, expected to be released this month, to find better places to put industrial-scale solar farms in the California desert.

The solar plants were rushed through the environmental approval process. Miles of unspoiled desert lands were scraped and bulldozed to make way for sprawling arrays of solar panels. Desert tortoises required mass relocation, and kit fox burrows were destroyed. Surprise troves of American Indian artifacts found in the Mojave Desert were moved to a San Diego warehouse, where they remain.

And once it was built, the largest solar plant of its kind in the world - the Ivanpah installation in the Mojave - began igniting birds and monarch butterflies that fly through intensely concentrated, reflected sunbeams aimed at 40-story "power towers," according to a confidential report by federal wildlife officials.

Much is at stake. Several projects are proposed near the three big national parks of the California desert: a 23-square-mile wind and solar farm in the Silurian Valley near Death Valley; a 3,000-acre solar project at Soda Mountain near the Mojave National Preserve that would straddle a bighorn sheep corridor; and another project by BrightSource at Palen, near Joshua Tree NationalPark, that would be a bigger version of Ivanpah and be located in a bird migratory path.

Other conflicts are playing out elsewhere in the desert.

Brian Brown, fourth-generation owner of the China Ranch date farm, is one of the few residents of the Silurian Valley, a remote area at the southern end of Death Valley National Park that is the site of the proposed 15,000-acre wind and solar farm by the Spanish firm Iberdrola Renewables. The area is all but surrounded by federally protected wilderness and home to historic pioneer trails.

The Silurian Valley is "all big, long vistas and gorgeous purple and blue mountains," Brown said, views he believes will be destroyed by creating "a big industrial zone."


And all of this is just the beginning. We are forced to buy an expensive product literally created by the government.

I do not want Obama's and California Energy policy driving up the cost of food, which is what expensive Solar does in a state dependent on Electricity to pump water.

Destruction of the Desert and forced to pay more for food, while the Republicans created the EPA, now they need to create another Agency to protect the Environment from the Government

So elektra, do you get paid by the fossil fuel industry for starting all these anti-Green Energy threads or what?
And the fossil fuel industry hasn't created havoc to the landscape, water supply and skies of this Earth? I must of missed your thread on that subject.
Do you get paid to support wind and solar?

So funny, so many people just can not accept the truth. You guys consume extreme amounts of oil to build the world's largest solar plants and act like solar grows magically on trees.

Solar is a huge step backwards, nothing consumes more.

No, I don't get paid by and Green Industries.
My position doesn't involve eliminating any fossil fuel usage (although I do have a problem with the coal industry's pollution). My position, which I stated in another one of your anti-Green threads, is to use renewable energy to beef up the US's inventory of energy resources. This would make the US more self reliant.
It's that simple and is as simple to see as it is to see your anti-Green energy agenda.
Also, expanding this country's energy inventory gives people more of choice for their energy needs, instead of getting force fed fossil fuels.
i really wish you all would just get it. Why post such stupid? You really have no idea about renewables. None, zero. I bet you don't even know the definition of renewable. n But hey, keep posting the stupid, it is funny to read.
Yeah and that's why China is soon to be the world's largest user of renewable energy.
Here's a link I posted in another one of tour anti-Green threads.
China Is Besting the U.S. on Renewable Energy - US News
I don't think China is that concerned with Global Warming.
You are such a small thinker, you really don't have the ability to look at the Big Picture. Countries around the world are investing in renewable energy because it's smart thinking for the future, we never have enough energy. If all hell breaks loose in the Middle East an energy crunch occurs. If you have alternative energy resources you are sure the hell better off than those who have all their eggs in one basket.
Energy experts from around the world know this, thus the growth of renewable energy. This has nothing to do with Global Warming. It has everything to do with energy.
Actually, you are a bit of late thinker,

China is going Nuclear, big, with our technology, transferred by Obama to China.

Honestly, you have not researched what you speak of, you are about backwards with all you state. Solar and Wind are not even a pimple on the ass of one nuclear power plant. China will be the strongest Nation ever, period. We will buy Solar and Wind from China, they will sell Nuclear Reactors to the World.

You my friend, are the "small thinker"

China Nuclear Power Chinese Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Power in China
(Updated January 2015)

  • Mainland China has 23 nuclear power reactors in operation, 26 under construction, and more about to start construction.
  • Additional reactors are planned, including some of the world's most advanced, to give more than a three-fold increase in nuclear capacity to at least 58 GWe by 2020, then some 150 GWe by 2030, and much more by 2050.
  • The impetus for increasing nuclear power share in China is increasingly due to air pollution from coal-fired plants.
  • China’s policy is for closed fuel cycle.
  • China has become largely self-sufficient in reactor design and construction, as well as other aspects of the fuel cycle, but is making full use of western technology while adapting and improving it.
  • China’s policy is to ‘go global’ with exporting nuclear technology including heavy components in the supply chain.
right? holy crap, the stupid coming in on this thread is absolutely amazing. the mental capacity of these greenies is about as much as the entire solar desert.
Yeah and that's why China is soon to be the world's largest user of renewable energy.
Here's a link I posted in another one of tour anti-Green threads.
China Is Besting the U.S. on Renewable Energy - US News
I don't think China is that concerned with Global Warming.
You are such a small thinker, you really don't have the ability to look at the Big Picture. Countries around the world are investing in renewable energy because it's smart thinking for the future, we never have enough energy. If all hell breaks loose in the Middle East an energy crunch occurs. If you have alternative energy resources you are sure the hell better off than those who have all their eggs in one basket.
Energy experts from around the world know this, thus the growth of renewable energy. This has nothing to do with Global Warming. It has everything to do with energy.
Actually, you are a bit of late thinker,

China is going Nuclear, big, with our technology, transferred by Obama to China.

Honestly, you have not researched what you speak of, you are about backwards with all you state. Solar and Wind are not even a pimple on the ass of one nuclear power plant. China will be the strongest Nation ever, period. We will buy Solar and Wind from China, they will sell Nuclear Reactors to the World.

You my friend, are the "small thinker"

China Nuclear Power Chinese Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Power in China
(Updated January 2015)

  • Mainland China has 23 nuclear power reactors in operation, 26 under construction, and more about to start construction.
  • Additional reactors are planned, including some of the world's most advanced, to give more than a three-fold increase in nuclear capacity to at least 58 GWe by 2020, then some 150 GWe by 2030, and much more by 2050.
  • The impetus for increasing nuclear power share in China is increasingly due to air pollution from coal-fired plants.
  • China’s policy is for closed fuel cycle.
  • China has become largely self-sufficient in reactor design and construction, as well as other aspects of the fuel cycle, but is making full use of western technology while adapting and improving it.
  • China’s policy is to ‘go global’ with exporting nuclear technology including heavy components in the supply chain.

Currently nuclear power accounts for 2% of China.s electricity, the anticipated growth by 2040 shows nuclear power accounting for 7% of China's electricity, Where as hydropower accounts for 20% of their electricity. Renewable energy will account for 35% of China's electricity by 2040.
That's hardly a pimple on China's nuclear facilities ass.
View attachment 36581
holy crap, we can't script this stuff Electra. Holy, holy crap the stupid from the fingers of the lost. Hey, kiwi, get a job or something and leave the forums alone. You are lost s0n.
Yeah and that's why China is soon to be the world's largest user of renewable energy.
Here's a link I posted in another one of tour anti-Green threads.
China Is Besting the U.S. on Renewable Energy - US News
I don't think China is that concerned with Global Warming.
You are such a small thinker, you really don't have the ability to look at the Big Picture. Countries around the world are investing in renewable energy because it's smart thinking for the future, we never have enough energy. If all hell breaks loose in the Middle East an energy crunch occurs. If you have alternative energy resources you are sure the hell better off than those who have all their eggs in one basket.
Energy experts from around the world know this, thus the growth of renewable energy. This has nothing to do with Global Warming. It has everything to do with energy.
You are worried about China "trumping" us in Green Energy while they build the most modern nuclear power infrastructure in the World, you are worried about Green Energy when in a few years China will be the World's largest exporter of Nuclear Power.

Your idea destroys America, literally.

"Your idea destroys America, literally."

Do you have anything from experts not connected to the fossil fuel sector to back that comment up?

Even "W" an oil man agrees or I agree with him.
In 2007, President Bush signed the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), which responded to his “Twenty in Ten” challenge to expand alternative fuels and improve vehicle fuel economy. Although the President’s proposed alternative fuel standard would have gone further and faster than this legislation, EISA represents a major step forward in expanding the production of renewable fuels, reducing our dependence on oil, and confronting global climate change.
Energy for America s Future
Solar construction needs the largest amount of fossil fuel of any industry. It is about making people ric. Of course an oil man like bush supports anything that increases the use of oil.

Bush is greedy bastard except when it comes to solar?

A bit naive you are. Bush is a red flag.
Ol' Booby, are you ever going to try to provide a credible link to your nonsense claims? Or just continue to impress us all as to what a babbling idiot you are. Solar and wind will continue to increase their share of the energy provided in this nation, and around the world. And fools like you will be able to do nothing about that.
and again you have no proof. You come on here frequently lacking proof. you are useless.
Solar and Wind do not prevent Oil use! Gas, Diesel, Lubricants, Chemicals, Asphalt come from the Oil in that there pipeline

I do not intend fosil fuels to come to a complete halt, but rather decreasing their use.
While AWG is debatable, the fact that an excess of CO2 causes ocean acidification is not. This is an externality which we will be passing to the coming generations and which could ruin the ecosystems in the ocean.
Solar and Wind do not prevent Oil use! Gas, Diesel, Lubricants, Chemicals, Asphalt come from the Oil in that there pipeline

I do not intend fosil fuels to come to a complete halt, but rather decreasing their use.
While AWG is debatable, the fact that an excess of CO2 causes ocean acidification is not. This is an externality which we will be passing to the coming generations and which could ruin the ecosystems in the ocean.
CO2 acidifies? So the ocean is like 10% CO2? My Coca Cola has CO2, you figure that CO2 gives Coke that little acid bite? What about simple carbonated water? CO2 acidifies?

Either way, Solar increases the use of Oil, Solar is Oil dependent, 9 trillion dollars of Renewable Energy starts by using oil, and we have to build Solar panels every day forever, thus forever increasing the demand for Oil.

Its pretty simple, It will take a long time to cover the entire South West with Solar Panels, at least 40 years your side tells us, within the first 10 years of time will start replacing panels that are getting burnt out by the sun.

I wonder how much recycling that will take, 5 square miles at a time, of how many square miles of solar?
The Navajo Generating Station is the largest coal-fired power plant on the Colorado Plateau and one of the ten biggest polluters in the country.

It is just 12 miles from the Grand Canyon and responsible for frequently polluted air that makes vistas hazy and unhealthy at the park.


Haze obscures a view of the Grand Canyon.

I was there on one of the smoggy days at the Grand Canyon. That is an obscenity. One of the grandest and most beautiful areas on the planet, and the power companies choose to pollute it.
Coal, Old Crock, did you not shovel coke from Coal on top of that steal those Horse drawn Wagons brought to the Iron Smelter you grew up in?

Old Crock, clean you glasses, I can see 30 miles into the canyon, maybe more, at least 14 clear defined cuts in that there Colorado plateau. Great pic but it does not look like he used a polarized filter.
Its pretty simple, It will take a long time to cover the entire South West with Solar Panels, at least 40 years your side tells us, within the first 10 years of time will start replacing panels that are getting burnt out by the sun.

I wonder how much recycling that will take, 5 square miles at a time, of how many square miles of solar?

That would be the case if the net output of solar panels was close to zero , which is the case for biofuels made from corn.
Sinc 2010 panels generate more energy than the energy that is required to create them .
Solar panels finally produce more energy than it takes to make them study finds The Verge

Recycling is a much more important factor. As I understand it's a process still in its infancy.

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