Soldier's mother confirms "Trump did disrespect my son..."

Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

The mother of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa said Wednesday that President Trump "did disrespect my son" with remarks in a condolence telephone call a day earlier.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”

"President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband," Jones-Johnson said in an exchange with the Post.

Trump denied Wilson's account in a Twitter message Wednesday. He said he had "proof" that the exchange did not go as Wilson had said. He did not elaborate, but the claim again raised questions about whether the president tapes calls and conversations.

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Except there is no “proof” offered by the mother or the Demoncrat politician.

The proof is in the corroboration. Why would anyone make this up?
cause the congresswoman is a fking demoloser who has an agenda, like russia russia. Just saying, your statement was truly stoooooooooooooooooooopid.
The funny thing is that - again - Trump is ensnared in a communication fuck up of his own making. He didn't need to brag on how he contacted all the families. I'm pretty sure Obama made an effort, and W is personally pretty wrecked from the damage he did ... at least to the extent that he lives in reality.
Yeah. His opponents know that, whether there is actually any proof he said something or not, he sure as hell COULD have said it, and that's the corner he's chosen to paint himself into. That's the way it goes. For supposedly being so media-savvy, he sure knows how to walk into an uppercut.
Well I think he said it because it sounds exactly like the shit that comes out of his fat ass. I don't think he meant any disrespect, or that he had any ill will towards the widow. JFK could talk off the cuff on stuff like this, and the thing was people might not like what he said, but he'd tell it like it was. (he was also a womanizer and drug dependent) Reagan was a very empathetic man, and expressed himself well. but he'd either have a staffer write him what to say, or he'd put aside everything else on his mind and ... concentrate for god's sake. (and he used fake homilies that verged on racism)
Well, he's in a league of his own on this stuff. Again, it wouldn't surprise me for a moment, but I don't have proof he said it.

Without an exception every veteran posting on any board I was on and I was on many all said that what Trump said was proper. That it was not only an acknowledgement of every service member's bravery knowing that they could lose their lives by volunteering but then acknowledging the pain that comes despite that knowledge.
Nope....he stepped on it big time. He could have apologized and said he was insensitive. He could have shown he even knew the Green Beret's name. But nope.......tweets and knives out!
American Patriot Steve McGarrett has arrived at the thread after a successful morning of deer hunting

Here's the problem with this situation:

1. The wife is a negro.
2. The lawmaker riding in the car is a negro.
3. The negro lawmaker has such hatred for Trump, she refused to attend his inauguration.
4. That mother is dishonoring her patriotic son — and doing it for political reasons. Disgusting!
5. There’s nothing disrespectful about what Trump said......they just love to create stories to flame and sustain the fires of their deep seeded hatred that Hillary lost the election. Demorats will fuel anything to keep the fire of hatred flaming....that is who they are and what they do.
6. What Trump said was consoling and encouraging. It means this soldier’s death, sacrificing self for country, was part of his ultimate mission.
7. Did I say these are negroes we're dealing with here?

And finally!

Enough said.
Boy Scouts: Top leaders didn't call Trump to praise speech as the president said

What about Boy Scouts? They called Trump a liar too. Do you believe Trump, a man who stiffs his workers, over the Boy Scouts of America?

Something is terribly wrong with these ignorant Alt Right white wingers.
Trump is the epitome of a moral truth telling courageous American Patriot of White European heritage. He is the true leader the founders envisioned to lead this country.
A lying pussygrabber who constantly insults EVERYBODY? You’re whacked.
And the fact you use being a “ negro “ as an excuse showsyou really belong at the bottom of a cesspool.
bill Clinton?
Its funny
on one side they dont believe trump even though it is known his words get raped worse than a playboy model drunk at a bill cosby party
the other side knows trump is full of shit and lies daily but he is always the one that tells the truth.
He says he has proof. Good. Bring it out.
but we all know how that always works out lol
Just a misunderstanding that Black one had a cheap phone and could not hear me well
White House walks back Trump claim that Dem fabricated remarks to widow — now says he was ‘misunderstood’
One person's son gets killed defending the country.

The other has numerous marriages, shady business deals, countless lawsuits, misleading statements, brags about buying politicians...

"This c*nt with the dead kid must be lying."
Trump the Orange Bitch Lied about Having Proof..
WH Says There's No Recording Of Trump's Call With Soldier's Widow

The White House on Wednesday said President Donald Trump did not record his phone call with the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger, though he claimed to have “proof” that Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of his remarks was not accurate.

Fuck you asshole there were witnesses in the room including General Kelly.

That's the proof.
And what have they said?

Read the thread! It's been covered numerous times. The Press Secretary even addressed it in the press briefing.
Why did Trump call and speak with the family 2 weeks after the soldier was killed?

Is this typically how it is done?
because he hadn't yet? I don't know. maybe the caskets finally arrived! are you implying something different?
The anus has no time to meet with caskets. There’s his 12 hour average of watching TV and golf to play.
Without an exception every veteran posting on any board I was on and I was on many all said that what Trump said was proper. That it was not only an acknowledgement of every service member's bravery knowing that they could lose their lives by volunteering but then acknowledging the pain that comes despite that knowledge.
Well, one version says that he coldly inferred "well, he knew this was dangerous", and another says that he spoke of the bravery of those who serve. It's also entirely possible that it was some combination therein.

Regardless, Wilson made it sound as bad as possible and off we go. Again.

This is just more noise to me. It's beyond old.

Yep and another non story that the media can't stop frothing over. It is old and no one cares anymore.

Less than a week is old, but Behghazi never dies.

I know. Weird how the left was siding with O and not the soldiers during Benghazi huh?

Obama means nothing. After countless Congressional investigations maybe calling a week old story old news isn't the best route to take, you partisan tool.

You brought up Benghazi and O. Lol, must be some lingering guilt.
One person's son gets killed defending the country.

The other has numerous marriages, shady business deals, countless lawsuits, misleading statements, brags about buying politicians...

"This c*nt with the dead kid must be lying."
Trump the Orange Bitch Lied about Having Proof..
WH Says There's No Recording Of Trump's Call With Soldier's Widow

The White House on Wednesday said President Donald Trump did not record his phone call with the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger, though he claimed to have “proof” that Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of his remarks was not accurate.

Fuck you asshole there were witnesses in the room including General Kelly.

That's the proof.

Kelly is lying. Yeah, he had a kid die, but what stops him from lying?

See how this works?

Marines lie? Go up to his face and tell him that!

Yes. Believe it or not Marines are humans.

And don't give me this retarded bullshit that because someone can knock me through a wall that it makes them more honest than the next guy. That's the stupidest argument I've ever heard. Threats of violence don't make you more honest.

No one likes being called a liar, but since it happens to you all of the time, you have just grown to accept it as a compliment.
Its funny
on one side they dont believe trump even though it is known his words get raped worse than a playboy model drunk at a bill cosby party
the other side knows trump is full of shit and lies daily but he is always the one that tells the truth.
He says he has proof. Good. Bring it out.
but we all know how that always works out lol
Just a misunderstanding that Black one had a cheap phone and could not hear me well
White House walks back Trump claim that Dem fabricated remarks to widow — now says he was ‘misunderstood’
One thing you’ll never hear the whiny little bitch say is,” I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
His black soul won’t allow him.
Sounds like she would have said that no matter what Trump did.
Unbelievable. Trump supporters attack fallen soldier's mother. Wow.

She's claiming now as the GO. Fund me account is growing that Trump insulted her son, his widow and now the soldier's father. Are you fucking kidding me that this isn't allowed to be questioned?

Fuck that noise.
Knives out! Go after that family!
family did nothing wrong. you have a real problem
Its funny
on one side they dont believe trump even though it is known his words get raped worse than a playboy model drunk at a bill cosby party
the other side knows trump is full of shit and lies daily but he is always the one that tells the truth.
He says he has proof. Good. Bring it out.
but we all know how that always works out lol
TN, I always try to walk on egg shells around you because of your position, but I thought you were a fair person. The proof is there were people in the room with the president. And can attest to what he said. why is that deviate?

People were in both rooms on both sides of the conversation. Why is a group of politicians supposed to be better believed than a military family mourning a dead son?
Its funny
on one side they dont believe trump even though it is known his words get raped worse than a playboy model drunk at a bill cosby party
the other side knows trump is full of shit and lies daily but he is always the one that tells the truth.
He says he has proof. Good. Bring it out.

Read the thread and you would have seen it.

That he had people in the room? Sounds like the both have the same defense, but only one room was full of politicians, military officials and government executives.

Why would they lie?

The Congresswoman and the grieving family have plenty of reasons.
One person's son gets killed defending the country.

The other has numerous marriages, shady business deals, countless lawsuits, misleading statements, brags about buying politicians...

"This c*nt with the dead kid must be lying."
Trump the Orange Bitch Lied about Having Proof..
WH Says There's No Recording Of Trump's Call With Soldier's Widow

The White House on Wednesday said President Donald Trump did not record his phone call with the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger, though he claimed to have “proof” that Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of his remarks was not accurate.

Fuck you asshole there were witnesses in the room including General Kelly.

That's the proof.
And what have they said?

They thought the call was respectful. Seriously to believe that Trump would call a grieving widow and trash talk the soldier, and now according to the mother trash talked the widow and the soldiers father.

Yeah. Trump lives to call widows and insult the fuck out of them.
Why did Trump call and speak with the family 2 weeks after the soldier was killed?

Is this typically how it is done?
because he hadn't yet? I don't know. maybe the caskets finally arrived! are you implying something different?
The anus has no time to meet with caskets. There’s his 12 hour average of watching TV and golf to play.
And flip flopping on healthcare. He's got a busy schedule.
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Except there is no “proof” offered by the mother or the Demoncrat politician.

The proof is in the corroboration. Why would anyone make this up?

LOL. Why do demoncrats lie their asses off? It’s all for the cause.

I doubt it. It definitely sounds like something he would say.

Exactly. Lying Dems feed you what you want to hear, so you beleive it.

And you don't believe it...and never would.

Trump could shoot someone in the street outside of your home and you would say it didn't happen.

Its funny
on one side they dont believe trump even though it is known his words get raped worse than a playboy model drunk at a bill cosby party
the other side knows trump is full of shit and lies daily but he is always the one that tells the truth.
He says he has proof. Good. Bring it out.
but we all know how that always works out lol
TN, I always try to walk on egg shells around you because of your position, but I thought you were a fair person. The proof is there were people in the room with the president. And can attest to what he said. why is that deviate?

People were in both rooms on both sides of the conversation. Why is a group of politicians supposed to be better believed than a military family mourning a dead son?

Go Fund Me account and a Congresswoman running for re election and using this faked incident to drum up donations.
One person's son gets killed defending the country.

The other has numerous marriages, shady business deals, countless lawsuits, misleading statements, brags about buying politicians...

"This c*nt with the dead kid must be lying."
Trump the Orange Bitch Lied about Having Proof..
WH Says There's No Recording Of Trump's Call With Soldier's Widow

The White House on Wednesday said President Donald Trump did not record his phone call with the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger, though he claimed to have “proof” that Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of his remarks was not accurate.

Fuck you asshole there were witnesses in the room including General Kelly.

That's the proof.
And what have they said?

Read the thread! It's been covered numerous times. The Press Secretary even addressed it in the press briefing.
The hack Press Secretary lies on demand. That is what she gets paid for.
Its funny
on one side they dont believe trump even though it is known his words get raped worse than a playboy model drunk at a bill cosby party
the other side knows trump is full of shit and lies daily but he is always the one that tells the truth.
He says he has proof. Good. Bring it out.

Read the thread and you would have seen it.

That he had people in the room? Sounds like the both have the same defense, but only one room was full of politicians, military officials and government executives.

Why would they lie?

The Congresswoman and the grieving family have plenty of reasons.

Why would the government lie about the the death of American soldiers?

Holy Christ...

Now you're just fucking with me, right?
Why did Trump call and speak with the family 2 weeks after the soldier was killed?

Is this typically how it is done?
because he hadn't yet? I don't know. maybe the caskets finally arrived! are you implying something different?
The anus has no time to meet with caskets. There’s his 12 hour average of watching TV and golf to play.
say you're sorry.

Trump travels to Delaware to meet remains of U.S. commando killed in Yemen raid
"Trump travels to Delaware to meet remains of U.S. commando killed in Yemen raid

Last Updated Feb 1, 2017 4:43 PM EST

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Trump is traveling to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware Wednesday afternoon for the arrival of the remains of an American commando killed during a raid in Yemen."

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