Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

We’ll explain yourself then... what’s the strategy in not answering the question? Especially if the answer is we caught a guy who was going to blow up our embassy and we stopped him. Plus he’s a real bad dude.

By not answering it feeds doubt and skeptical and confusion. That’s not smart, strategic or diplomatic.
Now you wanna know a military strategy? What else do you want password to the fucking nukes? Grow up
That’s not a military strategy smart guy. It’s simple communications and it’s clear by now that you have no clue how to explain it.
You just asked what the strategy was... come on. Grow up
right and you continue to give vague and nondescript answers. Getting really boring
If your waiting for me to give you the military strategy it’s going to get really boring
Well that’s not what I’m wanting. I’m pretty sure you understand what I’m asking but you don’t have an answer so your trolling by bringing up military strategy. Way to go. You’re a real winner
What IF the Trump administration did NOT do anything with regards to intelligence that Soleimani was going to blow up the embassy, and then he DID BLOW UP THE EMBASSY, Lefties would be all over Trump for not acting.

It’s all political bullshit.

When have you ever heard Lefties give Trump credit? Oh yea, when he was bashing Bush and writing checks to Democrats. I’d rather they bash Trump for taking out a terrorist vs. letting Americans die. Lefties just prefer to bash Trump 360 degrees.
Iranians think they're a bunch of tough guys. Trump aint afraid of a buncha fake tough guys, folks!
we werent friends with Iran under Obama, my friends, but at least we werent enemies.

Trump has thrown that away recklessly
No he didn't. He has shown a willingness to live and let live if Iran behaves themselves. Iran responded by doing some shooting without killing a single American. That meant something to President Trump and due to his obedience to fair play, he said he will be willing to lay aside his annihilation of 52 targets for as long as Iran acts nice. And that's his best deal. The ball is firmly in Iran's court to do what they said they're going to do , which is live and let live. Call it the great Mexican standoff if you wish, but we're not trading weapons of mass destruction right now with each other since Iran drew her claws in for as long as we keep our hands to ourselves. Works for Trump and it works for the American people he serves, so it works for me. You don't have to be bosom buddies if you simply agree to disagree and leave each other's people alone.
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
I seriously doubt this is true.

Since when is it not ok for a U.S. president to take out a designated terrorist if offered the opportunity? No doubt Trump was given the intel of Suelemani's whereabouts for a reason.

Terrorist Designation of Ibrahim Suleiman Hamad Al-Hablain

You do realize he supported Hezbollah in Lebananon. Does someone need to educate you in the hell Hezbollah has been wreaking on Lebanon and the M.E. ?
Why is it that Democrats have to adopt the terrorist state of Iran's talking points because they dont like Trump.
i would say its more likely than not that the imminent threat was real, which probably was the reason Trump was given the location of Mr S. by the intelligence community.
Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?
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Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?
It is legal for the US to target and kill TERRORISTS.

Barry took great pride in doing so.

Perhaps you have forgotten Soleimani was the head of the IRCG, officially recognized as a terrorist organization since spring of 2019, the largest terrorist organization in the ME, if not the world, responsible for killing over 500 Americans and over 3,000 men, women, and children throughout the ME...

You defended Barry's use of his own personal st one assassination program, even the violation of Americans' Constitutional Rights of Due Process by killing them abroad with drone strikes...

Democrats declared the killing if terrorist Al-Alaqi by Obama was justified because his CHOICE to lead a terrorist group - like Soleimani - put HIMSELF on the military strike list - like Soleimani.

Democrat and snowflake hypocrisy and blatant irrational hatred for this President has grown so much they / you are not even trying to hide it anymore... the point of becoming terrorist sympathizers and attempting to defend terrorists responsible for the murders of over top Americans and terrorists who shot down another airliner murdering another 17y innocent people WHILE YOU DEFEND AND SIDE WITH THEM...

Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?
It is legal for the US to target and kill TERRORISTS.

Barry took great pride in doing so.

Perhaps you have forgotten Soleimani was the head of the IRCG, officially recognized as a terrorist organization since spring of 2019, the largest terrorist organization in the ME, if not the world, responsible for killing over 500 Americans and over 3,000 men, women, and children throughout the ME...

You defended Barry's use of his own personal st one assassination program, even the violation of Americans' Constitutional Rights of Due Process by killing them abroad with drone strikes...

Democrats declared the killing if terrorist Al-Alaqi by Obama was justified because his CHOICE to lead a terrorist group - like Soleimani - put HIMSELF on the military strike list - like Soleimani.

Democrat and snowflake hypocrisy and blatant irrational hatred for this President has grown so much they / you are not even trying to hide it anymore... the point of becoming terrorist sympathizers and attempting to defend terrorists responsible for the murders of over top Americans and terrorists who shot down another airliner murdering another 17y innocent people WHILE YOU DEFEND AND SIDE WITH THEM...

So, is it or is it not illegal to assassinate a foreign government bad guy?
So, is it or is it not illegal to assassinate a foreign government bad guy?

Not when that 'foreign govt bad guy' is the leader of the largest officially recognized terrorist group in the ME / world and responsible for the murder of over 500 Americans.


Is it or is it not legal to kill leaders of terrorist organizations, as Barry also did?

Is the IRCG or us it not an officially recognized terrorist organization?

Was Soleimani or was he not the leader of the IRCG?

Were the Democrats wrong when they defended Obama killing a terrorist leader by saying he put HIMSELF on the military strike list, making him a legitimate target, by choosing to lead a terrorist organization, or are the Democrats wrong now by criticizing the President for taking out the leader of the largest terrorist organization in the ME / world?
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
Bullshit. The rational is constantly changing. That's the sign of lying my friends

Newsflash. Soolymani did not personally carry out attacks any more than the commanders at Centcom knock down doors
It would be great if people, especially those who I have grown to expect better from, would read more carefully before reacting.

If you believe that Soleimani was about to carry out a plot to blow up our embassy in Iraq and he was killed to prevent this from happening.....AND you think Pompeo and Esper wouldn’t tell us this immediately, you are a moron.

Donnie Dumbass just tossed this lie out there as a side remark and his idiot fans ate it up as usual.
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Not when that 'foreign govt bad guy' is the leader of the largest officially recognized terrorist group in the ME / world and responsible for the murder of over 500 Americans
Is there a law against assassinating a foreign gvt leader, a general in this case, when they are known as a bad guy terrorist?

Just looking for an answer to my question..... I am uncertain what the law on it is.....?

I can't understand why our govt made it an issue of saying he was an urgent and imminent threat to our safety, as justification, and not simply, he was a terrorist?
Not when that 'foreign govt bad guy' is the leader of the largest officially recognized terrorist group in the ME / world and responsible for the murder of over 500 Americans
Is there a law against assassinating a foreign gvt leader, a general in this case, when they are known as a bad guy terrorist?

Just looking for an answer to my question..... I am uncertain what the law on it is.....?

I can't understand why our govt made it an issue of saying he was an urgent and imminent threat to our safety, as justification, and not simply, he was a terrorist?

Maybe you can sue president Trump and find out.

Upholding American people's interest... a serious crime!
Like, can we assassinate Kim Jung UN?

The rocket boy is not a terrorist.

Should be careful to not have it blow on his hands though.
Define terrorist, please.

Oh Care, maybe you should try dictionary?

He was designated a terrorist back in 2005, for his aid in terrorist operations.
But didn't we coordinate with him to kill ISIS in Syria in 2017-2019?

Are there laws that govern assassinations by our govt?
Not when that 'foreign govt bad guy' is the leader of the largest officially recognized terrorist group in the ME / world and responsible for the murder of over 500 Americans
Is there a law against assassinating a foreign gvt leader, a general in this case, when they are known as a bad guy terrorist?

Just looking for an answer to my question..... I am uncertain what the law on it is.....?

I can't understand why our govt made it an issue of saying he was an urgent and imminent threat to our safety, as justification, and not simply, he was a terrorist?

I answered your question. You avoid answering mine because you know you are wrong to defend the leading exporter of terrorism and the leader of the largest officially recognized terrorist organization in the world, one responsible for the murder of over 500 US citizens...

I accept your 'surrender' on the matter. Have a nice day.


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