Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
Yeah this is a great situation to play political games designed to piss off the Dems. Wonderful tactic.
President Trump wasn't playing any games. That's not how he rolls. He does the best of his alternatives to save American lives. The Democrats don't care they just want to get rid of the President. They didn't care for the election outcome, and they think it's okay to interfere with the President's office because of their thinking they can take presidential matters into their own hands rather than doing their legislative jobs.
That’s a BS statement in relation to this discussion. There are republicans that are pissed about the intel being released and you have a large majority of Americans of all stripes who don’t want to go to war or provoke armed conflict with Iran. You had thousands of troops told to pack their bags on NYE and neither they nor their families knew WTF was going on. Answer the question.... why wouldn’t the admin Just say Soleimani was on his way to blow up the Embassy right after they killed him if that was the imminent attack?
Maybe Trump wasn't expecting quite so much blowback over the kill. So he had to add another layer of justification to his actions.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
Yes because everyone knows Solemani was a great humanitarian.


What had he done that we haven't done?
View attachment 299477

Right, you have no answer to my question.

United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade - Wikipedia

There was a question?
You are gone. Your mind is irrevocably misinformed and warped.
You are what is called a "winger". Be it rightwinger or leftwinger.
You are the fringe. The whackos, the lost.
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
Yeah this is a great situation to play political games designed to piss off the Dems. Wonderful tactic.
President Trump wasn't playing any games. That's not how he rolls. He does the best of his alternatives to save American lives. The Democrats don't care they just want to get rid of the President. They didn't care for the election outcome, and they think it's okay to interfere with the President's office because of their thinking they can take presidential matters into their own hands rather than doing their legislative jobs.
That’s a BS statement in relation to this discussion. There are republicans that are pissed about the intel being released and you have a large majority of Americans of all stripes who don’t want to go to war or provoke armed conflict with Iran. You had thousands of troops told to pack their bags on NYE and neither they nor their families knew WTF was going on. Answer the question.... why wouldn’t the admin Just say Soleimani was on his way to blow up the Embassy right after they killed him if that was the imminent attack?
Maybe Trump wasn't expecting quite so much blowback over the kill. So he had to add another layer of justification to his actions.
That's his main problem, he is a knee jerker, like with Syria withdrawal, he does not think things through and his moves are in a constant reactionary mode, chaos.... plus he's so arrogant and stuck on SELF, that he can't foresee the reaction of others.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
OTOH billy, it seems you don't need explanations. You accept the Trump Gospel without them. Or better yet, make up one yourself which is a lot more believable than Trump's. Works great for you, Right?

The guy's dead, happily. There's no need for explanation beyond his history.
Of course there is a need for explanation, look how many more innocent people are now dead as a result to the reaction to this? These things need to be handled correctly and this one is all screwed up
And how many innocents would be dead if he did nothing?

While I agree it's a bit odd to delay something like this, I don't see it as an attack Trump point. He could have said they were on their way to making a shitty video about Muslims and just lied AFTER the attack.

Presidents do strange things at times on both sides.
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
Yeah this is a great situation to play political games designed to piss off the Dems. Wonderful tactic.
President Trump wasn't playing any games. That's not how he rolls. He does the best of his alternatives to save American lives. The Democrats don't care they just want to get rid of the President. They didn't care for the election outcome, and they think it's okay to interfere with the President's office because of their thinking they can take presidential matters into their own hands rather than doing their legislative jobs.
That’s a BS statement in relation to this discussion. There are republicans that are pissed about the intel being released and you have a large majority of Americans of all stripes who don’t want to go to war or provoke armed conflict with Iran. You had thousands of troops told to pack their bags on NYE and neither they nor their families knew WTF was going on. Answer the question.... why wouldn’t the admin Just say Soleimani was on his way to blow up the Embassy right after they killed him if that was the imminent attack?
Why don't the Democrats stop lying their asses off about how Trump broke the law when we the American people have paid $100,000,000.00 on the Mueller Report, the Democrat House report, the Republican Senate Report, the Attorney General's decision on what the Mueller Report findings were, the first Impeachment Inquiry by the House that was debunked, the Steele Dossier review, which brought up one of the worst cases of hearsay evidence ever known and a link to the Hillary Clinton campaign for forging the salacious details in the Steele Dossier as the falsest narrative ever written, and now, the Second Impeachment trial that has been conveniently set aside while the Democrats try other strategies to unseat President Trump like declaring every single thing he did was wrong, when it is not their place to do the President's job for him. They have enough work in legislative needs that have been neglected by the most incompetent House Speaker ever to wield a gavel.

What the Democrats have done is far worse than pooping pants. I used it as a figure of speech to denote the disacceptance the American have of this constant lying and changing the goal posts shit, with always the same outcome--President Trump has never done ANY of their alleged crimes, and Hillary Clinton did, and she has fled the country to see what she can do to bring down the UK with stirring up dissatisfaction in the IRA to start a damn civil war.
While I agree on some points, what does any of this have to do with the question?
Maybe you can sue president Trump and find out.

Upholding American people's interest... a serious crime!
President Trump is the "sue for everything to prevent truth" person, he's the master of that domain, not me!!!

It would be nice if we all simply Tell the truth, imo, instead of having to sue in the courts for it... :rolleyes:

Where did you get your legal expertise Care? Usually courts are where the truth comes out, not where the truth is concealed. Have you been watching the democrat witch trials where every standard is violated? That is actually a bunch adults acting like bratty teenagers who did not get their way, and can not admit the truth... they sucked, a lot. Trump is our president.
President Trump, uses the court system to prevent evidence, witnesses, and facts from coming forward, from sunshine, which takes months and years to settle and get the truth.... He uses the justice system, ties things up in court, to prevent the truth, from being known..... is what I was trying to say.

Are you sure that you are not using your butt to come up with nonsense right now?
Some day, before you die, it will be revealed, what this person you now worship... is really made of....

then you'll repent!!!! :D:D:D. And beg for forgiveness. :p

American blood? *SHOCK*

With perhaps slightly more American Indian blood in it than Elizabeth Warren has? I forgive, I forgive!
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
Yeah this is a great situation to play political games designed to piss off the Dems. Wonderful tactic.
President Trump wasn't playing any games. That's not how he rolls. He does the best of his alternatives to save American lives. The Democrats don't care they just want to get rid of the President. They didn't care for the election outcome, and they think it's okay to interfere with the President's office because of their thinking they can take presidential matters into their own hands rather than doing their legislative jobs.
That’s a BS statement in relation to this discussion. There are republicans that are pissed about the intel being released and you have a large majority of Americans of all stripes who don’t want to go to war or provoke armed conflict with Iran. You had thousands of troops told to pack their bags on NYE and neither they nor their families knew WTF was going on. Answer the question.... why wouldn’t the admin Just say Soleimani was on his way to blow up the Embassy right after they killed him if that was the imminent attack?
Maybe Trump wasn't expecting quite so much blowback over the kill. So he had to add another layer of justification to his actions.
That's his main problem, he is a knee jerker, like with Syria withdrawal, he does not think things through and his moves are in a constant reactionary mode, chaos.... plus he's so arrogant and stuck on SELF, that he can't foresee the reaction of others.

If he stays, he is a war-mongerer.
If he leaves, he is a pussy.

I think the problem is not with him, but you.Trump's foreign policy has been amazing.
Yeah I have never understood the way some administrations try and message things rather it's this or trying to claim a terrorist attack was over a video. Very strange indeed.
Heh point I just made. You beat me to it.

If this is true, then an attack and deaths of Americans WAS averted. The gov does some strange shit about communications.

Hell they are droning the shit out of Colorado, Nebraska and more and not saying why.

It's what governments do.
Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
Yes because everyone knows Solemani was a great humanitarian.


What had he done that we haven't done?
View attachment 299477

Right, you have no answer to my question.

United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade - Wikipedia

There was a question?
You are gone. Your mind is irrevocably misinformed and warped.
You are what is called a "winger". Be it rightwinger or leftwinger.
You are the fringe. The whackos, the lost.
Yea. He's a hard headed as the rest of us. :)
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
Yes because everyone knows Solemani was a great humanitarian.


What had he done that we haven't done?
Who Was the Vicious Criminal Qassem Soleimani

Take your pick.
I think that Iran will be a threat to the world as long as Muslim supremacists like Khomeini are running the show. A big dose of freedom would do wonders for Iran. Referring to us and Israel as 'the great satin' and popping off about their intentions to destroy us isn't exactly the way to solve anything. As long as these radicals are in charge, war seems to be the inevitable end. Hopefully, Russia and China will pull their heads out of their asses long enough to see that too.
Is there a law against assassinating a foreign gvt leader, a general in this case, when they are known as a bad guy terrorist?

Just looking for an answer to my question..... I am uncertain what the law on it is.....?

I can't understand why our govt made it an issue of saying he was an urgent and imminent threat to our safety, as justification, and not simply, he was a terrorist?

Maybe you can sue president Trump and find out.

Upholding American people's interest... a serious crime!
President Trump is the "sue for everything to prevent truth" person, he's the master of that domain, not me!!!

It would be nice if we all simply Tell the truth, imo, instead of having to sue in the courts for it... :rolleyes:

Where did you get your legal expertise Care? Usually courts are where the truth comes out, not where the truth is concealed. Have you been watching the democrat witch trials where every standard is violated? That is actually a bunch adults acting like bratty teenagers who did not get their way, and can not admit the truth... they sucked, a lot. Trump is our president.
The president holds only 1/3 the power of our full government, he is not King.... You do know that a president does not have the power of a king in our Democratic Constitutional Republic, right?

What democratic witch trials?

I've stayed away from my 24/7 watching the news since the assassination, because it brings back scary and bad memories of early childhood, when dad was deployed to a war zone for a year.... I feared day and night, I would never see him again....

The assassination and what it could all lead to, with all the news, beating war drums.... was just too much for me.... it triggered sad feelings from the past and worry for other military families, affected by what might happen to their family and loved one, that serves......

So, I've been staying off the NEWS as much as I can, and have been watching thoughtless things like Ancient Aliens and Return to Oak Island and The Price is Right! :D

So, what dem witch trials are you speaking about?

Our president Trump is no king indeed, he is the phenomenal God-Emperor of America.

Democratic witch trials:
- President Trump's shampeachment.
- Justice Kavanaugh's witchery accusations.

They really want a fact free society.

Good news for your trauma. Trump is almost certainly putting America first and bringing the troops home.
Since Obama left and Trump took over, Trump has added 20,000 troops to the middle east...

And drone attacks and civilian kills have gone up 400% since he took office....

He's telling you he's a man of peace, wants to bring troops home, blah blah blah, but does just the opposite..... :rolleyes:
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.

Sorry can point at Russia, he has a history of taking there money...

Pointing at Venezuela is ridiculous, they have there own problems.

Cuba refuses to fight and the more he points at them the more he shows Obama doing a good job.

Tries to point at NATO but people do ask why you pointing at our allies...

China too smart...

Africa bit racist and too poor...

Saudis, need that hotel to be built..

Turkey, Got owned all ready.

India, leader gets bigger crowds than Trump in America.

Right it has to Iran but they won't rise to the bait... Let's just say they did..

It is nice to see some GOP guys actually finally get pissed off. They know that this involves sending US soldiers into war. But must be said Marco Rubio is embarrassing, it cringeworthy stuff...
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
Yeah this is a great situation to play political games designed to piss off the Dems. Wonderful tactic.

My entire nation is in mourning today for the 60 talented and wonderful young people who died in the Ukrainian Airlines crash in Tehran. Every major university campus in Canada has lost one or more students, and the Canadian Iranian community in Edmonton has lost 30 members of their community.

It's great that Beautress thinks that pissing off Democrats is so much fun. And she calls herself a caring Christian. Dancing on the graves of others shows real character.
I am so sorry for your country's loss. I'm not a pray-er, but my thoughts are with our neighbors to the north.
Maybe you can sue president Trump and find out.

Upholding American people's interest... a serious crime!
President Trump is the "sue for everything to prevent truth" person, he's the master of that domain, not me!!!

It would be nice if we all simply Tell the truth, imo, instead of having to sue in the courts for it... :rolleyes:

Where did you get your legal expertise Care? Usually courts are where the truth comes out, not where the truth is concealed. Have you been watching the democrat witch trials where every standard is violated? That is actually a bunch adults acting like bratty teenagers who did not get their way, and can not admit the truth... they sucked, a lot. Trump is our president.
The president holds only 1/3 the power of our full government, he is not King.... You do know that a president does not have the power of a king in our Democratic Constitutional Republic, right?

What democratic witch trials?

I've stayed away from my 24/7 watching the news since the assassination, because it brings back scary and bad memories of early childhood, when dad was deployed to a war zone for a year.... I feared day and night, I would never see him again....

The assassination and what it could all lead to, with all the news, beating war drums.... was just too much for me.... it triggered sad feelings from the past and worry for other military families, affected by what might happen to their family and loved one, that serves......

So, I've been staying off the NEWS as much as I can, and have been watching thoughtless things like Ancient Aliens and Return to Oak Island and The Price is Right! :D

So, what dem witch trials are you speaking about?

Our president Trump is no king indeed, he is the phenomenal God-Emperor of America.

Democratic witch trials:
- President Trump's shampeachment.
- Justice Kavanaugh's witchery accusations.

They really want a fact free society.

Good news for your trauma. Trump is almost certainly putting America first and bringing the troops home.
Since Obama left and Trump took over, Trump has added 20,000 troops to the middle east...

And drone attacks and civilian kills have gone up 400% since he took office....

He's telling you he's a man of peace, wants to bring troops home, blah blah blah, but does just the opposite..... :rolleyes:

In your last post you were complaining how he withdrew troops.

Now you are complaining how he as increased the presence.


Care, TDS is no joking matter. Remember to care also for yourself.
Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?
It is legal for the US to target and kill TERRORISTS.

Barry took great pride in doing so.

Perhaps you have forgotten Soleimani was the head of the IRCG, officially recognized as a terrorist organization since spring of 2019, the largest terrorist organization in the ME, if not the world, responsible for killing over 500 Americans and over 3,000 men, women, and children throughout the ME...

You defended Barry's use of his own personal st one assassination program, even the violation of Americans' Constitutional Rights of Due Process by killing them abroad with drone strikes...

Democrats declared the killing if terrorist Al-Alaqi by Obama was justified because his CHOICE to lead a terrorist group - like Soleimani - put HIMSELF on the military strike list - like Soleimani.

Democrat and snowflake hypocrisy and blatant irrational hatred for this President has grown so much they / you are not even trying to hide it anymore... the point of becoming terrorist sympathizers and attempting to defend terrorists responsible for the murders of over top Americans and terrorists who shot down another airliner murdering another 17y innocent people WHILE YOU DEFEND AND SIDE WITH THEM...

So, is it or is it not illegal to assassinate a foreign government bad guy?

With you people, anything and everything is illegal with Trump so why should taking out a known terrorist who just led an attack on Americans be any different?
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
OTOH billy, it seems you don't need explanations. You accept the Trump Gospel without them. Or better yet, make up one yourself which is a lot more believable than Trump's. Works great for you, Right?

The guy's dead, happily. There's no need for explanation beyond his history.
Of course there is a need for explanation, look how many more innocent people are now dead as a result to the reaction to this? These things need to be handled correctly and this one is all screwed up
And how many innocents would be dead if he did nothing?

While I agree it's a bit odd to delay something like this, I don't see it as an attack Trump point. He could have said they were on their way to making a shitty video about Muslims and just lied AFTER the attack.

Presidents do strange things at times on both sides.

Likely none, that wouldn't be killed anyway, by his replacement.
Maybe you can sue president Trump and find out.

Upholding American people's interest... a serious crime!
President Trump is the "sue for everything to prevent truth" person, he's the master of that domain, not me!!!

It would be nice if we all simply Tell the truth, imo, instead of having to sue in the courts for it... :rolleyes:

Where did you get your legal expertise Care? Usually courts are where the truth comes out, not where the truth is concealed. Have you been watching the democrat witch trials where every standard is violated? That is actually a bunch adults acting like bratty teenagers who did not get their way, and can not admit the truth... they sucked, a lot. Trump is our president.
The president holds only 1/3 the power of our full government, he is not King.... You do know that a president does not have the power of a king in our Democratic Constitutional Republic, right?

What democratic witch trials?

I've stayed away from my 24/7 watching the news since the assassination, because it brings back scary and bad memories of early childhood, when dad was deployed to a war zone for a year.... I feared day and night, I would never see him again....

The assassination and what it could all lead to, with all the news, beating war drums.... was just too much for me.... it triggered sad feelings from the past and worry for other military families, affected by what might happen to their family and loved one, that serves......

So, I've been staying off the NEWS as much as I can, and have been watching thoughtless things like Ancient Aliens and Return to Oak Island and The Price is Right! :D

So, what dem witch trials are you speaking about?

Our president Trump is no king indeed, he is the phenomenal God-Emperor of America.

Democratic witch trials:
- President Trump's shampeachment.
- Justice Kavanaugh's witchery accusations.

They really want a fact free society.

Good news for your trauma. Trump is almost certainly putting America first and bringing the troops home.
Since Obama left and Trump took over, Trump has added 20,000 troops to the middle east...

And drone attacks and civilian kills have gone up 400% since he took office....

He's telling you he's a man of peace, wants to bring troops home, blah blah blah, but does just the opposite..... :rolleyes:
Links to attacks and civilian kills please.

You talk a LOT OF bullshit.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
OTOH billy, it seems you don't need explanations. You accept the Trump Gospel without them. Or better yet, make up one yourself which is a lot more believable than Trump's. Works great for you, Right?

The guy's dead, happily. There's no need for explanation beyond his history.
Of course there is a need for explanation, look how many more innocent people are now dead as a result to the reaction to this? These things need to be handled correctly and this one is all screwed up
And how many innocents would be dead if he did nothing?

While I agree it's a bit odd to delay something like this, I don't see it as an attack Trump point. He could have said they were on their way to making a shitty video about Muslims and just lied AFTER the attack.

Presidents do strange things at times on both sides.

Likely none, that wouldn't be killed anyway, by his replacement.
So they are still going to blow up our embassy and kill us?

Lord you are a tool.
Dear nutbags,

Benghazi has been investigated. There was no evidence revealed that shows that the Obama administration lied about that attack.

What was revealed is that the Obama administration tried to relay as much info as possible as quickly as possible. And when they spoke of the video playing a role in the attack, that was the actual intelligence that they had at the time.

So, as you make excuses for the fact that Pompeo and Trump have lied to you about the reason they killed Soleimani, please try harder.


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