Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Dear nutbags,

Benghazi has been investigated. There was no evidence revealed that shows that the Obama administration lied about that attack.

What was revealed is that the Obama administration tried to relay as much info as possible as quickly as possible. And when they spoke of the video playing a role in the attack, that was the actual intelligence that they had at the time.

So, as you make excuses for the fact that Pompeo and Trump have lied to you about the reason they killed Soleimani, please try harder.

So they spoke out without validation first.

Validation takes time.

Trump takes time.

It's still not right.

Rinse and repeat.
Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?
It is legal for the US to target and kill TERRORISTS.

Barry took great pride in doing so.

Perhaps you have forgotten Soleimani was the head of the IRCG, officially recognized as a terrorist organization since spring of 2019, the largest terrorist organization in the ME, if not the world, responsible for killing over 500 Americans and over 3,000 men, women, and children throughout the ME...

You defended Barry's use of his own personal st one assassination program, even the violation of Americans' Constitutional Rights of Due Process by killing them abroad with drone strikes...

Democrats declared the killing if terrorist Al-Alaqi by Obama was justified because his CHOICE to lead a terrorist group - like Soleimani - put HIMSELF on the military strike list - like Soleimani.

Democrat and snowflake hypocrisy and blatant irrational hatred for this President has grown so much they / you are not even trying to hide it anymore... the point of becoming terrorist sympathizers and attempting to defend terrorists responsible for the murders of over top Americans and terrorists who shot down another airliner murdering another 17y innocent people WHILE YOU DEFEND AND SIDE WITH THEM...

So, is it or is it not illegal to assassinate a foreign government bad guy?

With you people, anything and everything is illegal with Trump so why should taking out a known terrorist who just led an attack on Americans be any different?
I did not say it was illegal? I was asking if it was legal or not, under the law..... , What does the law and rules of engagement say about this kind of kill?

Are you actually trying to make me out to be a bad guy for wanting to know that?
Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?
It is legal for the US to target and kill TERRORISTS.

Barry took great pride in doing so.

Perhaps you have forgotten Soleimani was the head of the IRCG, officially recognized as a terrorist organization since spring of 2019, the largest terrorist organization in the ME, if not the world, responsible for killing over 500 Americans and over 3,000 men, women, and children throughout the ME...

You defended Barry's use of his own personal st one assassination program, even the violation of Americans' Constitutional Rights of Due Process by killing them abroad with drone strikes...

Democrats declared the killing if terrorist Al-Alaqi by Obama was justified because his CHOICE to lead a terrorist group - like Soleimani - put HIMSELF on the military strike list - like Soleimani.

Democrat and snowflake hypocrisy and blatant irrational hatred for this President has grown so much they / you are not even trying to hide it anymore... the point of becoming terrorist sympathizers and attempting to defend terrorists responsible for the murders of over top Americans and terrorists who shot down another airliner murdering another 17y innocent people WHILE YOU DEFEND AND SIDE WITH THEM...

So, is it or is it not illegal to assassinate a foreign government bad guy?

With you people, anything and everything is illegal with Trump so why should taking out a known terrorist who just led an attack on Americans be any different?
I did not say it was illegal? I was asking if it was legal or not, under the law..... , What does the law and rules of engagement say about this kind of kill?

Are you actually trying to make me out to be a bad guy for wanting to know that?

Doesn't take a genius to k ow you are going to do it again.

And again.

And again.
Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
Yes because everyone knows Solemani was a great humanitarian.


What had he done that we haven't done?
View attachment 299477

Right, you have no answer to my question.

United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade - Wikipedia

There was a question?
You are gone. Your mind is irrevocably misinformed and warped.
You are what is called a "winger". Be it rightwinger or leftwinger.
You are the fringe. The whackos, the lost.

I find it sad that those who do not support endless war are called The Fringe. One might think those who support endless wars all without paying for them would be considered so.
Yes because everyone knows Solemani was a great humanitarian.


What had he done that we haven't done?
View attachment 299477

Right, you have no answer to my question.

United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade - Wikipedia

There was a question?
You are gone. Your mind is irrevocably misinformed and warped.
You are what is called a "winger". Be it rightwinger or leftwinger.
You are the fringe. The whackos, the lost.

I find it sad that those who do not support endless war are called The Fringe. One might think those who support endless wars all without paying for them would be considered so.
I find it sad people supporting individual acts are told they support endless war.

I find it sad and frustrating a segment of people only talk in extremes.
Dear nutbags,

Benghazi has been investigated. There was no evidence revealed that shows that the Obama administration lied about that attack.

What was revealed is that the Obama administration tried to relay as much info as possible as quickly as possible. And when they spoke of the video playing a role in the attack, that was the actual intelligence that they had at the time.

So, as you make excuses for the fact that Pompeo and Trump have lied to you about the reason they killed Soleimani, please try harder.

So they spoke out without validation first.

Validation takes time.

Trump takes time.

It's still not right.

Rinse and repeat.

Well, Trump didn’t take time. He lied and continues to lie. But that’s OK with you.

The night of the Benghazi attack, Mitt Romney was on TV using it to pound Obama for letting the attack happen.

The dutiful media demanded an immediate response from the Obama administration.

Initial intelligence included info about the video and protests that had been going on in the region.

That was included in the info given to the media.

It was later determined to be inaccurate.

RW nutbags have been calling it a lie ever since.

Trump and Pompeo are lying in real time and YOU KNOW THIS. Why try to make lame excuses?
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
Yes because everyone knows Solemani was a great humanitarian.


What had he done that we haven't done?
Who Was the Vicious Criminal Qassem Soleimani

Take your pick.

I can't take a link seriously that starts that way.

We called Saddam the same for the things he did but when we took over we have had to do the same things.

There was a question?
You are gone. Your mind is irrevocably misinformed and warped.
You are what is called a "winger". Be it rightwinger or leftwinger.
You are the fringe. The whackos, the lost.

I find it sad that those who do not support endless war are called The Fringe. One might think those who support endless wars all without paying for them would be considered so.
I find it sad people supporting individual acts are told they support endless war.

I find it sad and frustrating a segment of people only talk in extremes.

18 years.....when do you suppose it will end?
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
Yes because everyone knows Solemani was a great humanitarian.


What had he done that we haven't done?
Who Was the Vicious Criminal Qassem Soleimani

Take your pick.

I can't take a link seriously that starts that way.

We called Saddam the same for the things he did but when we took over we have had to do the same things.
You can't take anything seriously you don't already.

There was a question?
You are gone. Your mind is irrevocably misinformed and warped.
You are what is called a "winger". Be it rightwinger or leftwinger.
You are the fringe. The whackos, the lost.

I find it sad that those who do not support endless war are called The Fringe. One might think those who support endless wars all without paying for them would be considered so.
I find it sad people supporting individual acts are told they support endless war.

I find it sad and frustrating a segment of people only talk in extremes.

18 years.....when do you suppose it will end?
That region has been at war since it was a region.
I’m not objecting to taking out Soleimani. Sounds like he was a bad dude and it may have been the right move to kill him.... I’m questioning the way everything from the hit to the communications during the aftermath has been handled.

This is getting weird.

Killing Soleimani was presented to the Doofus as the extreme option. That extreme option went lingering for days, until the Doofus suddenly picked it. The Pentagon was aghast. There goes the "imminent attack" "argument", and there goes the "right move" argument.

And you are still unclear as to what happened?

Pitiful. Also, there is no way validly to interpret the aftermath without including how that murder came to pass, because the rationale before should determine the stated rationale thereafter. Since they had no rationale other than, "the Doofus picked the option he should not have picked," we get to see the obviously mendacious meandering parade of "rationales".

Moreover, "he was a bad dude" is a child's argument. Soleimani was a U.S. ally just as often as he was an implacable foe, and he hasn't done a single thing U.S. generals have not also done to Iran and the Middle East since 1980, in spades, and then some. He provided weapons to Iraqis fending off the criminal invaders, just as the U.S. provided weaponry, including precursors to chemical weapons and targeting information to Iraqis to kill Iranians more efficiently. It's just so that one side asserts they are the good guys, the other is labeled a "terrorist". That's how the empire lies to its subjects, and you gobble it up and regurgitate it, blue eyes and all that. It's shameful in its gullibility.

If you still don't know they are lying about why they murdered Soleimani, after several days of vigorously and continuously debating the matter, there is no point trying. For reasons defying understanding, you are just refusing to make up your mind, and to go with the obvious conclusion.

In addition to the foregoing: Imagine during the missile barrage, the Iranians by accident killed an American. We might be in an all-out war against Iran by now, trillions of dollars in costs and millions killed, all because the know-nothing Doofus chose the extreme option, no thoughts about the effects, let alone second-order effects, no strategy, nothing. And you are still blabbing (sorry) about, it "may have been the right move". Boggles the mind.
Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
Yes because everyone knows Solemani was a great humanitarian.


What had he done that we haven't done?
Who Was the Vicious Criminal Qassem Soleimani

Take your pick.

I can't take a link seriously that starts that way.

We called Saddam the same for the things he did but when we took over we have had to do the same things.
You can't take anything seriously you don't already.

If they have a case they can make it without the hyperbole. He did nothing for Iran we haven't done in many places.

There was a question?
You are gone. Your mind is irrevocably misinformed and warped.
You are what is called a "winger". Be it rightwinger or leftwinger.
You are the fringe. The whackos, the lost.

I find it sad that those who do not support endless war are called The Fringe. One might think those who support endless wars all without paying for them would be considered so.
I find it sad people supporting individual acts are told they support endless war.

I find it sad and frustrating a segment of people only talk in extremes.

18 years.....when do you suppose it will end?
That region has been at war since it was a region.

Exactly, so what is the point? Why are we wasting trillions of dollars being just as stupid?
Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?
It is legal for the US to target and kill TERRORISTS.

Barry took great pride in doing so.

Perhaps you have forgotten Soleimani was the head of the IRCG, officially recognized as a terrorist organization since spring of 2019, the largest terrorist organization in the ME, if not the world, responsible for killing over 500 Americans and over 3,000 men, women, and children throughout the ME...

You defended Barry's use of his own personal st one assassination program, even the violation of Americans' Constitutional Rights of Due Process by killing them abroad with drone strikes...

Democrats declared the killing if terrorist Al-Alaqi by Obama was justified because his CHOICE to lead a terrorist group - like Soleimani - put HIMSELF on the military strike list - like Soleimani.

Democrat and snowflake hypocrisy and blatant irrational hatred for this President has grown so much they / you are not even trying to hide it anymore... the point of becoming terrorist sympathizers and attempting to defend terrorists responsible for the murders of over top Americans and terrorists who shot down another airliner murdering another 17y innocent people WHILE YOU DEFEND AND SIDE WITH THEM...

So, is it or is it not illegal to assassinate a foreign government bad guy?

With you people, anything and everything is illegal with Trump so why should taking out a known terrorist who just led an attack on Americans be any different?
I did not say it was illegal? I was asking if it was legal or not, under the law..... , What does the law and rules of engagement say about this kind of kill?

Are you actually trying to make me out to be a bad guy for wanting to know that?

Doesn't take a genius to k ow you are going to do it again.

And again.

And again.
And all you do is make excuses for his lies, so? What's the lesser evil?
I seriously doubt this is true.

You seriously thought your dyke queen was going to win in 16. What you think doesn’t count.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look kids!

A deflection!

They always do that when they can't respond. Remember that.

A deflection for a stupid fucking comment. He was a rag terrorist. You’re a dim. Are you now grieving him?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My comment wasn't about him.

It was as about tRump and his record of making shit up.

You know I'm right, and he can't be trusted to the the truth.

But you can't admit it so you deflect.

It's a tried and true tRumpling tactic, dOnald does it to you kids all the time.

Hopefully you will be just as happy [emoji2], when you vote for whatever unqualified geriatric candidate you’re tard party puts up? Just be a good little loser, and do as your told. Because we all know the track record of the dim party, and how truthful they are. They never “make shit up”. Perhaps a nice big tattoo to commentate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're still deflecting, even after having been called on it.

You know I'm right, tRump can't be trusted.

Poor little brainwashing victim just can't admit it.

tRump supporters aren't allowed to think for themselves.
There was a question?
You are gone. Your mind is irrevocably misinformed and warped.
You are what is called a "winger". Be it rightwinger or leftwinger.
You are the fringe. The whackos, the lost.

I find it sad that those who do not support endless war are called The Fringe. One might think those who support endless wars all without paying for them would be considered so.
I find it sad people supporting individual acts are told they support endless war.

I find it sad and frustrating a segment of people only talk in extremes.

18 years.....when do you suppose it will end?
That region has been at war since it was a region.

Exactly, so what is the point? Why are we wasting trillions of dollars being just as stupid?
Isn't 18 years where will it end, hyperbole?
I find it sad that those who do not support endless war are called The Fringe. One might think those who support endless wars all without paying for them would be considered so.
I find it sad people supporting individual acts are told they support endless war.

I find it sad and frustrating a segment of people only talk in extremes.

18 years.....when do you suppose it will end?
That region has been at war since it was a region.

Exactly, so what is the point? Why are we wasting trillions of dollars being just as stupid?
Isn't 18 years where will it end, hyperbole?

I have no clue when it will end and you don't answer a question with a question.

So what is the point?
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.


I find it sad people supporting individual acts are told they support endless war.

I find it sad and frustrating a segment of people only talk in extremes.

18 years.....when do you suppose it will end?
That region has been at war since it was a region.

Exactly, so what is the point? Why are we wasting trillions of dollars being just as stupid?
Isn't 18 years where will it end, hyperbole?

I have no clue when it will end and you don't answer a question with a question.

So what is the point?
That's fine. I'm speaking to someone who never answers questions in you.

How come you keep doing things you chide others for?

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