Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
Well, they hadn’t thought up this lie yet, that’s why.
in comment #29 you said different,,,

whats your complaint??? or are you just ragging again??
whats my complaint? It’s more a question about an observation and It’s pretty clear in the OP

your OP says you wanted them to lie to us and say they were on their way to blow up our embassy,,,
in comment #29 you said different,,,

whats your complaint??? or are you just ragging again??
whats my complaint? It’s more a question about an observation and It’s pretty clear in the OP

your OP says you wanted them to lie to us and say they were on their way to blow up our embassy,,,
in comment #29 you said different,,,

whats your complaint??? or are you just ragging again??
whats my complaint? It’s more a question about an observation and It’s pretty clear in the OP

your OP says you wanted them to lie to us and say they were on their way to blow up our embassy,,,
How fast did you want it?
In their statement following the attack or as an answer after the first time they were asked about the imminent threat. Don’t you agree?
No I think it was carried out just fine .. there were many developments in the hours after. I’m sure the last thing on there mind was telling you something you already knew
Pompeo was asked it in every Sunday show and he dodged, pence was asked and he said he couldn’t answer for national security purposes. 4 intel officials briefed congress in a classified hearing and wouldn’t tell them as much. Now, today Trump says this, and you don't think that’s strange? Are you that much of a puppet?

whats strange about it???
there is a possibility they are telling the truth and youre just butthurt you werent read into it before the rest of us,,,
I never said they weren’t telling the truth, I’m saying it’s strange and asking why you think they didn’t say it right away?

it’s strange because it’s an easy answer and I don’t see a reason to avoid saying it before now. Do you?

you might think its an easy answer, but to the POTUS it might not be and at the time the easiest answer is the one he gave,,,
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

so murderer trump said that so it MUST be true.comedy gold.:abgg2q.jpg:

Murderer Trump murdered to prevent Americans from being murdered like they were in Benghazi.
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

This is extremely amusing.

The Trump administration is confused.

Iraq’s prime minister said that the U.S. military sent a letter regarding American troop withdrawal from the country, Reuters reported Tuesday, further deepening confusion over plans for troops in the region.

The news comes on the heels of the Pentagon’s admission that the letter informing Iraq’s Defense Ministry that U.S.-led coalition troops would leave Iraq “was a mistake.”

Trump suggested Thursday that he ordered the killing of Iran’s top military commander last week to disrupt a previously undisclosed plot to attack the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. “We did it because they were looking to blow up our embassy," Trump said.

Trump declined to share further details about the alleged plot to destroy the embassy.

Then, answering a follow-up question on the subject, he suggested that the evidence of such a plot was out in the open, pointing to protesters who stormed the U.S. embassy in Baghdad just days before the drone attack that killed Soleimani. “No, I think it was obvious, if you look at the protests,” Trump responded when asked for more details about the supposed embassy plot.

Despite Trump saying they were looking to blow up our embassy Trump's people said he was referring to the attacks on our embassy on New Years Eve.

House members said there was no mention of attacks on our embassy in the briefing provided by the Trump administration on Wednesday.

Trump administration officials then changed the story again. Now they are saying there is evidence Soleimani was planning to attack the embassy and kill American diplomats and staff. Of course, they didn't say what that evidence was.

If the reader is confused, don't feel bad. Everyone is, including Trump.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!
Wow, good post!
Donald Trump's reckless, dangerous actions have escalated tensions and driven us closer to the brink of war.

Enough is enough.

your OP says you wanted them to lie to us and say they were on their way to blow up our embassy,,,
your OP says you wanted them to lie to us and say they were on their way to blow up our embassy,,,
your OP says you wanted them to lie to us and say they were on their way to blow up our embassy,,,
No I think it was carried out just fine .. there were many developments in the hours after. I’m sure the last thing on there mind was telling you something you already knew
Pompeo was asked it in every Sunday show and he dodged, pence was asked and he said he couldn’t answer for national security purposes. 4 intel officials briefed congress in a classified hearing and wouldn’t tell them as much. Now, today Trump says this, and you don't think that’s strange? Are you that much of a puppet?
He said there was a Imminent attack.. hello the generals just flew to Iraq after a embassy riot.. what do you think was next? Christmas presents? Come on
i think when people ask what the imminent attack was they shouldn’t dodge it for over a week and then come out and say he was looking to blow up the embassy. Why didn’t they just say that when asked the first time?
Strategy, diplomacy, military planning,, is this a serious question? You think you know better then pompao?
Yes it is a serious question, why can’t you answer it?

no I don’t think I know more than Pompeo
I just told you strategy, diplomacy.. come on on bro.. you gotta get over this loss. I’m out.. I thought there was some, legitimate Relevance to this post. This is nothing but stomping my feet that mommy didn’t tell
Me she was going
To the store. Seee ya
Pompeo was asked it in every Sunday show and he dodged, pence was asked and he said he couldn’t answer for national security purposes. 4 intel officials briefed congress in a classified hearing and wouldn’t tell them as much. Now, today Trump says this, and you don't think that’s strange? Are you that much of a puppet?
He said there was a Imminent attack.. hello the generals just flew to Iraq after a embassy riot.. what do you think was next? Christmas presents? Come on
i think when people ask what the imminent attack was they shouldn’t dodge it for over a week and then come out and say he was looking to blow up the embassy. Why didn’t they just say that when asked the first time?
Strategy, diplomacy, military planning,, is this a serious question? You think you know better then pompao?
Yes it is a serious question, why can’t you answer it?

no I don’t think I know more than Pompeo
I just told you strategy, diplomacy.. come on on bro.. you gotta get over this loss. I’m out.. I thought there was some, legitimate Relevance to this post. This is nothing but stomping my feet that mommy didn’t tell
Me she was going
To the store. Seee ya
We’ll explain yourself then... what’s the strategy in not answering the question? Especially if the answer is we caught a guy who was going to blow up our embassy and we stopped him. Plus he’s a real bad dude.

By not answering it feeds doubt and skeptical and confusion. That’s not smart, strategic or diplomatic.
He said there was a Imminent attack.. hello the generals just flew to Iraq after a embassy riot.. what do you think was next? Christmas presents? Come on
i think when people ask what the imminent attack was they shouldn’t dodge it for over a week and then come out and say he was looking to blow up the embassy. Why didn’t they just say that when asked the first time?
Strategy, diplomacy, military planning,, is this a serious question? You think you know better then pompao?
Yes it is a serious question, why can’t you answer it?

no I don’t think I know more than Pompeo
I just told you strategy, diplomacy.. come on on bro.. you gotta get over this loss. I’m out.. I thought there was some, legitimate Relevance to this post. This is nothing but stomping my feet that mommy didn’t tell
Me she was going
To the store. Seee ya
We’ll explain yourself then... what’s the strategy in not answering the question? Especially if the answer is we caught a guy who was going to blow up our embassy and we stopped him. Plus he’s a real bad dude.

By not answering it feeds doubt and skeptical and confusion. That’s not smart, strategic or diplomatic.
Now you wanna know a military strategy? What else do you want password to the fucking nukes? Grow up
Not really, the commies shouldn't have needed an explanation for taking him out, history is all the explanation that should be needed. Did you hear what his replacement said today? He said, he would pick up the mantel in pursuit of world domination for Iran. Iran has proxies operating all over the world, including the US, Mexico and South America. I heard a congressman from NY today saying they arrested Hamas affiliated people in NYC scoping out potential targets there. Soleimani was a threat to our homeland and elsewhere, the commiecrats shouldn't be trying to score political points over killing such terrorist. Do you disagree?

I agree that there shouldn’t be political games played during situations like this and both sides are playing then. But you are dead wrong about explanations and tactics used when taking out high profile targets that we know will cause tremendous backlash. Many innocent people have died during the backlash. What a waste

Really, tell us about these innocent people that have died during the backlash. The only ones that have died since we took his ass out were within the borders of Iran, at the hands of Iranians. That just proves how reckless the Iranians are. Of course it's not near as many as the Iranians killed purposefully, during the protests there. BTW why are you ignoring Iran's stated goals?

Why are you comparing soleimanis blood count to those who have died as a result of this conflict? they have nothing to do with each other. That’s a horrible argument

Because his actions are at the heart of everything. Trump was fully justified on what he did, there's nothing left to say about it. All the noise is just political bullshit.

Ok then don’t engage in this discussion cause I think there is more to talk about. I started the thread to discuss it, nobody is forcing you to stay if you have nothing to say

So you want to be the equivalent of a manure spreader, got it.

T-rump said that and you believe him? Wow - I bet you believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny, too?

So, your rockets didn't kill or injure anyone. Is that because our defenses stopped them? I mean, that America under Trump is greater than Iran and the Hezbollah-democrats? Or did the Mullahs who you obey deliberately aim at the ground, because they idea was to save face, not trigger a response?

I mean, from your perspective as a fucking traitor, that is?
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

so murderer trump said that so it MUST be true.comedy gold.:abgg2q.jpg:

Murderer Trump murdered to prevent Americans from being murdered like they were in Benghazi.

Nah. They weren’t murdered there. Just ask that twat hilly. She denied any knowledge.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i think when people ask what the imminent attack was they shouldn’t dodge it for over a week and then come out and say he was looking to blow up the embassy. Why didn’t they just say that when asked the first time?
Strategy, diplomacy, military planning,, is this a serious question? You think you know better then pompao?
Yes it is a serious question, why can’t you answer it?

no I don’t think I know more than Pompeo
I just told you strategy, diplomacy.. come on on bro.. you gotta get over this loss. I’m out.. I thought there was some, legitimate Relevance to this post. This is nothing but stomping my feet that mommy didn’t tell
Me she was going
To the store. Seee ya
We’ll explain yourself then... what’s the strategy in not answering the question? Especially if the answer is we caught a guy who was going to blow up our embassy and we stopped him. Plus he’s a real bad dude.

By not answering it feeds doubt and skeptical and confusion. That’s not smart, strategic or diplomatic.
Now you wanna know a military strategy? What else do you want password to the fucking nukes? Grow up
That’s not a military strategy smart guy. It’s simple communications and it’s clear by now that you have no clue how to explain it.
What IF the Trump administration did NOT do anything with regards to intelligence that Soleimani was going to blow up the embassy, and then he DID BLOW UP THE EMBASSY, Lefties would be all over Trump for not acting.

It’s all political bullshit.
Strategy, diplomacy, military planning,, is this a serious question? You think you know better then pompao?
Yes it is a serious question, why can’t you answer it?

no I don’t think I know more than Pompeo
I just told you strategy, diplomacy.. come on on bro.. you gotta get over this loss. I’m out.. I thought there was some, legitimate Relevance to this post. This is nothing but stomping my feet that mommy didn’t tell
Me she was going
To the store. Seee ya
We’ll explain yourself then... what’s the strategy in not answering the question? Especially if the answer is we caught a guy who was going to blow up our embassy and we stopped him. Plus he’s a real bad dude.

By not answering it feeds doubt and skeptical and confusion. That’s not smart, strategic or diplomatic.
Now you wanna know a military strategy? What else do you want password to the fucking nukes? Grow up
That’s not a military strategy smart guy. It’s simple communications and it’s clear by now that you have no clue how to explain it.
You just asked what the strategy was... come on. Grow up
What IF the Trump administration did NOT do anything with regards to intelligence that Soleimani was going to blow up the embassy, and then he DID BLOW UP THE EMBASSY, Lefties would be all over Trump for not acting.

It’s all political bullshit.

Trump acted BEFORE the next 9-11, and the traitor democrats are losing their shit.

The enemy of America is the friend of democrats.

What do Hezbollah-democrats want? Dead Americans. When do they want them? Always..
Lefties are so fucked in the head, they are more devastated over the killing of Soleimani than they were of Christoper Steven being murdered in Libya.


They are so sick and disturbed and fucked in the head.
Last edited:
What IF the Trump administration did NOT do anything with regards to intelligence that Soleimani was going to blow up the embassy, and then he DID BLOW UP THE EMBASSY, Lefties would be all over Trump for not acting.

It’s all political bullshit.
I’m not objecting to taking out Soleimani. Sounds like he was a bad dude and it may have been the right move to kill him.... I’m questioning the way everything from the hit to the communications during the aftermath has been handled.
Yes it is a serious question, why can’t you answer it?

no I don’t think I know more than Pompeo
I just told you strategy, diplomacy.. come on on bro.. you gotta get over this loss. I’m out.. I thought there was some, legitimate Relevance to this post. This is nothing but stomping my feet that mommy didn’t tell
Me she was going
To the store. Seee ya
We’ll explain yourself then... what’s the strategy in not answering the question? Especially if the answer is we caught a guy who was going to blow up our embassy and we stopped him. Plus he’s a real bad dude.

By not answering it feeds doubt and skeptical and confusion. That’s not smart, strategic or diplomatic.
Now you wanna know a military strategy? What else do you want password to the fucking nukes? Grow up
That’s not a military strategy smart guy. It’s simple communications and it’s clear by now that you have no clue how to explain it.
You just asked what the strategy was... come on. Grow up
right and you continue to give vague and nondescript answers. Getting really boring
I just told you strategy, diplomacy.. come on on bro.. you gotta get over this loss. I’m out.. I thought there was some, legitimate Relevance to this post. This is nothing but stomping my feet that mommy didn’t tell
Me she was going
To the store. Seee ya
We’ll explain yourself then... what’s the strategy in not answering the question? Especially if the answer is we caught a guy who was going to blow up our embassy and we stopped him. Plus he’s a real bad dude.

By not answering it feeds doubt and skeptical and confusion. That’s not smart, strategic or diplomatic.
Now you wanna know a military strategy? What else do you want password to the fucking nukes? Grow up
That’s not a military strategy smart guy. It’s simple communications and it’s clear by now that you have no clue how to explain it.
You just asked what the strategy was... come on. Grow up
right and you continue to give vague and nondescript answers. Getting really boring
If your waiting for me to give you the military strategy it’s going to get really boring

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