Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

The imminent attack and 4 embassy claims appear to be dishonest. Many will see those as lies and other will spin around it. Either way they are misleading statements.

what proof do you have they are dishonest???
It’s been stated by the admin that the attack on Soleimani was presented as an option for retaliation for the embassy attack. That means it was not brought to POTUS as an imminent attack that needed immediate response. Trumps 4 embassy claim was contradicted the next day by Sec Def when he said on national TV that he hasn’t seen any intel supporting that claim. Do you deny either of those things? If so then why?

thats not proof of anything,,,I am sure youre aware a lot of stuff you and I know nothing about happens daily in government,,,

not to mention the classified stuff we will never know about,,,

so as I said,,a terrorist is dead and a oppressed people are standing up for themselves,,
It is literally proof to back up my claims. You just saying that’s not proof and then Dismissing it by saying, bad man dead, is a really weak argument.

no its not,,,and did you read all the classified stuff??

I'm not sure youre aware.. but no president in american history has told the people everything when it comes to war,,,
so remember you are going off limited info,,,
I'm not saying we need to hear all the classified intel. But they are making claims and then not backing them up and now they are contradicting each other. It’s because trump just can’t tell the simple truth in my opinion. They are needless and unnecessary lies too. Maybe he just can’t help himself.
What Trump has once again demonstrated is that he can’t be trusted when he provides us with information.

How can he convince us or our allies to support military action when he obviously just makes things up?
this is at the heart of the issue in my opinion

then you can prove he made stuff up???
i just laid it out. Imminent threat and 4 embassy claims have evidence that contradict those claims

that was your opinion not proof,,,

did you read all the classified stuff yet???
i don’t need to see classified intel, I just need to observe the admins statements. The Def Sec said on national tv that he hasn’t seen any intel saying there were planned attacks on 4 embassies. Are you trying to make the case that Trump has some secrete intel so classified that his secretary of defense can’t see it?

what I'm saying is none of us have all the info,,,

this obsession of yours is going to cause you health issues

be happy a terrorist is dead and an oppressed people are standing up for themselves
So.........Trump was given the option of killing Soleimani months ago, it was advocated by advisers, he initially rejected the idea, then a US contractor was killed meeting the criteria for the assassination he established in his head, Trump gave the go ahead order, and the admin has been lying about the rationale ever since.

when did they lie about it???
The imminent attack and 4 embassy claims appear to be dishonest. Many will see those as lies and other will spin around it. Either way they are misleading statements.
Prove it was a lie.
what proof do you have they are dishonest???
It’s been stated by the admin that the attack on Soleimani was presented as an option for retaliation for the embassy attack. That means it was not brought to POTUS as an imminent attack that needed immediate response. Trumps 4 embassy claim was contradicted the next day by Sec Def when he said on national TV that he hasn’t seen any intel supporting that claim. Do you deny either of those things? If so then why?

thats not proof of anything,,,I am sure youre aware a lot of stuff you and I know nothing about happens daily in government,,,

not to mention the classified stuff we will never know about,,,

so as I said,,a terrorist is dead and a oppressed people are standing up for themselves,,
It is literally proof to back up my claims. You just saying that’s not proof and then Dismissing it by saying, bad man dead, is a really weak argument.

no its not,,,and did you read all the classified stuff??

I'm not sure youre aware.. but no president in american history has told the people everything when it comes to war,,,
so remember you are going off limited info,,,
I'm not saying we need to hear all the classified intel. But they are making claims and then not backing them up and now they are contradicting each other. It’s because trump just can’t tell the simple truth in my opinion. They are needless and unnecessary lies too. Maybe he just can’t help himself.

no president in american history has told the entire truth,,,

be happy a terrorist is dead and an oppressed people are standing up for themselves
So.........Trump was given the option of killing Soleimani months ago, it was advocated by advisers, he initially rejected the idea, then a US contractor was killed meeting the criteria for the assassination he established in his head, Trump gave the go ahead order, and the admin has been lying about the rationale ever since.

when did they lie about it???
The imminent attack and 4 embassy claims appear to be dishonest. Many will see those as lies and other will spin around it. Either way they are misleading statements.

what proof do you have they are dishonest???
It’s been stated by the admin that the attack on Soleimani was presented as an option for retaliation for the embassy attack. That means it was not brought to POTUS as an imminent attack that needed immediate response. Trumps 4 embassy claim was contradicted the next day by Sec Def when he said on national TV that he hasn’t seen any intel supporting that claim. Do you deny either of those things? If so then why?
Esper said their was evidence of multiple imminent attacks. He said he didn't see specific evidence about 4 embassies.

You are lying about his position.
Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

This is very interesting. Our government takes out a top military commander in the leading terror sponsor of the world who has been attacking us left and right for months saying he was an imminent threat. End of story. I mean, with 7.8 billion people on the planet, they obviously had their reasons!

Had Obama or any other Democrat been in office, that WOULD have been the end of the story.

But they pressed: WHAT imminent threat? OK, he was planning to take out the embassy they had just attacked. End of story.

But no. In the continuing effort to rip this country clean apart, the Left have now resorted to actually DEFENDING Iran as the victim, not even a terrorist nation at all, our military a criminal element hell bent on war with anything that moves, and Trump the actual terrorist!

Democrats never cease to amaze. They'd be funny if they weren't doing so much harm.
I get that you support trump but there are clear conflicts with the messaging that’s come out from his admin. As I said in the OP the kill may have been the right call, however, we should all demand an honest and transparent explanation about what’s happening and why. This is life/death and potential war at stake. It shouldn’t be political games.

I really can't disagree with you Slade, but OTOH, I accept that not everything going on in foreign affairs is something the government wishes to or can share with the person on the street. If it is life and death, I'm just glad it is THEIR life and death and I'm glad the USA is out there killing bad dudes (and this guy was a bad dude), I sure wouldnt want the USA tracking me with a missile. ;)

As to war, we could stomp Iran like a bug. I don't see any war happening, not unless Iran is suicidal.
I agree with you as well. Except for the war part. Yes Iran is out matched and I think smart enough to not engage in a hot war with the US. But they have been attacking us with proxy groups for years which are now merging association with there government. We would also have said that we would stomp any country in the Middle East with our military strength however it’s not that simple. Look how long we’ve currently been at war over there... no quick stomping. We aren’t on our homeland, we are on theirs and we are talking tons of people over an extremely large territory. War isn’t a simple arm wrestling match as you well know.

I have nothing against showing our strength, taking out threats, and being strategically positioned for our protection. But I am somebody that does not trust Trump. That’s not an attack, many millions of people don’t trust him either and you can’t deny that he has earned that mistrust by how he conducts himself. I don’t like, but I understand hyperbole for political purposes but like I said, this is life and death and we need to hold our leaders to higher standards. I’d say that to any admin

I trust Trump far more than I ever trusted Obama or would have trusted Hillary.
this is at the heart of the issue in my opinion

then you can prove he made stuff up???
i just laid it out. Imminent threat and 4 embassy claims have evidence that contradict those claims

that was your opinion not proof,,,

did you read all the classified stuff yet???
i don’t need to see classified intel, I just need to observe the admins statements. The Def Sec said on national tv that he hasn’t seen any intel saying there were planned attacks on 4 embassies. Are you trying to make the case that Trump has some secrete intel so classified that his secretary of defense can’t see it?

what I'm saying is none of us have all the info,,,

this obsession of yours is going to cause you health issues

be happy a terrorist is dead and an oppressed people are standing up for themselves
please read this slowly because I’m not going to repeat it again...

we don’t need ALL the intel. We have public statements made by the administration that contradict each other. That’s the issue. Somebody is lying. To me it’s obviously trump. If it isn’t trump then his Sec Def and DOD are making false statements to the public. Either way it needs to stop and be much better. You should be demanding that as an American
You say he didn't know anything about attacks, but he clearly stated he did in the quote I provided.


No, he said he knew nothing about them.
He said, "There was going to be an attack within a matter of days that would be broad in scale – in other words, more than one country – and that it would be bigger than previous attacks."

Esper says he's seen no hard evidence embassies under threat
Who said embassies were the only target?

Who said anything?

Trumps narrative is constantly changing. He throws “facts” out that he is obviously just making up

Taking a country to war is serious business. A leader must build trust with his people
We are at war?

What Trump has once again demonstrated is that he can’t be trusted when he provides us with information.

How can he convince us or our allies to support military action when he obviously just makes things up?
this is at the heart of the issue in my opinion

then you can prove he made stuff up???
i just laid it out. Imminent threat and 4 embassy claims have evidence that contradict those claims
Bring the evidence.
At this point it really doesn't matter because your arguments are all hysterical.
Would you call his name calling and online trolling mature or immature actions? Simple question
I call it giving to Democrat liars and traitors what they deserve which is no respect. Frankly I’d hang every damn one of those anti-American sleezeballs.

Democrats aren't the liars and they're not the one who is selling out the USA to the Russians.

whats that projection theory???

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

The Huber Investigation just looked at that deal and found “nothing”.

There have been four investigations of all things Hillary which wrapped up in the past month and all of them found nothing.

In the meantime everyone around Donald Trump is now in jail, awaiting sentencing, or under FBI Investigation, and Trump has been Impeached.

We were running arms out of Benghazi. I still believe that is something.
You say he didn't know anything about attacks, but he clearly stated he did in the quote I provided.


No, he said he knew nothing about them.
He said, "There was going to be an attack within a matter of days that would be broad in scale – in other words, more than one country – and that it would be bigger than previous attacks."

Esper says he's seen no hard evidence embassies under threat
Who said embassies were the only target?


Now Trump says it doesn't even matter if he was telling the truth or not.

Trump says it doesn't matter if Soleimani posed an imminent threat
He didn't say he wasn't telling the truth, liar.

He correctly pointed out there was no requirement of an imminent threat to take out your terrorist hero.
No, he said he knew nothing about them.
He said, "There was going to be an attack within a matter of days that would be broad in scale – in other words, more than one country – and that it would be bigger than previous attacks."

Esper says he's seen no hard evidence embassies under threat
Who said embassies were the only target?


Now Trump says it doesn't even matter if he was telling the truth or not.

Trump says it doesn't matter if Soleimani posed an imminent threat
He didn't say he wasn't telling the truth, liar.

He correctly pointed out there was no requirement of an imminent threat to take out your terrorist hero.

He lied.
Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

This is very interesting. Our government takes out a top military commander in the leading terror sponsor of the world who has been attacking us left and right for months saying he was an imminent threat. End of story. I mean, with 7.8 billion people on the planet, they obviously had their reasons!

Had Obama or any other Democrat been in office, that WOULD have been the end of the story.

But they pressed: WHAT imminent threat? OK, he was planning to take out the embassy they had just attacked. End of story.

But no. In the continuing effort to rip this country clean apart, the Left have now resorted to actually DEFENDING Iran as the victim, not even a terrorist nation at all, our military a criminal element hell bent on war with anything that moves, and Trump the actual terrorist!

Democrats never cease to amaze. They'd be funny if they weren't doing so much harm.
I get that you support trump but there are clear conflicts with the messaging that’s come out from his admin. As I said in the OP the kill may have been the right call, however, we should all demand an honest and transparent explanation about what’s happening and why. This is life/death and potential war at stake. It shouldn’t be political games.

I really can't disagree with you Slade, but OTOH, I accept that not everything going on in foreign affairs is something the government wishes to or can share with the person on the street. If it is life and death, I'm just glad it is THEIR life and death and I'm glad the USA is out there killing bad dudes (and this guy was a bad dude), I sure wouldnt want the USA tracking me with a missile. ;)

As to war, we could stomp Iran like a bug. I don't see any war happening, not unless Iran is suicidal.
I agree with you as well. Except for the war part. Yes Iran is out matched and I think smart enough to not engage in a hot war with the US. But they have been attacking us with proxy groups for years which are now merging association with there government. We would also have said that we would stomp any country in the Middle East with our military strength however it’s not that simple. Look how long we’ve currently been at war over there... no quick stomping. We aren’t on our homeland, we are on theirs and we are talking tons of people over an extremely large territory. War isn’t a simple arm wrestling match as you well know.

I have nothing against showing our strength, taking out threats, and being strategically positioned for our protection. But I am somebody that does not trust Trump. That’s not an attack, many millions of people don’t trust him either and you can’t deny that he has earned that mistrust by how he conducts himself. I don’t like, but I understand hyperbole for political purposes but like I said, this is life and death and we need to hold our leaders to higher standards. I’d say that to any admin

I trust Trump far more than I ever trusted Obama or would have trusted Hillary.
You have every right to feel that way, I don’t agree but I’m not going to belittle you for feeling that way. I’d hope you can Respect the fact that millions of American don’t trust trump. Perhaps they feel similarly about trump as you felt about Obama. I’d also hope as fellow Americans it doesn’t need to be a troll game. We can recognize that there is tremendous division and mistrust in this country and respond to that like adults. By being as honest and transparent as possible to build trust.
He said, "There was going to be an attack within a matter of days that would be broad in scale – in other words, more than one country – and that it would be bigger than previous attacks."

Esper says he's seen no hard evidence embassies under threat
Who said embassies were the only target?


Now Trump says it doesn't even matter if he was telling the truth or not.

Trump says it doesn't matter if Soleimani posed an imminent threat
He didn't say he wasn't telling the truth, liar.

He correctly pointed out there was no requirement of an imminent threat to take out your terrorist hero.

He lied.
then you can prove he made stuff up???
i just laid it out. Imminent threat and 4 embassy claims have evidence that contradict those claims

that was your opinion not proof,,,

did you read all the classified stuff yet???
i don’t need to see classified intel, I just need to observe the admins statements. The Def Sec said on national tv that he hasn’t seen any intel saying there were planned attacks on 4 embassies. Are you trying to make the case that Trump has some secrete intel so classified that his secretary of defense can’t see it?

what I'm saying is none of us have all the info,,,

this obsession of yours is going to cause you health issues

be happy a terrorist is dead and an oppressed people are standing up for themselves
please read this slowly because I’m not going to repeat it again...

we don’t need ALL the intel. We have public statements made by the administration that contradict each other. That’s the issue. Somebody is lying. To me it’s obviously trump. If it isn’t trump then his Sec Def and DOD are making false statements to the public. Either way it needs to stop and be much better. You should be demanding that as an American

I would bet both are lying by omission of the info we dont know about

but at the end of the day be happy a terrorist is dead and an oppressed people are standing up for themselves
I trust Trump far more than I ever trusted Obama or would have trusted Hillary.
That's a dodge. Do you trust him this time? Because it is really looking like he, once again, surprised all of his advisers by making up a stupid lie on the spot.
I trust Trump far more than I ever trusted Obama or would have trusted Hillary.
That's a dodge. Do you trust him this time?
be happy a terrorist is dead and an oppressed people are standing up for themselves
I can do that and also call out the president's important and stupid lie. You go ahead and take care of the buttlicking.

do you have proof it was a lie???
This is very interesting. Our government takes out a top military commander in the leading terror sponsor of the world who has been attacking us left and right for months saying he was an imminent threat. End of story. I mean, with 7.8 billion people on the planet, they obviously had their reasons!

Had Obama or any other Democrat been in office, that WOULD have been the end of the story.

But they pressed: WHAT imminent threat? OK, he was planning to take out the embassy they had just attacked. End of story.

But no. In the continuing effort to rip this country clean apart, the Left have now resorted to actually DEFENDING Iran as the victim, not even a terrorist nation at all, our military a criminal element hell bent on war with anything that moves, and Trump the actual terrorist!

Democrats never cease to amaze. They'd be funny if they weren't doing so much harm.
I get that you support trump but there are clear conflicts with the messaging that’s come out from his admin. As I said in the OP the kill may have been the right call, however, we should all demand an honest and transparent explanation about what’s happening and why. This is life/death and potential war at stake. It shouldn’t be political games.

I really can't disagree with you Slade, but OTOH, I accept that not everything going on in foreign affairs is something the government wishes to or can share with the person on the street. If it is life and death, I'm just glad it is THEIR life and death and I'm glad the USA is out there killing bad dudes (and this guy was a bad dude), I sure wouldnt want the USA tracking me with a missile. ;)

As to war, we could stomp Iran like a bug. I don't see any war happening, not unless Iran is suicidal.
I agree with you as well. Except for the war part. Yes Iran is out matched and I think smart enough to not engage in a hot war with the US. But they have been attacking us with proxy groups for years which are now merging association with there government. We would also have said that we would stomp any country in the Middle East with our military strength however it’s not that simple. Look how long we’ve currently been at war over there... no quick stomping. We aren’t on our homeland, we are on theirs and we are talking tons of people over an extremely large territory. War isn’t a simple arm wrestling match as you well know.

I have nothing against showing our strength, taking out threats, and being strategically positioned for our protection. But I am somebody that does not trust Trump. That’s not an attack, many millions of people don’t trust him either and you can’t deny that he has earned that mistrust by how he conducts himself. I don’t like, but I understand hyperbole for political purposes but like I said, this is life and death and we need to hold our leaders to higher standards. I’d say that to any admin

I trust Trump far more than I ever trusted Obama or would have trusted Hillary.
You have every right to feel that way, I don’t agree but I’m not going to belittle you for feeling that way. I’d hope you can Respect the fact that millions of American don’t trust trump. Perhaps they feel similarly about trump as you felt about Obama. I’d also hope as fellow Americans it doesn’t need to be a troll game. We can recognize that there is tremendous division and mistrust in this country and respond to that like adults. By being as honest and transparent as possible to build trust.

You probably never caught this in the thousands of threads on this site, but I'll mention it again. I have reasons for my feelings about Trump, I might possibly know and understand him better than anyone else here. Not only are we a lot alike in many ways, but as I've stated a few times before, my uncle personally knew him. My uncle was a millionaire VP of a company in Reading, Pa who happened to be one of the subcontractors hired to work on some of the Trump projects in the late 70s/early 80s, and my uncle met Trump several times, had lunches with him, sat across the table from him at meetings, shared cigars, etc. Before my uncle passed away, I had the chance for him to tell me about his experiences. Donald Trump was not AT ALL like the person you see painted in the media. On the business end, he was a very driven and particular man very details oriented who knew exactly what he wanted and expected to get it. But he was also a very down to earth and reasonable person very much open to listening to the ideas and input of others, very friendly, warm, relaxed, charismatic, and could be easily magnanimous. Your word and a handshake meant everything to him.

The other thing is that I'm a handwriting expert. Handwriting is a portrait of how you think. Social traits, drives, integrity, thinking. So I'm able to see exactly where Trump is, what motivates him, what is on the other side of his words. Yeah, Trump is not like any other president. The exact opposite of most politicians. Trump's an organizer, a real manager. With a real need to get things done. Capable of tremendous accomplishment wishing to do great things for America. Someday many years from now looking back, this country just might come to realize it squandered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the real progress and advancement of fixing 10,000 things in this country at every level of society: government, industry, economics, infrastructure, etc., that everyone always says they are looking for but never get from a politician, except when that one chance came along, the democrats and the republicans were far too busy playing their usual childish games and power struggles battling each other for supremacy to even notice much less care.

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