Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

my apologies. When I read your last statement I thought you said “... it was his right...” but you said “it was right after”

I take back my accusation that you were being dishonest and changing the subject.

OK I'm gonna try to break it down for you,,

YES TRUMP LIED,,,because all presidents lie whether it be directly or by omission, we will never know the whole truth just what they want us to hear,,,

BUT in this case there is nothing nefarious about it, the man was the worst terrorist the world has seen,,,his favorite thing was to drill holes in peoples heads while they were still alive,,he has spent the last 40 yrs either killing those that he disagreed with (non-muslims) or helping others kill people along with plotting to do it,,,,

your obsession of TRUMP LIED are the rantings of a juvenile suffering from a severe case of TDS,,,

now grow up and move along,,,
Thank you for admitting to the lies. You spent pages challenging it and saying there’s no proof. What’s up with that. Was that just trolling?!

And I agree, the world looks like a better place without Soleimani and the hit seems to have been perfectly legal. I wasn’t taking issue with either of those sentiments.

there isnt any proof,,,I just gave an educated opinion based on 230 yrs of history,,,
And you literally just said a few posts ago that he lied but it’s ok because all presidents lie. So why do you continue fighting a point that youve admitted to?! You’re trolling.
when did I say its OK???

what I did say is there isnt any proof he lied on this subject other than omission,,,because would have to know the truth to know what the lie was,,,

my point is your TDS is so bad youve fixated on something that in the big picture has no meaning other than to placate your obsession,,,
You said he lied but it wasn’t nefarious. You’re stepping all over yourself now. What a joke. I’m done with these childish arguments. Hit me up when you can get real.
Thank you for admitting to the lies. You spent pages challenging it and saying there’s no proof. What’s up with that. Was that just trolling?!

And I agree, the world looks like a better place without Soleimani and the hit seems to have been perfectly legal. I wasn’t taking issue with either of those sentiments.

there isnt any proof,,,I just gave an educated opinion based on 230 yrs of history,,,
And you literally just said a few posts ago that he lied but it’s ok because all presidents lie. So why do you continue fighting a point that youve admitted to?! You’re trolling.
when did I say its OK???

what I did say is there isnt any proof he lied on this subject other than omission,,,because would have to know the truth to know what the lie was,,,

my point is your TDS is so bad youve fixated on something that in the big picture has no meaning other than to placate your obsession,,,
Even when Dimwingers claim that agree with something Trump does, their TDS commands them to attack him anyway.

so what commands you to kiss his fat ass 24/7/365
And I agree, the world looks like a better place without Soleimani and the hit seems to have been perfectly legal. I wasn’t taking issue with either of those sentiments.

Sentiments, eh? Pitiful. Not to mention, you are most likely wrong on both counts. Or, your sentiments are wrong.

Or whatever...
And I agree, the world looks like a better place without Soleimani and the hit seems to have been perfectly legal. I wasn’t taking issue with either of those sentiments.

Sentiments, eh? Pitiful. Not to mention, you are most likely wrong on both counts. Or, your sentiments are wrong.

Or whatever...
haha, ok, thanks for sharing.
And I agree, the world looks like a better place without Soleimani and the hit seems to have been perfectly legal. I wasn’t taking issue with either of those sentiments.

Sentiments, eh? Pitiful. Not to mention, you are most likely wrong on both counts. Or, your sentiments are wrong.

Or whatever...
haha, ok, thanks for sharing.

You know, Slade, just like Trump, you don't give a shit about the consequences, and, chances are, just like Trump, you don't care enough even to try to understand them. All you have is the gripe about the inconsistent messaging. That irks you.

You don't give a shit if, as seems likely, the U.S. is being thrown out of Iraq. You don't give a shit Daesh got rid of their most formidable opponent. You don't give a shit about the anti-Daesh fight on hold right now and for the foreseeable future, and if Daesh is, as a consequence, able to regroup. Neither do you give a shit about a world in which strongmen take an example in Trump and murder leaders of other governments on foreign soil. All you know is brown man dead - the world must be a better place. You don't give a shit Trump created more enemies in one day than you can count - but you will whine with the best of rightards if retribution comes and boys and girls are being made to suffer for Trump. "Better place!" Neither do you give a shit about the violation of the War Powers Resolution, nor do you give a shit about the violation of Iraqi sovereignty, and the treaty underlying the deployment of troops in Iraq, all violated by Trump. Not just legal but "perfectly legal."

In short, you don't give a shit. But the messaging was to your displeasure. Did I mention "pitiful"? Yeah, I believe I did.

Yeah, I know, thanks for sharing. Your way of expressing you didn't understand even the basics of what happened, because you don't give a shit.
And I agree, the world looks like a better place without Soleimani and the hit seems to have been perfectly legal. I wasn’t taking issue with either of those sentiments.

Sentiments, eh? Pitiful. Not to mention, you are most likely wrong on both counts. Or, your sentiments are wrong.

Or whatever...
haha, ok, thanks for sharing.

You know, Slade, just like Trump, you don't give a shit about the consequences, and, chances are, just like Trump, you don't care enough even to try to understand them. All you have is the gripe about the inconsistent messaging. That irks you.

You don't give a shit if, as seems likely, the U.S. is being thrown out of Iraq. You don't give a shit Daesh got rid of their most formidable opponent. You don't give a shit about the anti-Daesh fight on hold right now and for the foreseeable future, and if Daesh is, as a consequence, able to regroup. Neither do you give a shit about a world in which strongmen take an example in Trump and murder leaders of other governments on foreign soil. All you know is brown man dead - the world must be a better place. You don't give a shit Trump created more enemies in one day than you can count - but you will whine with the best of rightards if retribution comes and boys and girls are being made to suffer for Trump. "Better place!" Neither do you give a shit about the violation of the War Powers Resolution, nor do you give a shit about the violation of Iraqi sovereignty, and the treaty underlying the deployment of troops in Iraq, all violated by Trump. Not just legal but "perfectly legal."

In short, you don't give a shit. But the messaging was to your displeasure. Did I mention "pitiful"? Yeah, I believe I did.

Yeah, I know, thanks for sharing. Your way of expressing you didn't understand even the basics of what happened, because you don't give a shit.
For you to assume to know what I give a shit about shows how pompous you are... and for you to accuse me of a “brown man dead” sentiment shows how wildly ignorant you are. I had respect for you till now. That’s gone. I feel no need to defend myself and counter the insane narrative you just painted.

Of course I’m concerned about many things that are going on. But I’m keeping my points concise and to the point for the purposes of this thread.
there isnt any proof,,,I just gave an educated opinion based on 230 yrs of history,,,
And you literally just said a few posts ago that he lied but it’s ok because all presidents lie. So why do you continue fighting a point that youve admitted to?! You’re trolling.
when did I say its OK???

what I did say is there isnt any proof he lied on this subject other than omission,,,because would have to know the truth to know what the lie was,,,

my point is your TDS is so bad youve fixated on something that in the big picture has no meaning other than to placate your obsession,,,
Even when Dimwingers claim that agree with something Trump does, their TDS commands them to attack him anyway.

so what commands you to kiss his fat ass 24/7/365

That's all you clowns need. Trump and Donnie Junior buzz words.
So much easier than thinking for yourself, isn't it?
And I agree, the world looks like a better place without Soleimani and the hit seems to have been perfectly legal. I wasn’t taking issue with either of those sentiments.

Sentiments, eh? Pitiful. Not to mention, you are most likely wrong on both counts. Or, your sentiments are wrong.

Or whatever...
haha, ok, thanks for sharing.

You know, Slade, just like Trump, you don't give a shit about the consequences, and, chances are, just like Trump, you don't care enough even to try to understand them. All you have is the gripe about the inconsistent messaging. That irks you.

You don't give a shit if, as seems likely, the U.S. is being thrown out of Iraq. You don't give a shit Daesh got rid of their most formidable opponent. You don't give a shit about the anti-Daesh fight on hold right now and for the foreseeable future, and if Daesh is, as a consequence, able to regroup. Neither do you give a shit about a world in which strongmen take an example in Trump and murder leaders of other governments on foreign soil. All you know is brown man dead - the world must be a better place. You don't give a shit Trump created more enemies in one day than you can count - but you will whine with the best of rightards if retribution comes and boys and girls are being made to suffer for Trump. "Better place!" Neither do you give a shit about the violation of the War Powers Resolution, nor do you give a shit about the violation of Iraqi sovereignty, and the treaty underlying the deployment of troops in Iraq, all violated by Trump. Not just legal but "perfectly legal."

In short, you don't give a shit. But the messaging was to your displeasure. Did I mention "pitiful"? Yeah, I believe I did.

Yeah, I know, thanks for sharing. Your way of expressing you didn't understand even the basics of what happened, because you don't give a shit.

If there was a legitimate threat, why wasn’t State Department Security notified?

They are responsible for the embassy security
Trump's Secretary of Defense admitted that Trump made this claim base NOT on intel but on his "intuition"
Trump's Secretary of Defense admitted that Trump made this claim base NOT on intel but on his "intuition"

So what? The Presidency is above the Sec of Defense's pay grade. You guys will pick on anything when your TDS starts burning your shit holes.
If there was a legitimate threat, why wasn’t State Department Security notified?

They are responsible for the embassy security

That's perfectly logical, rightwinger: Killing Soleimani stopped the imminent attacks in their tracks. No need to worry "State Department Security" with these. Think!
We know Trump had the Iranian general taken out for political reasons.

According to two separate reports this week, President Donald Trump had the impeachment process on his mind when giving the go-ahead for the drone strike that assassinated Iranian military and intelligence official Qasem Soleimani last week.

On Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported: “Mr. Trump, after the strike, told associates he was under pressure to deal with Gen. Soleimani from GOP senators he views as important supporters in his coming impeachment trial in the Senate, associates said.”

The Journal does not name any of the senators in question, but it does follow a similar report from the New York Times on Tuesday that said the president has been “pressured to take a harder line on Iran by some Republican senators whose support he needs now more than ever amid an impeachment battle.”

"Trump asserted on Monday that his national security team agreed on the imminent threat posed by Soleimani that led to the decision to kill him. He made this assertion despite remarks from Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday that undercut Trump’s claim that the Iranian general was planning to target four American embassies before a U.S. drone strike killed him in Baghdad on Jan. 3."

Let's assume Trump was not lying about the imminent threat. Yeah, I know that is a stretch, and he has Pompeo completely confused. Pompeo even forgot what imminent means, but lets take Trump at his word..There was an imminent threat to Americans. That is what he said.

It is logical to suggest that if there was a legitimate threat to Americans our President would inform the American people of that imminent threat without revealing sources and methods. That has been done throughout our history.

But not with Trump. In an interview with Fox's Laura Ingraham, Trump was asked if he could reveal the nature of the imminent threat to Americans. Trump said he could not, but he could reveal that four embassies were being threatened.

“I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies,” Trump said.

Trump can be a very funny man sometimes. "Defense Secretary Mark Esper undercut Trump’s claim that the Iranian general was planning to target four American embassies," and Republican Senators who were briefed on Wednesday knew nothing about such a threat.

President Trump on Monday said it didn’t matter if Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani posed an imminent threat to the United States because of his “horrible past.”

“The Fake News Media and their Democrat Partners are working hard to determine whether or not the future attack by terrorist Soleimani was ‘eminent’ or not, & was my team in agreement,” Trump incorrectly spelled imminent. “The answer to both is a strong YES., but it doesn’t really matter."

Trump was forced to reveal that he lied because there is nothing there, no imminent threat, no threat to our embassies. Just vague threats that have been put out by the Iranian regime since 1979.

"Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive"
Greg Sargent writes, "After President Trump retweeted a doctored image of Democratic leaders dressed in Islamic garb, the White House offered a curious justification: Trump retweeted that image to send the message that Democrats are on the side of terrorists.

"This was apparently intended as a defense.

"Which would appear to mean the White House’s official message is now that depictions of Democrats in Muslim garb denote Democratic support for terrorists."

The tweet from our President is so disgusting, I had difficulty finding it on the internet, but I finally did. It appears below.

The corrupted Dems trying their best to come to the Ayatollah's rescue.#NancyPelosiFakeNews

2:23 AM - Jan 13, 2020

Trump is one sick puppy.
Greg Sargent writes, "After President Trump retweeted a doctored image of Democratic leaders dressed in Islamic garb, the White House offered a curious justification: Trump retweeted that image to send the message that Democrats are on the side of terrorists.

"This was apparently intended as a defense.

"Which would appear to mean the White House’s official message is now that depictions of Democrats in Muslim garb denote Democratic support for terrorists."

The tweet from our President is so disgusting, I had difficulty finding it on the internet, but I finally did. It appears below.

The corrupted Dems trying their best to come to the Ayatollah's rescue.#NancyPelosiFakeNews

2:23 AM - Jan 13, 2020

Trump is one sick puppy.
Is this for real? Trump does some dumb stuff but this seems too far even for him. I’d look into the validity of this if you haven’t already
According to the Fact Checker’s database as of Dec. 16, Trump has told some 15,413 lies— he made 16,000 lies before the year was over.

His tweets today prove my point.

The White House‏Verified account @WhiteHouse 4h4 hours ago

President @realDonaldTrump just now: "We killed Soleimani, the number one terrorist in the world by every account . . . When the Democrats try to defend him, it's a disgrace to our country."

The Democrats are not defending Soleimani. That is a lie.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

“We demand fairness” shouts Pelosi and the Do Nothing Democrats, yet the Dems in the House wouldn’t let us have 1 witness, no lawyers or even ask questions. It was the most unfair witch-hunt in the history of Congress!

A common lie, told nearly every day. Trump refused to take part in the impeachment inquiry. He refused to defend himself, refused to send his lawyers, prevented those with direct knowledge to testify, refused requested documents. His Republican defenders had equal time in the hearings.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 10h10 hours ago

The Fake News Media and their Democrat Partners are working hard to determine whether or not the future attack by terrorist Soleimani was “imminent” or not, & was my team in agreement. The answer to both is a strong YES., but it doesn’t really matter because of his horrible past!

For ten days he and Pompeo lied about the imminent threat. Pompeo even tried to tell reporters imminent doesn't mean imminent, and, in the original version, Trump confused imminent with eminent. Finally, the truth comes out. As shown in an early post, Trump ordered the general taken out for political reasons. He wanted to change the subject. It worked, too. His Senate impeachment trial went to the back pages as he did his best to start a disastrous war with Iran. Before it was over -- that is, if it is over -- 176 people were killed. More were killed when he ordered a retreat from northeast Syria and thousands lost their homes.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 11h11 hours ago

The Democrats and the Fake News are trying to make terrorist Soleimani into a wonderful guy, only because I did what should have been done for 20 years. Anything I do, whether it’s the economy, military, or anything else, will be scorned by the Rafical Left, Do Nothing Democrats!

That is a pathetic lie. Trump has a very serious mental problem. Hard to accept this man is our President!

Unfortunately, there is a lot more. I will stop here.

Do you know what is really sad? Trump tweets to his base. He knows no one else will believe him. His base believes him. They eat it up.

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