Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Right. He got into a car with an Iraqi official to go blow up the embassy.

I've got some real nice beach front property in Kansas for sale. Cheap.
I’ll take it as long as there’s a good wave to surf

Apparently, there was another reason he was in Baghdad

Op-Ed: Assassinated Iranian commander was on a diplomatic mission
False narrative!

Soleimani was avowed to never be a politician. He was going to Iraq for one and only one purpose: to get information on how to kill more Americans and then go after Israel. Those were his two avowed goals in lives, not kissing ass over a diplomatic table. It's Iran doing the spin game to give them the advantage. They better be glad the 52 targets were allayed. And if they keep up the lies, and start hurting Allies again, we will be watching their each and every move, day and night, no let up.

I doubt it.

Who would he get information from that he doesn't already have? Iran isn't stupid - they aren't going to directly kill Americans and they aren't going to attack Israel. They don't want all out conflict with the US because they will lose.

I think it is far more likely they are working with the Saudi's to reduce tensions between the two, and Iraq has been acting as an intermediary in this. It's not exactly a secret.

Saudi Arabia Sought Dialogue With Iran. Then The U.S.-Iranian Conflict Escalated
The President has better resources than you and Nancy Pelosi combined. You are prepared for her treason trial for interfering in matters of national security under the President's job description, are you not? She is not saying things to him to help. She's only there to trip him up as she has been for the last three years of her God-forsaken life.
I agree with this, we all know the CIA lies. Look at the Steele Dossier.

How do we know the CIA telling Trump that Soleimani was going to attack the embassy wasn’t just a fucking lie like the Steele Dossier was?

Hopefully it wasn’t a Brennan asslicker like Eric Ciaramella, who is also a CIA liar.

We also all know Trump lies.

Are you contending Trump is the source of the intel? He is a CIA operative who discovered the actionable intelligence, but he lied about it?

I'm contending no one has seen the supposed intel.
President Trump does not lie to the American people. And his Constitutional Oath of office doesn't charge him with pandering to threats from Nancy Pelosi the Commie. It charges him with the protection of the American people, and he did just that. Nancy Pelosi's nose is way out of joint, because he wasn't supposed to be so honest and trustworthy, so her lies don't stick to him.

Tough bananas, Traitor Pelosi.

Unfortunately, there are far too many documented lies that have excited Trumps tweeter and mouth to be able to make that claim with a straight face.

He lies all the time - even about stupid stuff.
You are grossly misinformed, madam. I am sorry to see you flaunt it.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
OTOH billy, it seems you don't need explanations. You accept the Trump Gospel without them. Or better yet, make up one yourself which is a lot more believable than Trump's. Works great for you, Right?

The guy's dead, happily. There's no need for explanation beyond his history.
Of course there is a need for explanation, look how many more innocent people are now dead as a result to the reaction to this? These things need to be handled correctly and this one is all screwed up

How many are?
Around 200. A bunch got trampled at the funeral and a plane got shot down. Yes all Iran’s fault but also a consequence to the reaction of our tit. Or tat, whichever it was

When the politics of brinkmanship get carried to far - and there is no room to de-escalate.
Sure it is.

maybe in your mind,,,to me it looks like you tried to lie to make it look worse and got caught,,,
how was what I said worse than the actual thing?

because it wasnt true,,,and misleading
How so? What I said and what trump said we’re the same thing. I just didn’t have the exact quote cause I heard it on tv.

how many posts are you going to waste on word games? Looks like you’re trying to divert from the topic

saying he was on his way to blow something up is way different than just looking into doing it,,,

I dont understand your complaint???
I said and I quote
“Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!”

You done with the word game distractions now? It’s getting really boring
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Right. He got into a car with an Iraqi official to go blow up the embassy.

I've got some real nice beach front property in Kansas for sale. Cheap.
I’ll take it as long as there’s a good wave to surf

Apparently, there was another reason he was in Baghdad

Op-Ed: Assassinated Iranian commander was on a diplomatic mission
False narrative!

Soleimani was avowed to never be a politician. He was going to Iraq for one and only one purpose: to get information on how to kill more Americans and then go after Israel. Those were his two avowed goals in lives, not kissing ass over a diplomatic table. It's Iran doing the spin game to give them the advantage. They better be glad the 52 targets were allayed. And if they keep up the lies, and start hurting Allies again, we will be watching their each and every move, day and night, no let up.
dont you EVER get tired of embarrasing yourself with propaganda? .that BS is too easy to refute in this link HERE. below.:lmao::laughing0301:


One Term Donnie
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani 636
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani - Craig Murray

class diismissed.LOL
I agree with this, we all know the CIA lies. Look at the Steele Dossier.

How do we know the CIA telling Trump that Soleimani was going to attack the embassy wasn’t just a fucking lie like the Steele Dossier was?

Hopefully it wasn’t a Brennan asslicker like Eric Ciaramella, who is also a CIA liar.

We also all know Trump lies.

Are you contending Trump is the source of the intel? He is a CIA operative who discovered the actionable intelligence, but he lied about it?

I'm contending no one has seen the supposed intel.
President Trump does not lie to the American people. And his Constitutional Oath of office doesn't charge him with pandering to threats from Nancy Pelosi the Commie. It charges him with the protection of the American people, and he did just that. Nancy Pelosi's nose is way out of joint, because he wasn't supposed to be so honest and trustworthy, so her lies don't stick to him.

Tough bananas, Traitor Pelosi.
Trump lies almost every time he talks. I think theres a list of like 10,000 of them

Are you contending he made up the intel on Soleimani? What evidence do we have that Trump just made this up out of the blue?
It's pretty damn simple, Trump killed at least 2 known terrorist, the only thing we should have heard out of congress was clapping.

More happened than that... don’t be so simple

Not really, the commies shouldn't have needed an explanation for taking him out, history is all the explanation that should be needed. Did you hear what his replacement said today? He said, he would pick up the mantel in pursuit of world domination for Iran. Iran has proxies operating all over the world, including the US, Mexico and South America. I heard a congressman from NY today saying they arrested Hamas affiliated people in NYC scoping out potential targets there. Soleimani was a threat to our homeland and elsewhere, the commiecrats shouldn't be trying to score political points over killing such terrorist. Do you disagree?

I agree that there shouldn’t be political games played during situations like this and both sides are playing then. But you are dead wrong about explanations and tactics used when taking out high profile targets that we know will cause tremendous backlash. Many innocent people have died during the backlash. What a waste

Really, tell us about these innocent people that have died during the backlash. The only ones that have died since we took his ass out were within the borders of Iran, at the hands of Iranians. That just proves how reckless the Iranians are. Of course it's not near as many as the Iranians killed purposefully, during the protests there. BTW why are you ignoring Iran's stated goals?

Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
I seriously doubt this is true.

You seriously thought your dyke queen was going to win in 16. What you think doesn’t count.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look kids!

A deflection!

They always do that when they can't respond. Remember that.

A deflection for a stupid fucking comment. He was a rag terrorist. You’re a dim. Are you now grieving him?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who knows what the truth is. One thing I do know though is that propaganda is legal now, so be careful to not automatically believe what you're told.
Propaganda is legal to a point, but calumny is subject to judicial review and could be deemed as treason since it is a lie to hurt the President of the United States of America. Why? Because calumny is always a lie.

propaganda? you mean like the corporate controlled media you have been brainwashed by the lies of.THAT propaganda you state as truth? you are really embarrassing yourself now,you should quit while you still can.:lmao::laughing0301:

It appears that many here forgot about this big fat lie, which got us into the first Gulf war. Some of us know that this wasn't the last lie, they continue because people continue to accept dishonesty, and even cheerlead for these unconstitutional interventionist wars. (As long as the president in office is on "OUR" team.) Meanwhile, we're getting deeper and deeper in debt, we are losing our liberties and people are coming home in bodybags, all this for NWO wars based on lies.

Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Right. He got into a car with an Iraqi official to go blow up the embassy.

I've got some real nice beach front property in Kansas for sale. Cheap.
I’ll take it as long as there’s a good wave to surf

Apparently, there was another reason he was in Baghdad

Op-Ed: Assassinated Iranian commander was on a diplomatic mission
False narrative!

Soleimani was avowed to never be a politician. He was going to Iraq for one and only one purpose: to get information on how to kill more Americans and then go after Israel. Those were his two avowed goals in lives, not kissing ass over a diplomatic table. It's Iran doing the spin game to give them the advantage. They better be glad the 52 targets were allayed. And if they keep up the lies, and start hurting Allies again, we will be watching their each and every move, day and night, no let up.

You seem awfully anxious for war for someone who claims to worship the Prince of Peace.
OTOH billy, it seems you don't need explanations. You accept the Trump Gospel without them. Or better yet, make up one yourself which is a lot more believable than Trump's. Works great for you, Right?

The guy's dead, happily. There's no need for explanation beyond his history.
Of course there is a need for explanation, look how many more innocent people are now dead as a result to the reaction to this? These things need to be handled correctly and this one is all screwed up

How many are?
Around 200. A bunch got trampled at the funeral and a plane got shot down. Yes all Iran’s fault but also a consequence to the reaction of our tit. Or tat, whichever it was

When the politics of brinkmanship get carried to far - and there is no room to de-escalate.
Pelosi is inured into her Deep State responsibilities to destroy the Constitution and the United States. I'm not giving in to her steady stream of lies and channeling the lies of people like Christine Blasey-Ford. She tried to destroy the best candidate for the Supreme Court, and she got her little wannabe poor-me wrist smacked for lying her ass off.
maybe in your mind,,,to me it looks like you tried to lie to make it look worse and got caught,,,
how was what I said worse than the actual thing?

because it wasnt true,,,and misleading
How so? What I said and what trump said we’re the same thing. I just didn’t have the exact quote cause I heard it on tv.

how many posts are you going to waste on word games? Looks like you’re trying to divert from the topic

saying he was on his way to blow something up is way different than just looking into doing it,,,

I dont understand your complaint???
I said and I quote
“Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!”

You done with the word game distractions now? It’s getting really boring

in comment #29 you said different,,,

whats your complaint??? or are you just ragging again??
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

so murderer trump said that so it MUST be true.comedy gold.:abgg2q.jpg:

I agree with this, we all know the CIA lies. Look at the Steele Dossier.

How do we know the CIA telling Trump that Soleimani was going to attack the embassy wasn’t just a fucking lie like the Steele Dossier was?

Hopefully it wasn’t a Brennan asslicker like Eric Ciaramella, who is also a CIA liar.

We also all know Trump lies.

Are you contending Trump is the source of the intel? He is a CIA operative who discovered the actionable intelligence, but he lied about it?

I'm contending no one has seen the supposed intel.

No one? Define “no one”.
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Right. He got into a car with an Iraqi official to go blow up the embassy.

I've got some real nice beach front property in Kansas for sale. Cheap.
I’ll take it as long as there’s a good wave to surf

Apparently, there was another reason he was in Baghdad

Op-Ed: Assassinated Iranian commander was on a diplomatic mission
False narrative!

Soleimani was avowed to never be a politician. He was going to Iraq for one and only one purpose: to get information on how to kill more Americans and then go after Israel. Those were his two avowed goals in lives, not kissing ass over a diplomatic table. It's Iran doing the spin game to give them the advantage. They better be glad the 52 targets were allayed. And if they keep up the lies, and start hurting Allies again, we will be watching their each and every move, day and night, no let up.

You seem awfully anxious for war for someone who claims to worship the Prince of Peace.
If that's your best meowling, Madam, you'll have to tell it to somebody else next time. There isn't a war-loving bone in my body, and everybody knows it including your lying mouth.
Who knows what the truth is. One thing I do know though is that propaganda is legal now, so be careful to not automatically believe what you're told.
Propaganda is legal to a point, but calumny is subject to judicial review and could be deemed as treason since it is a lie to hurt the President of the United States of America. Why? Because calumny is always a lie.

propaganda? you mean like the corporate controlled media you have been brainwashed by the lies of.THAT propaganda you state as truth? you are really embarrassing yourself now,you should quit while you still can.:lmao::laughing0301:

It appears that many here forgot about this big fat lie, which got us into the first Gulf war. Some of us know that this wasn't the last lie, they continue because people continue to accept dishonesty, and even cheerlead for these unconstitutional interventionist wars. (As long as the president in office is on "OUR" team.) Meanwhile, we're getting deeper and deeper in debt, we are losing our liberties and people are coming home in bodybags, all this for NWO wars based on lies.

Lets not forget how warcriminal Bush II invaded Iraq lying to the american people there were WMD's and EVERYBODY knew there was not and yet that criminal warmonger walks the streets free as a bird. the media spins lie after lie after lie and they STILL fall for THEIR lies. unfucking believable.:abgg2q.jpg::rolleyes:
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

but they did do that,,just not in a way that will ever satisfy you,,,

They said he was on his way to blow up the embassy? Who when where? Maybe I missed it, do you have a link?

and where does he say salami was "on his way"???
He just said it on national TV. I’m sure it will be all over the place once the clip gets edited and pushed out
Here’s the exact quote:
“We did it because they were looking to blow up our embassy. We also did it for other reasons that were very obvious”

Trump claims Soleimani was planning to blow up U.S. embassy

Must be these reasons.

Ann Coulter
We also all know Trump lies.

Are you contending Trump is the source of the intel? He is a CIA operative who discovered the actionable intelligence, but he lied about it?

I'm contending no one has seen the supposed intel.
President Trump does not lie to the American people. And his Constitutional Oath of office doesn't charge him with pandering to threats from Nancy Pelosi the Commie. It charges him with the protection of the American people, and he did just that. Nancy Pelosi's nose is way out of joint, because he wasn't supposed to be so honest and trustworthy, so her lies don't stick to him.

Tough bananas, Traitor Pelosi.

Unfortunately, there are far too many documented lies that have excited Trumps tweeter and mouth to be able to make that claim with a straight face.

He lies all the time - even about stupid stuff.
You are grossly misinformed, madam. I am sorry to see you flaunt it.

I'm extremely well informed.

Let me give you some pretty clear cut examples.

Trump said:
“We just approved $700bn for our military,” he said. “So we’re going to be having the best equipment ever known. And next year, $716bn. So I wanted to let you know. And, by the way – I know you don’t care about this – but that also includes raises for our military. First time in 10 years.

Is this TRUE or a LIE?

It's a lie. The military has gotten a pay raise every year since 1961.

Trump tweeted: "Today I opened a major Apple Manufacturing plant in Texas that will bring high paying jobs back to America,"
after visiting an Apple plant in November.

It's a lie. The Apple plant has been manufacturing Apple computers for the last 6 years.

Trump claimed (in the demonstration in Charlottesville) that the white nationalist group had a permit and the group protesting them, did not.

It's a lie. Both groups had valid permits.

Trump claimed (in his primary): "Out of 67 counties (in Florida), I won 66, which is unprecedented. It's never happened before."

It's a lie. John Kerry one all 67 counties. So did Al Gore. So did George W Bush. Bob Dole won 66 of them.

These aren't even controversial. They are obvious lies that are easy to check. And they are only a drop in the Trump bucket of lies.
We also all know Trump lies.

Are you contending Trump is the source of the intel? He is a CIA operative who discovered the actionable intelligence, but he lied about it?

I'm contending no one has seen the supposed intel.
President Trump does not lie to the American people. And his Constitutional Oath of office doesn't charge him with pandering to threats from Nancy Pelosi the Commie. It charges him with the protection of the American people, and he did just that. Nancy Pelosi's nose is way out of joint, because he wasn't supposed to be so honest and trustworthy, so her lies don't stick to him.

Tough bananas, Traitor Pelosi.
Trump lies almost every time he talks. I think theres a list of like 10,000 of them

Are you contending he made up the intel on Soleimani? What evidence do we have that Trump just made this up out of the blue?

We haven't seen any intel and it doesn't seem as if Congress has either.

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