Solution to school Shootings

So you guys are both right-wing and can’t even agree on a solution. Like I fucking said.
Disagreement doesn't always have to be the death of ideas or meaningful action, it could easily be the way such things come about.

To act as if disagreement is an insurmountable dead end or an unwillingness to act is a presumptive, defeatist attitude.
Disagreement doesn't always have to be the death of ideas or meaningful action, it could easily be the way such things come about.

To act as if disagreement is an insurmountable dead end or an unwillingness to act is a presumptive, defeatist attitude.
Let me know when you guys actually agree on something and actually implement it.

I’m tired of seeing nothing done and I’m tired of Republican excuses.
I’m tired of seeing nothing done and I’m tired of Republican excuses.

Ha. I am offering actual solutions. Our prior discussions on this issue should prove that to you. I'm beginning to think you're using our disagreement as a cop-out to simply point the finger at us and exclaim "look, they don't want to do anything!" in order to present Democrats as the saints.

In reality, there are two people who agree something needs to be done, but disagree on the methodology.

Must we agree in lockstep to satisfy you?
Ha. I am offering actual solutions. Our prior discussions on this issue should prove that to you. I'm beginning to think you're using our disagreement as a cop-out to simply point the finger at us and exclaim "look, they don't want to do anything!"

In reality, there are two people who agree something needs to be done, but disagree on the methodology.

Must we agree in lockstep to satisfy you?
When you two aren’t in lockstep on anything being done, it’s a perfect representation of what will happen with the Republican party to address mass shootings: nothing.

Nothing will be done. Then another mass shooting will happen. Then nothing will be done. Then another mass shooting will happen. Etc.
When you two aren’t in lockstep on anything being done, it’s a perfect representation of what will happen with the Republican party to address mass shootings: nothing.
That's wildly presumptuous on your part.

It, in no way, represents the direction of the party when I'm proposing things YOU AGREE WITH.

Do you really want Republicans to do anything, or do you simply prefer to capitalize on their disagreement?
That's wildly presumptuous on your part.

It, in no way, represents the direction of the party when I'm proposing things YOU AGREE WITH.

Do you really want Republicans to do anything, or do you simply prefer to capitalize on their disagreement?
Prove me wrong. Let me know when Republicans actually implement something to address this issue.

Of course I want Republicans to do something. I want this issue addressed.
Do you really think these demented individuals, when they reach the irrational decision of committing a mass killing are going to consider the legal consequences. I don't think so. The legal consequence are already death or life in prison. It is not only schools, it is churches, it is stores whose main customers are minorities, it is gay night clubs, it is movie theaters, it is street gatherings, it is home parties.

The simple minded come up with simple solutions that do not work in the real world.
Simple mind - simple solution
You want to be safe - buy a gun
You want to be safer - buy a bigger gun

Solution to school Shootings​

You want a real solution to school shootings? From easiest to most effective:
  1. Eliminate "gun-free zones."
  2. Get government out of education and bring back God.
  3. Give school vouchers and send your kids to private school where they will actually get an education.
  4. Bring back gun education and begin training kids at an early age again to respect and handle guns responsibly.
  5. Get leftist progressivism out of our society.
  6. Make wages possible again so that a man can afford to raise and support a family so that the mother can stay home and raise and educate her kids without the government's "help."
I didn’t say that you are responsible for the direction that Republicans take.
It sure sounded that way.

When you went on about how the shooting happened in a "red county in a red state" and that the solutions they passed were ineffective, it sounded like you were pinning that on the voters for taking the party in that direction which resulted in the shooting.

Am I left to assume that you mean the same with me or 2aguy?
It sure sounded that way.

When you went on about how the shooting happened in a "red county in a red state" and that the solutions they passed were ineffective, it sounded like you were pinning that on the voters for taking the party in that direction which resulted in the shooting.

Am I left to assume that you mean the same with me or 2aguy?
Collectively, yes. People vote for representation.

I’m not putting the responsibility on any one voter.
I have come up with a solution. But most conservatives won’t agree to it. Instead, they offer their solution and then suck at implementing their own solution.

Where does that put is? Nowhere. Which is exactly why nothing will be done to address this and why it will keep happening.

I have compromised. I say go ahead and implement your idea even though I don’t think it will be effective. Why do Republicans suck at implementing their own idea? Let’s get things moving already.
I already offered a bullet-proof solution (pun intended).

Repeal all fed, state, and local gun laws.

Make gun control advocacy a crime punishable by death only.

Problem solved.

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