Solution to school Shootings

I've been making it this entire time. Your overtly dismissive attitude won't let you acknowledge anything good the other side has done.

I read up on what the Democrats did thus far, and everything has failed. Raising the minimum age may stop school shootings, but overall murder in America will not abate.

There are other outlying issues other than gun ownership, like mental health, that never get addressed. We all want to regulate guns, but never behavior.
Address the mental health side of it then. Fine with me.

Why are we still talking about addressing mental health and not doing anything about it?
Repeating yourself is a bad sign. I made my point clear these past few pages. It's plenty debatable, I posted the reasons why.
You argued that it is debatable which side is pushing for more restrictive gun laws and then agreed with me when I said that it’s Democrats that are pushing for more restrictive gun laws.

Sounds like you flipped and now agree with me. Not sure why you felt the need to dance around first. It’s perfectly clear that Democrats want more gun restrictions and Republicans want less gun restrictions. You know, like I said.
I didn’t say that.

You really need to stop misinterpreting me. It’s ridiculous.

I'm not. When you repeatedly insist Democrats are the more righteous party issue by the sheer amount of effort (regardless of the efficacy) in this matter and Republicans 'don't want anything done' about it when they have as I have demonstrated, it's pretty clear. Oh, and I remember when Trump banned bump stocks after the Las Vegas shooting. That was a Republican president actually doing something about it.

Protest all you wish it doesn't make what I said any less true.

Democrats have gotten 20,000 laws passed in an attempt to regulate guns. But the murder rates in places where those laws should have borne any meaningful fruit proves their efforts are a failure.

It's not the amount of effort, it's the quality of effort.
You argued that it is debatable which side is pushing for more restrictive gun laws and then agreed with me when I said that it’s Democrats that are pushing for more restrictive gun laws.
They are. How is that me agreeing with you? The amount of restrictions they pass or introduce via legislation doesn't make all of it righteous.
Sounds like you flipped and now agree with me. Not sure why you felt the need to dance around first. It’s perfectly clear that Democrats want more gun restrictions and Republicans want less gun restrictions. You know, like I said.
Of course, but Republicans would rather see the laws already passed enforced before passing more. That does not equate to "wanting less restrictive" anything.
I didn’t say that either.
Yes, yes you did.

It should be perfectly clear that Democrats want more restrictive gun laws and Republicans stubbornly want less restrictive gun laws.
I'm not doing this again. Acknowledge what you said. You clearly think the Democrats are the more pious party.

Stop insulting my intelligence.
Yes, yes you did.

I'm not doing this again. Acknowledge what you said. You clearly think the Democrats are the more pious party.

Stop insulting my intelligence.
I didn’t say pious. I didn‘t say righteous.

Address what I said, not what you want me to have said.

We’re no longer communicating well. Either clean this up or this is done.
Inference is a thing. Especially when you referred to Republicans as being 'stubborn.'

Negative portrayal is a good way of telling me who you think is more righteous and who is less so.
I don’t need you to speak for me. My words speak for themselves.
Simple question. Looking for specifics.

Easy, make any prospective gun purchaser submit to a state-mandated psychological evaluation. The family and friends must consent to interviews regarding the mental state of the applicant. If anyone lies, that's a felony. If anyone refuses to be interviewed, the gun applicant isn't allowed to purchase a firearm. If any psychologist fails to report any warning factors regarding their patient to the NICS database, it should result in the sanctioning or criminal punishment of their practice.
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Easy, make any prospective gun purchaser submit to a state-mandated psychological evaluation. The family and friends must consent to interviews regarding the mental state of the applicant. If anyone lies, that's a felony. If anyone refuses to be interviewed, the gun applicant isn't allowed to purchase a firearm. If any psychologist fails to report any warning factors regarding their patient to the NICS database, it should result in the sanctioning or criminal punishment of their practice.
Sounds good to me.

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