Some folks are thinking the same as me.

Meanwhile, I'm confident you won't condemn your fellow Rambo wannabe Trumpsters.
Hell no I won't...I'm praying for all hell to break loose...for El Paso, TX Walmart like incidents to happen daily.
Lets do this shit already!
See how well I know you guys?
I've been telling you for years gotta let go of your hope for bipartisanship. We'll never be friends, conservatives will never make deals with their worse enemy. We want the Left in concentration camps and hanged in public...Sorry bud, that's where we're at.
Speak for yourself. Many of your decent Republicans do not agree with you. I respect them for standing against hate and rage, stood up for the rule of law. They deserve respect. You do not because you are still in that hate stage.
Saying things like "we" makes people like this a little more comfortable with their hate, rage, and paranoia. Of course, most people are not like this. The problem is that these folks are the loudest and therefore very influential.

My guess is that this can only be fixed through the culture. The two sides of the spectrum therefore have to be brave enough to marginalize their worst elements, even if it means possible short term political disadvantage.
No. You didn't.
You just dont like the answer

the dems and their street urchins went full speed ahead against trump and America

so all you have to do is keep voting democrat

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?

You haven't answered that. You're just ranting about how you don't like Democrats.
sure he did. he said you all destroyed american cities. you can't read obviously.
I suspect that you don’t wish to address this honestly or openly because you’re so entrenched in “Team Red”
Team Red?


and you are Team Blue

and yes, I will only answer for things I say

Just as I suspected. You won’t call out insane rhetoric if it’s on your side of the aisle. You’re not hard to predict.

You’re being complicit with their desire to murder millions of innocent people speaks volumes of you.

How hard is it for you to denounce that? That’s pathetic.
Meanwhile, I'm confident you won't condemn your fellow Rambo wannabe Trumpsters.
Hell no I won't...I'm praying for all hell to break loose...for El Paso, TX Walmart like incidents to happen daily.
Lets do this shit already!
See how well I know you guys?
I've been telling you for years gotta let go of your hope for bipartisanship. We'll never be friends, conservatives will never make deals with their worse enemy. We want the Left in concentration camps and hanged in public...Sorry bud, that's where we're at.
Speak for yourself. Many of your decent Republicans do not agree with you. I respect them for standing against hate and rage, stood up for the rule of law. They deserve respect. You do not because you are still in that hate stage.
Saying things like "we" makes people like this a little more comfortable with their impotent rage. Of course, most people are not like this. The problem is that these folks are the loudest and therefore very influential.

My guess is that this can only be fixed through the culture. The two sides of the spectrum have to be brave enough to marginalize their worst elements, even if it means possible short term political disadvantage.
it would help if illegal balloting counting didn't exist. there's that.
I suspect that you don’t wish to address this honestly or openly because you’re so entrenched in “Team Red”
Team Red?


and you are Team Blue

and yes, I will only answer for things I say

Just as I suspected. You won’t call out insane rhetoric if it’s on your side of the aisle. You’re not hard to predict.

You’re being complicit with their desire to murder millions of innocent people speaks volumes of you.

How hard is it for you to denounce that? That’s pathetic.
rhetoric isn't a destruction of cities. so you're still confused.
Yes I think Trumpybear has many budding little fascists in his flock that are willing to believe what they are told.
And I think you are wrong

If You step back and view the election as a whole its obvious that many election officials are either dishonest or stupid and incompetent

We had 50 separate elections. Each with it's own officiating crew. Your net of "many election officials" is way too broad. Which officials in the battleground states are you accusing of being dishonest, stupid or incompetent, and why.
Meanwhile, I'm confident you won't condemn your fellow Rambo wannabe Trumpsters.
Hell no I won't...I'm praying for all hell to break loose...for El Paso, TX Walmart like incidents to happen daily.
Lets do this shit already!
See how well I know you guys?
I've been telling you for years gotta let go of your hope for bipartisanship. We'll never be friends, conservatives will never make deals with their worse enemy. We want the Left in concentration camps and hanged in public...Sorry bud, that's where we're at.
Speak for yourself. Many of your decent Republicans do not agree with you. I respect them for standing against hate and rage, stood up for the rule of law. They deserve respect. You do not because you are still in that hate stage.
Saying things like "we" makes people like this a little more comfortable with their impotent rage. Of course, most people are not like this. The problem is that these folks are the loudest and therefore very influential.

My guess is that this can only be fixed through the culture. The two sides of the spectrum have to be brave enough to marginalize their worst elements, even if it means possible short term political disadvantage.
it would help if illegal balloting counting didn't exist. there's that.
You folks were like this long before November.
Yes I think Trumpybear has many budding little fascists in his flock that are willing to believe what they are told.
And I think you are wrong

If You step back and view the election as a whole its obvious that many election officials are either dishonest or stupid and incompetent

We had 50 separate elections. Each with it's own officiating crew. Your net of "many election officials" is way too broad. Which officials in the battleground states are you accusing of being dishonest, stupid or incompetent, and why.
violating election law in five states. changes to federal election procedures is done through state legislators not secretaries of the state, it was all illegal. SCOTUS fked americans on both sides.
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
You cri
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
It will be interesting to see how politicians react to non-BLM or Antifa people doing what BLM and Antifa have done.
Unlike how the cowards reacted to BLM and Antifa, police action will be taken against those who are pro-US.

That's nice, moron. Go play with your crayons.
Thanks...feel free to send your post-tax income to Europe.

I'd ask you why I would want to do that, but your answer wouldn't make sense anyway.

So just stick with the crayons.
I don't want to do that; you want to be taxed by the Paris Climate Accords.

Look at how far off base you have gone due to your inability to answer a simple question.

It’s not your fault. You were probably dropped on your head as a child.
It doesn't matter as almost anything the Squad wants will be rejected by the Democrats anyway.
Yes, the Democrats that no one interviews are normal.
rhetoric isn't a destruction of cities. so you're still confused.

Show me where I said that rhetoric is a destruction of cities. I’ll wait.
your response to him

Quote it, dumbass. Quote the part where I said that rhetoric is the destruction of cities.

The only way you ever learn is if I have to force you to go back and read it. Show me that part or shut the fuck up. Point it out.
Meanwhile, I'm confident you won't condemn your fellow Rambo wannabe Trumpsters.
Hell no I won't...I'm praying for all hell to break loose...for El Paso, TX Walmart like incidents to happen daily.
Lets do this shit already!
See how well I know you guys?
I've been telling you for years gotta let go of your hope for bipartisanship. We'll never be friends, conservatives will never make deals with their worse enemy. We want the Left in concentration camps and hanged in public...Sorry bud, that's where we're at.
Speak for yourself. Many of your decent Republicans do not agree with you. I respect them for standing against hate and rage, stood up for the rule of law. They deserve respect. You do not because you are still in that hate stage.
Saying things like "we" makes people like this a little more comfortable with their impotent rage. Of course, most people are not like this. The problem is that these folks are the loudest and therefore very influential.

My guess is that this can only be fixed through the culture. The two sides of the spectrum have to be brave enough to marginalize their worst elements, even if it means possible short term political disadvantage.
it would help if illegal balloting counting didn't exist. there's that.
You folks were like this long before November.

Yeah pre Nov. 2016 too. It was always the plan to foment distrust and discord among the American electorate.

Putin Smiles, a lot.
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
You cri
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
It will be interesting to see how politicians react to non-BLM or Antifa people doing what BLM and Antifa have done.
Unlike how the cowards reacted to BLM and Antifa, police action will be taken against those who are pro-US.

That's nice, moron. Go play with your crayons.
Thanks...feel free to send your post-tax income to Europe.

I'd ask you why I would want to do that, but your answer wouldn't make sense anyway.

So just stick with the crayons.
I don't want to do that; you want to be taxed by the Paris Climate Accords.

Look at how far off base you have gone due to your inability to answer a simple question.

It’s not your fault. You were probably dropped on your head as a child.
It doesn't matter as almost anything the Squad wants will be rejected by the Democrats anyway.
Yes, the Democrats that no one interviews are normal.

Neat. Well that has nothing to do with anything I’ve been saying so it’s completely irrelevant to the conversation.

Which is completely expected from you.

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