South Dakota Resisted Shutdown, Now It's a Hotspot

“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

That woman is as Trumpy as Florida's governor and even stupider. I think she's bucking for a plum job with the Dotard Administration. I've spent quite a bit of time in South Dakota. The people there aren't stupid in the slightest but their politics are :cuckoo:

caught a glimpse of her on Fox - glad I live about as far south from her as it gets

She's not ugly, just dumb as a box o rocks

now theres OVER 500 from the company reported as positive for the virus -

unprotected -

their friends outside the job
all of their friends
and their friends
any human all of those people had contact with
the truck driver that had breakfast at the diner then got in his rig and headed south through 4 states
that list is endless ^^^^^^^^^^

then you get to those 500's family, and repeat the never ending possibilities.

yeah SD is just fukn fine -

dumbass rw's in denial, not so much

That lady is an idiot.
Refuses to shut down restaurants and movie theaters ...
Even VERY large gatherings. Sucking up to Dumpster Don for certain.

The mayor of Sioux Falls complained last weekend that he couldn't even shutter his city and make a difference because of the outlying areas not shutting public spots like restaurants. The governor is an idiot for not figuring out there's a difference between an urban area of 300K people or so, and the rest of the state where it's one person per hundred cows or chickens.

Down here it was slightly different. The rural counties were suddenly all reporting people sick, and often being transported to larger hospitals in urban counties. It all blew up at the same time. Our governor who is closer to Trump than Trump's oversized boxers did shut it down. April 20th is supposed to be the peak for infections, but the school year ends around May 20th or so, and we expect to be pretty well shut down until June 1. I'm hopeful there will be some changes. Like letting eat in places reopen but with limits on how many people can be in at one time.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding. Most likely a bunch of idiots including you saw the Pork plant in S. Dakota closed and decided to say 'fuck you' to fellow Americans and panic bought the bacon.
This woman has come up with some of the most ridiculous excuses for not shutting down her state.

Now, they have one of the largest hot spots in the nation with limited health care for the people.

Rural areas don't have very good health care services nor do they have very much available to the people. Nor do they have enough of the proper equipment to handle the amount of people with the virus.

Republicans. The party of death.

South Dakota ==> 6 deaths

New York ==> Over 10,500 deaths

But Republicans are the party of death.

That is so fucking funny, I can't believe it.
Three Trumpers who find ten THOUSAND dead folks....funny
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
This is a fake news story.

The plant (owned by the Chinese by the way) where most of the cases happened would have stayed opened on a state wide shelter in place order because it is an essential service.

The third world shit (that assholes like Obama let flood into the country) that worked there spread the virus through their filthy ghetto living quarters and any statewide order wouldn't have stopped that.

Typical Moon Bat stupidity blaming that on the Governor.
This is a fake news story.

The plant (owned by the Chinese by the way) where most of the cases happened would have stayed opened on a state wide shelter in place order because it is an essential service.

The third world shit (that assholes like Obama let flood into the country) that worked there spread the virus through their filthy ghetto living quarters and any statewide order wouldn't have stopped that.

Typical Moon Bat stupidity blaming that on the Governor.

Does it matter who owns it? It's out of business due to COVID 19 and I don't think you can blame immigrants for bringing the virus to S. Dakota.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.
South Dakota has less than 1,000 cases and 6 fucking deaths.

What a load of bullshit @MarcATL
Hmmmmmmmmmm, what does that remind me of? I know, these famous words. "It's under control, it's all going to be fine."

Then exponential growth started, just like it will in SD.
The plant (owned by the Chinese by the way) where most of the cases happened would have stayed opened on a state wide shelter in place order because it is an essential service.
It SHOULD have remained open with better cleaning practices and PPE and social distancing.

But nahhhhh
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.
Sweden is still wide open, they're fine
They are NOT fine...they're beginning to realize that they made a big mistake

Their per capita death rate is below the UK, France, and Italy

Sooooo yea they're fine

And that overall death rate is counted by total population.

You're freaking out over the flu. Simmer down. You're gonna feel so silly in a few months. Sweden will be the proof
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated too more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

Do you really imagine a few deaths is a problem? How many times do you think we can shut down the economy to prevent a few hundred deaths?

It's teh flu

Sweden is still wide open, they're fine
Are they?

Sweden's relatively relaxed approach to controlling the spread of the coronavirus has come under fire in international media and from many locals in the capital Stockholm, where more than half the country's deaths have been recorded. Now, 22 researchers have publicly criticized the strategy and called on politicians to make changes.

Harsh criticism from research scientists

In an opinion piece published today in Dagens Nyheter, the group of researchers from a range of top Swedish universities and research institutes make harsh criticism of the Swedish Public Health Agency and their present coronavirus strategy. They say that elected politicians must now intervene with "swift and radical measures."

The researchers say the agency has claimed on four different occasions that the spread of infection has levelled out, despite evidence to the contrary. They point out the slowdown in infections and deaths in Finland, which has implemented much more restrictive measures.

Major public events such as the start of the Swedish soccer season are postponed and the physical buildings of universities are closed, but otherwise everyday life continues. Schools remain open.

Sweden deaths much higher than neighboring nations
The criticism comes as the Swedish death total hits new heights. 1,033 people have now died from COVID-19 in Sweden, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency. That's an increase of 114 in the past 24 hours. The daily update also confirms that 11,445 people have tested positive in Sweden with 915 receiving or having received intensive care treatment.
MORE FROM FORBESWhy Sweden's Coronavirus Approach Is So Different From OthersBy David Nikel
The researchers highlight Finland, which has recorded ten times fewer deaths than Sweden on a per-person basis. Sweden's deaths as a percentage of population is also much higher than Denmark and Norway, which have also introduced strict measures.

The group highlighted the last three days before the Easter vacation began. In the period April 7-9: "10.2 people per million inhabitants died of COVID-19 each day in Sweden. In Italy, the figure was 9.7. In Denmark it was 2.9, in Norway 2.0 and in Finland 0.9," stated the letter.
Not taking it seriously enough
While Swedish authorities have stopped short of implementing many of the emergency measures seen in neighbouring countries, they do recommend that people stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel.

According to Aftonbladet, Jan Lötvall, a professor at the University of Gothenburg, said that Swedish people have not understood the seriousness of the situation because they have received unclear messaging from health authorities and elected officials.

The researchers now want rapid change. They suggest that schools and restaurants should be closed as in Finland. In addition, healthcare professionals working with the elderly must use proper infection control equipment and a mass testing of health personnel must be carried out.

Yeah, I've about had it with this Sweden disinformation. They must be hearing it on Fox or Sinclair. :rolleyes-41:

The bullshit is from teh medai only comparing sweden to otehr scandi countries.

Relative to western european nations as a whole, sweden is right in the middle

Doing better htan the UK, France, and Italy

Didn't it ever occur to you as odd that the swedes are only compared to norway? lol

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