
I don’t have a link to anything. I’m just asking.

In order to watch a bunch of millionaires play a game just how much pro- black, hate the US, hate the cops, kneel for the national anthem shit do I have to put up with? I’m just wondering how much preaching I have to endure by millionaire ball players telling me how horrible and racist I am to actually watch the game.

Is there any limit to it?

Seriously, how much white guilt do I need to pay for before I can watch a bunch of black millionaire athletes play a game?

I didn’t really give a shit about your politics before but you are making me care. You’re forcing me to care. Why should I?

I will watch hockey (and other sports I suppose) because I was raised on them and played sports often in my youth. If they bring in politics or talk about social issues, I will mute them. I hardly respect the view of most political "experts" (many who have been wrong about so much the last 25 years of my life), I'm certainly not going to listen to a conglomerate of billionaire owners and their millionaire employees educate me about life and racism.

Everybody's wrong but you.
I don’t have a link to anything. I’m just asking.

In order to watch a bunch of millionaires play a game just how much pro- black, hate the US, hate the cops, kneel for the national anthem shit do I have to put up with? I’m just wondering how much preaching I have to endure by millionaire ball players telling me how horrible and racist I am to actually watch the game.

Is there any limit to it?

Seriously, how much white guilt do I need to pay for before I can watch a bunch of black millionaire athletes play a game?

I didn’t really give a shit about your politics before but you are making me care. You’re forcing me to care. Why should I?

I will watch hockey (and other sports I suppose) because I was raised on them and played sports often in my youth. If they bring in politics or talk about social issues, I will mute them. I hardly respect the view of most political "experts" (many who have been wrong about so much the last 25 years of my life), I'm certainly not going to listen to a conglomerate of billionaire owners and their millionaire employees educate me about life and racism.

Everybody's wrong but you.

There are plenty people smarter than I am and many more correct than I am.

None, however, but one, has lived my life and can view the world through my lens. I won't preach to Ron McClean or Connor McDavid about how life is or their experiences, I'm sure as hell not going to be preached to by them.

I'm far more concerned about Communist China and the serial abuses of Canadians Charter of Rights (some even racially driven I'm sure) than I am other issues. I watch sports for the competition, not for global politics (especially when Sportsnet has a big HUAWEI icon on their desk during intermissions).

I will respect, dislike, like, admire or despise people based on their actions as individuals, not what creed, religion, police force or race they belong to.
I will be watching my Diamondbacks play baseball. I have golf and baseball, I'm good with that. I've had it with the NBA and the NFL and their leaders. If they want to turn their sport into a political platform go ahead, watch your fan base go bye bye. Baseball and golf are more interesting to me anyway.
I'm thinking about starting a thread called Politics and posting it in the Sports forum.
I don’t have a link to anything. I’m just asking.

In order to watch a bunch of millionaires play a game just how much pro- black, hate the US, hate the cops, kneel for the national anthem shit do I have to put up with? I’m just wondering how much preaching I have to endure by millionaire ball players telling me how horrible and racist I am to actually watch the game.

Is there any limit to it?

Seriously, how much white guilt do I need to pay for before I can watch a bunch of black millionaire athletes play a game?

I didn’t really give a shit about your politics before but you are making me care. You’re forcing me to care. Why should I?

Oh you poor dear triggered man! How can you stand the fucking injustice of it all? How will you survive yet another indignity?

Obvious dyke here.
All hetero women have a man that loves American football or at the very least hockey.
I don’t have a link to anything. I’m just asking.

In order to watch a bunch of millionaires play a game just how much pro- black, hate the US, hate the cops, kneel for the national anthem shit do I have to put up with? I’m just wondering how much preaching I have to endure by millionaire ball players telling me how horrible and racist I am to actually watch the game.

Is there any limit to it?

Seriously, how much white guilt do I need to pay for before I can watch a bunch of black millionaire athletes play a game?

I didn’t really give a shit about your politics before but you are making me care. You’re forcing me to care. Why should I?

I finally allowed myself to reach the FUCK NI@@ERS point 100%....Everybody I know is there...some a little more transparent and candid but we are all there.
1950 here we come...GOOD JOB BLM!
Can any lefties explain to me how watching your black millionaire ass play a sport is white privilege?

I’d like to see how this works.
It is a goddamn game for christ sakes. If you are not a racist ass hole they are not talking to you. So do not worry about it. Do not be a crazy fucking loon that quits watching movies or sports because of politics. Most your day policitics does not touch you. Live your life and do not tie every thing to politics. You will be fucking miserable. We watch sports because we played them and it is a nice way to spend a day. Take it for what it is and enjoy life instead of letting all this horseshit enter into it. No politics is in my mind as I shoot a hoop, golf,fish,hunt etc. Think about politics on here or at the voters booth otherwise enjoy life and do not let it enter. In a couple of hours I will leave the big city and go to a lake and run fishing charters. No one up there will even think of politics, my clientel will fish drink and think about chasing the opposite sex with smiles on their faces. I suggest you join them and forget this horse shit most the time. You will be happier.
I don’t have a link to anything. I’m just asking.

In order to watch a bunch of millionaires play a game just how much pro- black, hate the US, hate the cops, kneel for the national anthem shit do I have to put up with? I’m just wondering how much preaching I have to endure by millionaire ball players telling me how horrible and racist I am to actually watch the game.

Is there any limit to it?

Seriously, how much white guilt do I need to pay for before I can watch a bunch of black millionaire athletes play a game?

I didn’t really give a shit about your politics before but you are making me care. You’re forcing me to care. Why should I?

Oh you poor dear triggered man! How can you stand the fucking injustice of it all? How will you survive yet another indignity?

You truly are an ugly, ignorant person. Take your Meds.

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