"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
I play golf with a Mormon Russian return missionary
Want his address so you can arrest him too
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

A concern that every citizen should have, is Trump may really believe these delusions, and such paranoia puts all of us at risk.
Trump needs all the intel he can get to hold an advantage in case he sits down with Meuller.

Rudi spilled the beans

Giuliani told HuffPost that Trump needed the information about the informant before deciding whether to agree to an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller. “We can’t let our guy go in and be questioned without knowing this,” he said.

In other words, according to Giuliani, Trump convened the meeting to gain a strategic advantage in his personal negotiations with the special counsel.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
I play golf with a Mormon Russian return missionary
Want his address so you can arrest him too

Didn't Russia kick them out.
With Trump we're seeing what Nixon would have been had he had no consequences for his actions.
/----/ Nah, Nixon tried appeasing the Libtards by creating the EPA and signing the Clean Water Act. Trump would never do that. Aside from his handling of the Watergate cover up, Nixon was not a bad president:
Richard Nixon | Facts, Accomplishments, Watergate, & Resignation
Nixon undertook a number of important reforms in welfare policy, civil rights, law enforcement, the environment, and other areas. Nixon’s proposed Family Assistance Program (FAP), intended to replace the service-oriented Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), would have provided working and nonworking poor families with a guaranteed annual income—though Nixon preferred to call it a “negative income tax.” Although the measure was defeated in the Senate, its failure helped to generate support for incremental legislation incorporating similar ideas—such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which provided a guaranteed income to the elderly, the blind, and the disabled; and automatic cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) for Social Security recipients—and it also prompted the expansion and improvement of existing programs, such as food stamps and health insurance for low-income families. In the area of civil rights, Nixon’s administration instituted so-called “set aside” policies to reserve a certain percentage of jobs for minorities on federally funded construction projects—the first “affirmative action” program. Although Nixon opposed school busing and delayed taking action on desegregation until federal court orders forced his hand, his administration drastically reduced the percentage of African American students attending all-black schools. In addition, funding for many federal civil rights agencies, in particular the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), was substantially increased while Nixon was in office. In response to pressure from consumer and environmental groups, Nixon proposed legislation that created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). His revenue-sharing program, called “New Federalism,” provided state and local governments with billions of federal tax dollars."
I find myself highly amused by the antics of some of the Right-wingnutz on this site--and in this thread. Tell me, have you ever noticed that they NEVER have anything cogent to offer. Just lame insults and half-clever retorts that have nothing to do with the OP.
To an objective observer, it's clear that the reason for this..is that they got nothing to rebut the OP...and they know that their fellow nutz will provide the necessary affirmation that their fragile egos crave.

As for 'Spygate'...to see the President deliberately spread lies and attempt to undermine our justice system would be shocking...if it hadn't happened so many times before. He has doubled down on his base saving him..not giving any thought as to who is going to save his base...once we lance the boil that is the Trump presidency.

There was NO spy in the Trump camp tasked with doing anything about Trump or his candidacy...there was an informant tasked with gathering information about some shady people..that in fact we know were shady---Carter Page, Flynn, Manafort, Papadopolous---the list is long, and there is plenty of probable case to insert an informant.

Were this a Democratic candidate--all you short-bus types would be clamoring for their heads and whining about how little was being done.

Rock-on--just know..that to most people...you look like mutts who are not smart enough to scratch at the door--when they need to shit--so they just drop a turd, wag their tails--and lick their nuts.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

it's all a ruse, meant to deflect and deceive....

otherwise, they would have had this top secret revealing session a bipartisan meeting and Democrats would be shown who the informant is and what he did also....and not just Republicans....

I swear, the crooked dirty president and all those R's conspiring with his lawlessness, need impeaching, NOW..... before there is nothing left of this nation made of laws, not men. :eek:
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
We'll see who's laughing when the Seditious Gestapo traitors from the last Administration have to choose between hanging or a firing squad of AR-15s as their punishment
I find myself highly amused by the antics of some of the Right-wingnutz on this site--and in this thread. Tell me, have you ever noticed that they NEVER have anything cogent to offer. Just lame insults and half-clever retorts that have nothing to do with the OP.
To an objective observer, it's clear that the reason for this..is that they got nothing to rebut the OP...and they know that their fellow nutz will provide the necessary affirmation that their fragile egos crave.

As for 'Spygate'...to see the President deliberately spread lies and attempt to undermine our justice system would be shocking...if it hadn't happened so many times before. He has doubled down on his base saving him..not giving any thought as to who is going to save his base...once we lance the boil that is the Trump presidency.

There was NO spy in the Trump camp tasked with doing anything about Trump or his candidacy...there was an informant tasked with gathering information about some shady people..that in fact we know were shady---Carter Page, Flynn, Manafort, Papadopolous---the list is long, and there is plenty of probable case to insert an informant.

Were this a Democratic candidate--all you short-bus types would be clamoring for their heads and whining about how little was being done.

Rock-on--just know..that to most people...you look like mutts who are not smart enough to scratch at the door--when they need to shit--so they just drop a turd, wag their tails--and lick their nuts.
/——/ Spread what lies? What proof do you have? How has the president undermined the justice system? Any specifics? And you accuse us of having nothing cogent to offer yet you lace your post with juvenile insults and bathroom humor.
I find myself highly amused by the antics of some of the Right-wingnutz on this site--and in this thread. Tell me, have you ever noticed that they NEVER have anything cogent to offer. Just lame insults and half-clever retorts that have nothing to do with the OP.
To an objective observer, it's clear that the reason for this..is that they got nothing to rebut the OP...and they know that their fellow nutz will provide the necessary affirmation that their fragile egos crave.

As for 'Spygate'...to see the President deliberately spread lies and attempt to undermine our justice system would be shocking...if it hadn't happened so many times before. He has doubled down on his base saving him..not giving any thought as to who is going to save his base...once we lance the boil that is the Trump presidency.

There was NO spy in the Trump camp tasked with doing anything about Trump or his candidacy...there was an informant tasked with gathering information about some shady people..that in fact we know were shady---Carter Page, Flynn, Manafort, Papadopolous---the list is long, and there is plenty of probable case to insert an informant.

Were this a Democratic candidate--all you short-bus types would be clamoring for their heads and whining about how little was being done.

Rock-on--just know..that to most people...you look like mutts who are not smart enough to scratch at the door--when they need to shit--so they just drop a turd, wag their tails--and lick their nuts.


None of these Trump cult members address the THIRD issue I posted in the O/P.....How come?
I find myself highly amused by the antics of some of the Right-wingnutz on this site--and in this thread. Tell me, have you ever noticed that they NEVER have anything cogent to offer. Just lame insults and half-clever retorts that have nothing to do with the OP.
To an objective observer, it's clear that the reason for this..is that they got nothing to rebut the OP...and they know that their fellow nutz will provide the necessary affirmation that their fragile egos crave.

As for 'Spygate'...to see the President deliberately spread lies and attempt to undermine our justice system would be shocking...if it hadn't happened so many times before. He has doubled down on his base saving him..not giving any thought as to who is going to save his base...once we lance the boil that is the Trump presidency.

There was NO spy in the Trump camp tasked with doing anything about Trump or his candidacy...there was an informant tasked with gathering information about some shady people..that in fact we know were shady---Carter Page, Flynn, Manafort, Papadopolous---the list is long, and there is plenty of probable case to insert an informant.

Were this a Democratic candidate--all you short-bus types would be clamoring for their heads and whining about how little was being done.

Rock-on--just know..that to most people...you look like mutts who are not smart enough to scratch at the door--when they need to shit--so they just drop a turd, wag their tails--and lick their nuts.
/——/ Spread what lies? What proof do you have? How has the president undermined the justice system? Any specifics? And you accuse us of having nothing cogent to offer yet you lace your post with juvenile insults and bathroom humor.
I have the same amount of proof that Trump does..that seems to be good enough for you, right? I have to think you're kidding about how Trump is undermining the justice system..with his constant refrain of 'deep state' and his attacks on his own Justice dept. officials. As for the insults..well..as another poster of your ilk stated..I have to dumb it down and get to your level..just to communicate.
I guess it's working....you answered. I note that you did not address the fact..yup..fact..that there were a plethora of legitimate intelligence targets in the Trump campaign..and that that explains the insertion of an informant?
Now..how about a post about this with no questions..ans some answers/ Just to break the mold..as it were.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
Do you have a job? Just to clarify, a job is the thing most responsible Americans have to support themselves and their families.

He usually starts every morning like this
Then passes out from a drug induced haze until tomorrow morning

I think he's a she.

Your posts never suggest thinking, nor do they support others in that quest. Some day in the distant future you may grow up, and post something of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
I try to post so that you leftists may understand. If that means dumbing down, then I have accomplished my goal.

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions are very telling, and though there is no substance nor thought behind it.
Do you have a job? Just to clarify, a job is the thing most responsible Americans have to support themselves and their families.

He usually starts every morning like this
Then passes out from a drug induced haze until tomorrow morning

I think he's a she.

Your posts never suggest thinking, nor do they support others in that quest. Some day in the distant future you may grow up, and post something of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
I try to post so that you leftists may understand. If that means dumbing down, then I have accomplished my goal.

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions are very telling, and though there is no substance nor thought behind it.
Now you understand! When you, as a leftist, learn to think and do for yourself, get back to me. I will at that time post something that you can grasp! Good luck!
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
It was Russians who infiltrated the Trump campaign, not the FBI.

Funny how the President doesn't make so much as a single tweet to complain about a foreign government infiltrating his campaign, isn't it?
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

it's all a ruse, meant to deflect and deceive....

otherwise, they would have had this top secret revealing session a bipartisan meeting and Democrats would be shown who the informant is and what he did also....and not just Republicans....

I swear, the crooked dirty president and all those R's conspiring with his lawlessness, need impeaching, NOW..... before there is nothing left of this nation made of laws, not men. :eek:

I agree, but Trump's fellow travelers have done much more than "deflect and deceive" they have and continue to Obstruct Justice; people like Nunes ought to be brought before a criminal grand jury and if indicted and convicted sent to Federal Prison.

McConnell and Ryan ought to be censored for non feasance, since they continue to allow Nunes and his efforts to blunt the investigation of those culpable in the attack on our democracy by foreign powers.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

He knows better - but his adoring minions do not. Now that Cohen's Mafia pal copped a plea and is singing - Cohen will need to sing too. Must create mad conspiracy theories, and the crazier the better! Sad :(

Verified account 14h14 hours ago
...Follow the money! The spy was there early in the campaign and yet never reported Collusion with Russia, because there was no Collusion. He was only there to spy for political reasons and to help Crooked Hillary win - just like they did to Bernie Sanders, who got duped!

19,207 replies19,839 retweets67,063 likes

Verified account 14h14 hours ago
If the person placed very early into my campaign wasn’t a SPY put there by the previous Administration for political purposes, how come such a seemingly massive amount of money was paid for services rendered - many times higher than normal...

12,404 replies20,674 retweets71,556 likes

Verified account 4h4 hours ago
Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!

17,248 replies19,508 retweets62,836 likes

Verified account 4h4 hours ago
SPYGATE could be one of the biggest political scandals in history!

16,901 replies14,022 retweets49,196 likes

Verified account 1h1 hour ago

19,171 replies9,473 retweets32,312 likes

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