'Stable Genius Act' proposes medical exams for presidential candidates

Oops too late for this president but GREAT NAME don’t you think?
Trump has become the piñata of politics.

A House Democrat has introduced a new bill requiring major party presidential nominees undergo full medical exams and release the results to the public after a controversial new book ignited debate about President Donald Trump's mental fitness in Washington.

The measure from Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Pa., a vocal critic of Trump, would require all presidential candidates that receive major party nominations to have medical exams administered by the Navy. The results of the exams would be publicly disclosed as reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

'Stable Genius Act' proposes medical exams for presidential candidates
Fuck, if we had that, Trump would have won day one.....Clinton would have failed miserably.....but good luck getting that, because it would be struck down by the Supreme Court
The qualifications for Presidential candidates are clearly enumerated, in no uncertain terms, in the Constitution.

Medical exams are not among them.

I hereby diagnose this Democrat with terminal stupidity. The prognosis is poor, as most politicians afflicted with terminal stupidity die within ten years of diagnosis.

Hardy, har, har, har !

It would be funny, but this Democratic mental health fetish nonsense just doesn't stop on its own, and therefore it must be stopped by force.

They're like medieval barbers run amok: they started cutting hair, and they didn't stop until they peeled back the client's scalp, cut open the skull, and performed a lobotomy on the brain.
So you obviously are against Trump taking any physical or psychological exam because you know he wouldn’t pass either.
You SPECIFICALLY started this thread about CANDIDATES for President, remind me is Trump a candidate or is he President?
Not OK Texas wants the EPA abolished because he has to say that or be thrown out of the far right club. He doesn’t understand we need the federal gov monitoring nefarious companies that can care less about the public good but only care about their bottom dollar..
Plus some states would be negligent in their pursuit of companies that pollute our wet lands, streams and rivers. . Ahem.. RED STATES.
Plus states have a huge financial burden with public workers pensions and medical benefits..
Anyone who says “ Let the states handle it” obvious don’t know what they’re talking about and anything about strapped states budgets.
The qualifications for Presidential candidates are clearly enumerated, in no uncertain terms, in the Constitution.

Medical exams are not among them.

I hereby diagnose this Democrat with terminal stupidity. The prognosis is poor, as most politicians afflicted with terminal stupidity die within ten years of diagnosis.

Hardy, har, har, har !

It would be funny, but this Democratic mental health fetish nonsense just doesn't stop on its own, and therefore it must be stopped by force.

They're like medieval barbers run amok: they started cutting hair, and they didn't stop until they peeled back the client's scalp, cut open the skull, and performed a lobotomy on the brain.
So you obviously are against Trump taking any physical or psychological exam because you know he wouldn’t pass either.
You SPECIFICALLY started this thread about CANDIDATES for President, remind me is Trump a candidate or is he President?
He’ll be a candidate in 2020 if he’s not primaried or in jail.
Maybe you should read the posting rules, off topic post are a no no. They are considered an attempt to deflect from or derail a thread. You know an OP is in big trouble in their position when they start deflecting from their own thread.

I responded to those posting off topic questions.
When are YOU gonna admit Trump shows signs of mental illness? I know.

Have you personally spoken to him, I haven't. I do like what he's accomplished.

i don’t have to. I see how he acts and carries himself.. he’s a basket case having to attack private citizens, allies, and everyone else.
Plus the people that know him better than u or me says he shows signs of mental illness but of course you ignore that.

So you enjoy him giving Big Coal the right to pollute?
You think it’s great replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives at the EPA.
American people don’t which is why he continues to be the lowest rated prez in history.

Congress vetoed that rule, Trump agreed and signed the bill. And I think the EPA should be abolished, States can deal with it. Also, polls at this point are meaningless.

No States can’t handle it. They cant even handle the Superfund sites in their states.
States are strapped for money and you want to put more responsibilities on them.
They also don’t have the manpower or money to monitor polluters. But monitoring polluters and fining them will be a thing of the past under this president. I’m sure you’re happy about that too.

You do know that prueitts SPA is cleaning up the superfund sites that Obama's SPA didn't, right Einstein?
“Regarding the handling of classified info”
Not OK Texas said she wasn’t competent enough to be charged with a crime which of course is a bald faced lie.
So you both lose.
So now you’re a Comey fan?
So you obviously believe Trump tried to squash a federal investigation like Comey testified. .

Oh noooo,he may have also missed crossing a T or dotting an I, crap he may have even missed putting a period at the end of a sentence. Oh no the end of the world.
When he gets indicted will you admit you’ve been wrong and disavow him?
I don’t expect an answer from a nonthinker like yourself.

A grand jury can indict a ham and cheese sandwich if it wanted to...it means nothing.
This idiot thinks trump’s innocent despite all the evidence to the contrary.

And it means what? You do know you going to need 66 Senate seats right...
It’s hilarious u bottom feeders keep repeating yourself about the election about who won and who lost.
That’s not my motivation.

That is EXACTLY your motivation.

You are bouncing betewwn the denial stage, the anger stage, and the bargaining stage.
I’ve Long gotten over that we have to deal with this mental midget who is in bed with the corporate polluters and swamp rats Wall st.
That’s why I work in my community being the best citizen I can be.
The qualifications for Presidential candidates are clearly enumerated, in no uncertain terms, in the Constitution.

Medical exams are not among them.

I hereby diagnose this Democrat with terminal stupidity. The prognosis is poor, as most politicians afflicted with terminal stupidity die within ten years of diagnosis.

Hardy, har, har, har !

It would be funny, but this Democratic mental health fetish nonsense just doesn't stop on its own, and therefore it must be stopped by force.

They're like medieval barbers run amok: they started cutting hair, and they didn't stop until they peeled back the client's scalp, cut open the skull, and performed a lobotomy on the brain.
So you obviously are against Trump taking any physical or psychological exam because you know he wouldn’t pass either.
You SPECIFICALLY started this thread about CANDIDATES for President, remind me is Trump a candidate or is he President?
He’ll be a candidate in 2020 if he’s not primaried or in jail.
And yet here you are claiming he should be tested now and referring to an illegal Unconstitutional bill to justify it.
I’ve Long gotten over that we have to deal with this mental midget who is in bed with the corporate polluters and swamp rats Wall st.
That’s why I work in my community being the best citizen I can be.
You don’t appear to be over it. You appear to be searching for any and every reason to change the results. You may want to talk to somebody about it.
I responded to those posting off topic questions.
When are YOU gonna admit Trump shows signs of mental illness? I know.

Have you personally spoken to him, I haven't. I do like what he's accomplished.

i don’t have to. I see how he acts and carries himself.. he’s a basket case having to attack private citizens, allies, and everyone else.
Plus the people that know him better than u or me says he shows signs of mental illness but of course you ignore that.

So you enjoy him giving Big Coal the right to pollute?
You think it’s great replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives at the EPA.
American people don’t which is why he continues to be the lowest rated prez in history.

Congress vetoed that rule, Trump agreed and signed the bill. And I think the EPA should be abolished, States can deal with it. Also, polls at this point are meaningless.

No States can’t handle it. They cant even handle the Superfund sites in their states.
States are strapped for money and you want to put more responsibilities on them.
They also don’t have the manpower or money to monitor polluters. But monitoring polluters and fining them will be a thing of the past under this president. I’m sure you’re happy about that too.

You do know that prueitts SPA is cleaning up the superfund sites that Obama's SPA didn't, right Einstein?
“Regarding the handling of classified info”
Not OK Texas said she wasn’t competent enough to be charged with a crime which of course is a bald faced lie.
So you both lose.
So now you’re a Comey fan?
So you obviously believe Trump tried to squash a federal investigation like Comey testified. .

Oh noooo,he may have also missed crossing a T or dotting an I, crap he may have even missed putting a period at the end of a sentence. Oh no the end of the world.
When he gets indicted will you admit you’ve been wrong and disavow him?
I don’t expect an answer from a nonthinker like yourself.

A grand jury can indict a ham and cheese sandwich if it wanted to...it means nothing.
This idiot thinks trump’s innocent despite all the evidence to the contrary.

And it means what? You do know you going to need 66 Senate seats right...
not on your life is he. You’re lying again.
Pruitt hired an old banking buddy that was BANNED from the banking industry, Albert Kelly to run the Superfund sites. How the hell do you get banned from a whole industry? Obviously the guy is corrupt. Of course keeping in the Trump tradition he had no experience.
PEER, an environmental group, petitioned the courts for Kelly’s notes, agenda etc to see if he
was doing his job. The EPA stalled for 11 months and finally the courts made them release them. Find out he did NOTHING with any of the Superfund Sites. He’s stealing money and putting communities at risk.
So once again I prove you have no idea what you’re talking about..
I’ve Long gotten over that we have to deal with this mental midget who is in bed with the corporate polluters and swamp rats Wall st.
That’s why I work in my community being the best citizen I can be.
You don’t appear to be over it. You appear to be searching for any and every reason to change the results. You may want to talk to somebody about it.
Have you personally spoken to him, I haven't. I do like what he's accomplished.

i don’t have to. I see how he acts and carries himself.. he’s a basket case having to attack private citizens, allies, and everyone else.
Plus the people that know him better than u or me says he shows signs of mental illness but of course you ignore that.

So you enjoy him giving Big Coal the right to pollute?
You think it’s great replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives at the EPA.
American people don’t which is why he continues to be the lowest rated prez in history.

Congress vetoed that rule, Trump agreed and signed the bill. And I think the EPA should be abolished, States can deal with it. Also, polls at this point are meaningless.

No States can’t handle it. They cant even handle the Superfund sites in their states.
States are strapped for money and you want to put more responsibilities on them.
They also don’t have the manpower or money to monitor polluters. But monitoring polluters and fining them will be a thing of the past under this president. I’m sure you’re happy about that too.

You do know that prueitts SPA is cleaning up the superfund sites that Obama's SPA didn't, right Einstein?
Oh noooo,he may have also missed crossing a T or dotting an I, crap he may have even missed putting a period at the end of a sentence. Oh no the end of the world.
When he gets indicted will you admit you’ve been wrong and disavow him?
I don’t expect an answer from a nonthinker like yourself.

A grand jury can indict a ham and cheese sandwich if it wanted to...it means nothing.
This idiot thinks trump’s innocent despite all the evidence to the contrary.

And it means what? You do know you going to need 66 Senate seats right...
not on your life is he. You’re lying again.
Ha ha. Pruitt hired an old banking buddy that was BANNED from the banking industry, Albert Kelly to run the Superfund sites. Of course keeping in the Trump tradition he had no experience.
PEER, an environmental group, petitioned the courts for Kelly’s notes, agenda etc to see if he
was doing his job. The EPA stalled for 11 months and finally the courts made them release them. Find out he did NOTHING with any of the Superfund Sites. He’s stealing money and putting communities at risk.
So once again I prove you have no idea what you’re talking about..


The qualifications for Presidential candidates are clearly enumerated, in no uncertain terms, in the Constitution.

Medical exams are not among them.

I hereby diagnose this Democrat with terminal stupidity. The prognosis is poor, as most politicians afflicted with terminal stupidity die within ten years of diagnosis.

Hardy, har, har, har !

It would be funny, but this Democratic mental health fetish nonsense just doesn't stop on its own, and therefore it must be stopped by force.

They're like medieval barbers run amok: they started cutting hair, and they didn't stop until they peeled back the client's scalp, cut open the skull, and performed a lobotomy on the brain.
So you obviously are against Trump taking any physical or psychological exam because you know he wouldn’t pass either.
You SPECIFICALLY started this thread about CANDIDATES for President, remind me is Trump a candidate or is he President?
He’ll be a candidate in 2020 if he’s not primaried or in jail.
And yet here you are claiming he should be tested now and referring to an illegal Unconstitutional bill to justify it.
No tests are needed. Anyone with ears and eyes can tell this boob is not fit to run an ice cream stand.
i don’t have to. I see how he acts and carries himself.. he’s a basket case having to attack private citizens, allies, and everyone else.
Plus the people that know him better than u or me says he shows signs of mental illness but of course you ignore that.

So you enjoy him giving Big Coal the right to pollute?
You think it’s great replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives at the EPA.
American people don’t which is why he continues to be the lowest rated prez in history.

Congress vetoed that rule, Trump agreed and signed the bill. And I think the EPA should be abolished, States can deal with it. Also, polls at this point are meaningless.

No States can’t handle it. They cant even handle the Superfund sites in their states.
States are strapped for money and you want to put more responsibilities on them.
They also don’t have the manpower or money to monitor polluters. But monitoring polluters and fining them will be a thing of the past under this president. I’m sure you’re happy about that too.

You do know that prueitts SPA is cleaning up the superfund sites that Obama's SPA didn't, right Einstein?
When he gets indicted will you admit you’ve been wrong and disavow him?
I don’t expect an answer from a nonthinker like yourself.

A grand jury can indict a ham and cheese sandwich if it wanted to...it means nothing.
This idiot thinks trump’s innocent despite all the evidence to the contrary.

And it means what? You do know you going to need 66 Senate seats right...
not on your life is he. You’re lying again.
Ha ha. Pruitt hired an old banking buddy that was BANNED from the banking industry, Albert Kelly to run the Superfund sites. Of course keeping in the Trump tradition he had no experience.
PEER, an environmental group, petitioned the courts for Kelly’s notes, agenda etc to see if he
was doing his job. The EPA stalled for 11 months and finally the courts made them release them. Find out he did NOTHING with any of the Superfund Sites. He’s stealing money and putting communities at risk.
So once again I prove you have no idea what you’re talking about..


View attachment 170824
Do u need a link that the sun rises in the east?
Do your own damn research.
The Liar Bear claw just made up a fantasy that Pruitt is cleaning up Superfund sites and Obama didn’t.
That’s not even a creative lie. You even suck at lying

“In 2016, President Obama’s EPA cleaned up two Superfund sites, but rather than cherry-pick individual years, it would only be fair to judge us upon the completion of our tenure,” said Jahan Wilcox, an EPA spokesman. “Under Administrator Pruitt’s leadership, we’ve completed the cleanup of seven toxic land sites and this is just the beginning.”

Records show that construction work at all seven sites hyped by Pruitt’s EPA, such as removing soil or drilling wells to suck out contaminated groundwater, was completed years before Pruitt was confirmed as the agency’s chief in February. Removing sites from the list is a procedural step that occurs after monitoring data show that remaining levels of harmful contaminates meet cleanup targets, which were often set by EPA decades ago.

EPA Bragged About Cleaning Superfund Sites Where Work Finished Years Ago
No tests are needed. Anyone with ears and eyes can tell this boob is not fit to run an ice cream stand.
Funny. Many of us said the same about Obama—a guy who literally had never run anything in his life, including an ice cream stand. You could be right, but you also must admit that a majority of regular Americans had more experience and were better qualified to hold the office than Obama.

Just sayin’
No tests are needed. Anyone with ears and eyes can tell this boob is not fit to run an ice cream stand.
Funny. Many of us said the same about Obama—a guy who literally had never run anything in his life, including an ice cream stand. You could be right, but you also must admit that a majority of regular Americans had more experience and were better qualified to hold the office than Obama.

Just sayin’
Now the truth:
Obama was a senator and constitutional scholar..
trump was/is a corrupt businessman known for defrauding small businessmen.

Who’s more qualified again?
Obama was a senator and constitutional scholar..
trump was/is a corrupt businessman known for defrauding small businessmen.
He was a Senator for less than one term. Prior to that?

Lterally his first job ever running anything was POTUS., after only a few years of work experience.
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