Statehood for DC is Unconstitutional

It would be better to make dc citizens of the original state they live in.

What if you were born and raised there?

Besides, migration is as American as it gets. I live in Florida. Two-thirds of the people who live here weren't born here.
Your speculation on my birth and rearing are so not germane to the idea of statehood for a Constitutional district. Feathering their Democrat nidus will merely bring on totalitarian rule by the unpopular Democrat Party that is trying to birth a communist state and get rid of party enemies, all of whom are other viewpoints than spendthrift leftists who are seeking a national bankruptcy, chaos and end to the founder's nation based on godliness and brotherhood.
I responded to your idiocy, but you cannot process the written language. I even showed you a map showing the government buildings not in the area you want to exclude from their new Commonwealth, which you fucking libtards named but cannot define. I support the Constitution as written in the days of our Founding Fathers. How is that possible anti-American? If you want the Constitution changed, go right ahead and try. Otherwise, STFU and learn to read!

No, "idiot fucktard." You said federal "property."

The Founders never reference federal "property."

You may claim to adhere to the Constitution, but you know jack shit about it.


Under your plan, the President and family members would get 3 electoral votes. You OK with that?
Under your plan, the President and family members would get 3 electoral votes. You OK with that?



God, what's so hard about this?

The areas outside of the legislative branches would be granted statehood.

For centuries, we've allowed non-state jurisdictions to become states.

And yet here you are, arguing we shouldn't give Americans that same right?

WTF is the matter with you? Has Trumpism really rotted your brain that much?

Lefties consistently crap on the Constitution. Its fine how it is.This
Legislation. Will be overturned by the Supreme Court.

It’s not by accident or oversight that the nation’s capital isn’t a state: The Founding Fathers wrote it into the Constitution. Article I, Section 8provides explicitly for a national capital that would not be part of a state nor treated as a state, but rather a unique enclave under the exclusive authority of Congress — a neutral “district” in which representatives of all the states could meet on an equal footing to conduct the nation’s business.

You solve this by carving out the White House and Congress along Pennsylvania Avenue, and the rest of the district becomes a state.

There's nothing in COTUS that specifically states that the boundaries of DC have to forever and always be a district.
It would be better to make dc citizens of the original state they live in.

A little over 100 years ago, DC was downsized. The land was returned to Virginia.
Besides the Constitution forbidding the Nation's Capitol from being in a state, even if a deal was reached to maintain
an independent zone for the Capitol, the land, not in the zone, would be returned to the State of Maryland.

But for the next two years, the easy way to settle this, is every time it is brought up for conversation in the Senate
the 50 members of the GOP just walk out of the chamber denying the dems a quorum which would deny them
the ability to conduct business.
Under your plan, the President and family members would get 3 electoral votes. You OK with that?



God, what's so hard about this?

The areas outside of the legislative branches would be granted statehood.

For centuries, we've allowed non-state jurisdictions to become states.

And yet here you are, arguing we shouldn't give Americans that same right?

WTF is the matter with you? Has Trumpism really rotted your brain that much?

So the President can get 3 electoral votes because he is the only one living in the District of Columbia under the 23rd Amendment? That defeats the purpose of giving the rest of the residents statehood, don't you think?

It's still a stupid idea none the less. We don't need another state. Everyone born a US citizen should be born in a state though. Meaning the current Peurto Rico should be part of one of the 50 existing states. Guam should be part of one of the existing states.

Are the services for the citizens going to be any better with 51 states as opposed to 50? No.
We'd have to add 2 more seats to the Senate and 1 or 2 more to the House. No thanks to that.
Another layer of taxation and red tape we don't need.
We have 50 stars on the flag. Are we really going to change the flag too? If we don't, what does that say about the meaning of the number of stars?
What would the Capitol of the District of Columbia be?
Imagine all of the laws that would have to be changed; all of the bills reworked, all of the silly posturing.

I'm not saying DC residents shouldn't have state representation. They should. All persons born as a US Citizen should have 2 senators, one House representative, representation in the State legislatures, and be governed by the laws of a state by person they voted for. I'm just saying that there should be 50 states and have all existing territories and districts folded into them.

It's still a stupid idea none the less. We don't need another state. Everyone born a US citizen should be born in a state though. Meaning the current Peurto Rico should be part of one of the 50 existing states. Guam should be part of one of the existing states.

Are the services for the citizens going to be any better with 51 states as opposed to 50? No.
We'd have to add 2 more seats to the Senate and 1 or 2 more to the House. No thanks to that.
Another layer of taxation and red tape we don't need.
We have 50 stars on the flag. Are we really going to change the flag too? If we don't, what does that say about the meaning of the number of stars?
What would the Capitol of the District of Columbia be?
Imagine all of the laws that would have to be changed; all of the bills reworked, all of the silly posturing.

I'm not saying DC residents shouldn't have state representation. They should. All persons born as a US Citizen should have 2 senators, one House representative, representation in the State legislatures, and be governed by the laws of a state by person they voted for. I'm just saying that there should be 50 states and have all existing territories and districts folded into them.

They can move to Maryland.
So the President can get 3 electoral votes because he is the only one living in the District of Columbia under the 23rd Amendment? That defeats the purpose of giving the rest of the residents statehood, don't you think?

Wow. You really have no clue, do you?

The President would NOT be the only one living in DC. There are 600,000 people living in DC. The same number as Wyoming. The President would have the same votes as the other 599,999 residents of DC.

It's still a stupid idea none the less. We don't need another state. Everyone born a US citizen should be born in a state though. Meaning the current Peurto Rico should be part of one of the 50 existing states. Guam should be part of one of the existing states.

Are the services for the citizens going to be any better with 51 states as opposed to 50? No.
We'd have to add 2 more seats to the Senate and 1 or 2 more to the House. No thanks to that.
Another layer of taxation and red tape we don't need.
We have 50 stars on the flag. Are we really going to change the flag too? If we don't, what does that say about the meaning of the number of stars?
What would the Capitol of the District of Columbia be?
Imagine all of the laws that would have to be changed; all of the bills reworked, all of the silly posturing.

I'm not saying DC residents shouldn't have state representation. They should. All persons born as a US Citizen should have 2 senators, one House representative, representation in the State legislatures, and be governed by the laws of a state by person they voted for. I'm just saying that there should be 50 states and have all existing territories and districts folded into them.

There's nothing in the COTUS that says there should be 50 states.

It's up to those living in those places if they want to become states, and to the Congress if they want to grant them statehood.

That's our history.
So the President can get 3 electoral votes because he is the only one living in the District of Columbia under the 23rd Amendment? That defeats the purpose of giving the rest of the residents statehood, don't you think?

Wow. You really have no clue, do you?

The President would NOT be the only one living in DC. There are 600,000 people living in DC. The same number as Wyoming. The President would have the same votes as the other 599,999 residents of DC.

Hey shit for brains, he would be the only one left living in that federal district you were raving about. No one lives at the Supreme Court or in any other federal buildings!

My God, you are a stupid motherfucker!
Not unconstitutional NOT one bit - cite these key (in RED):

GOP arguments are like this from Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) who says:
The country’s founding fathers, never wanted DC to be a state and then specifically framed the constitution to say so. This is absolutely against what our founders intended and it ought to be soundly rejected.”

  • Kentucky was once a part of Virginia, and it was carved out as a state by a simple act of Congress.
  • DC was a theoretical concept when first conceived, not a community with a higher population than two states (WY & VT) today.
  • When the constitution was written, DC didn’t exist.
  • Congress, which has the power to essentially veto or alter any local laws.
  • Its estimated 712,000 residents pay federal taxes, vote for president and serve in the armed forces, but they have no voting representation in Congress.
Um, "taxation w/o representation" - boy does that ring the 1776 bell ... pity so many here forget that fact - which we were born from England by - Boston Tea Party also rings that bell loud and clear.
Seems most GOPers failed American history - I am not surprised about that.

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