Stone May Be Going To Jail

Tell it to the judge.

Actually STONE will be "telling it to the judge" tomorrow.

Watch this space
The book was already in the making before his arrest. They cannot send him to jail for writing a book that will help him to fund his defense. He can sue the judge for stopping him from receiving any income that will keep him from funding his defense. I can understand if the gag order was in place before he had started the book. But the judge hurried up and slap a gag order on him right before his book debut. If he gets lock up. That means his lawyer has gotten paid off. Lawyers isn't going to let someone try to stop their client's only flow of income, unless they are going to receive a big reward for letting it to happen.
They cannot send him to jail for writing a book that will help him to fund his defense.
Unfortunately for this overwrought, contrived horseshit, he will not be sent to jail for writing a book, much less for writing a book that would fund his defense. he would be sent to jail for not disclosing the truth in a court hearing, despite being warned to tell the truth, despite being directly asked if he had disclosed the full, relevant truth, and despite being given more than one chance.
As much as I believe Trump did not collude with anything, I feel zero remorse for men like Stone. Tisk tisk....
As much as I believe Trump did not collude with anything, I feel zero remorse for men like Stone. Tisk tisk....
But how could this have happened? In December 2018, Mueller had released no evidence to the public of Stone's wrongdoing. Therefore, he hasn't done anything wrong, and the evidence does not exist. Just ask any trump cultist.
Stone was supposed to be in court today to answer for this. Anyone hear the results?

There was more than just the book he "forgot" to mention to the judge...
Stone was supposed to be in court today to answer for this. Anyone hear the results?

There was more than just the book he "forgot" to mention to the judge...
I bet you have your popcorn. too fking funny.
A gag order is used to prevent an asshole like Stone from poisoning a jury pool or as was attempted put the JUDGE in jeopardy.

You don't like it? Tough shit. File a law suit
finally somebody going to jail over Hillary's emails
Ya know, if tRump really wanted Hillary to go to.prison he should have hired her to work on his campaign.

Edit: Damn it you beat me to the punch line.

No one took a microscope to the Podesta brothers and their accepting money from the Rooskies to lobby on their behalf to lift sanctions that never should have been placed on them to begin with. No one investigated where 300 plus tons of Libya's gold vanished like a fart in the wind after CIA fashioned, Barrypuppet and Hildebeast approved "ISIS" took out Gaddafi leaving the people in that country
at the mercy of these mercenaries. Deep state crooks doing the dirty work of the banking oligarchs that own USA.INC get a pass......someone like Trump that has thrown a wrench in their globalist plans and anyone associated with him are fair game. Every "i" better be dotted, every "t" crossed. Where is the scruting of the actions of Fusion GPS? Cohen never went to Prague so the entire Steele dossier falls flat on it's face. No Russian "collusion" but what it has done is put anyone associated with Trump in the crosshairs of deep state swamp rats like Mueller.....leftards cheer because the ends justifies the means and anyone that dares to throw a wrench in the works of the commie agenda is "fair game" in the deep state kangaroo court system.

When I claimed that we live in a "banana republic", I was right on point.
Lol, banana republic indeed since tRump was "elected".
agreed, deep state coup!!! we do understand that. such bitterness from the leftists on a loss.
A gag order is used to prevent an asshole like Stone from poisoning a jury pool or as was attempted put the JUDGE in jeopardy.

You don't like it? Tough shit. File a law suit
finally somebody going to jail over Hillary's emails
Karma is a bitch...not a fan of Hillary but one by one, trumps slaves are heading to jail.
nothing related to trump. funny eh? everyone has a crime if one investigates. why didn't they do that to the left during that time? oh yeah, not allowed to. yeah we get it.
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron

Pre-dawn raid? Thirty minutes before the SWAT team shows up with weapons drawn and a CNN reporter has his camera set up? No " tip off", you say? What a moron, Lush.

Yup. He's a fucking moron.

CNN was there before the raid. They knew the where, when and how. Wonder if they knew about the 29 agents to apprehend one old man and his wife??

Only an idiot couldn't see they knew about the raid.

And that idiot is Lesh.
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron

Pre-dawn raid? Thirty minutes before the SWAT team shows up with weapons drawn and a CNN reporter has his camera set up? No " tip off", you say? What a moron, Lush.

Yup. He's a fucking moron.

CNN was there before the raid. They knew the where, when and how. Wonder if they knew about the 29 agents to apprehend one old man and his wife??

Only an idiot couldn't see they knew about the raid.

And that idiot is Lesh.
It was no secret that Stone was going down soon. They staked the place out.

A gag order is used to prevent an asshole like Stone from poisoning a jury pool or as was attempted put the JUDGE in jeopardy.

You don't like it? Tough shit. File a law suit

Ain't no sweat off of my ass.

BTW, you don't think that CNN having advance notice of Stone being "swat teamed" and perp walked would not "poison" a jury pool? You really are a special kind of stupid.
Why am I not surprised that you're claiming that was true when it was debunked almost immediately?

Oh...because I've read your horse shit posts before. Never mind

ROTFLMAO!!!! What a DUMB ASS!!!! They had the CNN reporter on the scene 30 minutes before the SWAT teamers went knocking. Debunked by whom???? CNN? You and "horse shit" are kindreds.
Pure bullshit...but that's what you do

Debunking Roger Stone's anti-CNN conspiracy theory - CNN
The FBI was obviously working with CNN. Deep state collusion.

Trump needs to fire the FBI director, the guy who replaces him, the guy after that etc. etc... until there is no FBI.

The FBI has been corrupt to the core since it's very inception and needs to be eliminated.
Nah...they were sending signals with chem trails...ya fucking lunatics

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