Stop Antisemitism

All the legal advice in one tweet. There's no free speech right to block traffic. Nor to float balloons that might crash planes. Nor to vandalize bookstores and public libraries. Nor to steal sandwiches, even if the seller also has premises in Israel. Nor to assault people who video record your antisemitic chants at street demonstrations. Nor to fire guns at schools, not even Jewish ones. Nor to firebomb synagogues. So many seem unsure, so I hope this is helpful.
You know how Muslims like to say to the West that Judaism is one of the "divine religions" ad therefore should be honored?

Well, Iranian proxies want to change that definition. All in order to justify the eventual genocide of Jews.

Hezbollah mouthpiece Al Mayadeen summarizes a bookcalled "How Religion Becomes Evil." Here's how it says it describes Judaism:

The author draws a complete historical picture of the Jewish mentality and argues that it is not a religion, but rather an ideological hallucination or “political program,” in the words of the philosopher Kant. It was formulated at a late time in response to the harsh needs of her desert society and expressed that with its spirit, the causes of its violence and self-worship, and her dreams of inheriting other people’s countries and depriving them.

It is these dreams and ambitions that have become for these clans a functional religion whose most prominent worship is deadly violence, and which has a sacred centrality called “the covenant,” and a goal that sanctifies conquest, plunder and extermination called “the Promised Land,” a sacred obligation called “self-worship,” and an exceptional hereditary superstition called "Divine choice,” and absolute permission from their Lord with “the right to sacrifice the other” and the permissibility of eradicating the other called “the Curse of Canaan,” and a ritual of worship that includes slaughtering, destroying, and burning, thinking that their Lord was pleased with the smell of roasted corpses and became for it a warrior god obsessed with annihilations of other nations.

The texts from which the mentality was woven and centered around the idea of Israel's "promised land" (occupying someone else's land and replacing one people with another) put us before an ideology of genocide, which can only be achieved through lethal violence. It is embodied today by the Jewish and non-Jewish Zionist movement. What the world is witnessing in Gaza today is a live ritual display presented by the government of religious people with audio and video of this genocidal and prohibitive ideology, which was and still is a worship of theirs that has haunted the idea of Israel from the day they believed that their Lord announced his marriage to Israel.
Of course, a moral Muslim would be obligated to destroy such an evil from the world. It would be immoral not to.

And this is how Arab and Muslim media, every day, have been trying to incite their readers into a violent frenzy against Jews worldwide.


Former Jordanian education minister says Jews hate everyone and cannot be trusted

The Amman-based Jordan Society for Science and Culture says its role is "Contributing to discussing intellectual, scientific and cultural issues, developing new ideas and positions to help realise development and advancement in Jordanian organisations, supporting scientific thoughts, freedom of expression and pluralism."

The JSSC hosted a lecture on Saturday by Dr. Ibrahim Badran, former Jordanian Education Minister, where he discussed his antisemitic theories formulated in a 2014 book, "Readings on the Israeli Issue" to a crowd of academics, politicians and media figures.

Badran pointed out that one of the most important characteristics of the Jews is also their hatred of others. They are a people who do not love other people. Since they were expelled from Palestine and the Arab countries later on historically, they have continued to believe that they are hated by the whole world and that they are the only victims of the injustice of any international system under whose protection they lived, and they always love to play the role of the victim. Therefore, they plot against others and hatch conspiracies without publicity. They pretend to be calm and peaceful, but they are people who cannot be trusted at all, as they are also distinguished by long-term planning and long-term schemes.

Badran spoke about the cunning of the Jews that they always try to describe themselves as weak in front of others, and that they have been historically oppressed by the Arabs, and by standing behind these characteristics, they found work in the financial, media, smuggling, and espionage sectors, and they also infiltrated the medicine and law sectors, which are the two most important sectors in the world, and therefore you see the largest international medical and law companies owned by Jews. .
But, Arabs must not fall into the trap of conflating Zionists and Jews - like Badran himself does:
Badran added that the Israelis are trying to link the Zionist movement to the Jewish religion....,We, the Arab nation in particular, must differentiate between the Zionist movement as a political movement and the Jews as a heavenly religion.

One of Badran's previous jobs on his resume is supervisor of Human Rights Unit at the Prime Ministry of Jordan.

The lecture did not draw more than 20 people.

As NYC public schools wipe Israel off the map in their classrooms, take note of public school classrooms in California. The California state-approved Ethnic Studies Curriculum, rich with anti-Jewish and anti-Western content, has provided teachers an imprimatur to bring into the classroom lesson plans, handouts, PowerPoints, and tests filled with propaganda meant to instruct a generation of activists that Zionists are colonizers and must be rooted out— a euphemism for genocide.

This educational malpractice is on display in Woodside High School and Menlo Atherton High School, both in the Sequoia Union High School District. In Woodside High School, a teacher of World History took the liberty to devote weeks to Israel and the conflict. In Menlo Atherton High School, a teacher of ninth grade Ethnic Studies and History broached the conflict with a unit titled “Life in Palestine Today.” In it, one will find the term Palestine designated to mean “originally their [the Arabs’] land… now the Palestinians are being oppressed by the Israeli government.” An introduction to the “Dominant Narrative” compels students to question stories told by “people in power (such as men, white people, rich people).”

(full article online)

We believe that the Regents themselves must take decisive action to ensure that University policies proscribing such behavior are robustly enforced, since neither the academic senate nor campus administrators have been willing to exercise their due diligence in addressing a problem that threatens to do great harm not just to Jews, but to the entire University.

(full article online)


The billionaire tech bozo dutifully went on his mea culpa trip to the Auschwitz death camp in order to quell very legitimate accusations of antisemitism that he rightfully earned for, well, promoting horrifying antisemitic conspiracy theories on Twitter. But Elon immediately made it clear this was nothing but lip service by putting on one of the most offensive displays of Holocaust disrespect since Trump wrote that he had an "amazing" time visiting the site "with all my friends" in the guest book at Yad Vashem. In a post-visit interview, Musk claimed that the Holocaust would NOT have happened if Twitter had been around in the 1930s and '40s (?!?!?!?) and tried to make his point with fake tweets he cooked up of people sharing photos of Nazi attacks on synagogues, supporting Jewish resistance fighters, and pushing back against Holocaust deniers. The claim is ridiculous, insulting, astonishingly ignorant, and exactly what you'd expect from an unimaginably entitled prick struggling to explain away his deeply troubling affinity for neo-Nazi conspiracy theories.

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