Stop Antisemitism

There is a sickness in the Muslim world

If there is anything shit about Muslim societies

- it is not because of the West or any historic foreign policy

- it is because of a culture of racism and idiocy that exists within these societies

All the whining and moaning and complaining about the West is complete nonsense

All the problems of the Muslim world are a complete self own

It is this puerile culture of moronic, racist cruelty and stupidity that is the problem

Let me be perfectly clear. The main cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict is Muslim antisemitism. Any Muslim/Arab who tells you otherwise is lying through their teeth.

Don't fall for it. Don't fall for the facade that people like Queen Rania put on when they act like it's all about justice for the Palestinians, when they carefully pick their words, cherry-pick information and point the finger at others. When they pretend that they are the underdog and Israel is the oppressor. Don't be naive. For instance, below is a collection of shops named after Hitler across different parts of Egypt. So, no, I am n ot surprised the Jordanian named a shawarma shop "October 7".

For goodness sake, believe me, before it is too late. You can't fix something that you refuse to admit is broken. I was born and grew up in Egypt. My entire family in Egypt are Muslim. I know what I am talking about.
How does one stop Antisemitism? Which is another word for Arab hatred.
The word Antisemitism was coined by a Christian German to substitute the word Judeophobia, which had been used for centuries.

That man coined it to mean hatred of Jews, and Jews only. Complain to him. But he has been dead for about 200 years.

Semitic, is actually used for languages. There are no people known as Semitic. Never has been.

So, no. Arabs cannot suddenly claim that the word Antisemitic refers to them, when there are many other people in Asia who speak Semitic languages, like Aramaic.

Try again. Nah, do not try again :)
The word Antisemitism was coined by a Christian German to substitute the word Judeophobia, which had been used for centuries.

That man coined it to mean hatred of Jews, and Jews only. Complain to him. But he has been dead for about 200 years.

Semitic, is actually used for languages. There are no people known as Semitic. Never has been.

So, no. Arabs cannot suddenly claim that the word Antisemitic refers to them, when there are many other people in Asia who speak Semitic languages, like Aramaic.

Try again. Nah, do not try again :)
Arabs are Semites, period. "Coining" has nothing to do with definition. That would be like saying people who enjoy watching the Flintstones are homosexuals.

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