Stop looking down on us, please.

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.

This will brighten your day, CK

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."

Tell you what: You want respect? Then have a word with some of your fellow travelers on this board - ShootSpeeders, Steve_McGarrett, bripat, Conservative65, Sassy, etc., etc., etc. See if they remember the manners their mothers taught them and they might stop dragging your side down.
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.

Oh, be quiet. Just how much of this did you read before you launched your attack?
Well I'm not a Trump follower, so I read a little faster and comprehend a lot better too.

Cute. I'm not playing your game anymore, there is plenty of room on my ignore list, even for an ego as big as yours. Peace bro.
I guess it's just unfortunate that Trump followers are all so vague about there alleged beliefs.
We do not have "beliefs". We have facts and logic. Our ideology is guided by thinking. Yours on the other hand, is guided by emotion....And ( sniveling) fairness..
Ideology? Are you serious? What ideology is that? The Trumpians.......the belief in whatever Trump says, no matter how stupid it sounds.
Then have a word with some of your fellow travelers on this board - ShootSpeeders, Steve_McGarrett, bripat, Conservative65, Sassy, etc., etc., etc. See if they remember the manners their mothers taught them and they might stop dragging your side down.

What about those of us who aren't like that? Are you willing to broadbrush us too?
"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.
Not even a remotely honest or believable statement, unless you've been living on an island with no access or communication with the outside world.
Then have a word with some of your fellow travelers on this board - ShootSpeeders, Steve_McGarrett, bripat, Conservative65, Sassy, etc., etc., etc. See if they remember the manners their mothers taught them and they might stop dragging your side down.

What about those of us who aren't like that? Are you willing to broadbrush us too?

I'm saying you're letting the lowest common denominator drag you down. If they won't listen to you, who will they listen to?
I'm saying you're letting the lowest common denominator drag you down. If they won't listen to you, who will they listen to?

I condemn such behavior. I'm also flattered you would see me as the person most capable of reasoning with them.


I largely ignore what they post. And frankly they're not my problem. I was raised not to coddle people, so I shan't.
Yo, I voted for him because he was on T.V.? "The Apprentice" Love that show, especially when he says? TemplarKormac, you`re FIRED!

Yo, I never even watched "The Apprentice." I didn't vote for him because of his popularity. I voted for him for reasons I stated in post #1. And for the record, the person I associate the "You're fired" with more, is this guy. See, WWF/E wrestling was my thing back in the day:

Acutally --- that speaks volumes about the vote you admitted to in post 1.

Are you interested in me Pogo? Because that sounded like you trying to hit off me.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

What the hell is a "hit off me"? Are we playing baseball?

Yo, he is telling the truth Puppet? You are a FAG!


That actually makes even less sense.
You think I'm a "fag" ---- because HE admitted to following WWE?
---- and you're saying this with that avatar?

Have you ever had a brain scan? To find out if there is one?

Keep your thoughts to yourself!!!

"GFY" :fu:
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
you republicans have fought against obama from his very start ,,,for you to compare repubs fighting against trump as greater than your vileness towards a rightful president shows me you're either dishonest or politically stupid
As we have seen, Obama's policies have been harmful to the country.
7 years and you still have not thought this through to the point where it is obvious that Obama is in the White House for his own self enrichment.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump, there would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we voted for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for one person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, high school dropouts, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
you republicans have fought against obama from his very start ,,,for you to compare repubs fighting against trump as greater than your vileness towards a rightful president shows me you're either dishonest or politically stupid
As we have seen, Obama's policies have been harmful to the country.
7 years and you still have not thought this through to the point where it is obvious that Obama is in the White House for his own self enrichment.
BULLSHIT <<<America is greater than it was under gwb and still the greatest in the world and if you don't like it get the f out of my country
I'm saying you're letting the lowest common denominator drag you down. If they won't listen to you, who will they listen to?

I condemn such behavior. I'm also flattered you would see me as the person most capable of reasoning with them.


I largely ignore what they post. And frankly they're not my problem. I was raised not to coddle people, so I shan't.

Hmmmmm. Didn't you post something about a KKK guy endorsing Hillary? Why did you do that?
Pursuant to the OP....

IF HRC and Senator Sanders proposed tax cuts and spending increases....would you say that it made logical sense that we could do both without raising the national deficit?

Donald Trump is proposing the same thing.

Couples making less than 50K will pay no tax, get a nice refund and is now suggesting that money spent on health care receive a tax break.... Meanwhile he is stating that he is going to build this wall, deport millions of people, and strengthen already the strongest military in the history of mankind. All of which will cost multiples of billions of dollars.

If you are supposedly "smart" why can't you see that Mr. Trump is lying to you?

This is why you're looked down upon. Not only do you buy the snake oil, the purchase is made for programs and ideals that are ridiculous (in terms of the wall stopping immigration), xenophobic (in terms of deporting people based (partly) on skin color or religion), and not necesary (in terms of the military).

You guys like him because he makes fun of people, entertains you, and little else.

If you were smart, you'd understand after 0.000000000003 seconds of reflection that the reason the GOP congress can get nothing done is because it exists in the real world. Its easy to state what you'll do with no opposition during a campaign; easier still when your supporters are trash and have the political sophistication of single-cell organisms.

If you were smart, you'd also understand after 0.000000000003 seconds of reflection that the reason the GOP congress can get nothing done is because(in the most part) because Obama holds the veto pen and the Dems hold the fillibuster. ***The other part is that your agenda or, more correctly, the conservative agenda back when you were conservatives is not very popular and the GOP thought it was better to not to have passed bills giving tax breaks to billionaires going into an election year.
Ok.....Time out.. You are proposing people who earn less than $50k per year pay no tax AND receive refunds?.....
All those in favor ( crickets)...All those oppose NO!.....If one does not contribute, they get nothing back.. Can't have it both ways.
If the is a Trump proposal, its goes nowhere. IMO even the lowest income levels should pay something. Everyone should have skin in the game. That social compact thing you liberals keep touting...
Please give examples of Trump lying to us.....This ought to be good
Pursuant to the OP....

IF HRC and Senator Sanders proposed tax cuts and spending increases....would you say that it made logical sense that we could do both without raising the national deficit?

Donald Trump is proposing the same thing.

Couples making less than 50K will pay no tax, get a nice refund and is now suggesting that money spent on health care receive a tax break.... Meanwhile he is stating that he is going to build this wall, deport millions of people, and strengthen already the strongest military in the history of mankind. All of which will cost multiples of billions of dollars.

If you are supposedly "smart" why can't you see that Mr. Trump is lying to you?

This is why you're looked down upon. Not only do you buy the snake oil, the purchase is made for programs and ideals that are ridiculous (in terms of the wall stopping immigration), xenophobic (in terms of deporting people based (partly) on skin color or religion), and not necesary (in terms of the military).

You guys like him because he makes fun of people, entertains you, and little else.

If you were smart, you'd understand after 0.000000000003 seconds of reflection that the reason the GOP congress can get nothing done is because it exists in the real world. Its easy to state what you'll do with no opposition during a campaign; easier still when your supporters are trash and have the political sophistication of single-cell organisms.

If you were smart, you'd also understand after 0.000000000003 seconds of reflection that the reason the GOP congress can get nothing done is because(in the most part) because Obama holds the veto pen and the Dems hold the fillibuster. ***The other part is that your agenda or, more correctly, the conservative agenda back when you were conservatives is not very popular and the GOP thought it was better to not to have passed bills giving tax breaks to billionaires going into an election year.
Ok.....Time out.. You are proposing people who earn less than $50k per year pay no tax AND receive refunds?.....
All those in favor ( crickets)...All those oppose NO!.....If one does not contribute, they get nothing back.. Can't have it both ways.
If the is a Trump proposal, its goes nowhere. IMO even the lowest income levels should pay something. Everyone should have skin in the game. That social compact thing you liberals keep touting...
Please give examples of Trump lying to us.....This ought to be good
Please feel free to cite examples of Trump's indisputable honesty. That would be a lot easier, the kind of examples that stand out as unusual.
I'm saying you're letting the lowest common denominator drag you down. If they won't listen to you, who will they listen to?

I condemn such behavior. I'm also flattered you would see me as the person most capable of reasoning with them.


I largely ignore what they post. And frankly they're not my problem. I was raised not to coddle people, so I shan't.

Chastising is not coddling. It's condemning...but with the courage to actually condemn. Otherwise, don't be surprised if, because they make the most noise, they are viewed as the quintessential Trump "fan."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.

This will brighten your day, CK

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
A very obvious false flag.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.

This will brighten your day, CK

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
A very obvious false flag.

Deny it all you wish. It's news, and something Hillary will have the misfortune of carrying into the election.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.

This will brighten your day, CK

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
A very obvious false flag.

Deny it all you wish. It's news, and something Hillary will have the misfortune of carrying into the election.

What does the recipient have to do with an endorsement?

You actually think she sought it? Or are you counting on Guilt by Association to work for the first time, ever?

Interesting news though, if true and if significant, as it shows Rump's redneck support slipping.

The reason I say "if significant" is ------ who in the wide world of all that is fuckworthy is Will Quigg?
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.

This will brighten your day, CK

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
A very obvious false flag.

Deny it all you wish. It's news, and something Hillary will have the misfortune of carrying into the election.

What does the recipient have to do with an endorsement?

You actually think she sought it? Or are you counting on Guilt by Association to work for the first time, ever?

Interesting news though, if true and if significant, as it shows Rump's redneck support slipping.

The reason I say "if significant" is ------ who in the wide world of all that is fuckworthy is Will Quigg?
"... who in the wide world of all that is fuckworthy is Will Quigg?"

Presumably one of those white supremacists that likes to wear a burkha.
"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?

There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.

WOW. Really? Really??? Is this a joke?

Assuming not -- shall we count the ways?

>> At the rally, Trump asked the audience “Can’t we have a little more action than this?” when protesters were causing a disturbance. “See, in the good old days this didn’t use to happen, because they used to treat them very rough,” he said. “We’ve become very weak.” << (that's 2 -- "can't we have a little more action" would be right before Quick Draw and his suckerpunch provided "more action")...

>> That isn’t the first time. At an October 23 rally in Miami, Trump explained, “See the first group, I was nice. Oh, take your time. The second group, I was pretty nice,” he said. “The third group, I’ll be a little more violent. And the fourth group, I’ll say get the hell out of here!” << (three)

>> A month later it was more of the same: “Maybe he should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing,” Trump said. “I have a lot of fans, and they were not happy about it. And this was a very obnoxious guy who was a trouble-maker who was looking to make trouble.” << (four)

>> Less than a month ago at a rally in Nevada, Trump said about a protester, “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.” Trump said from the podium that he would pay for legal fees of people who acted out against the protesters, and he later reiterated the sentiment by saying that he would look into paying the legal fees for McGraw. << (that's five --- not counting the "get out of violence free" card special offer)

(from here) --- and that's only a sample of specific incitements to violence, not the general ad hom Divisionism of "rapists", "pigs", "losers", "pussy" etc, nor the abject failure to take responsibility for a single shred of it by trying to blame Chicago police, MoveOn, Bernie Sanders, his dog ate his homework or anything else that moves as long as it's not Numero Uno.

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