Stop looking down on us, please.

We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

I've got to ask, what does Trump offer the thinking man, that John Kasich or Ted Cruz does not?
Well, replace Cruz with Bush or Rubio - but otherwise, good question.

As detestable as Cruz is, at least he could produce some policy specifics.
Policies that are detestable, wrong, and anathema to any thinking man, regardless how specific.

But how a thoughtful American of good faith and good conscience could support the likes of Trump remains a mystery; that Trump and so many of his supporters have such unwarranted contempt for his fellow American and fellow man – be he an immigrant, gay, Mexican, or Muslim – is unfathomable. That 's not what America is about, that is not who we are as a people, we are better than that – and we are better than the likes of Trump.
See, Never, you tried to put
I tend to see no real issue with being called arrogant.

There's your problem. It's that kind of elitism that pisses people off.
You say that, but you support literally have huge, gaping loopholes in your logic.

You A) Look down on me for supporting Trump

B) You insult my intelligence for supporting Trump

C) You stated yourself you had no issue being called arrogant, which ironically sounds like something Trump would say

D) and overall, you resort to the same petty insults that Trump resorts to.

And you lecture me about my logic, given that you seem to exhibit the same behavior?
To be a Trump follower you have to be either very stupid or simply dishonest. There is no third option.

Yoda, who are you supporting?
But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.
The attraction is very, very difficult to understand, and I really have been trying.

That said, there are a lot of nasty, hateful, miserable people out there (and here) who will look for any excuse to "look down" on others to soothe their own self esteem issues.

Here's the good news: You don't need their approval.

That's where you are mistaken. He does. He most definitely needs their approval.
Again: to denounce and oppose the bigotry and hate advocated by Trump and most of his supporters is not to be 'intolerant.'
When has Trump ever spewed bigotry and hate? Links, not your opinions. Thanks.

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
Again: to denounce and oppose the bigotry and hate advocated by Trump and most of his supporters is not to be 'intolerant.'
When has Trump ever spewed bigotry and hate? Links, not your opinions. Thanks.

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual.

Again: to denounce and oppose the bigotry and hate advocated by Trump and most of his supporters is not to be 'intolerant.'
When has Trump ever spewed bigotry and hate? Links, not your opinions. Thanks.

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.

What do you think of his mocking the disabled journalist? Are you cool with that?
I call you Trump's Chumps.

You're only making my case.

Trump's Chumps make my case every single day.

Trump looks down on America. All he does is complain about our country. Why would you vote for a fucking pessimistic whiner?

Ahh, but don't we all complain about the state of our country in some sort of way?
I don't whine America isn't great any more like Trump does. In fact, I think we are greater than ever, and getting better.

I don't whine that nobody like us like Trump does. In fact, our global popularity has risen since Bush left office. And we are still the first phone call every other country makes when they are in trouble.
I call you Trump's Chumps.

You're only making my case.

Trump looks down on America. All he does is complain about our country. Why would you vote for a fucking pessimistic whiner?

Ahh, but don't we all complain about the state of our country in some sort of way?

Not when running for POTUS. Nutbags won't win the WH until they figure that out. They trip over themselves trying to tell us how bad things are.

If Mitt were elected POTUS in 2012....and we had the economy we have fuckers would be running around claiming victory. know it.
Last edited:
In fact, our global popularity has risen since Bush left office.

And that means what for Americans? If popularity paid down our debt, then we would be out of it.

If our popularity solved the racial issues America faces, then we would all be singing kumbaya.

Popularity means squat. Obama was elected because he was popular.

And we are still the first phone call every other country makes when they are in trouble.

Ha! And Israel would beg to differ.
Again: to denounce and oppose the bigotry and hate advocated by Trump and most of his supporters is not to be 'intolerant.'
When has Trump ever spewed bigotry and hate? Links, not your opinions. Thanks.

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
Again: to denounce and oppose the bigotry and hate advocated by Trump and most of his supporters is not to be 'intolerant.'
When has Trump ever spewed bigotry and hate? Links, not your opinions. Thanks.

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.
We know what you believe shit and cowardice.
I'm probably going to be insulted, chastised, accused of hypocrisy in some sort of way, inciting double standards or whatnot for this post. For those of you not inclined to reading at least a minute or two, please, pass this post by.

But whatever you do, stop looking down on us, please.

Yes, I/we voted for Trump. Not all of us as Trump supporters voted for him because he "tells it like it is" or because we want to stick it to the "establishment." But does that warrant every other person who didn't looking down on us like we're a collective of brainless zombies? We're more often than not referred to in many sorts of derogatory ways, like "stupid", "un-American", "unintelligent", "Nazis", "Drumpfs", "Trumpettes", "racists" "pigs" or what have you. We're not idiots. We're smart people. We have the ability to think, to deduce, to reason. We don't deserve to be labeled. We're not monsters or automatons.

We don't deserve to be blamed for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who decides it would be cute to throw a left hook at or threaten to kill someone during a Trump rally. Violence is wrong, and yes, Trump is wrong for using inciteful rhetoric, though what happened in Chicago a couple nights back was not his fault, like it or not. He had just as much right to speak as the protesters did. But I digress.

Most of us value civility, but to hear the media and everyone else, were out there looking for a fight. We're not members of the Schutzstaffel (The Nazi SS) looking to round up Muslims, Hispanics, or African Americans from their homes in the night, just so we can slit their throats in a perverted sense of superiority. We don't play the knockout game.

It's as simple as this. If the Republican party had done the job we had elected them to do, there would be no Donald Trump. If the Republican party fought twice as hard against Obama as they do Trump. There would be no Donald Trump. There would be no need for violent rhetoric and protests, or name calling. Yes, we recognize Trump is not for everyone, and that people have their own standards to adhere to, and we respect that. But the rest of us, in voting for a man that many of us don't think shares our values, we vote for him in hopes he can help us uphold them.

We voted for Trump for various reasons, and not because we're simply angry. This is a cliche saying, but it rings true today: "you don't know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." I myself don't think some of you understand us, or are unable to sympathize with us because we simply voted for Trump. Some of us are desperate. Some of us are afraid. Some of us don't see any way out other than Trump. Some of us are indeed angry; some of us are sick and tired, most of us have gone cycle after cycle voting for person after the other, hoping that he or she would be the one. And quite frankly, if you're like me, some of us have simply just given up. We are not acting in a fit of pique, this is a movement. We have tried playing by the rules and our reward was naught.

We are American citizens from all walks of life, from business owners, entrepreneurs, to soldiers and veterans, police, and firefighters, we're moms and dads with children scraping to get by, we're employed or unemployed, rich and poor, young and old, we consist of a diverse collection of races and ethnic backgrounds. We're college graduates, professors and teachers, highly educated or under educated. We're Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We are all human beings. As Shakespeare put it in his play, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 1:

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."
Another good example of Trump brained rationale. These people have no idea what they believe or why, they just know that they do.
We know what you believe shit and cowardice.
Spoken with usual Trump like eloquence.
Again: to denounce and oppose the bigotry and hate advocated by Trump and most of his supporters is not to be 'intolerant.'
When has Trump ever spewed bigotry and hate? Links, not your opinions. Thanks.

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
I don't look down on the crazy.

I look across at them and say to myself "More proof that humans are not rational beings"
A host of other solutions from talking to the GOP leadership to organizing/joining a new party to express your grievances.

But no--let us vote for the biggest joke since Obama's ears is your answer.

That is desperation, and madness!

The GOP leadership has been talked to death. The problem is all they ever do is talk, oh and tell us we need to trust them while they do nothing, and if we just vote for enough of them one day they might do something....or not if they think people won't like them.

So yes, joining a new party seems to be the way to go. Since the 2 major parties are hopelessly corrupt.

Of course the 2 major parties will use the vast wealth and power they have amassed along with their willing lapdogs of the media to ensure any such dies in the womb.

So those really look like good options eh?

Yes, talking to the GOP and calling them out on their BS was the first step. They knew they need more than they asked of you to get anything done.

You should know that too, by the way. How were they going to get rid of ACA by jut controlling the house?. Surely you knew that was fantastical--they did not fool you!! You fooled yourself an wanted to blame somebody if you did nt get what you wanted.

Now they are primed to get what they nee--the house, Senate and the Presidency and you quit! You quit! Why are you quitting now? Maybe you secretly love left wing policies but stage an act to be accepted? Maybe you love the emocrats taxing you because it mkes you feel important. Whatever it is, it is not because you think the GOP fooled you for what, 4 years?

You know the constitution?
You know how things are done in DC
Then the GOP did not mislead you--you lied to yourself!

No, they needed to act. They chose instead not to act, and say they need still more without even trying. Because to try is to risk, and there's one guarantee you can make about a politician, they're not going to risk their gravy train for anything or anyone.

Get rid of the ACA by defunding it. You do know where appropriations bills are written right?

I'm not quitting, because I'm fighting a very different fight than you. You simply don't understand what that is.
When has Trump ever spewed bigotry and hate? Links, not your opinions. Thanks.

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.
"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Islam hates America."
In context those statements are factual. Again, provide links to actual bigotry and hate.
The statements are more than evidence enough. Unless Donald Trump's statements simply don't stand on their own.
The statements/comments are very strong and context is necessary.
Which part is in doubt? I guess someone could post Youtube videos of Trump's speeches and rallies in their entirety. Would that suffice for context?
There's no doubt. There's no proof he's said anything remotely hateful or bigoted. I wouldn't support a hateful and/or bigoted man, and I'm pretty sure millions of others wouldn't either.

You wouldn't? I think you've got a rough landing ahead of you. Best of luck.

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